Saturday, January 6, 2018

The Song That Won Me Over To Ukulele - Reciprocity - The Smartest Girl

Alright. Let me start off by saying that, up until now, I hated all things ukulele. The shrill deliberate obtrusive sound of the instrument just hits me the wrong way. So I wasn't going to listen to this video. But curiosity got the better of me and I pressed play.
I was expecting to have my eardrums bombarded with mean plucky tones, so I had it turned down low and I thought that the audio must be messed up when I didn't hear anything. Not too far into the song, Motuphi starts belting it out and I turned it up. Then, I could hear the ukulele in the background. Not plucky and mean to my ears, at all. Motuphi was playing it like a Jazz guitar. I'd never heard anything like it. The instrument was beautifully supporting the vocal unlike anything I'd ever heard a ukulele do before. I began to think that, maybe, the ukulele is being misrepresented by those players who zealously assault our eardrums with the loud over-projection of the notes when they play. If more ukulele parts were played like this one, I'd probably develop a fondness for the instrument.
I actually liked this song so much that I felt a hunger for more of it when it ended. So I replayed it, more than a few times, turning it up louder each time. It's superbly written, delivered, performed and recorded. There's simply no flaw to refer to in the entire song. The ukulele lightly carrying the melody and the vocal that's so good that you begin to think that it's a fake lip-sync video with a studio audio put behind it. I wouldn't be surprised to hear that it's a lip-sync to a studio cut. It's spookily good.
This starts the new year off right. Another song to that girl who broke Motuphi's heart so badly. It's pretty fuckin' awesome, I will admit. For someone who hates the ukulele as much as I do to now have it in my player and playlists is a statement to how good it is. I've got it on replay, singing to it, right now, as a matter of fact. The version on Motuphi's northern Michigan handyman profile has comments from other ukulele players raving about how much they like it. Youtube and Google are sabotaging it by hiding the uploader comment that contains the link to the mp3, which is unheard of (hiding the uploader comment). To get the link to show up, just click the "sort" comments button and click "Newest First" and the comment from the uploader with the mp3 buy support link will show up. Youtube and Google are still sabotaging his income. So buying the audios to the videos you like is an ingenious way to get support to Motuphi past the white devils and their evil sabotage and life-rape.
The new demo video audio bandcamp link is 
The video is below.


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