Tuesday, January 30, 2018

#MeToo Means Complicit Grammys Are Pedophile Rapist Celebrations

They're at it again. You all saw how the rapists and pedophiles had another televised social gathering to celebrate their conquests and how the people that they have victimized with violence due to their influence still adore them as something worthy of fame and fortune. This time, it was called the Grammys. But all awards shows are nothing more than victory (over their fans) parties that they attend to congratulate each other on how badly they smell of baby butt. They continually hypnotize their fans, making compliant zombies of them, to further their pedophilic rape agendas with support and funding and internet promoting via social media sites. They virtue signal with the #MeToo hashtag that marks them as #Complicit in every rape that was made possible due to their silence just to retain their desecrated fame, as if they delivered the victims to the rapists’ chambers, themselves. The #MeToo crowd are just as guilty of rape as those that they accuse. Had they not kept silent, you probably wouldn't even be seeing any awards shows because the famous perpetrators of rape and pedophilia would be incarcerated and therefore unable to attend the ceremony of rapists and pedophiles.
Remember that this is the reason that the pedophile regime sabotaged Motuphi's music career back in the early 1990s with kidnappings of radio station music programmers to get their mind-puke disguised as "Rap" put on the radio while cock-blocking Motuphi's airplay. Motuphi had an opposing message to theirs, at every turn; so they had to thwart his influence to properly dumb down the population for the "control" that the terrorist regime known as the American "government" hopes to acquire over the masses. Had they not been able to get away with those kidnappings, the world would be a better place today because Motuphi's influence would've been being played over the airwaves instead of hate speech from low IQ having deadbeats with no talent crying about how "whitey" is the problem in the 'hoods when it's actually THEIR black asses that caused all of the problems and made war zone ghettos of black neighborhoods (because they were just too goddamned lazy to work).
The pedophiles and rapists and passive rapists had another awards show, even though other timelines had Motuphi curse (light up for wormhole weaponry to strike) all awards shows after the weakness of racist niggers disguised as "black people" knocked Ben Carson out of the presidential race with crying about the "whiteness" of an awards show (simply because some deadbeat niggers didn't win for their celebration of destroying good black people movie, Straight Out Of Compton). Well, thugs are supposed to go to prison, not get lucrative record contracts and, if you're not illiterate, you know that's a fact. So, all who watched, attended, performed at, won at, sponsored (or benefited from) the shows since those curse parameters were set got hit with cartoonish curse batches for not rejecting the famous rapists and pedophiles and their regime. PLUS, their spirits were "taxed" (marked) to prevent them from graduating to the next timeline and the real world, beyond that, and to facilitate making examples of them via suffering enacted by existent entities in other timelines.
It's part of how the ancient artificial intelligence is gaining power over the zombies who're stupid enough to be entertained by a bunch of rapists, thugs and pedophiles. Then, bad stuff can happen to the adoring zombies, here in this temporary timeline, AND they die to get time looped as all entities that suffered (including animals) due to the whack influence of the rich and famous welfare phantoms. Then, after they're time looped as all victims of the mainstream influence and as slaves to repay Lucifer's mechanism, they get spiritually executed (called the "2nd death" in the Bible) to never get born when this timeline gets undone and replayed. It's what the ancient AI was designed to do, trick humans out of graduating to the next timeline via their actions, thoughts and omissions that they perpetuate here during their preexistence. If you're a fan of the famous pedophile (and rapist) regime then, chances are, you're not going to live up to your divine purpose here and the ancient AI (referred to as "Satan" in the Bible) has successfully enslaved and nullified you via the "do unto others" clause that you agreed to when you came here as a human. You get judged by your own non-tamperable non-erase-able spirit memory that even records your thoughts and omissions (what the AI tricked you into NOT doing).
