Monday, September 9, 2013

Useless Insurance Curses

Those not familiar with healthcare and insurance in America would have no clue that any insurance an average citizen carries that has a cash deductible over $500 is USELESS to them because they still can’t get healthcare because they still can’t afford a treatment or surgery…Many insurances have deductibles into the thousands (like as high as $5,000), which is ridiculous and extortion…and for many, a death sentence….NOW you may finally be able to connect the dots to see why (Hillary) the healthcare mosquito and her new healthcare plan “pimp” (Obama) have committed themselves (and their bloodlines) to so many time loops AS their (ObamaCare) victims after this Earth Age…It’s treason, nothing less…and they must be getting some money for it, too…
When did we enter Russia and start allowing the government to tell us what products and services we need to buy? Because that’s where the treason by government officials (from senators, to congress, to the president) in D.C. became blatant (they used to try to hide it, before)….They’re “daring” us to chase them out of Washington is what it is…They’ve gotten “uppity” and arrogant and forgot we put them there and we can take them the fuck OUT, too.
Let’s not forget the (now deceased) hard-working American citizens who paid their premiums on time every month during the Clinton administration who had their healthcare plans messed-with by Hillary the healthcare mosquito (she’s out for American BLOOD, yo) while the Americans were all mesmerized with the smoke and mirrors (show) of her retarded husband getting his dick sucked by a fat-fuckin’ retard who traitored the whole nation by sucking his traitor cock to provide a false flag event to distract the people…He knew his bull-dyke wife was letting him get his dick sucked on the job for a “reason”, that she was up to something horrendous against the American people, and yet he still betrayed the nation to Hillary’ lewd, bull-dyke, power-hungry desires to rob people of being able to get life-saving treatment (even when it’s what they PAID for). There’s nothing more UN-American and treasonous than that…like what did those hard-working Americans ever do to Hillary to deserve her disdain and continuous efforts to snuff them out? Just how much German blood does the bitch have IN her, anyway?…
Americans are so stupid that the Clintons were allowed to live-out their lives in prosperity and peace (after all of that treason) and Hillary was able to prowl Washington D.C. for years, never leaving until she found a way to implement her healthcare “plan” via finding herself a partner in crime…Now, whenever we think of her and Obama we envision her face full of Obama cock, sucking off her own fecal matter after writhing in orgasmic anal servitude to him and bouncing on his dick for hours, moaning and calling him “master”, to get him to desecrate his family name and crest with such a vile German assault upon the Americans who trusted him enough to vote him into power…wow…what a treasonous duet that nobody seems to be able to see for who they really are (like Beyonce and Jay-Z)…
Now, thanks to Hillary’s defiled desires (disguised as “ObamaCare”), too much American healthcare is useless for the average American people all over again (and Bill’s nowhere to be found this time), and the GOOD Americans are being targeted and dying off as a result of it…Lotsa’ and lotsa’ loops for them and their bloodlines to endure (Hillary and her bloodline already had ‘em from her husband’s administration) AS their victims who couldn’t survive the assault on American healthcare (100,000 loops per victim per offense, each)…Still think you can trust certain demographics with power? Yeah, you’ll be as stupid as the Detroiters who couldn’t accept that American Blacks are just too inferior to govern (they can’t even govern their own dicks, greed and desires, as you’re finding out on a national level).
