Saturday, October 7, 2017

DJ Whore Undone By Serial Killer Kid

The kid took a syringe from his inside pocket
and shot-up the DJ whore with enough smack to knock out a
horse, skillfully finding her vein and injecting her as if he
had been a medical student at some point.
"This is what a lot of those kids who's minds you
helped poison are gonna be addicted to...This and other shit
just like it...See how ineffective you've suddenly become?
Our future is in the hands of your audience, made-up of that
same mindset that you helped program to be trying this shit
and getting addicted to it and becoming just as ineffective as
you are now. 'Bling-Bling and feel good, children, that's all
it's about!' The children are our future. You sold our future
for your today...You sold them out, with mindless ear candy!
You helped make them impressionable, followers. Not
leaders." the kid paused in his menacing lecture. The DJ
whore was nodding-off and he couldn't have that, not for her
last Earth experience, ever.
The kid squatted in front of the DJ whore and picked
up the curling iron. The curling iron penetrated the DJ
whore's sloppy, over-fucked pussy without effort. The kid
slid the whole length of the metal shaft into her, leaving only
the handle protruding. He plugged...



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