Monday, July 29, 2024

Easy Money!!




Get $200 CASH per month with almost no effort! It takes less than 5 minutes per day to put dry food out in 2 locations at Walgreens and at a 3rd location at the north end of Fulton on Knight St!!
It's just too easy! I will pay for gas and buy the cat food.
Text or call Vini at 989-915-0466
If no answer, leave a message 

Sunday, July 28, 2024

Open Letter To Stratford


Dear Diane;

Got your notice today. Do you remember when we talked on the phone in 2020 before I moved in here, how I almost rejected this apartment because of the negative energy? Well I should've listened to my instinct. That Jared guy is a broken lying piece of human shaped feces. Every time he comes in my apartment, he lies about stuff. There was no food on the patio. That's a neighbor's needy cat that keeps showing up out there. Regarding the odor. My apartment smelled like cleaners and chemicals because I had just cleaned the place for the illegal inspection.
As American citizens, we have the legal right to the expectancy of privacy on American soil and cannot be coerced into signing an illegal lease that infringes on that inalienable right. Those illegal inspections are what put Cody O'Rourke in my apartment to take advantage of Amber's retardation to gang molest her with his friends for 3 years. Jared is just jealous that he didn't get his chance at Amber, like Cody, so he's got a hard on for me. You should see the way he looks at her. It's sick and creepy and makes me uneasy.
Now I've been defending myself against Nazis ever since I've been here. The stress has caused me 3 strokes in the last 4 years and now I have congestive heart failure. I'm dying. My family can't stand to see how I'm treated here and encourages me when I talk to them to just abandon my cat feeding ministry (I feed cats down at the Walgreens gazebo) and move to my house in Boyne. The only reason I'm still in this concentration camp is because I can't find a replacement for me that I can pay to replace me when I move. I'm gonna do a podcast show from Boyne about this place and it's Nazi staff and how they must've been abused as kids if I hafta close down a ministry of God to move to save what's left of my health because Jared won't stop harassing me and lying about me.
My cats are registered with you guys as service animals, so is my dog. I told the braindead Nazi that when he invaded my home on June 25th. Yet, still he attacks me.
Well most of what was in the notice from the Stasi group is all LIES!!! I don't appreciate it. Jared is no better than Cody. Out to cut me up. Someone needs to fire that freak for this crap. This place effects my mental health, as well. I have a huge desire to just die now. I'm tired of the gestapo attacks and lies from people who shouldn't even have a job here.  
Do what you must in response to the lies. My house was clean and smelled good. Jared just has a nasty smell under his nose, he needs to wash his face. Then, maybe, he won't tell lies on people. He reminds me of a ghetto crack head, no truth comes out of his mouth.
Now I need therapy. Who's gonna pay for that?
I had a heart attack in response to this letter today. I could've died. All because Jared didn't get his shot at molesting Amber. That's what this all boils down to. I'm sick of it.
I'm American on American soil. I have rights.
Just wanted to clear up the erroneous reports you got from Jared about me AGAIN.
Thank you for your time. Have a good one.


Vini (Vincent) Ciofani

Thursday, July 25, 2024

The Truth About Chase Bank False Advertising


#TheTruth about #Chase #ChaseBank #FalseAdvertising You cannot even #ApplyForALoan with #NoCredit !!



Tuesday, July 2, 2024

Cursed APT 11 Riverview New Gargoyle


#Boomerang #Energy :

#Assumptions are the worst and can be damaging. Like the assumptions made about new neighbors in the building you just moved into. Or assuming that you smell weed smoke when it's actually a family of skunks living behind a privacy fence in the neighboring yard and under the utility shed adjacent to the lot where you park your car. `~`
There's a #cursed apartment in our building at #Riverview in #Grayling #riverviewSeniorApartments. When I moved in here, there was a mentally ill woman living in #11 who thought she was the building hall monitor. Then, the tenant after her was a mentally handicapped young dude who stirred up a lot of shit and was a shameless hobo who eventually got kicked out. Now a #gargoyle moved in there who seems up to no good, and seems to be making erroneous assumptions about people. I'd say that that unit is only capable of attracting low vibrational energy and people.


Sunday, June 23, 2024

Australia Joins Subhumans Animal Abusers Who Need Nuclear Annihilation



PETITION TARGET: Perth Magistrates Court

An innocent young goat was left bleeding and in pain after his horns were sawed off and a zip-tie was tied around his scrotumaccording to news.

The mutilated goat was found by RSPCA WA inspectors in Peth, Australia after they received an animal cruelty report.

The goat was in devastating shape when he was found. Dried blood was seen around both his horns and scrotum. There was another bodily fluid stemming from the discolored, cold, swollen, zip-tied testicles. The goat’s face and scrotum were infected. He was suffering from necrosis: infected, decaying skin.

The goat was rushed to receive proper veterinary care by the inspectors.

The necrosis was so severe that the veterinarians treating the goat could smell the dying fleshaccording to news.

This innocent goat, only 3.5 months old, did not deserve to suffer such gruesome violence. The person responsible for putting this kid through unnecessary pain must be held accountable before any other animals are hurt.

Authorities have reportedly arrested and charged a man who allegedly confessed to causing the goat’s injuries.

Sign our petition urging the Perth Magistrates Court to treat this case with the severity it deserves — including a lifelong ban on having animals.

