Saturday, September 7, 2013

Understanding The “African American” Experience? Pleeease!

Okay. What the ignorant writer who said 
"It’s very similar to blackface," she said. "You don’t have the black experience, you don’t know what it’s like to be African American in society, but you’re going to cover your face in black paint and wear your cap turned backwards and your pants down low and make fun of this entire culture, and you don’t live it. You have no idea what it’s about."
We have to admit that most who aren’t American and Black don’t know what it’s like to be coddled and above the law simply because of skin color, or what it’s like to have opportunities (like contracts and positions) we’re not yet qualified for just handed to us because of our skin color that other races must acquire training, degrees and years of preparation for, nor do we know what it’s like to have young white girls programmed by the mainstream media to throw themselves onto our dicks everywhere we go, nor do we know what it’s like to have people be too afraid to treat us equally and require we reciprocate the respect we’re being shown because they’re too afraid of offending us and being called “racist” for it…Yeah, nasty whore, we wouldn’t know what that’s like unless we’re Black and American, walking around smelling like white woman ass all the time…Got THAT shit right, at least….stupid cunt.
Check out this stupid story that just sold GaGa a buncha CDs. It appears to be geared against her but it’s really a ploy to sell records: hire the hater uneducated, bigoted, racist journalist to sensationalize it with hatred, assumptions and preconceived notions…Then people will buy it for spite…The Madonna ‘sell-thru’-with-shock’ handbook still works. GaGa knew how to sell her record…capitalize on the bigotry, racism and hatred…since that’s all there is out there now, anyway…
Picture the time loops of judgement these shit-stirrers are committed to already and it doesn’t surprise you that this one would be added to their roster.
A leaked Lady Gaga song called “Burqa” is causing controversy among the Muslim community for its sexualized lyrics about the body beneath the traditional Islamic garment.
HuffPost Live’s Dena Takruri hosted a panel of Muslim women to get their take on the track. Among them was Keziah S. Ridgeway, a fashion blogger and high school history teacher who said Lady Gaga is walking a dangerous line by fetishizing a culture that she and, more importantly, her fans may not fully understand.
"It’s very similar to blackface," she said. "You don’t have the black experience, you don’t know what it’s like to be African American in society, but you’re going to cover your face in black paint and wear your cap turned backwards and your pants down low and make fun of this entire culture, and you don’t live it. You have no idea what it’s about."
Hind Makki, a blogger for Patheos, added that “there is a thin line between artistry and appropriation and between appropriation and solidarity.” Makki said Lady Gaga’s song takes the significant political charge out of the issue of burqas and women in Islamic culture.
"This is real life issues that are affecting women right now, today, and what she’s essentially saying is, ‘I’m going to use this conversation about power and sex and sexuality and women of color and kind of just use that ironically so I can sell some CDs, and that’s the thing that’s offensive to me," she said.

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