Look at what they elevate and look-up to as role models before you trust them with your bubblegum…You didn’t bother to do that before you trusted them with your nation  and its power, and they had the enemies to all old-school Blackness and Americanism and the solid American Dream (Jay-Z and Beyonce the UNtalented and materialistic) in your White House…setting that bad example for MILLIONS of little Black Americans to NOT be like Thessalonika Arzu-Embry (the 14 year old little Black genius girl) or like a Black doctor or a lawyer, or a cop, or a Federal agent (or being ANYthing other than being like Jay-Z and Beyonce would be better than dropping to that level of sub-humanism)…Nope, you dropped the ball on research and look at what you voted into office: Your president was such an impressionable little bug that he invited the OPPOSITE of American Black accomplishment into your halls of fame and power…as if to say “here little Black kids, go be a materialistic piece of shit THUG with no talent, all cock-blocking real talent in a field you have no qualifications for” (Jay-Z has no business in “music” and neither does Beyonce, being so grossly UNtalented and devoid of anything fresh and unique to offer, as 98% of the American mainstream “artists” and “rappers” are now)…Have they really said with their actions to “just be that nastiness disguised as accomplishment and the president will like you and invite you to the White House and regard you as a “role model’” (like OJ, R Kelly, Vick, 50 Cent, Dre, Snoop-eat white-girl poop, Nicky Minaj, Eminem, Li’l Wayne, Rihanna, Drake, Kobe Bryant, Chris Brown, Kanye West, any Kardashian, and all the low-life, self-entitled, self-absorbed, cock-blocking of real talent, ghetto-fabulous fools who’re disgraces to their races like them)?…
Well, more good Americans are dying due to bad decisions and coddling treasonous traitors for too long after leaving them in power for too long…Check out this story and ask yourselves why you’re so afraid of impeaching an obvious failure. He betrayed your whole nation with ObamaCare and for WHAT? Did he at least get ass-to-mouth from the healthcare mosquito? He BETTER have or ya’ll are in trouble (because that’d mean he’s deranged and tyrannical).
Looks like you gotta’ leave America just to survive anymore, with the mess Obama made of the place…What a fuckin’ ghetto America is now, with all of their nasty little white girls programmed to deepthroat and throw themselves onto black cock and be good for nothing else, just the whole population is too stereotypical ghetto-fabulous to tolerate it anymore. When God eliminates America He’ll be credited with doing the world a huge favor (the Americans are stinkin’ up the place with their whack-assed media that’s so dangerous to human minds that even their president is retarded enough to fuck his nation further into the ground with his stupid little treasonous assault on the people otherwise known as “ObamaCare”).
Understand that as long as ObamaCare is there, Obama does NOT fuckin’ care about you, you pathetically stupid Americans (let your government be owned by greedy gluttonous corporate dogs who’re now fucking your whole population to death via the president’s inherent weak-mindedness, proving the inability for American Blacks to exemplify the level of character and self-discipline becoming of a real leader).
Check-out this poor American woman’s story (Obama and Clinton future time loops, well one of the many they’ll endure after Earth is destroyed).