`~` Looks like Australia has the same single mother dope ho problem that China and Malaysia are experiencing. Like in China and Malaysia, after the subhuman's mother let her dopeman buttfuck her kids they grew up missing the big black cock in their butts and the screaming that the dopeman made them scream, totally impotent and unable to pleasure women. So, in Australia, they attacked an innocent goat. They attacked the goat's scrotum, which testifies to their jealousy of the goat's sexual virility and cut off his horns, evidence of the goat's virility. Like all welfare phantoms, they accrued a debt to the mechanism and they failed their preexistence. So they'll be cursed while alive and time looped (when they die) for 40-quadrillion millennia per offense AS the animals they hurt and as slaves to repay God, the Universe, Lucifer and the angels the positive frequency resonance that they stole in their hunger for big black cock in their asses, which caused their behavior, just as their mothers and fave celebs will be paying right along with them. Then, after they pay for their offenses, they'll be spiritually executed (phantomized) to never get born once this timeline and their offenses are undone and the new timeline starts without them so that they never perpetuate their dick hunger upon animals. "Do unto others as you'd have done to YOU when you die and are time looped AS them" is the clause they violate which results in time loopage and phantomization. Just as infected files are not reintroduced into a computer system but are shredded in the virus vault before the computer is restarted at the restore point, these infected subhuman welfare phantoms will be the subjects of fiction novels in the next timeline which is protected from them just as the real Earth is. They showed what they'd do if allowed to graduate the timeline to really exist and we graduates take good care of the animals in the next timeline. We graduates clone our meat there, made possible by the time loopage and phantomization of untrustworthy freaks and monsters like Monsanto's crew and Bill Gates who contaminate the food here in this temporary (premonition) timeline. Only those who have exhibited here that they'll benefit the next timeline and animals and cause positive frequency resonance there with their interactions here graduate to go there. But they and their mamas and fave celebs get wrote about as fictional failures there. So the graduates are informed as to why the non-graduates weren't allowed to exist beyond here. The toxic influence of the untalented famous here is not in the next timeline, nor are their rancid dope-fiend pedophile mothers.

So we need Australia to get bombed into nonexistence, just like China, Malaysia and everywhere else that the men are so effeminate that the animals are not safe there. No country where they allow animal torture should be allowed to exist. Join us in prayer that these places endure a nuclear holocaust SOON that wipes out all of their dick hungry "men" hurting animals, stealing our positive frequency resonance (something that they're not allowed to do). The next timeline and the real world are Heaven without these subhumans there. The purpose of life is to identify them and see to it that they get punished and never get born be subhuman. Let's fulfill that for God. It's a mission from God to torture an animal abuser to death while filming it for righteous kill snuff films, a sport that God blesses us for participating in. The Earth must be rid of all animal abusers before Lucifer returns pretending to be Christ or he will plague those parts of the Earth when he gets here. So let's do God a solid and kill anyone who's broken enough to find pleasure in hurting animals. They do not pursue what normal masculine men pursue: pussy, and the positive frequency resonance created by women moaning in pleasure, because they are the truly effeminate, the demographic hated by God, Lucifer, the Universe, the angels and all graduates. We must cleanse our species of these dick hungry subhumans as fast as possible.



Sunday, June 16, 2024

No Shame Rights Violating Stratford Group, Rural Development & USDA



Can you believe these white devils have no sense of shame about persecuting desperate elderly tenants with an illegal lease agreement? These white people think that their white privilege extends to the civil rights of Americans. On American soil, you have the right to the expectancy of privacy in your domicile. That's something that Stratford Group, Rural Development and the USDA think doesn't apply to them. I'd be ashamed to be part of a company who treats their old tenants like this (see the above photo of the notice where they freely admit to their criminal behavior and elder abuse).
These are people who went through their parents' drawers while they weren't home. They sniffed and licked their mamas' dildos and sucked on the steel spikes of their fathers' cock rings to get the "cherry and chocolate" candy off of them (it was really their mamas' blood and dukey from their dads ass fucking their mamas wearing the cock rings). So now they relive their gross childhoods with their snooping in their tenants' apartments. Can anyone say "Present your papers!"?? Nazi Jew bullshit. These freaks probably tormented their siblings, making them adhere to rules that they, themselves, didn't follow, snitching on their siblings, making their lives a living hell.
This has negatively effected the psyche and moral of some of the tenants, some of whom got ill with this latest inspection. Remember that these illegal inspections are what 1st put Cody O'Rourke (the pedophile), a Stratford enforcer at the time,  in Vini Ciofani's apartment which enabled Cody to exploit Amber (Vini's wife at the time) who's retarded  (has the mind of a 6 year old) and is easily manipulated. This resulted in Vini having 3 strokes in 3 years and coming down with Congestive Heart Failure (CHF), not to mention the emotional trauma and distress it caused him.

One veteran tenant said he didn't fight in 2 wars to give law-breaking Nazi Jews the freedom to violate his rights. These people need a rude awakening, like a group of lawyers filing a class action lawsuit on behalf of the tenants. It'd be an easy win: they put their violations of the law in writing


Saturday, June 8, 2024

Get 2 ounces per month for 4 minutes per day!!


Get 2 ounces per month for 4 minutes per day!! #GetWeed #Marijuana #Bud #Chronic


Seeking Volunteer I can pay to drive my wife and me 4 blocks on rainy days to feed the homeless kitties. We do it right before dark because birds will eat it if it's put out too early. Also seeking someone we can pay to take this ministry over so we can move to Boyne City. Leave a message or text Vini at 989-915-0466 or email if you're dependable and interested. I can even pay you in weed, big fat doobies!

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