Saturday, September 7, 2013

Consequences For Interference & Distraction

How many don’t know of the events depicted in the movie “Argo”? If you don’t, then cheat and watch the movie (close enough). Now you’re up to speed here…
Back in 1979 in Iran, a bunch of hostages were taken. Those who took matters into their own hands and kidnapped those embassy people and resorted to all of that violence won’t be found in Heaven (Paradise) or the New Earth. They’ll be in time loops of judgement as the sex slaves in Bosnia whose plight and intervention they distracted from…in addition to the loops they committed themselves to, otherwise, with the rest of their infidelic, spitting-in-the-face-of-God/Allah-and-calling-Him-a-“liar”-who-never-sent-His-Son lives.
The problem with them wanting to punish the shah is that it was the will of God/Allah that he not be let-off “light” for his horrendous crimes with a piddly little Earthbound punishment. If he’d been punished on Earth, then he might find leniency after death and avoid the time loops of judgement as his victims (which would allow him to escape the eternal execution that is the “wages of sin”). It was the will of God/Allah that the spirit of the shah be placed into the time loops of judgement AS his victims as they suffered…then his spirit is to be eternally executed to protect the sanctity, purity and integrity of Heaven (Paradise) and the New Earth (which is the fate of all infidels who deny that Jesus Christ is the Son of God/Allah, including Mohammad and all who followed him)…
The shah was already dying and to do anything to him at that point would’ve been pointless and would’ve been a slap on the wrist compared to his true beyond-Earth fate AS his victims as they suffered (imagine being one of your own victims 100,000 times, per victim per offense, and then picture how many victims he had). Hanging him would’ve let the shah off light…But having his own personalized version of Hell to endure before he’s eternally executed is far better and a greater justice.
The sin against God/Allah in not allowing things to play-out without interference was in what the actions said about their beliefs: They did not have faith that God/Allah could punish the shah once he died. They wanted to deny God/Allah HIS vengeance (“‘vengeance is MINE’, saith the Lord God/Allah”). They dared to interfere in the spirit scan that was designed to identify the shah, as well as all infidels, like them and the false prophet whose teachings have them constantly defying the will of God/Allah and calling Him a “liar” and His Holy Scriptures “lies” by denying that Jesus Christ is His Son (which is the true definition of “infidel” from God/Allah, Himself, ironically).
Everyone in the region of those (Muslim/Islamic) infidel-controlled nations (like Iran) needs to investigate what the borders were that were set-up by GOD/ALLAH…What did GOD/ALLAH say the borders are? Well, whatever anyone else says then just does not matter…Re-establish the borders that were originally established by God/Allah and walk away from it in peace…Then the curses will come off of you and you can seek forgiveness for being infidels who followed the teachings of a false prophet who was (pre) identified as fake just from the historical era of his arrival, which was during an era when God/Allah promised “no prophets would come”…God/Allah knew that a false prophet would come and when he’d arrive, so He warned people that anyone claiming to be a “prophet” during those years would be false (He was talking about Mohammad before Muhammad was ever born).
The whole shah thing was just more “smoke and mirrors” constructed by the Americans for their “owners” (rich, foul gluttons) so they could keep the world distracted from what they had the U.N. funding and sanctioning in Bosnia at the time, which was kidnapping young girls to use as sex slaves…Many of the girls were tortured and murdered. A movie finally came-out depicting some of the horrors they were subjected to, like the girls being beaten and tortured by being violated with pipes and dying from their horrific internal injuries. It’s actually amazing that the Argo movie depicts the (religious) demographic that was used to distract from the horrendous actions of another (nonreligious) demographic depicted in another film.
Now it goes without saying that those who created a demand for those sex slaves must endure time loops of judgement AS those sex slaves during their tormented periods of their lives (100,000 times per victim per offense)…Now that was some expensive slave pussy right there (costed an eternity in addition to the slave “experience” for all involved, even indirectly)…It goes without saying that those who did the actual kidnapping, torture and handling of the sex slaves will endure those time loops, as well. We also know that everyone who profited off of or capitalized on those sex-slaves meets with the same fate…But we never expected the Muslims/Islamics to volunteer to endure loops as those sex-slaves (and then eternal execution) because they were found guilty of participating in that sex-slave trafficking by creating a “diversion” that made it possible to perpetuate. The Muslim infidels never even made a dollar off of it, neither. They allowed their warped religious beliefs to manipulate them into being sex-slave traders by proxy (they helped “the Great Satan” rape and torture little Bosnian girls to death by offering a huge distraction for them).
It’s like the Muslims/Islamics were in cahoots with the American sex-slave trading rapists: “We’ll keep these hostages and all eyes on us until you can set-up shop and get the trafficking secured and then we’ll let them go once you’ve gotten away with it”….Well, it sure looks like that’s what was happening, doesn’t it?
Another thing: Stop blaming Satan for everything. He’s in Heaven (Paradise) right now, with God/Allah, incarcerated, where he’s been for 2,000 years now, unable to do anything on Earth nor even allowed to externally motivate the thoughts of even one Earth being (not even a mouse)…He’ll stay in that state until he’s released back into Earth to pretend to be Jesus Christ, the Messiah, the Son of God/Allah…
Following a false prophet all of these years has you grossly misinformed and unprepared for what’s about to take place…
Understand that the only Muslims/Islamics to be found in Heaven (Paradise) or the New Earth are the women who were stoned for “adultery”, which went against the directions of Jesus Christ, the Son of God/Allah, who outranks your grubby little woman-hating, pedophilic false prophet even if he were authentic (which he’s not or he’d follow his superiors’ directives, not defy them with false teachings).
