Thursday, August 28, 2014

No Honor In China or Michigan

People are always getting Japan and China confused with each other when they spout-off about “honor”. China does not have any honor. That nation has had horrible deranged crazed tyrannical regimes, slave labor, population “control”, and even now it creates a demand for poached Ivory. Their slave-made products are cursed and laced with negative energy and karma. They have no shame about causing elephants to be extinct for Ivory, which is not all that attractive and definitely not worth the negative energy (curses and time loops) for butchering elephants for their tusks. You cannot associate “honor” to a nation like that (next, you’ll say that there’s honor in America).
There’s no honor in America, neither. They endure the 5th woe that they subject the rest of the world to with their gangsta rap and what their stereotypically ghetto music “moguls” and “DJs” have done to mainstream music, causing all music and fans of it to be cursed until Motuphi is instated to his rightful position above all of the untalented squatters in the mainstream, who’ve long overstayed their welcome…Oh, yeah, they were NOT invited: They committed Federal crimes (kidnappings of music programmers and tortures and death threats on children) to get their mind-rape disguised as music put on the airwaves and, because the Blacks are secretly known (by all) to be inferior to the whites, they were not held accountable for their crimes, never charged with them, nor were they charged for their ongoing FCC violations they commit by trading airplay to female (aHEM!) “artists” in exchange for sex (the worst demographic to ever be in music is there now, planted by the Feds and their fav snitch, Sharpton the race-baiting subhuman)…That’s how the female artists in America get record contracts and radio airplay and that’s why those who’re doing it get to “BE” those female artists in the time loops (after their mamas are looped as them, so they can “check-it-in” from their own mamas before checking-it-in from themselves). Lucifer will get revenge for what they did to his craft and for blocking his ambassador, Motuphi, and the rest of his crew out (of his craft on his turf, if that ain’t retarded and asking for some shit to happen to ya when you get time looped after you die).
There’s especially no honor in Michigan. In Detroit, the inferior Black race kept voting by color, even though the “mayors” they voted in were simple city-raping niggers who had no business in any positions of power. They raped and pillaged Detroit to death, like the gangsta rappers did to the Rap/Hip-Hop genre, causing God and Lucifer to agree that Rap would be eternally executed to never exist along with any “rappers” who resist it, except for Vanilla Ice - who gave the genre it’s short-lived credibility that was immediately stolen with the very first beat of “gangsta rap” on the airwaves; Tupac - who was sold into slavery to thuggism with a false-flag rape case designed to get him in prison and vulnerable to getting ass-fucked so he’d sign away his morals and soul and credibility just to get out of there; Motuphi - who was Detroit’s best-kept secret and the only real rapper ever to emerge from the entire state and was thoroughly cock-blocked from his rightful fame by the likes of that little mind-molesting, animal-torturing, white devil coke-ho, Eminem; and (of course) Rex Razor - who, like Motuphi, had no clue what rap had been lowered to nor what it was really being used for (there’s a reason those white devils never shut-down those gangstas in America, because they were “plants”, put there by white devils, Caucasionists, to do their bidding in exchange for fame and fortune).
Detroit also empowered Kym Worthy to subject female prisoners and juvenile wards of the state to rapes that they could not report nor charge their rapists for, committing herself to the time loops of the rapists and their mothers as their victims. If there were any white victims, then they are committed to the additional standard Black-on-white crime and violence perp time loops as Channon Christian, Hugh Newsom, Al Potter, Autumn Pasquale, Colleen Ritzer, and the MILLIONS of white rape victims and children sold to Black dope-men who abused them, as well as all animals tortured by Blacks.
Michigan empowered the governors who raped the state in every way possible, including taking away the mental institutions from the mentally disabled. They opted to criminalize and incarcerate their mentally ill, instead (fuckin’ life rapists).
Then they have the problems like in Benzie County, where law enforcement is a joke repped by a prosecutor who cannot tell the difference between a murder charge and someone who was suicidal at the time, opting to criminalize the suicidal woman instead of getting her help…leaving the county open to REAL criminals who’re dealing dope to children and cooking up meth and leaving their poisonous meth waste everywhere: In a sense, Benzie County is making the statement that they’ll allow their communities to be victimized by dope-fiend domestic terrorists with their meth-waste bombs so they can criminalize a mentally ill woman for sensational news headlines. See how that backfires? Media hound for a prosecutor sees her chance to shine on TV, criminalizing a mentally ill woman as a “murderer”; causing the real criminals to be attracted to such an area where law enforcement can be so distracted from real crime with headline grabbing “crime” “busts”. Poor Benzie County has a joke for a prosecutor and law enforcement who cannot properly pick their battles, leaving the law abiding citizens at the mercy of the real criminals…Where’s the honor in that taxpayer dollar extortion for personal vendetta agenda?
Then the whole state had that personal persecution-of-potheads agenda set forth by their joke of an Attorney General, Bill Schuette, which caused a heroine, cocaine and meth pandemic across the state, even into the once wholesome areas in the northern regions. That personal agenda left law enforcement too strapped for funds to fight real crime and the gangstas from the cities migrated to the northern small towns and set up shop, where they remain in operation to this day (while weak-assed law enforcement goes on record on the news pounding their underdeveloped chests about their marijuana busts, the dope-men are giggling, getting their dicks sucked by 12 year old little white girls for dope, white girls they’ll then sell to other gangstas to be “hoes” in other states)…Schuette transformed law enforcement into a massive joke that only protects and serves the criminals, leaving the citizens vulnerable, while it criminalizes the law abiding for the equivalent of nuisance crimes…Find any honor there? If so, you’re retarded.
