Saturday, September 7, 2013

Helping America Reclaim Sanity & Priorities

Since the Americans have become such jokes that uneducated untalented retards (like their mainstream media and sports figures) are being made rich and famous while teachers are starving and having to sell their bodies to survive (and for school supplies), a curse went forth upon all famous Americans who have more money than teachers (because they shouldn’t have) and upon all of the passive terrorists on the Forbes list who’re worth more than $420-million (the glutton cap marker that separates intelligent accomplishers from weak-minded, greedy little gluttons who’d eat all the rations on the lifeboat).
We already won’t be finding them in Heaven or the New Earth (they’ll be suffering in the time loops of judgement and then eternally executed). But, now, even their Earth existences will become dangerous and horrific. Gotta love them news stories of tragedies for those who shouldn’t have the wealth and fame…

copied and pasted from

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