Saturday, September 7, 2013

The Double Standard Curse Regarding Deen

Some may remember that there was a witch hunt for Paula Deen over her private use of the word “nigger”. It infuriated Motuphi so badly that he loosed a curse upon anyone who says “cracker” or “nigga” who had a problem with her use of “nigger” and he included their families and bloodlines in the curse and also applied it to all who participated in and started the witch hunt. Understand that Paula Deen had every right to use that word in the privacy of her abodes (she’s an American with freedom of speech); and if Black-faced Caucasianistic niggers can say “cracka” referring to whites, then it’s open season to refer to Blacks who ARE niggers AS the niggers they and their nasty nigger spawning and raising mamas are; and anyone who dares defy that logic can just be cursed and die and get the fuck in the time loops of judgement and then be eternally executed as too fuckin’ STUPID and uneducated and ignorant and racist and bigoted and mind molested and fucked to be allowed to enter Heaven or the New Earth where their retardation may contaminate others.
Understand that Motuphi hates the word nigger and nigga in any form from the lips of anyone (Black or white, “there’s no excuse for it”)…His hatred of using it even got him hit by northern Michigan KKK-wannabe white devils (like his brothers and their girls and friends)…So if he had a problem with the Deen witch-hunters, then they must be wrong (Motuphi’s brain works like an advanced entity’s mind does, like God’s, Jesus’, the angels’ and Lucifer’s brains work, so he’s not impressionable and can’t be duped into accepting wrong as right like those who listen to the mainstream zombie-slave-clone creators).
Motuphi had a problem with the dangerous food Deen was teaching people to make because he would’ve died within a week of indulging in her diet due to his health complications. But disenfranchising her over the use of a word, especially when more than 90% of American Blacks use the racial epithet “cracker” on a regular basis, was just wrong. So Motuphi also loosed a curse on the sponsors and stores that bailed on Deen and upon all in the media who participated in the witch hunt and upon all who still go to the stores who bailed on Deen or is just too goddamned stupid to realize that what was done to Deen was wrong and a statement of racial inferiority (I think the “self-entitled-nigger” curse would apply to the nasty extortionist ghetto whore who called herself “exposing” Deen…plus a spirit of “exposure” will go out upon them to expose THEIR sins and bigotry now).
Understand that if you say “cracker” referring to whites then you’re just as bigoted as any white hood wearing, nigger-hating KKK member who uses “nigger” to describe Blacks…Motuphi promised that all Blacks who have a problem with whites saying “nigger” who indulge in the racist act of describing whites as “crackers” will go back in the time loops for some additional (to their own) loops as slaves in the Kunta Kinte era…So they can meet some REAL crackers and understand what they did by being racist in the end times and then calling “nigger”-spewing whites racist (the pots are calling the kettles “black”, it’s so ironic)…
If you can be racist and it’s alright with you, then you’d better let other colors be racist and be alright with it and shut your snarly little bitch-assed mouth when someone refers to you using a racial epithet (be “equal”, no one else can do it for you). If you sowed the seed of calling whites “cracker” then you WILL be referred to as a “nigger” by a white eventually and YOU are the one who did it to yourself (not that white person), for “God is NOT mocked, you WILL reap what you sow”…Now that you understand that you’re on a spirit scan you realize how true that is and the scripture that the “meek will inherit the Earth” (but an uncontaminated version where none of the atrocities that happened here will happen because the perps and the omissive have been deleted/eternally executed/taken out of the mix/picture, permanently)…
"Equality" is something you, yourself, must BE…Nothing in any civil rights movement can make an inferior entity equal…Either you’re equal to others or you’re not…If you think they shouldn’t be allowed to be racist but you should be allowed to be racist then you already made yourself lesser than them, as in: NOT their equal…
It begins in the mind, how you think…that’s what “equality” is…This generation never got told that, so they emulate the dregs (the famous line-cutting cursed bunch of temporal-minded Eternally Executeds we came here to identify and take their eternal wealth from and kill off). The mainstream dregs already identified themselves as “infected” and no longer exist (that’s how close we are to ending this shit). They relinquished their eternal shit to us and they ain’t gettin’ it back…They have time loops to endure, anyway (race cards ain’t gettin’ no one outta that).
If you can say “cracker” then Deen or any other white person can say “nigger”, and if you have a problem with that logic then we know you’re already marked (branded) and won’t be heard from beyond this Earth Age (good riddance, nasty contaminants).
copied and pasted from

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