Michigan continues to be dishonorable with what it did to Vincent Ciofani and his driver’s license. Ciofani admits he committed the escape offense he was charged for when he escaped from prison in the 1980s. What’s in what he does not say about the subject is that he must not have been guilty of the offense that initially got him incarcerated. They stigmatized him just to get his street gang of little nuisance thug white boys to stop with their shit in Detroit (little car-thievin’ bitches). The fact that it stopped when he went down was rumored to be mere coincidence, because he denied being able to control other people or ever being a “leader” of any “gang”. He attributed the notoriety and “undeserved” street-cred to hanging with the wrong crowd, which made him “guilty by association”.
Ciofani lost his driver’s license when he was 18 years old due to failure to take care of his shit: He was a stupid punk kid who snubbed his nose at the court system and never showed for his court dates. He had horrible examples set for him by his male role models. A corrupt judge who wanted to abuse his power (and get time looped and eternally executed for it) referred Ciofani’s license restoration to the Driver’s License Appeal Division at that time. The DLAD should’ve done their job and took the hold off of his license when they saw he got the felony charges, to give him a fresh start when he was paroled. But they did not do that. They did not even want to acknowledge that Ciofani fulfilled their AA requirements more than twice over while he was on parole and required to attend AA. The fact that Ciofani is not incarcerated for parole violations is testament to the fact that he successfully completed the full 2 year program.
When Ciofani finally got the DLAD to give him an interview, over 20 years ago now, their mean little gay faggot interviewer took a disliking to him and disregarded Ciofani’s hardships and need for his license back. The retarded fucker denied the restoration and Ciofani went off the deep end because he stated that driving meant more to him than anything else he could do on Earth. Ciofani would occasionally attempt to reacquire his driver’s license, only to find that the DLAD was still sitting on it with a hold. Here it is, 32 years later, and Ciofani still cannot get his driver’s license back. It’s like there’s not one honorable judge or lawyer in the entire state to respond to the online pleas for help for the guy. He hasn’t gone the traditional crowd-funding routes because he doesn’t want o be a “beggar”. He’s the honorable type who’d rather barter for loans, poor retard. He’s also the type who does not drive around with a suspended license like so many scofflaws, so the license suspension is a real hardship for him…
Then, tap on how scofflaws who do drive illegally all fucked-up on dope and alcohol are laughing at Ciofani’s plight and making fun of how he refuses to break laws just to drive. It seems like there’d be someone in law enforcement or the court system who’d want to spite those scofflaws enough to grant Ciofani his license restoration so he can have the last laugh before he dies. Again, where’s any semblance of honor? Where’s all the crowd funders and do-gooders to help this guy with funding to hire an attorney? What the fuck is wrong with people?
Where was the honor in those white devils stealing Lisa Marie Ciofani’s Medical Records Storage facility idea? Those white defils in Leelanau made more than $10-million per year with an empire idea they stole from Lisa Marie Ciofani (while she was homeless) and they never even credited her or gave her a dime of her money they stole. That’s “Christians” and white devils for ya (white devils do not make good friends, they backstab, as the Ciofani’s have proven by having it happen to them repeatedly). That’s part of why Traverse and Leelanau are cursed and will remain that way…Because the lowlife white devils there just turn a blind eye to the atrocities committed against God’s end time Elect. They turned their backs when the Ciofanis were homeless in Traverse City in 2008. Michael Moore’s fat ass would not even respond to their contact attempts with a fuckin’ sandwich (the fat fuck). What’s that guy think he is, God of media or something? Notice how his fat ass has to pick all of the movies for that cursed-assed film fest they have out there (like they’re not trampling the Ciofani’s blood by ignoring their ongoing plight of the lost empire to that cursed-assed area)? Lisa’s attempts to network with white devils got her idea stolen from her by cursed-assed white devils who got the very land they pillage her empire on cursed, as well as the evil region where they steal the empires of homeless people instead of networking with them to share the wealth with them.
Yeah, one must be careful when tossing the word “honor” around, because honor has become a rare and precious commodity in these end times. Lisa and Vincent Ciofani have honor, real honor that’s evident in how they live and refuse to victimize others to get ahead; while those who victimize them do not and did not possess anything even remotely resembling honor (not even the “Christians” Lisa tried to league with to build her now stolen empire). When there’s honor among American Christians again, you’ll know it because someone from that demographic will try to restore the Ciofanis of some of their losses from trying to league with them. When there’s honor in law enforcement again, they’ll go after real criminals and stop the dumb shit that’s endangering the population. When there’s honor among judges, the traffic courts, or even attorneys in Michigan; Vincent Ciofani will legally be able to drive again, because 32 years without a license for being a dumb-assed kid is plenty beyond the punishment he deserved for it, especially when you consider all that it cost him.
Honor…not important to those who do not have it instilled into them due to inferior upbringing…It’s not even available in China or America, and especially not in Michigan, and most especially not in Traverse and Leelanau and the surrounding regions where they starve, rape and pillage homeless people of their empires and dignity. Imagine the karma those freaks have coming for them…that they obviously deserve.

