Saturday, September 7, 2013

Curse Of The Line-Cutting SEN

"Did you see that nigger just cut in front of him like he wasn’t even there?"
"Yeah, Man, I couldn’t believe he didn’t say nothin’. He woulda’ checked any one of us for that shit in a hot minute."
"Well, what you expect him to do? The nigger was the only Black guy in the dispensary. If he’d checked him on it then it could’ve gotten turned into a racial thing, later."
"So coddle the nigger and reward him for his bad behavior because the demographic of bad Blacks, self-entitled niggers, is outnumbering the good Blacks who don’t throw race cards when we expect a nigger to abide by the simple parameters of equality? What a fuckin’ joke their race is becoming, just the weakest shit on the planet."
"Tell me about it. Sad state of affairs when you gotta reverse discriminate to avoid being accused of discrimination. Any one of us woulda’ done got told where to go with that line-cuttin’ shit. But ole’ nigger-boy gets a pass just because he’s of an inferior race."
"Yep, and now they’re bringin’ that self-entitled inferiority out here, around us, after all we invested to migrate all the way the fuck out here to get away from it so’s we’d never hafta be racist and address the downfall of the uppity niggers and how they’re too inferior to reciprocate respect and common human consideration, the very things the concept of equality is based on."
"Well I was gonna tell the nigger that he wasn’t next, but ya’ll shushed me like I was the one gonna do somethin’ wrong when it was totally the nigger’s fault."
"Naw, when I saw he wasn’t checkin’ the nigger and no one else did, I felt like they was doin’ it for a reason, to avoid a scene or somethin’. So let the nigger be inferior and cut in line and he’ll get his self-entitled, ‘it’s-all-about-ME’ ass out of our hair a lot sooner. Then maybe he can go be in the wrong place at the wrong time for cuttin’ in line all the time. ‘Serve him right."
"Yeah, I knew somethin’ was up when he raised his hand to call-out to the nigger to stop him and then just waved at his back, as if to dismiss him as not even worth it."
"Right-on. The nigger wasn’t worth it. He proved he was beneath us, didn’t even have the honor it takes to wait his turn, like the rest of us."
Do you see the real-life exchange (above) that got created by just one inferior, little self-entitled nigger walking into a dispensary in a northern, white-bred town and displaying his inferior character and mother’s obvious lack of raising skills? Those KKK wannabe rednecks now get yet another example of white supremacy, all because one nigger (disguised as a Black person) cut in front of some white dude he mistook for soft when the door opened and it was the white dude’s turn to go in. The white dude turned-out to be a bigger man than the nigger could ever dream of being, simply because he didn’t want it to get turned into a racial thing and, therefore, let it slide (he refused to address the nigger’s behavior). But it was a racial thing in the sense that that white dude let that inferior behavior slide simply because the offending, line-cutting subhuman was Black, which is reverse discrimination (can’t expect the nigger to abide by parameters of equality and wait his turn, like all of the other men in the waiting area were doing, because he’s somehow too inferior to do so).
Therefore, the same curse that got applied to all of the mainstream media self-entitled Black-faced Caucasianists who cut in line and got famous before they had any discernible talent and reason for doing so (like Dre, Snoop, Li’l Wayne, Nicky Minaj, Kanye West, Beyonce, Rihanna, Jay-Z, Chris Brown, every gangsta rapper ever, etc and so on) and their fans and families will now go forth upon all self-entitled niggers who make good Black people look bad with their niggerish behavior from now on (the curse even applies to “enablers”, “encouragers” and “instigators” of this behavior). It’s no longer safe to be Black and be inferior to whites (be equal, for REAL, or kill yourself…or writhe in pain when the curse takes you out). That means you can’t say “cracker” (that’s racist, and you expect whitey not to be racist, so be EQUAL, or shut the fuck up and KILL your nigger-ass self!) and you can’t say “nigga” no more, neither (that’s a double-standard, like sayin’ whitey can’t gang molest 13-year old Black girls and film it, like we allow R Kelly and his merry little baby-rapin’ gang of white child rapin’ hate crime committin’ against and gettin’ away with it cursed-assed mahfuckin’ NIGgers!).
Playtime’s over. Now the blessings that would’ve went to that self-entitled, line-cutting nigger will go to the white man whose place he stole in line, and any curses that should’ve went to that white man will now go to that nigger, instead, and all who enable him, empower him, or even like him. We call for such reversals of fortunes all across the planet Earth and we apply all spiritual authority to it to make it so…So where-ever there’s a wealthy, self-entitled nigger treating a white person like shit, you’ll see reversals of fortune take place as a sign and a wonder of these end times.
