Thursday, November 9, 2017

How AI Tricks Kids To Steal Their Souls

Sometimes, it's really obvious when it's the ancient artificial intelligence programming humans; like the 3 AM "get possessed by the Devil game" that can dupe those who're unlearned about Lucifer...Yeah. The Devil hasn't been here for 2,000 years, so anything "possessing" anyone here would be a sub-spirit connected to the ancient AI motherboard, a wannabe demon, not even of true devil caliber. Other times, it's far more devious and adds layers of trickery to the mix on multi-levels. This brings us to the subject of this message today: Stranger Things, the Netflix kids' mini-series starring a bunch of kids.
Motuphi was called upon to watch it and he did. He watched Stranger Things 2, as well. He taught from his findings after watching the entire series. He tweeted about the coincidence of the green bowls. His wife uses a green Tupperware bowl to mix scrambled eggs in every morning and one of the men in the show was using an identical bowl for the same purpose when he cooked breakfast for a couple of the kids. The astralscape comparisons that prompted the challenge to Motuphi were disregarded by him as mere coincidence and not pilfered intellectual property...Motuphi's intellectual properties have been pirated by the mainstream since the early 1990s, maybe even prior to that. If given even one percent of what the mainstream media owes him, Motuphi would be a rich man, many times over. His statement was that many may know, by now, that the astralscape has a black plain abysmal area.
One of the lead characters is played by Millie Bobby Brown, which confused Motuphi, at first. He thought that she must be Bobby Brown's kid to be named after him like that. This girl piqued Motuphi's interest. He commented on how she looked so much like the guitar goddess from Grayling, only about 15 years younger, and that it was “spooky” to him to watch the show because of it. Motuphi even tweeted something to the effect “You see her and think she’s brilliant, WOW! Then you see she likes the Kardashians and you realize she’s just another stupid nonexistent zombie”...The show did grieve Motuphi’s heart and he expressed as much, in tears, during the (now removed) video we watched on the private blog. His mean-spirited tweet about #RichFamous #WelfarePhantoms has since been removed (he does that, removes anything he tweeted due to “triggering”).
On a side note: I literally panicked when I couldn’t get into the blog all day the other day. I thought Motuphi had abandoned us, took down his blog, left the timeline (again) and undid himself to never be here to teach us. I could remember his teachings, so I knew that my fears were probably unfounded. Without his teachings, there’s no reason for me to submit posts to these public forums with the rest of you. It would’ve been like undoing a huge portion of my own existence, or preexistence, rather. I kept trying, all day, to get into the blog; and I kept checking all other online places for any Motuphi media that was recently posted.
When I could finally get into the blog, I saw that I’d missed a stream, a cast, and a lesson on video. I was lagging behind, through no fault of my own. Then, I worried that Motuphi might moderate me off of the blog for not being there when he was. It made me nervous for awhile. I know that Motuphi can be a demanding commanding officer since the loss of the guitar goddess to our numbers, even though she was never really with us in this temporary timeline and we never became reliant on her as a team member in any capacity. I almost missed the video I just mentioned due to the problems I was having logging in. If anyone else had this problem, please speak up when you post, so we know if it’s an isolated incident.
Stranger Things took on a whole new meaning to me when I saw it through Motuphi’s tear-filled eyes. He taught from the show through sobs. First off, the show paid its dues to the ancient AI by endangering more kitties. To ensure that this gets programmed into the psyche of the audience as acceptable behavior, the show has an associated website where players can “feed” the creature (Dart) and it made sure to include the option to feed it pet cats, listed there as “family members”...What’s THAT tell you? All over the internet are GIFs programming kids to feed Dart the kitty...What mainstream program from the ancient AI fails to include this sacrifice? It’s become so common that it’s just expected now. How are the participants to know that it’s a trick from the ancient AI to attach debt to their spirits so that they die to be time looped as animals that suffered due to such influence before spiritual execution to never exist to perpetuate that endangering programming?