Reality Show Curses Are Evident

Yeah, something in the cosmos got pissed at how the mainstream desecrated fame with reality shows. It’s so plain to see that even an infant can see it.
It could have something to do with God’s end time Elect not following through with their missions now that the mainstream has become so defiled and retarded that being famous actually lumps one in with the undesirable to all with advanced entity mentality…So God, Christ and Lucifer are probably working together on this punishment due to it hindering their conjoined end time agendas on THEIR “turf”.

Wednesday, August 27, 2014

The Black-Offending-Hand Curses Are Compounded & Working Overtime

Now you see why Michael Brown’s nonexistent bloodline is so cursed. No whites in America have gotten revenge upon the Black race (yet) for their atrocities against (superior to them) whites, like Channon Christian, Hugh Newsom, Al Potter, Autumn Pasquale, Colleen Ritzer and MILLIONS more like them, including white children sold to drug-dealing ghetto niggers who fucked them to death like Muslim/Islamic infidels do to their child brides. But look at how the inferior to white race feels entitled to get revenge for the justified kill of a ghetto-monster thug, even to the point of mob attacking a war veteran. Their inferiority cannot be hidden, no matter how much Obama demands that his gestapo controlled propagandist-for-journalists mainstream news media not report on such hate crimes committed by the inferior Black race upon the superior other races who never resort to their level of stealing from God/Allah/Jehovah (“vengeance is MINE” says the LORD, motherfuckers, and He MEANS it!!).
Now, there’s a whole bunch of nonexistent American niggers running amok violating the new parameters of Earth/GOD’s “turf”/the spirit scan and premonition of existence. They’re heaping shit loads of compound combination curses upon themselves, their bloodlines and their spirits which negatively effect their  entire existences here on Earth and then commits their spirits to time loops of justice to serve as their victims before they are eternally executed to never exist to violate God’s laws on HIS turf (nigga). They’re cursed 500 trillion curses per second that passed from the moment the thought was conceived to violate God’s laws and negatively effect one of His other creations on HIS planet, compounded by the second, retro-paid backwards in time, at additional cartoonish “per” rates, like per molecule of every body that they negatively effected, per molecule of every body who had to witness such subhumanism disguised as “culture” (nasty fuckin’ headhunters cannot “see” themselves, for real), per beat of music that influenced such behavior (a bad one for the gangsta “rappers” who got the genre eternally erased along with all rappers except for Vanilla Ice, Tupac, Motuphi, and Rex Razor), per time their nasty racist little-minded mouths spoke the words “cracker” and “nigga”, per syllable in every racist sentence they ever spoke, per letter in every word of those sentences, per molecule of every droplet of blood shed by a Black…well, you get the picture…..
"Combination" in the sense that they effect EVERYTHING: health, wealth, safety, relationships, material possessions, physical functionality, food, water, mentality, sexuality, agendas, goals, dreams…EVERY-THANG……Oh, and sometimes also in the sense that they’ll be "combo-ed" by attaching attractions to shit to them, like asteroids or radiation or violence or poverty or increasing bad luck that makes everything all fucked-up all the time.
For Blacks to be “equal” to whites, God holds them to these same parameters as the whites are held to (in reverse), no exceptions…If you didn’t know, blame your favorite famous zero disguised as a big ol’ rap or sports hero (because THEY knew about Motuphi and his teachings and never told ya’), blame your “revs” and (aHEM!) “Civil Rights” (aHEM-HEM!) “Leaders”…They took advantage of your racial inferiority and weak-mindedness to capitalize on your racism, bigotry and hatred…That’s why you never cried over the aforementioned white victims or felt any shame for it.
Now, those Black hands that dare touch white flesh will be time looped as their victims, and so will their inferior mamas and papas. Their parents will be time looped as their monster-spawn victims, being beaten down by their own monsters that they spawned to get fatter welfare checks (that’s what they spawn, nasty racist, small-minded, inferior-to-all-other-races niggers, plain and simple, poor black bitches NEVER spawn a decent black child and the living proof is ”Magic” Johnson, Kobe Bryant, Shaq O’Neal, R Kelly, Dre, Snoop, Li’l Wayne, Diddy, Ghostface Killa (who made God hafta be a ghostface killa KILLA, nigga! with his whack-assed influence, to protect HIS end time white Elect his “sleeper cell” fans may encounter on HIS “turf”), 50 Cent, Kanye West, Jay-z, Beyonce, Rihanna, Tookie, all who followed Tookie’s example and are under his influence even now, like Obama, who mass mugs a nation with a terrorist attack named after himself, Sharpton, Jackson, X, King Jr, Parks, any Black Panther, any gangsta rapper ever, any black sports figure ever, any famous American Black who was poor except for Bill Cosby who tried to rebuke the wise only to find that there are no Black wise to rebuke—only a bunch of fucked-up racist fools and retards fuckin’ the whole world up for everyone else who will work and contribute to society, Oprah, Whoopie, Tyler Perry, Drake, many with the last name of “Brown”—cursed name that it is now, Nelly, NAS, DMX, Nicky Minaj, OJ, Vick, and so on…just human-shaped trash, no matter how much they come into, taking the ghetto with them everywhere they go because that’s just what they are: fuckin’ ghet-tow)…
After their parents are time looped as their own monster-spawn victims, then they’ll be time looped as all other victims of Black-on-white crime and violence (like as the aforementioned white victims whose memories are desecrated with the current behavior of Blacks). Then, those who spawned check padders will be time looped as slaves, to earn their keep they never worked for and to teach them a better work ethic, to purify their spirits in preparation for eternal execution (to make them safe spirit snacks that aren’t poison from Earth sin and mentality). Their monster-spawns will also endure the same fate…They get punished, and then eternally executed and are thus deprived of ever existing; so they never exist to commit the atrocities for which they were punished and eternally executed…
They do not exist, even now, and yet they do not know it yet.
In the meantime, while we wait for the stopping point (Earth’s destruction) that’ll enact mass time loopage and a restore point to before all of the shitworm spirit-controlled “invaders” came into power, we can watch the curses taking power over their lives and striking them down. The ghettos will become as unsafe for them as they are for the whites and animals they victimize…And there’s nowhere for them to go after that except to die and enter the time loops that they, themselves, committed themselves to.
Just a reminder of what’s in store for ya if you’re Black and inferior enough to the white man to wanna victimize him. Those who rioted over Brown and victimized whites over it are inferior to the white race, plain and simple, no getting around it…That’s just an undeniable FACT that nobody will bother to argue because it’s futile to think that something as inferior as that will ever be able to “see” it, much less be big enough to acknowledge it.
Fuck those nonexistent Black hands and the welfare mamas and papas they rode into this realm on, in their ASSes! Oh yeah, that’s where they’re headed…remember Channon Christian and Hugh Newsom…standard time loops for all inferior-minded Blacks in this final era (better wake the fuck UP and RUN from that fucked-up weak-mindedness while you still can!).
We do not feel sorry for the nonexistent and look forward to participating in making them suffer and pay their dues when they die…Are they ready? Yeah, they ALL think that…until they get here.