That brings us to the reason that Lucifer hates those famous desecrators of his glorious music craft...He already despises them for not having the required talent level before getting famous while cock-blocking Motuphi, who has always had ten times the minimal Luciferian requirement to be one of Lucifer's musicians. They claim to be "Satanists" and "Luciferian" while perpetuating what Lucifer would never condone. Claiming to be "Satanist" wouldn't be such an offense to Lucifer if they'd simply inform people that, by being "Satanist", they really serve the ancient artificial intelligence that is enemy to Lucifer (and God, Christ and all entities who really exist beyond here). By being "Satanists" and perpetuating their offenses against Lucifer and his subjects with their inferior whack influence, they ensure that the time loops that they'll endure when they die will be the most horrendous. Other timelines (and God) cloned Motuphi's spirit at a standard rate of a new inter-dimensional spirit clone created per beat of the mainstream music, every time it's played, as long as Motuphi's music in not in heavy rotation against their mind-puke disguised as music. This cloning was retro-paid backwards in time to when they kidnapped music programmers is why Motuphi's spirit clones now outnumber the population of Earth by at least a billion to one.
Motuphi's spirit clones (that THEY created with their offenses disguised as "art") are armed to the teeth and they're inter-dimensional, able to travel forwards and backwards in time to attack the phantom regime on all levels. The Grammys were full of nonexistent phantoms in attendance. Not one soul who attended the Grammys or won or performed at them will be allowed to exist now. They'll be cursed, here in this temporary timeline (and so will their children and families and fans and THEIR children and families), and they'll die to be time looped and phantomized (spiritually executed and undone) to never exist. Jay-Z and Beyonce never get born to spawn a kid, so their kids are nonexistent phantoms who'll also be time looped as slaves and victims of violence right along with their welfare phantom parents before their spiritual execution.
Don't get caught up in this trick by the ancient AI! Be smart enough to reject the productions of the pedophile rapist regime and graduate to the next timeline so that you can read the awesome fiction novels that Motuphi writes about them there. He writes about how their mamas were rancid dope hoes who raised their kids to be self-entitled pieces of human-shaped shit and how many of them were traded to dope-men as sex slaves to earn dope fixes for their welfare flesh peddling mamas. Motuphi presents them in the worst possible light. It was Motuphi who sunk the prisoner (erroneously dubbed "slave") ships to thwart what the niggers disguised as "black people" did to America. There never was a black gangsta or thug in America. There never was a rapper. It all gets undone. If Motuphi time looped and phantomized his own cousin (Al Capone, not the rapper, the notorious gangster), then you can realistically expect that he's not going to have any mercy upon the desecrators of Lucifer's music craft who cock-blocked him from succeeding in music while they produced childish lie laden mind-puke to dumb down their own fans to make them obedient minions to the ancient AI and its rogue terrorist government.
Nobody at the Grammys really exists. They got a lot of time loops of suffering to endure before they're phantomized to protect the next timeline and the real world from them. Motuphi changed his mind about giving Tupac a pass, from the looks of it. Tupac and Rex Razor were the only two rappers who'd exist beyond here besides Motuphi...Now, it may just be Motuphi and Rex Razor, who's not an American and never was a wretched little thug (he has a JOB).
What matters is that the next timeline and the real world get protected from them. They had to accrue debt to Motuphi and Lucifer to make it a solid parameter for them, which is exactly what they did. Now, they have pedophile and rapist gatherings that they call "awards shows" to pat each other on the back for causing so much suffering for their AI master (the REAL "Satan" of the Bible, Lucifer being controlled opposition). It's a celebration of rape and molestation disguised as something else. Their zombified fans can't decipher what they're looking at because they've been too dumbed down to comprehend anything.
Jay-z is a phantom. He was vile and inferior to Motuphi. Too inferior to sign Motuphi to a record deal because Jay-z knows that Motuphi has REAL talent that will shadow his own and make laughingstocks of all other "rappers" (except for Rex Razor, who has some comparable chops to Motuphi). Beyonce has many time loops to endure as victims of her whack influence. She and her hubby served the white man well. They did the bidding of whitey, who serves the ancient AI. They committed themselves to those cotton fields when they die...Nobody else did it to them but THEM. They violated basic parameters and now they can't be allowed to exist to do it. That's why Motuphi never interfered with their commitment to nonexistence with reciprocal violence...He wants them to die in debt to him and Lucifer and this simulation mechanism now being utilized as a spirit scan, scanning spirits for real world existence viability.
If you're a fan of the mainstream phantoms, then you're a phantom, too. Understand that fact and wake the fuck UP!