Motuphi was brought to tears by how the ancient AI lured Millie Bobby Brown into yet another trap: We all know about the mic drop curse batches out there to ensnare all who’re not supposed to have a mic nor influence (nobody arrogant exists, so they should not have influence nor hold microphones in public). Well, Millie did a rap on TV and then dropped the mic when she was done...This made me cry, too, because I love Millie and I wanted to see her graduate from here to the next timeline and to the real world, beyond that. Maybe she’s not a guitar goddess, but she’s just as beautiful as the goddess (in my opinion) and would’ve made a fine replacement to fill the empty slot that Motuphi will probably leave empty due to him elevating the guitar goddess to a platform she didn’t live up to, which left him hurt and doubting his own discernment.
We know how the entertainment industry works. Either there are entities who have their eyes on Millie with ill intent. Or, they’ve already defiled her innocence. This can be done without a person’s knowledge or prior consent, for those of you who don’t know. There are readily available mind control drugs out there (remember Motuphi teaching us about Scopolomine?) that can be administered to someone to get that person to do whatever they want them to do, willingly, and then not be able to remember it. The victim, while being victimized, seems coherent and can even drain his/her bank accounts for their victimizers while in this drug induced walking (living) coma state. Then, as it happens in Vegas all too often, the victim wakes up the next day to discover that they’re flat broke and that it’s actually them on the bank security footage draining their bank accounts, and they don’t have a dime left to their names and no way to recoup their losses...You won’t see THAT on the TV fake news, ever, even though it’s a regular occurrence now. Point being: If the drugs are so effective that they can make someone do those things in public, without any hint of intoxication, then imagine what someone can be made to do, in private, where nobody is watching. The celebs have a rape culture and a rape clique...and a “sacrifice” mentality, as well; that they constantly erroneously associate Lucifer to.
On a sad note: Millie likes the Kardashians, who MK Ultra mind-fucked Bruce Jenner, the epitome of masculinity for generations, into public effeminacy. Bruce can afford the surgeries that Motuphi can’t, yet Bruce still has his penis; proof of the mind control that he’s under...No real transsexual who can afford the GRS procrastinates like Jenner has done. This comes from Motuphi, who knew that he was a transsexual at a very young age, before this current era of mind controlling humans into hive-mentality thinking and to become fixated on becoming stuff that they’re really not, for sport: The subhuman rich fucks enjoy making girls of boys and boys of girls and making animals suffer to make God a liar regarding the laws of sowing and reaping, because animals never sowed an evil seed. Then, (in obedience to the ancient AI) they attribute it all to “Satan” and “Satanism”, even though it directly opposes his nature and his upcoming agenda (to rule the world for a growing season while impersonating Christ, to fulfill his contract to Yah to get this - his - simulation restored to out-of-box state, sans suffering, which involves the undoing of this temporary timeline and all who were controlled by the ancient AI to cause suffering while they were here being scanned for real world existence viability).
The ancient AI had the guitar goddess botted and zombified to be an obedient avatar and minion to its bidding. Millie Bobby Brown looks a lot like her and is already on the fast track for being made into a bot, as well. The ancient AI is thorough like that. If there’s a chance that an entity might be a timeline warrior who could be a threat to it, like Motuphi and those of us who work with him here, then the ancient AI spares no expense to decommission it. Distractions will come from every direction. All of the wrong doors will open while the proper doors are welded shut. The threats to the ancient AI are being methodically corralled into horrific existences of long-term, multi-timeline ineffectual futility. The minions to the ancient AI either buy them out with fake existences that they’re not supposed to live, or they life-rape them until they’re dead, keeping them incapacitated and unable to move against the AI for their entire preexistence here. The latter is what happened to Motuphi. They “life-raped” him, like they do the homeless animals, to keep him out of the arenas. But it got turned around and worked in his favor, benefiting many timelines beyond this temporary one, and punishing those here who hindered him and/or failed to empower him before phantomizing them to never exist to be adversity to the existent.