Tuesday, August 26, 2014

MI Gov Corruption Spawns Curses On Judges & Lawyers & Government

For those who do not know this, there was no reason for Governor Snyder to pilfer and pillage the education funding of college students and the pensions of the elderly to get that money he stole from them. All he had to do to get that same level of money, and MORE even, would’ve been to do the right thing and close down a corrupt, dysfunctional and all but defunct agency known as the Michigan Driver’s License Appeal Division (aka the dreaded DLAD).
It’s been a long time since the DLAD has been efficient or done its job and that fact was proven by the former underground Detroit music artist turned philanthropist, Vincent-Nick Ciofani III, who once used an end time prophet’s name as a music act pseudonym to draw attention to him and his prophecies that effect the world (until trolls attacked him online over it):
Ciofani lost his driver’s license due to drunk driving offenses when he was only 18 and it was referred to the DLAD for recovery by a corrupt judge who wanted to fuck him over for it, not realizing that Ciofani didn’t have any positive male role models to set a better example for him.
It’s now 32 years later, Ciofani has gone through the required motions, going beyond fulfilling the order to attend AA for a year, TWICE over, and he still does not have a driver’s license.
When Ciofani was finally interviewed by the DLAD, over 20 years ago now, there was a mean old gay German interviewer (name of “Braussnherr” or something) who took a disliking to him immediately and made the decision to deny Ciofani’s license restoration. It mattered not how well Ciofani fulfilled the obligations of the order or interviewed, he was already pegged and decided upon by the old gay freak who hated him on sight. The old gay fag did not care if requiring Ciofani to attend more AA meetings (where he’d be required to lie about a nonexistent alcohol weakness he’d only had as a teenager) violated his religious beliefs. The old gay fag was “in power” and “in control” and determined that Ciofani could not have his license back even after jumping through their ridiculous hoops.
Ciofani should actually be able to sue the Michigan government for the years of lost revenue from the good paying mechanic jobs he was blocked from getting due to the lack of a driver’s license: Imagine being homeless, living in a car, hounded by the government for child support for some welfare case’s bastard-assed kids, then (in spite of that) successfully completing an interview for a $20 per hour truck mechanic job and THEN being told you can’t have that job you were just hired for when they go to run your license for insurance coverage (to move trucks to the garage on a private lot) due to the license suspension. This happened AFTER the interview with the old gay power drunk fag at the DLAD, so Ciofani should have a winnable lawsuit for the lost jobs’ wages (there were more attempts to get similar jobs with the same results, for those not familiar with the story).
Now, Ciofani is in the position of having to beg for money to hire attorneys to file a hardship appeal he should not have to file. It’s horrible what the Michigan government has done to this guy: They owe him damages, for real. Their incompetence reeks of life sabotage, like they’re that incompetent on purpose, just to fuck with people.
So, since there’s no justice in the court system or the Michigan government or the Federal government (who oversees and subsidizes it) or in the law offices of lawyers and judges who could all help Ciofani get his license restored, compound combination curses have been enacted upon all judges, lawyers and government agencies (state and Federal) and their employees and families and their collective bloodlines and their collective health, economy and safety. Plus, it’ll get harder for them to exist, like it’s been for Ciofani all of those years the corrupt government deprived him of his license he deserved to have.
The curses were probably loosed at cartoonish “per” rates, like per second that passed since he rightfully should’ve had his license restored (retro-paid backwards in time, of course), per molecule of their bodies, per penny of revenue Ciofani lost due to the license loss, per penny the DLAD was paid to NOT do their jobs regarding his and others’ license restoration, per penny that Snyder’s pillaging ass stole from everyone except who he was supposed to take it from (the DLAD). Plus, their spirits will be cursed, to keep the New World safe from them and their contamination. If there’s no justice for Ciofani then there will be no justice ever again for anyone else, especially for those judges and lawyers who could help Ciofani but refuse to do so (they deserve it for enabling injustice with their omission and for depriving Ciofani of justice and his American rights to his own pursuit of happiness).
Being as this injustice has caused an identity crisis in one of God’s top-ranking end time Elect and caused him to seriously contemplate suicide before his birthday to avoid becoming a “stereotype with no driver’s license nor independence at 50 years old”, it’s a major offense to God and to the cosmos. Ciofani played a major role in these end times by bringing to light the great prophet, Motuphi, and his teachings that disclose to this final generation the hidden secret prophecy of Daniel (9) about the “premonition of existence” we’re all experiencing that’s doubling as a “spirit scan” and the non-tamperable, non-erase-able spirit memories we’re to give account for and the time loops of justice and eternal execution. Ciofani fearlessly ushered in Motuphi, who is sole ambassador to God’s, Christ’s and Lucifer’s conjoined end time agendas for Satan to imitate Christ and reign (as him) for a growing season when he returns to Earth soon.
Exposure and clarification of the scriptures was brought about via these individuals; one a mere human ex-musician from Detroit, the other an inter-dimensional prophet who only manifests in this dimension to those who share his advanced entity perspective. For this, the world rewards him (the ex-musician) with all levels of deprivation, when they all should be going out of their way to bless him for doing what they could not and would not do, instead.
Now, there’s a little matter of facing the consequences, again; for offenses against God’s end time Elect.
We imagine this batch of curses can be deactivated by restoring Ciofani’s driver’s license, as he deserves. He actually should have a lawyer helping him to sue the DLAD into nonexistence for all of the hardship and loss of revenue they caused him and others. But the driver’s license restoration is the bare minimum requirement for curse deactivation: To get their lives back, now they must give Ciofani HIS life back and give him back the driver’s license they took from him 32 fuckin’ YEARS ago. The authority for this is also reinforced by the corrupt government giving illegal aliens driver’s licenses when they never paid any taxes, while Ciofani is denied his driver’s license as a legal born who’s deprived rightful service by an agency funded by his tax dollars. So, because Ciofani was a taxpayer for years who paid the DLAD to refuse to do their jobs, he stands in absolute authority over them; and we will execute the manifestation of that authority since Ciofani is too much of a pussy to join in and do it for himself. Knowing and promoting Motuphi did nothing for Ciofani’s cowardice, which kept him from fame and fortune because he’s too afraid to perform by himself.
So, when there are videos of Ciofani driving legally in the states like the illegals and terrorists (imported across the border by Obama recently) are doing, expect relief from the curses at that time and not until then. Know that it’d be such a victory for the dude that we’re all gonna know when it happens because he’ll be posting videos of himself driving down the road…
That’s the restore point that must manifest for lives on the aforementioned list to go back to normal…Life for a life…An easy equation that even a retarded, corrupt-assed American judge or lawyer who’s allowed this travesty of justice to play out right under their noses can understand. If you are a judge or a lawyer in America, this includes you until someone fixes this travesty. If you refuse to do something and so does everyone else with the power to help, then you’re ALL “in” on it (the denial of justice) and you’re all guilty and deserving of punishment…remember that when you decide not to help with this case (no intervention’s coming for you and yours, either, then).
This entry is based on a touching blog posted on Ciofani’s behalf found at
Vincent Ciofani’s Driver’s License Restoration Attorney Crowd Funding Hub