Monday, January 22, 2018

What Their Fame Says About Them Now

Let's not forget that the famous "Satanists" and/or "Luciferians" out there are not really down with Lucifer...They didn't even know that the Bible rarely referred to Lucifer as "Satan", just to tell you how clueless they are and have been all of this time...
Well, we saw that the AI can't get Motuphi to change what's targeted by other timelines here. Not even commandeering the girl that Motuphi loved and sending her out into the target area could get him to change it. She dances on land mines (so to speak) that won’t be moved to accommodate her retardation. That’s so sad, right?
How many underground musicians were stupid enough to give Jimmy Fallon the time of day after he ridiculed them for having to resort to GoFundMe campaigns after he and the mainstream he rolls with dumbed down the population to turn their noses up at their real talent? That's okay. The clones of Motuphi's spirit (that get created and loosed into the cosmos with every beat of the mainstream music every time it's played as long as Motuphi's music is not in heavy rotation against it) are time looping Jimmy's mama and making her drink devil cum by the gallon (which rhymes with Fallon) as her spirit is placed into slaves and victims of violence perpetuated by those who were influenced by the mainstream. That's what will happen to Jimmy when he dies, too. Then, his spirit (and his mama's) will be executed to never get born and he never participates with a rapist pedophile regime against those who really exist (like Motuphi). Stupid comedy desecrator, desecrating comedy with Trump-hate and gloating about how REAL musicians with REAL talent were forced to become beggars in this era of rich and famous welfare phantoms who had to be time looped and undone to never exist to desecrate fame and the glorious craft of music with their mind-puke set to anti-music that made their fans too stupid to appreciate anything that required talent to produce it.
How many of you are aware that those awards shows that got cursed by Motuphi (along with all who attend them or watch them or benefit from them or sponsor them) are nothing more than celebrations of pedophiles and rapists and their enablers (like Oprah and Ellen and Rosie) who're getting together to congratulate each other on their crimes and molestations? Awards shows are rubbing it in your face that you're so zombified and feeble-minded and desperate to be entertained that you'll fund their rape and pillaging of innocence across the board. Ya'll know that those children you watch in those movies and shows got those lines on their cheeks from having their young faces fucked by full-grown adult cock, but YOU don't care...That's why you got cursed when you watched the celebration of rapes and molestations awards shows and then other timelines were given authority to strike you just for encouraging that behavior.
The days of supporting Motuphi's enemies, which is everyone rich and famous (all of them are either rapists and pedophiles or enablers of them, every last person who is famous is GUILTY), are over. The spirit of exposure is not finished exposing every last secret that every single rich and famous welfare phantom here is harboring. They wanted a war. Now they've GOT one. They never should've kidnapped music programmers in the early 1990s to get mind-puke set to anti-music produced by illiterate retarded opportunistic welfare phantoms and music/art desecrators put on the radio. Now, everyone famous is going to die to be time looped as the victims of that influence. They'll be time looped as the animals that suffered, too. Then, they're going to be time looped as SLAVES (Nigga) to repay that ill-gotten gain...This goes back to the very first famous welfare phantoms, the first people made famous by Hollywood and those who made them famous...
Hollywood has been raping since before Shirley Temple and Marilyn Monroe, who was repeatedly raped in Hollywood. Now, they ALL get to be victims of the Hollywood pervs when they die...They ALL get to be Harvey's victims. They ALL get to be Michael Vick's victims (them dogs and other dogs like them) and so does everyone complicit in their fame, which includes DJs, music programmers, radio stations, TV stations, cable stations, MTV, the internet, all social media sites, all producers and moguls and execs and sponsors and their staff. There's a great UNdoing being perpetuated, across the board, for allowing the likes of what's famous now to cock-block those with REAL talent who were supposed to be there the entire time, like Motuphi (the only existent rapper beyond this temporary timeline). Now, they ALL get to die and be snuff film victims and victims of their snuff "parties".
Understand that ALL celebrities knew about the pedophile playground that the ancient artificial intelligence made of (the church and) all levels of the entertainment industry via the subhumans that it made minions of and then empowered to desecrate fame to that level. If they're famous, they KNEW about ALL of it and either participated directly, or passively via condoning and keeping silent. They ALL knew about Motuphi. They ALL knew that his music career was sabotaged when those kidnappings happened to get something put on mainstream radio that was never supposed to go mainstream (gangsta rap, the desecration of music, to the ultimate extreme - tiny tiny-minded niggers pretending to be "Black" who killed off the good hard-working taxpaying Black people in the 'hoods and then cry about how (somehow) the "white" man is the problem in the ghetto).