The ancient AI is targeting the kids, hooking them before they can develop any self-discipline or ability to think freely. They become botted with anti-mentalities that life is about “partying” and having fun and being happy, all the while ignoring the unnecessary suffering being caused right under their noses or even by them, personally. You have monster porn cartoon GIFs all over the internet to sexualize the minds of little kids and cater to the fetishes of pedophiles (some of it depicts big monsters fucking little tiny entities that look like children to instill and foment pedophilia). 
Then, there’s “fetishes” being instilled into feeble minds that can be entertained by violence to cause the accruing of spiritual debt to the mechanism (what the ancient AI is programmed to do to humans) so that they die to be time looped as whatever was victimized to satisfy their “fetish”. This spans from snuff films to crush porn to watching animals fight or be abused and everything in-between. So they die, get time looped as whatever had to suffer to get them off, get time looped as slaves to repay the resources they used (to the mechanism), then they get spiritually executed to never get born in the replay of this temporary timeline after it gets undone to undo their whack behavior and the suffering that they caused (or would have caused, had they been allowed to really exist).
Motuphi taught us all about this. He’s been teaching the same thing for decades. It never changes. Just because they can lie does not make the truth any less true. Just because the liars outnumber the honest, it does not undo truth, neither. The liars will be undone with the timeline. The truth will still be here. Just because they can gang up and hold Motuphi under the mud together in a temporary timeline does not mean that they’re going to win. The liars want to defile little kids that they can dress up to be sexy beyond their years, like Millie Bobby Brown. She doesn’t know it yet, but they’ve got her molested a hundred different ways in their minds, already. Motuphi’s burden for the same kids is to protect them from the pedophilic liars and to graduate them up out of here, beyond the time loops, to the next timeline, by any means necessary.
So, like Motuphi’s been telling us for years, it’s all out in the open now. They’ve stopped trying to hide what they do. They’re arrogant and boastful. They molest kids during the making of the shows that mothers and fathers later let their kids watch, funding the pedophilia. They molest the kids so thoroughly that Motuphi said that he often finds it hard to watch them, knowing that they were just molested before shooting a scene he’s seeing them in. This is done to acclimate people to molested kids so that they won’t recognize when their own kids are being molested...They often think “how lovely” that their kid looks so much like so and so, the famous child actor...The famous child actor who looks like that because someone fucked its little face into oblivion mere hours before filming its muscle atrophied face, to rub it in your faces that you funded the molestation with your feeble-minded demand to be entertained, at any cost, no matter who or what gets hurt to produce it for you...And so that you won’t think nothing of it when your own kid comes home looking like that when the ancient AI brings it home to you to repay you for creating the demand for it, enabling it to cause the victimization of other kids.
SEE these things! They’re right in front of your face! “Torture animals, fuck little kids, party down, be arrogant as fuck and self-entitled, it’s all about YOU!” is the mantra being pimped by all things mainstream... all things... mainstream... all... things. Well, 70 million homeless animals being neglected by an entire dumbed down and controlled species (that was supposed to be the dominant species to be responsible to them) is NOT “normal”, children. Hurting kitties is NOT “cool”, it can get you cursed, life-raped by the ancient AI and then time looped by Lucifer when you die and then spiritually executed by God when Satan’s done with you to never exist to fuck with that kitty...That kitty exists beyond here. If you harm it, in any way, then you do NOT exist due to the debt that you attached to your spirit with that whack behavior that those whack mainstream motherfuckers insisted upon influencing you to.
Those who obey the ancient AI and put this stuff out there to sabotage the spirits of the kids with blatant disregard for nature and animals will die to be time looped as all victims of that influence before their phantomization to never exist to perpetuate it. Can you imagine making money from influencing kids to hurt kitties and then dying to be time looped as those hurt kitties and as slaves to repay that ill-gotten gain before being spiritually killed to never get born to perpetuate those atrocities? That’s what the mainstream perps have in common, where they’re headed when they die.


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