Sunday, August 24, 2014

Foley Martyred By Masked Cowardly Infidels

Remember the description given by God/Allah/Jehovah of what an “infidel” is:
"Anyone who says they believe in ME yet denies MY SON is an infidel and worse than an imbecile." An imbecile is an Atheist. So, someone who does not even believe God exists has a better chance of mercy from God than a Muslim/Islamic infidel.
So, the Muslims and Islamics are the infidels because they deny the deity of the Son of God/Allah/Jehovah, Jesus Christ/Joshua. They will not exist in Heaven nor the New Earth, which is just this Earth devoid of all premonitions of existence that negatively effected any existences of any of God’s other creations on HIS planet that is currently in Spirit Scan mode.
Remember that anything the Muslim/Islamic infidels do to others will be repeatedly done to them and to their parents and to Mohammad the false prophet and to all who funded them or enabled them to do their evil deeds or condoned their whack behavior in the time loops of justice (after they die) before they (their spirits) are eternally executed to never exist (even now) to be the infidels they are now. So they beheaded Muhammad AGAIN…For that one beheading, (false) prophet Mohammad will be time looped AS Foley to experience that beheading he influenced at least 1,000 times (“Do unto others as you want done to you” now add the info from the hidden prophecy of Daniel, that Mohammad did not know, to finish off that sentence properly: “in the time loops of judgement, before your spirit is made to be nonexistent”)…They rape, torture, terrorize, murder and demonize themselves and the false prophet they follow, repeatedly, every time they do one of those things to another of God’s creations.
So, if Obama and American government traitors funded ISIS in any fashion, you can rest assured that they’ll be repeatedly time looped as the victims of ISIS when they die and then they’ll be eternally executed (after serving all loops to which they’re committed) to never exist to commit those atrocities against themselves and others. So, in reality, they do not even exist. They will pay for the sins they commit here as premonitions of what they would have been, had they not committed themselves to nonexistence with their whack behavior, and then they’ll be deprived of the opportunity to exist to commit those atrocities for which they had to be punished and eternally executed (preemptive strikes from the spirit scan, now you see why Christ warned against violence and greed when everything went into “premonition” mode after Satan’s incarceration).
As for the masked cowards who commit the murders, they (and their spirits and bloodlines’ spirits) are cursed in this world and committed to time loops as all victims of all Muslim/Islamic infidels, just as Mohammad the false prophet is for starting the infidel pedophile religion they represent.
We know that Foley’s spirit has already been liberated back into the cosmos, and armed to the teeth, to get revenge upon the Muslim/Islamic infidels who martyred him and all who empowered them and armed them and all who believe like them and do not fight against them, just as the spirits of all victims of all Muslim/Islamic infidels have been loosed back into the aire` (inter-dimensional cosmos) to get revenge upon those Muslim/Islamic infidels and the monsters who empowered them and continue to control their minds with weapons grade frequencies to make them run amok like pedophilic devils, murdering everyone who refuses to join them in their infidel delusion disguised as religion.
The Muslim/Islamic infidels refuse to stop being the science experiment of the rich white devils behind the scenes who’re funding everything evil we see happening. They delude themselves, much like the Arabian prince who watches snuff films deludes himself when he denies that he’ll be repeatedly time looped as those snuff film victims when he dies (along with those who produced and everyone else who created a demand for those films).
And, for the record: There is no “flag” of Allah and if there was such a flag, it would never be entrusted to the hands of a Muslim/Islamic infidel…You can bank on that fact.

Friday, August 22, 2014

Michael Brown Was NOT "Unarmed", Remember That FACT!