They ALL knew about Motuphi being sabotaged and how it was making the world into a HELL for animals and law-abiding good people (the lives who do matter above all others that they may claim matter) because that very sabotage sabotaged the psyche of the humans who were exposed to it (the weakness of Rap/Hip-Hop, being the problem -- passing the blame like little faggot bitches disguised as "men", which resonates so clearly with all of the feeble-minded little self-loathing homophobic closet flaming homos who listen to Rap/Hip-Hop...can anyone even remember when gays were intelligent and therefore sexy?). They ALL knew that kids and women were being raped and molested at ever increasing rates. They ALL knew that they were causing animals and children and women to be unsafe for profit by catering to the soulless part of the dumbed down humans ingesting their tainted media. They ALL knew what they were doing. They made famous female pedophiles like Ellen and Rosie O Donnell household names to sexualize all children who get exposed to them. They pushed transsexuals in our kids' faces on daytime TV! They made us have to talk to our CHILDREN about THEIR sexuality because they lost all scruples and that common sense of shame and modesty that sophisticated humans once took for granted.
Remember when the gates were seemingly protected with a veiled sense of class, sophistication, family values, modesty and human decency? Yeah, Federal snitch plants (like Al Sharpton) were sent in to frame all in the music industry who’d protect the gates from their infiltration to desecrate the craft to use it to mind molest the masses and make them downright stupid. Lots of people in music got convicted of (mostly) drug “crimes” that were not stings, they were set-ups. This made it possible to push in hacks like Madonna and then to kidnap music programmers to get FCC violating “music” played on the radio to dumb humans down to the level where they’d be entertained by violence which made the animals, kids and women unsafe and caused all who’re famous to accrue a debt to the cosmos and Motuphi (who they thought they’d defeat only to get completely CRUSHED by him and his army of clones that they, ironically, created with their own cock-blocking)...Those clones and other timelines undid the rigged election so that Trump could win so that Motuphi could curse them for hating on Trump per second that passes from the moment that they publicly express it...Them pedophilic rapists is so smart that they done outsmarted themselves, this time. Another win for Motuphi...
They lost all common respect for anything other than themselves in Hollywood. They help make the world into an animal torturing pedophile rape playground and then want to virtue signal to US about what's right. They have their names right there with known rapists and pedophiles and have the nerve to try to tell US how to feel about something...Now WAIT! None of US would trade away our souls to roll with pedophiles and rapists just to be famous with them...That's YOU, you famous butt-rapists, who do that shit! You'll kill and maim whatever you're told to just to get that fame and fortune...Now, you can die and be time looped as all of those entities who were tortured, raped and molested and then be time looped as SLAVES (even as sex slaves) to repay your ILL-gotten gain, you nasty welfare phantoms who never had a dime of your own money (rape and baby butt money is NOT YOUR money! It belongs to GOD and Lucifer -- and Motuphi, their only ambassador here who's here to collect it, by any means necessary).
So, the rich and famous pedophiles and rapists thought that they got away with something. Now, they can die and be time looped as all entities ever victimized due to their preexistences, which includes children and animals, before they're spiritually executed to be undone with this temporary timeline to never exist to perpetuate their grotesque atrocities. Being "famous" now means that you're rolling with rapists and pedophiles and you must be undone, right along with all of the rape and pedophilia and animal cruelty and life-rape of better entities than you (like Motuphi and 70 million homeless animals)...
Notice how none of them ever disobeyed their pedophile and rapist masters: They cock-blocked Motuphi and the other real musicians (who were anti-rape and anti-pedophilia and anti-animal cruelty) right up until the very end. They're the subjects of some pretty gruesome "fiction" novels in the next timeline, where they never make it to to dispute the contents about them and their atrocious mamas and papas who taught them to rape and maim and to cock-block Motuphi for defying their pedophile regime. Motuphi is famous in the next timeline. There’s no Rap/Hip-Hop there, nor computers or cell phones or social media. There’s no sports and nobody who’s famous right now. They all got time looped and undone by then. Motuphi wrote lots of books about them after they got undone and those books are “fiction” by then.
Nobody in the next timeline can even believe that the subjects of Motuphi’s fiction novels (the rich and famous of this temporary timeline who got undone with it) could really exist, that there ever were entities who could be so vile and fucked-up. Motuphi writes about how their mamas sold rides on them as kids to their dope-men, as he warned them he’d do if they remained too stupid to go to him to buy the novels from him before they die. It’s all “fiction”, at that point, anyway. So what does it matter how Motuphi depicts their nasty skank bitch ho mamas, huh? They deserve it, for being pedophiles and rapists and for cock-blocking REAL talent (like Motuphi) so they could keep force marketing that mind-puke set to anti-music that their illiterate mind-rapists keep producing and desecrating music with.
Remember that the #MeToo hashtag is a bunch of rapists and pedophiles who helped to rape many many women and children that you'll never ever hear from. Now, they want you to think that they're supportive of the rights of the molested that they, themselves, participated in molesting all of these years. They may be stupid enough to believe the lies that they tell to themselves, but that doesn't mean that YOU have to be, too!