WASHINGTON (AP) — Coping with advanced cancer, Bev Veals was in the hospital for chemo this summer when she got a call that her health plan was shutting down. Then, the substitute insurance she was offered wanted her to pay up to $3,125, on top of premiums.
It sounds like one of those insurance horror stories President Barack Obama told to sell his health overhaul to Congress, but Veals wasn’t in the clutches of a profit-driven company. Instead, she’s covered by Obama’s law — one of about 100,000 people with serious medical issues in a financially troubled government program.
Raw political divisions over health care have clouded chances of a fix for the Pre-Existing Condition Insurance Plan, leaving families like Veals and her husband Scott to juggle the consequences. That’s not a good omen for solving other problems that could surface with “Obamacare.”
"You don’t advertise one thing and then give the customer another thing," said Veals, 49, who lives near Wilmington, N.C. "I finally felt for the first time going through this cancer that I had something dependable, and somebody pulled the plug."
In a statement, the federal Health and Human Services department said the program “continues to provide excellent coverage.” But the department said it was unable to provide current enrollment numbers, which might reflect the impact of belt-tightening this summer that led North Carolina and 16 other states to turn their programs over to federal officials.
Known as PCIP, the program was intended as a temporary lifeline for people denied insurance because of medical problems. It’s supposed to provide coverage at premiums that healthy people would typically pay. PCIP will end Jan. 1, when Veals and other enrollees will be able to transition to new insurance marketplaces where they may be able to find lower-cost plans.
Jan. 1 is also when Obama’s law will forbid insurers from turning away people in poor health. At the same time, virtually all Americans will be required to have coverage. Many who are currently uninsured will be able to get tax credits to help pay premiums.
Part of the problem with PCIP stems from a decision by the president and Congress more than three years ago to cap funding at $5 billion. Some experts warned that might not be enough to last through the end of 2013.
Veals is a breast cancer survivor now battling colorectal cancer. A runner, she has participated in more than 125 fundraising races for cancer research. Her husband Scott is self-employed, a slow-motion replay operator for televised sporting events.
Bev Veals had been uninsured for 27 months before she was able to get on the North Carolina PCIP plan early in 2011. She considers herself a strong supporter of Obama’s law.
But even with insurance, deductibles and copays for cancer care strain the budgets of most families. And that doesn’t count lost wages and expenses not covered by insurance.
"It starts as a hand-packed snowball that someone starts pushing down the hill," said Veals. "It gains momentum and speed, it gets bigger and bigger, and swallows everything in its path."
The more than $3,000 extra the Veals will have to pay this year “is not discretionary money,” she explained. “This is heat-the-house-in-the-winter money.”
When her home health nurse called her at Duke Cancer Center about the health plan changes, Veals was on a chemotherapy pump. Her first thought was they missed a payment. Then she remembered her premium was set for automatic payment and wondered if their account was low. Her mind racing, she worried somebody had hacked their finances.
Scott Veals called the North Carolina PCIP plan and learned it was being turned back over to the federal government on July 1 because of financing problems. After more digging, he found out their premiums would go down somewhat in the federal plan, to $420 a month.
But there was a catch: They had already met their deductible in the North Carolina plan, and also reached their annual out-of-pocket maximum of $6,250.
With the federal plan, they would have another deductible of $1,000 for the rest of 2013, and a total of $3,125 in out-of-pocket costs before reaching that plan’s catastrophic limit. Deductibles and copayments shift some financial responsibility to patients.
"We are paying 18 months of deductibles and out-of-pocket cost for one year’s worth of coverage to two insurance companies," said Scott Veals.
The problems with PCIP bubbled up in February, when federal officials unexpectedly announced an enrollment freeze. Although fewer people had signed up than originally expected, very costly cases were draining its budget.
A few months later, federal officials gave states running their own PCIP plans an ultimatum: take on some financial risk or turn the programs back to Washington at midyear. In those 17 states, Washington put in new cost-sharing requirements to help keep the program financially viable through the end of the year.
If the administration saw problems coming, Obama’s budget did not reflect it. The president did not request any new funds for PCIP.
The No. 2 House Republican did make an attempt to pump more money in, but it was fraught with politics. Majority Leader Eric Cantor of Virginia proposed to divert funds from elsewhere in the health care law, unacceptable to Democrats. His idea also failed to get Republican support.
"Our elected officials, some of whom have been impacted by cancer, must come together to identify a bipartisan solution to fund this program for the remainder of 2013," said Emily Shetty, who handles federal policy and lobbying for the Leukemia & Lymphoma Society.
Veals and her husband say they are looking forward to full implementation of the health care law next year. But getting through the next few months will be a struggle.
"We both knew there would be bumps along the road but we never thought there would be this kind of bump," she said.
Patient's bill soars as health law program falters
This photo taken Aug. 27, 2013 shows ObamaCare victim Bev Veals waiting for her chemotherapy treatment at Duke Cancer Center in Durham, N.C. Coping with advanced cancer, Veals was in the hospital for chemo this summer when she got a call that her health plan was shutting down. Then, the substitute coverage she was offered wanted $3,125, on top of premiums. It sounds like one of the insurance horror stories President Barack Obama used to sell his health overhaul to Congress, but Veals wasn’t in the clutches of a profit-driven company. Instead, she’s covered by Obama’s law _ one of about 100,000 people with serious medical issues in a financially troubled government program. (AP Photo/Gerry Broome)


  • John & Charlene
    John & Charlene  •  41 minutes ago Report Abuse
    Obama must be impeached. He is causing more harm than good to all Americans. The Health Care Law must NOT go through. The country is F***ked up now--What will happen when all this will take place??. We fear for America. The Founding Father's must be rolling over in their graves About how our Government is NOT working. There is no resemblance of what was then and what we have now. Sad, Sad, Sad about how the President promised the world and all he could do is give us some dirt in a bag!
  • Cathy
    Cathy  •  1 hour 9 minutes ago Report Abuse
    Someone who is going thru such an illness as this should not have to worry about the soaring costs of treatment ...just to stay alive. She is hard working American before she became so ill.Somehow the richer people of this country should come together to help out.The wealth is so unevenly distributed it is ridiculous.Someone must come up with a solution to help people in this situation.

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