So, the U.N. got itself attached to sex-slave trafficking and got millions of passive participants blocked from Heaven (Paradise) and the New Earth because they’re now committed to the time loops of judgement AS those girls they caused (or allowed) to be kidnapped, abused, tortured, raped, used-up and murdered. The only REAL prophet God/Allah ever sent to Earth after the murder of John the Baptist, Motuphi, loosed the spirits of those tortured Bosnian girls back into the cosmos surrounding Earth to get revenge upon all who participated in (and distracted from) their plights…as was prophesied he’d do if the world was in such bad shape that he’d be required to do it to equalize the adversity in preparation for the arrival of Christ.
The Muslims/Islamics already have so many other atrocities to answer for that it’s highly unlikely that adding this to their list of sins against God/Allah will phase any of them (they’re freaks who murder their own wives after allowing them to be raped and accused of “adultery”, even though adultery is no longer a capital offense in the eyes of God/Allah according to His own Son Jesus Christ probably for this reason, when they should be murdering the males the women supposedly committed adultery with)…Adultery connotates mutual consent (they don’t know the difference because their women never have choices).
So, as we see, there are ripple effect consequences for interference in the spirit scan…The Muslims/Islamics wanted to interfere (due to disbelief) and caused an opening for some mean old butt-pirates to enslave, rape, torture and murder beautiful young creations of the God/Allah they’re defying by not protecting His artwork from the butt-pirates. Motuphi does the will of God/Allah by going after the EVIL people (never harming an innocent), as do his followers…
Every Muslim/Islamic bomb is a waste and a stench in the nose of God/Allah because it could’ve served a better purpose if it’d been used to take-out those who do atrocities to the creations of God/Allah (like pedophiles, animal torturers, dog fighters, cock fighters, rapists of which there are lawless gangs in America now roaming free raping everything in sight, murderers, those who’d create a demand for sex-slaves, slave traffickers, and real sinners like that)…
To subject a neutral entity (a human who’s not directly doing harm to others) to any form of violence lumps yourselves and your religion in with the sex-slave traders, the baby-rapers, the animal torturers, the dog fighters, the killers, the rapists, the evil…That’s why your bombs are counterproductive (you never make them work for God/Allah, only for cowardly men who can’t take the time to seek-out proper targets who’re true enemies to Him)…
Imagine if you’d made men afraid to rape women and children, or buy sex slaves, or fight dogs to their deaths, or murder someone else for their money…THEN you could’ve honestly said that you’re doing the will of God/Allah…But you don’t. You take the easy (American cowardly) way out and bomb innocent, harmless, neutral people, which makes a mockery of yourselves, your religion, your false prophet, and your bombs…Mohammad must’ve been one stupid baby-raping, woman-hating infidel to not teach his followers any better than that (to just be cowards who kill innocents and let the evil bastards live in peace, unchallenged).
Every terrorist attack is a waste of resources and counterproductive…They (those who you should regard as enemies if you were smarter) don’t care because you’re not targeting them…So they’re gonna disregard you as cowards who’ll always take the coward route and bomb some easy (innocent) target instead of going after them, and they’ll continue right on with what they’re doing; defiling innocence, making animals fight to the death, raping, stealing, murdering, molesting flesh and molesting minds…Terrorists are weak little cowards who’re not a threat to all of the true enemies of God/Allah and they know it…They can be safe as long as they’re not innocent and out in public where they can be easily targeted…
Makes ya’ wish Muhammad was smarter, or less evil…Then his followers would be busting into those rape dungeons to rescue the sex-slaves those nasty wealthy Americans have hidden, or busting into dog fights to render some long-overdue justice to some dog fighters, or even taking down some kiddie-porn rings, instead of wasting time and resources bombing innocent people who’re not a threat to any of the creations or agendas of God/Allah.
Understand that there’s a reason that the Americans have Motuphi hidden in obscurity. It’s because they’ve made their criminals and societal dregs famous and wealthy to program the little white girls to seek out black dick. Then the “recruiters” take the unsuspecting white girls to the dungeons of the famous Black celebs where they rape and torture them and “turn them out” (transforming them into willing sex slaves who’ll never testify against them or fight against them or their agendas as long as they’re being fed and doped-up). They’re keeping Motuphi out of the mainstream so they can continue to perpetuate this on a massive scale (from ghetto projects to gated communities)…If it were not so, Motuphi would’ve already been signed to a lucrative major label record deal (long before Eminem or any of the recent poser arrivals like Jay-Z, Li’l Wayne, 50 Curtis Jackson Cent, Chris Brown, Kanye West and the like)…They’re raping white girls in dungeons is why they’re so afraid of Motuphi rising up (he’ll expose it after he shadows their poser music and takes their ill-gotten careers from them)….
Their dirty little secrets are more valuable to them than all of the (negative-karma free) millions they could make with Motuphi by exploiting his talent (that won’t create “sleeper cells” out of music fans). So, since they’re hiding something is why they wanna continue to defy the conjoined end-time agendas of God and Lucifer (repped by Motuphi, alone), a spirit of “exposure” will go out now upon all famous mainstream music artists and secrets will spill forth and become public knowledge on an exponential level until such time as Motuphi has been signed to the most lucrative record deal ever known to man…So watch for the secrets to come out…this should be good (and ya’ll thought the American government corruption exposure was something to behold).

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