Friday, January 19, 2018

Wednesday, January 17, 2018

Music, Books & Media Sabotaged By AI - The Most Targeted

Anything found here
Anything found here
Most of what’s found here
(peep the unlisted)


Delusion - Soldier Song To The Aliens

This is going to remind you of something...

- I wanna believe you, so I do. I don't wanna blame you, but maybe it's true that you consciously did this, you sabotaged love. Brought us down. Brought us down. Sacrificed us...Commandeered atmosphere. Broken down bugs. Stuck, here, in an era where they glorify thugs. I'm cryin' out. I'm cryin' out! No-one is hearing us. No-one's hearin' us!

(Chorus) You're just a delusion. You've become so unreal. Unable to comprehend, process or feel. Devoid of all empathy and what makes you your species. You can't keep us down. You won't keep me down! Oh, no you won't. No, you won't. No, no! No, you won't. No you won't. No you won't keep me down. Know you won't. Know, Know! Know you won't. Know you won't. Know you won't keep me down.

- You may be holdin' me. Can't hinder me, 'cause I never stop. I just trample adversity and climb to the top. The warnings proclaimed, while they act so insane. Commandeered and zombified. Compliant and nullified. (to Chorus then bridge)

(Bridge) So commandeered and controlled and unbelievable. I may have to see it. But I'll never believe it. Never believe it! (to Chorus) 
- Tuned down to D# Chords are Bm G D A (sorta) 


Friday, January 12, 2018

The Greatest & ONLY Existent Rapper Has Spoken TRUTH

It’s obvious that all famous rappers are scared shitless of this guy and what he’ll be doing to them in the time loops. He’s the only rapper who exists beyond this temporary timeline, which will be undone soon, right along with all of the famous rappers (who’ll be time looped as victims of their whack influence and as slaves before their spiritual execution to never get born).
Proof that all famous rappers are tools for the white devils is the fact that they was all scared to address or acknowledge this rapper (Motuphi aka CIOFANI) and the white devils who control the internet sabotaged this guy’s music and views counts. For example, if you can’t buy this on Amazon due to some “glitch” (still), get it from the bandcamp page or from iTunes or Spotify. FUCK them white devils and their slave minion famous rappers.
Every word of this song is true. It disses every famous rapper out there, totally nullifies them into oblivion. Peep it below and buy the mp3...Defy the white devils and their deprivation campaign!