Michael Brown Was NOT “Unarmed”, Remember That FACT! He was an overgrown bully who was over 6 feet tall and weighed 300 pounds. His fists and his body mass were, indeed weapons; especially when you consider how he used them. He used his weapons in the store he robbed not long before he was rightfully shot by the good cop who had to put him down. Before he was shot, Michael Brown used his weapons on a cop and fucked his face up after trying to take the cop’s service weapon. Had Brown been white, he would’ve gotten shot in the back, while running away, for some dumb shit like that. But Brown was Black and the white cop tried to coddle him (due to that) and Brown threatened him again with the same weapon he’d just assaulted the cop with and the cop had to lay Brown’s bitch ass out (proper response to the situation, no wrongdoing on the cop’s part, sorry to all the retards who think otherwise).
Remember that the equivalent of Brown’s “weapons” were enough to kill Channon Christian, Autumn Pasquale, Al Potter, and millions more recent victims of Black on white crime in America. For this reason, to protect His white end time Elect, God/Allah enacted a “pigmentation” curse upon any Black hand (and spawning bloodline) that dares touch any flesh of another race, especially white. Michael Brown violated the parameters of that curse when he robbed the store and assaulted the store owner while robbing him. Then Michael Brown violated those same parameters again, the very same day, when he assaulted an upstanding officer of the law and tried to take his weapon from him.
Justice was served when Michael Brown was shot. The world was made a better place at that precise moment. Michael Brown was just a mainstream media and sports created “sleeper cell” who was also a disgrace to the Black race. It would’ve been injustice for the cop to die that day, having violated no parameters of God’s and Lucifer’s planet and “turf” and its laws; and even a retard can understand that. Brown had to die for blatantly violating God’s laws in these end times regarding peoples of other races. NOW, Blacks must treat whites and all other races as they expect to be treated, first, not reciprocally. If there were a REAL Black hero in power, he or she would be warning the American Blacks of the new parameters of this spirit scan we’re all on and they’d (collectively) grow the fuck UP already and stop jamming themselves up with spiritual laws that take their dumb asses out where-ever and whenever the laws of man fail to enforce justice…ergo: you can no longer be Black and American and be racist against whites or any other races, nor harm them in any way, nor have sex with them unless you’re madly in love and intend to spend your life dedicated to a monogamous relationship; nor can Black Americans harm animals or shun education or spray paint and vandalize the property they do not own; nor can they gang-bang or sling dope or pimp hoes; nor can they be lazy lay-abouts who refuse to work and pay taxes and contribute to society…The welfare state days are over with and spawning check padders like Michael Brown will not be tolerated any longer…
Furthermore: Everyone who thinks that Michael Brown should be honored instead of that good cop will now be time looped as victims of “unarmed” assailants (in their bodies) while they’re being killed…They’ll get to die as Channon Christian, Al Potter, Autumn Pasquale, etc, before they’re eternally executed to never exist to side with Michael Brown’s nonexistent ass. The cop was honorable and Michael Brown was a nasty fuckin’ THUG. I’d trust that cop with my kid’s lives that we all know Michael Brown would’ve negatively effected in some fashion to benefit himself if he were to cross their paths. That cop saved how many young women on campus from being raped in the future at that school that thug-assed Michael Brown was heading to? That cop is a fuckin’ HERO and if you deny that fact, get your bitch ass in the time loops of judgement as victims like Channon Christian, Al Potter, and Autumn Pasquale when you fuckin’ die, Retard, because that’s where you’re headed (“you are not to even wish them ‘God speed’ in their evil deeds” and never side with them over the honorable).
As for Michael and his nasty mama and papa, who’re capitalizing on witch hunting this good cop that their ghetto-monster assaulted, they will be time looped as Channon Christian and Hugh Newsom while their “good” son is in the body of their assailants (like Lemaricus Davidson)…and then they get to be Al Potter while their “golden” son is Jajuan Whitlow, killing them with his bare hands IN A FUCKING HOSPITAL!! Yeah! They fuckin’ deserve it! They’re so fuckin’ nasty and opportunistic and unapologetic for what their nasty offspring has done, which is a reflection of their inferiority as parents and as humans.
Seeing this all from this advanced entity perspective, you can plainly see that Michael Brown was NOT “unarmed” and to honor a subhuman thug like him is a travesty to justice and an insult to the very concept of “honor”. Michael Brown had no honor. You only honor those who had honor while alive. How fuckin’ retarded ARE the American Blacks, anyway?

Wednesday, August 20, 2014

Family Blocked From Yahoo Accounts Over Phone Number

That family that cannot access their Yahoo emails because they all share the same phone number and do not have texting because it’s a land line is STILL unable to access their emails. Because they all share the same number and they are all blocked until they enter a phone number for Yahoo to “text” them a code to access their emails, none of the family wants to be the one to cause the rest of them to be unable to access their accounts by using the number. So they all opted to wait until Yahoo grows up and stops being overgrown children requiring them to receive a text to access their emails just because Yahoo now wants to compete with Google in spying for the treasonous traitor-comprised American government. Yahoo wants to turn over information on their mail clients, like phone numbers and all other pertinent information. Plus, they want to sell the info, like Google does, to companies that will lease your phone numbers to telemarketers to pester you.
These are things to consider when opting to go with Yahoo email…You may eventually lose your account access unless you submit to their tyranny.
Yahoo is cursed now. Fuck ‘em, hope to see news stories soon of their collective demises. Nasty gestapo fuckers.

Tuesday, August 19, 2014

Call It "The Brown"

What do we call the new money scam Michael Brown’s nasty inferior mama resorted to by spawning a kid for a welfare grant, then neglecting to properly raise the kid or instill any good qualities in it (that she never possessed to pass on), then allowing it to become programmed by the mainstream media and sports “sleeper cell” creators to become a monstrous subhuman, and then just suing whoever has to kill that kid turned monster? Shall we call it “the BROWN”? Sounds appropriate…

Sunday, August 17, 2014

Truth About Brown Coming Out: Cop In The RIGHT!!

A previously unnoticed detail in a background conversion of a video taken minutes after the Ferguson shooting could change the course of the investigation into Mike Brown’s death.
The original video poster appears sympathetic to the narrative that Mike Brown was shot unarmed with his hands in the air. But he unknowingly picks up conversation between a man who saw the altercation and another neighbor.
An approximate transcription of the background conversation, as related by the “Conservative Treehouse” blog:

@6:28/6:29 of video

#1 How’d he get from there to there?

#2 Because he ran, the police was still in the truck – cause he was like over the truck


#2 But him and the police was both in the truck, then he ran – the police got out and ran after him


#2 Then the next thing I know he doubled back toward him cus - the police had his gun drawn already on him –

#1. Oh, the police got his gun

#2 The police kept dumpin on him, and I’m thinking the police kept missing – he like – be like –but he kept coming toward him


#2 Police fired shots – the next thing I know – the police was missing

#1 The Police?

#2 The Police shot him

#1 Police?

#2 The next thing I know … I’m thinking … the dude started running … (garbled something about “he took it from him”)

This is terribly important because if Mike Brown had been shot, and he advanced towards the cop instead of surrendering, it would substantiate the narrative that the policeman shot in self-defense due to the fact that he was being threatened with severe bodily harm.

This corroborates an account of the event given by a friend of Officer Darren Wilson:

Well, then Michael takes off and gets to be about 35 feet away. And, Darren’s first protocol is to pursue. So, he stands up and yells, “Freeze!” Michael and his friend turn around. And Michael taunts him… And then all the sudden he just started bumrushing him. He just started coming at him full speed. And, so he just started shooting. And, he just kept coming. And, so he really thinks he was on something.”
It’s far too unlikely that these two accounts are similar accidentally, having been from such disparate sources. The apparent witness in the background conversation is speaking with detail about the tragic shooting, and in a manner that runs contrary to the widespread version. Those who watch the video need to judge for themselves if the witness sounds reliable (but he would seemingly have nothing to gain by telling such a story.)