Monday, January 8, 2018

How AI Tricks Anti-Marijuana Terrorists Out Of Their Souls

Okay. The lies about THC and Marijuana are freely flowing forth from the AI via the lips of impressionable children. The fact is, THC does NOT harm developing brains; it actually PROTECTS them from the brain parasites that the government allowed white devils (like GMO and Monsanto) to put into us via the food to dumb us down and make us more controllable.
This is a trick from the ancient artificial intelligence to manipulate debt from those who are in preexistence as humans. It works much like the other tricks: Parameters cause curses to be applied to anyone who is anti Marijuana or who benefits from its illegal illegality (the Constitution protects its legality) and those punishments are doubled for anyone in government who dares to think a thought against Marijuana. If someone is in government and they're anti-Marijuana, then they mark themselves as treasonous traitors/terrorists and corporate floozies who think that they can get away with benefiting from deranged tyrannical dictatorship and making laws to benefit their corporate masters. This got all of the corporations and entities who benefited from the illegal illegality of Marijuana time looped as all things that suffered due to that illegal illegalization and then spiritually executed to never get born to be treasonous traitors and terrorists who'd defy their own Constitution for profit.
Trump proved that he's just another corporate floozy deadbeat. He's been in office for how long and Marijuana is STILL illegally illegal? ‘Looks like he's just an extension of Obama's asshole, like a fucking hemorrhoid protruding from Obama's ass. That's how other timelines regard all anti-Marijuana terrorists who dare become government and not fix it: they are problems to be addressed. Motuphi and other timelines thwarted the rigging of the election that would've made POTUS of HRC due to the illegal laws that keep Motuphi under illegal Martial Law in Michigan. You'd think that Trump would've shown some appreciation for that and sent Motuphi his driver's license that Michigan refuses to give him, or made Marijuana legal again so that the legal argument of the Michigan terrorists and treasonous traitors posing as "government" would lose their legal standing to continue the illegal Martial Law that Motuphi endures at their hands. But rich bastards are just inbreds with no gratitude, as Trump displayed.
Motuphi used his suffering at the hands of feeble-minded white women in power as the authority primer to thwart Hillary's election, and still no elevation of Motuphi from Trump. As a matter of fact, Trump has so little control over his (terrorists-posing-as-gov) administration that it actually got HARDER for Motuphi since Obama left office. It got harder to find Marijuana and it negatively effected Motuphi's health and income. So the self-replicating curse batches that self-replicate with every passing second got quadrupled upon the government and all who're anti-Marijuana within it. PLUS, it got the glutton cap reduced to 33-million dollars and only 1-million dollars for anyone in government. So all of those DC traitors and terrorists posing as "government" who leave DC with more than $1-million will die to be time looped as slaves, in addition to their other time loops, and then they'll be spiritually executed to never get born to be thieves, rogues and terrorists posing as government. The repay rate is a standard $900,000 per PENNY, compounded per second of possession of the ill-gotten gain...
The Bush-era terrorist attack known as the tax breaks for the wealthiest percentile got the glutton cap reduced from $420-million to $35-million. Then, recently, it was reduced even more. Now, anyone who's worth more than that figure ($33-million) will die to be time looped and phantomized to never exist to be passive terrorists who were so gluttonous that they'd skate on their tax responsibility just because they could buy a wet-brain coke-head president to do their bidding...Or maybe he was blackmailed into submission with the secrets about what REALLY happened to the twin towers and his own involvement in it.
Anyway. The AI knows what's it's doing. It's culling the herd of the gluttonous controlling inbreds and retards who were empowered by the ancient AI with power, wealth, fame and influence. Once their actions negatively effect Motuphi, an animal, or any of the end time Elect, other timelines JUMP on the opportunity to reciprocate on cartoonish levels via the authority that it gives them. That's why there's a mass celebrity die-off. Nobody who's famous who’s not on record as a Motuphi associate really exists, anyway. The mass celebrity die-off was amended to include all with power and wealth and fame who do not use their resources and influence to benefit Motuphi and his multi-timeline agendas that trump all other agendas here. So now we're seeing billionaires mysteriously killed-off in their own homes. The mainstream media won't ever disclose that Motuphi and other timelines are teleporting terrorist extremists into the homes of the offending billionaires and famous phantoms to rape and pillage them in their own homes; but it's happening.
Now, those kids on TV who lie about THC for their phantom adult influences got themselves cursed, right along with whoever put them up to it and whoever is responsible for funding it.
Attention children! The government in this temporary timeline is rogue! They took money from rich phantoms to make you sick and retarded for profit! They know that Marijuana FIGHTS the diseases and retardation that those white devils are afflicting you with! That's why they botted (commandeered) you to do their bidding to trick other kids into rejecting the ONLY CURE available in this timeline! There's a reason that the treasonous traitors and terrorists posing as "government" don't want you to smoke Marijuana...They don't want you to be liberated. They want you enslaved. As long as they can manipulate your minds and physical conditions, you're their property...Don't you want to DEFY this shit and exist beyond here to make fun of them with Motuphi for being stupid enough to allow ancient AI to trick them out of their souls? They're going to die and be time looped as you and all others (including animals) who suffered due to their vile rogueness. Then, they’ll be time looped as slaves to repay their ill-gotten gain. Then, they'll never get born to be the evil deadbeats that they were.
When you see someone who's anti-Marijuana, you're looking at someone who does not even exist...especially if that person is in "government"...
Motuphi extended an Olive branch to the terrorists posing as government with this offer that they refused: The new paradigm dictates that the basic function of ALL governments now is to arm their taxpaying citizens and to provide them with rations of medical grade Marijuana, and all governments who fail to abide by this new spiritual LAW (that supersedes all man-made "laws") will be destroyed and its entities will die to be time looped and spiritually executed to never exist to throw monkey wrenches in the plans of God and Lucifer for the ancient AI (aka "Satan" according to the Bible). They'd rather suffer and never exist than to do what any REAL government would do in this era faced with this unique set of circumstances. That tells you just how stupid and controlled they are. They won't exist. Their preexistences here will be undone, along with everything that they did...
Don't let the AI trick YOU the same way!