A third piece of the puzzle would be the toxicology report. If there happens to be anything found that might explain how Mike Brown might have been shot and kept advancing toward the officer, then the defense becomes even more believable. Unless someone is emotionally invested in an alternative narrative to the extent that one might ignore plain facts.

We shall see.
oh, yes, we shall…and the spirit of exposure that Motuphi looses upon all such situations on behalf of God, Christ, and Lucifer, to whom he is ambassador on their planet, will bring out the truth, every time…count on it…like government corruption supporting the genocide done by IS (the nonexistent infidels who murder themselves, their mothers, Mohammad and their supoorters in the time loops of judgement before they cease to exist and then never existed to shed innocent blood)…

"They Shall Reap Immediate Harvests While Sowing"

Okay. One warning prophecy of the new parameters of the end times is the one about “instant karma”, the scripture that warns that people will begin to “reap their harvests” for their seeds being sown “while they are yet sowing”…This would even apply to monstrous little thugs like Michael Brown and Trayvon Martin. If you’re doing evil, you might become an instant example of God’s authority on HIS “turf” (stop trespassing and get an education and a job).
If only we could see that start happening to every (nasty little ghetto opportunistic “cracker”-spewing subhuman) racist rioter and looter who took advantage of yet another thug’s death to resort to their subhumanism (nasty mama-havin’ sub-species shit and they don’t even have any shame about it - “neither can they blush”), then justice would be served and the herd would be culled of so many expendable contaminants and plagues on society disguised as “humans” and/or “equals” to the hard-working taxpayers who keep the world going ‘round that their nasty inferior black asses keep trying to burn down around them just like those cursed-assed nonexistent Muslim/Islamic infidels (stench in Allah’s nose like Mohammad, the first infidel).
When Michael Brown is time looped as every victim of black on white crime (yes even Channon Christian, Hugh Newsom, Al Potter, Autumn Pasquale <-they hid the gang-rape she endured at only 12 years old before they killed her for her bike, Colleen Ritzer, and MILLIONS of child sex slaves sold to gangsta dope-pimps by dope-hoes), THEN he’ll understand how inferior he was. When he is time looped as every slave who ever picked cotton, THEN he’ll have the proper work ethic that his nasty-assed, gold-digging, welfare receiving, dope-man dick-chugging mama never instilled in him. Then the bitch can be time looped as all of the same victims as her son was and then they can both be eternally executed to never exist to cause the social unrest with their racist thuggism (he treated store owners of other races with disrespect, like his nonexistent rap and sports zeroes disguised as “heroes” and “role models” taught his retarded ass to do)…and so can Michael’s race-baiting daddy, who never taught his kid the simple basics like:
"#1) Son, stay the fuck out of the street…(for real, even white retards know that one, so be their "equal" and stay out of the street unless you are driving)…
#2) If they’re treating you equal to the whites, then you better believe that the police will shoot you in the heat of the moment if you’re dumb enough to fight for their weapon and almost take it from them, whether you are white or black…and nobody will say anything if you are white and it happens, like it does every month or so in America. But,  because you are Black and our race has been dumbed-down to parasite intellectual level by all of the Black-faced Caucasionists disguised as “gangstas”, “rappers”, “ballers”, “Sports figures”, “reverends”, Civil Rights “leaders” and all other Blacks in power (except for Bill Cosby), you must never allow a white cop to kill you for your brutishness or you’ll start riots (like that crackhead, Rodney King) and further negate any argument our race will offer towards the nonexistent “equality” we’re experiencing simply because WE do not want to live up to the responsibilities of true “equality” and get educations, work jobs instead of gang-banging and dealing dope, and keep our dicks in our pants…
Son, to make us equal to the white boy who works at BK, you gotta be MORE than equal to the white boys to make up for all of the lazy ghetto-fabulous ignorant niggers with our skin color who are truly inferior to them white boys…Because of those niggers with our skin color, the very same worthless niggers who’ll desecrate your death with rioting and looting: You gotta work 3 jobs and walk upright, and never sling dope, and abstain from that common interracial sex bullshit everybody expects from niggers, and get educated, and walk on the sidewalk, and refuse to think like those slave-minded zombie-slave-clones and mainstream-created “sleeper cells” who’re so completely hypnotized by the mainstream media that they were retardedly publicly enraged by Sterling’s private feelings and conversations instead of the race baiting of racist little bitches like “Magic” and Shaq, who’ll you’ll notice will desecrate their craft by not requiring the same treatment be done to them as they desired done to Sterling to maintain the integrity of the sport, which is why you cannot be like them and like sports, Son. You must be too intelligent to be entertained by sports. If you’re into sports, then the “man” has already enslaved you. If you’re into any of that whack shit that those untalented squatters in the mainstream pass off as “music” or “rap”, then the “man” already has you enslaved, Son; because every famous Black face in America has been paid-off to participate in a Caucasionist agenda, EXCEPT for BILL COSBY, who’ll you’ll notice got the hatred thrown at him from the retarded slave-minded zombie-slave-clones when he tried to liberate them with a few words of wisdom and rebuke, which he was more than entitled to, being as nonexistent “gangsta” ghetto-assed, dope-man dick-chuggin’ gold-diggers for mama-havin’ niggers killed his son on the street for sport and entertainment.
3) Son, “gangstas” are enemy to all real, decent Black PEOPLE. Gangstas are niggers, spawn of headhunters, the demographic that was supposed to be exterminated, centuries ago, to purify Africa, not taken as slaves to multiply and contaminate the rest of the world like they did. If someone refers to you as “gangsta”, then you failed us, yourself, your race, and your higher power, whatever or Whoever that may be, and you should then do our bloodline a solid and show enough respect to honor us with your timely suicide. Do not take our good name down, like the rest of them niggers do, Michael Brown…”