Saturday, January 6, 2018

The Song That Won Me Over To Ukulele - Reciprocity - The Smartest Girl

Alright. Let me start off by saying that, up until now, I hated all things ukulele. The shrill deliberate obtrusive sound of the instrument just hits me the wrong way. So I wasn't going to listen to this video. But curiosity got the better of me and I pressed play.
I was expecting to have my eardrums bombarded with mean plucky tones, so I had it turned down low and I thought that the audio must be messed up when I didn't hear anything. Not too far into the song, Motuphi starts belting it out and I turned it up. Then, I could hear the ukulele in the background. Not plucky and mean to my ears, at all. Motuphi was playing it like a Jazz guitar. I'd never heard anything like it. The instrument was beautifully supporting the vocal unlike anything I'd ever heard a ukulele do before. I began to think that, maybe, the ukulele is being misrepresented by those players who zealously assault our eardrums with the loud over-projection of the notes when they play. If more ukulele parts were played like this one, I'd probably develop a fondness for the instrument.
I actually liked this song so much that I felt a hunger for more of it when it ended. So I replayed it, more than a few times, turning it up louder each time. It's superbly written, delivered, performed and recorded. There's simply no flaw to refer to in the entire song. The ukulele lightly carrying the melody and the vocal that's so good that you begin to think that it's a fake lip-sync video with a studio audio put behind it. I wouldn't be surprised to hear that it's a lip-sync to a studio cut. It's spookily good.
This starts the new year off right. Another song to that girl who broke Motuphi's heart so badly. It's pretty fuckin' awesome, I will admit. For someone who hates the ukulele as much as I do to now have it in my player and playlists is a statement to how good it is. I've got it on replay, singing to it, right now, as a matter of fact. The version on Motuphi's northern Michigan handyman profile has comments from other ukulele players raving about how much they like it. Youtube and Google are sabotaging it by hiding the uploader comment that contains the link to the mp3, which is unheard of (hiding the uploader comment). To get the link to show up, just click the "sort" comments button and click "Newest First" and the comment from the uploader with the mp3 buy support link will show up. Youtube and Google are still sabotaging his income. So buying the audios to the videos you like is an ingenious way to get support to Motuphi past the white devils and their evil sabotage and life-rape.
The new demo video audio bandcamp link is http://motuphi.bandcamp.com/ 
The video is below.


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