Too bad that those words of wisdom were never spoken nor abided by…Because then Michael would’ve had a job, would not have been a thug, would not have thought he was above the law, would not have been walking in the middle of the street impeding traffic, would not have been disobedient to simple law enforcement instructions that never should have been required to be spoken, would not have scared the police and tried to fight with an officer of the law for his gun, and would not have gotten shot by a damned GOOD cop (who was not racist and was not wrong, MICHAEL WAS WRONG!) over his own improper actions (because if you’re grown and “equal” to whitey, then why you too ignorant to use the sidewalk and obey the poe-poes like whitey do? ask yourself that and you will not like the truthful answer).
You know why there’s conveniently no video of the incident by any of those good upstanding ghetto “witnesses” who all were all recording the incident with their slave-made iGadgets (fuckin’ Black-skinned cracker-assed hypocrites)? The answer is simple: Because their deleted videos PROVE MICHAEL WAS IN THE WRONG!! THAT’s why! They cannot vilify that good cop who got scared into emptying his clip into the big giant monstrous thug who almost successfully took his gun from him in a scuffle. They cannot desecrate Michael’s death even further if they let the world see what REALLY happened (like it’s not embarrassing enough that he died being a nasty fuckin’ thug who deserved to die).
 But stupid subhumans will believe anything, and so goes the wave of mass response of the retards to the misinformation…
Imagine being a good cop who tells some sub-species piece of shit thug to remove his ass from the street so you can drive on through and do your job and the thug insists on being killed by you and creating racial tension throughout a society plagued by Black, inferior-minded, weak-minded, lazy, opportunistic ghetto-monsters who’re always looking for their next excuse to do act out in a negative fashion, like their zeroes disguised as “heroes” influenced them to do and be.
One minute, you’re a good cop on your beat, doing your job, minding your own business. Next minute, some thug successfully baited you into killing him and suddenly you, somehow, are the one to blame and become the social pariah over the unfortunate incident instead of the true culprits: the ones to blame being the parents, the thug, those who influenced the thug, like his rap and sports and civil rights “leader” zeroes disguised as “heroes” and “role models”, half of whom could never abide by morals clauses and therefore should not even be employable, period, much less: in power or wielding influence. The world suddenly goes crazy and all of the small little weak-minded zombie-slave-clones wanna blame YOU for Michael’s mental inferiority, simply because he’s BLACK…
like the Twilight Zone…’bad cops shooting down unarmed productive, taxpaying white dudes across the continent and nobody bats an eye or says a fuckin’ word about it because they are white and whites are typically too dignified to capitalize en masse on the demises and suffering of others like the subhumans do over thugs who died deservedly. But you get your hand forced to kill a non-productive drain on society like Michael and they wanna blame YOU instead of 50 Cent, Li’l Wayne, Dre, Snoop, R Kelly, Drake, Diddy, Ghostface Killa, Nas, DMX, Nicky Minaj, Rihanna, Chris Brown, OJ, Kobe, Vick, and the rest of those mainstream and sports ”sleeper cell” creators who instilled that weak whack Black mentality into Michael…Suddenly you’re the murdering cop, not the good cop you were before you encountered a ghetto-whore’s spawn…all due to one subhuman like Michael, product of inferior upbringing (his mama had no business spawning, procreating monsters and loosing them on society, the nasty fuckin’ bitch oughta do the world a favor now and hide her face in shame).
It was like the Twilight Zone watching the stupidity of the American niggers rioting and looting over Rodney King, then Trayvon, then their reaction over Sterling, and now yet another stab at their “equality” argument with this reaction to Michael Brown, the thug who had to be shot down (he refused to have it any other way, do not believe what the lying Black-faced opportunistic porch monkey ghetto-fabulous whore say, they all lying, every last one of them and the truth is about to come out, big time, and they’ll be exposed, maybe even charged for inciting to riot). Fuck him, he deserved every fuckin’ bullet, as the mass ghetto-fabulous sub-species reaction to his death proves to be FACT! “For a good man, nobody will inconvenience themselves in the slightest” as Motuphi’s demise in America proved to be fact, not just prophecy, “but for a bad and worthless man” like Rodney King, Trayvon Martin, or Michael Brown, ”people will lay down their lives”…these are scary prophecies when you see them coming true and how many retards there really are with Black faces.
Michael will repay every penny for his riots and looting in the time loops of judgement, just like the looters, rioters AND THEIR PARENTS will (as SLAVES, picking that cotton, paying them reparations for their participation in 50 years of gangsta-ism disguised as Civil Rights activism and “equality”)…
Remember this FACT about the 1960s: No working, taxpaying Black people participated in the “civil rights movement” that was perpetuated by uneducated, lazy, worthless welfare recipients, gangstas, and their spokespeople (X, King Jr, Farakhan, the Black Panthers, Parks) because they (the working class Blacks) were already equal to the whites they worked with and they could not take time off of work to participate in the Million-Welfare-Recipient March on Washington led by that traitor to his own race (for white pussy and faux power), Martin Luther King Jr. The working class paid for it, too: They lost homes and businesses that were burned down by scum with their skin color (scum like the “leaders” of the “movement”). They mugged and murdered the working class Blacks, stole their stuff, raped their wives and took their daughters as sex slaves and street hoes…This they did to their own color who were superior to them (like the working whites were, by default) and they were the only demographic that ever benefited from the so called “Civil Rights Movement” and that’s why the world is such a fucked-up ghetto and why there’s nothing but retardation disguised as music on the radio (the worst things you cannot even describe as “people” are in power in the music industry now, put there by race-traitor Sharpton and the Caucasionists who empower them and the Bloods and the Crips and every other gang they treat as inferior to the white gangstas of the 1930s by refusing to kill them off as the roaches they are). If there are any decent working class Blacks left from that era that they (the subhumans) did not kill (or buy) off since then, they’ll tell you that. It’s true hidden history. Facts about Blacks in America…spawn of headhunters, all who refuse to get educations and jobs…FACTS, not fictions spun to make you feel better about being lesser.

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