Here’s a  few simple facts that you’ll never get from your mainstream Black-faced Caucasianistic cock-blockers to real talent:
True equality is in living up to the responsibility to the common parameters shown, abided by, and expected, from ALL, as the “norms”. But when an uppity, self-entitled nigger walks on the scene and doesn’t live-up to that minimum requirement of equality, he becomes inferior to the white men who can and do abide by those guidelines. This makes good Black people look bad…and, believe it or not, in nations other than America Blacks aren’t all brutish, “cracker” and “nigga”-spewin’, self-entitled, rude, greedy, rapin’-every-white-girl-they-see-that-doesn’t-drop-to-her-knees-and-give-it-up niggers…that’s an American nigger thing that was already old before it began, way back in the 1960s when those Black-faced Caucasianists started those first street herds they called gangs…..
They were weak-minded and programmed by the white man to regard paper over flesh. They killed off their own elders who were happy with their slice of the American dream, having a good job and a decent house in what the Black-faced-Caucasianists (weak-minded, paper-chasing, inferior little subhuman niggers) turned into ghettos…well before the niggers came along, Black people were equal to the whites and could have schools equal to the whites that weren’t all uglied-up with graffiti. Then, as ironic as it sounds, the niggers out-multiplied all of the good Black people they kept killing off until all America was left with was this subhuman, ghetto-monster, weak-minded, porch-monkey, hood-rat, thug-bug demographic of Blacks that truly do define the term “nigger” in every sense of the word.
They kill any good Blacks that may try to get educations and live up to the equality norms of the ancestors of the 1960s…Tayshana Murphy was murdered (by a thug-bug) in her own hallway, mere days away from being delivered (via a scholarship) from the Black-faced-Caucasianist (like Tookie) made ghetto she was born to…How many aspiring young Black children were killed off by the niggers who never should’ve been born in the first place? Understand that no gangstas exist in the New Earth nor in Heaven, to protect the sanctity and safety of the place for God’s meek and other creations (like dogs), which tells you they were thrown into time loops of judgement (as their victims) and then eternally executed, made to be as if they never existed at all.. They were too weak-minded to be equal to the old-schoolers and get educations and jobs. They got programmed to Caucasianistic levels of greed that made them too lazy to work and too gluttonous to be satisfied with the fruits of their own hands’ labor, so they killed their own color for money (like little Black-faced Hitlers).
Now you have that mentality programming yet another generation of kids to be even more vile and fucked-up than they were. It’s already unsafe to be a pretty white kid or a puppy dog in some areas (they’ll, for real, hurt you and not even have any conscience about it). Hell, in some areas it’s not safe to be around their nigger asses, at all. They beat on old Black people they should be lookin’ out for just to take their shit from ‘em (because they were never born and they beat themselves in the time loops when they got put in those old-folks’ bodies). They even murder little old white dudes in hospitals (Al Potter was murdered by Jajuan Whitlow in a hospital). They have no clue about the parameters of the spirit scan they’re on or they’d be afraid to even be referred to as “influential” over a bunch of vile subhuman monsters like this final generation/batch has become (filming rapes and brutalities instead of stopping them; bullying, vandalizing, sabotaging, slandering, permitting via omitting). They’re too infantile to care about it at the moment, but they’ll pay for it in the time loops of judgement as the victims of those they influenced (100,000 loops per victim per offense) and then they’ll be eternally executed…their influence stops here, with this Earth Age, as well as their very existences and that of their bloodlines (which they got identified as infected/contaminated/contaminants). 
So the mainstream Black-faced Caucasianists need to understand the harvest they got coming, for God is not mocked, they’ll reap what they sowed. They knew they were programming violent “sleeper cells” to endanger us (remember Al Potter, Tayshana Murphy, about 300 Chicago kids cut-down in drive-byes in the past decade). Now, they’re all cursed with violence for sowing that seed on us. The curses now effect their homes and lives, even if the violence must be in the form of some kind of “contamination” for contaminating the minds of their fans that we must interact with…
Betcha we can get a thrust rammed into the spirits of Dre, Snoop, Jay-Z, Kanye and Li’l Wayne for every time they spewed “nigga” or “cracka” outta their ugly snarly lying lips once we get their spirits in the time loops and start throwing them in those white girls they inspired their fans to rape and disenfranchise…Oh, yeah, it’s gonna get diabolical for them and all who liked them and empowered them, real soon (soon as we can get their Earthsuits dead, which God can do with a super nova to stop their encouraged violence).
Who’s turf you on? Not yours, fool. This is a spirit scan and you own absolutely nothing on it. This is GOD’s turf. If you ain’t here to do for God, then you’re trespassin’ and you need to get the fuck off of this shit right now…Or writhe in pain as we arrange that righteousness for you…You’re all done being self-entitled niggers…now there’s a curse especially for you if you even look like you wanna THINK like that…
Remember: we can take you back in time to be Kunta Kinte (100,000 TIMES) if you insist on continuing to make Black people look bad, having Black skin while being an inferior subhuman self-entitled nigger. You stepped into the wrong ‘hood when you came to Earth and ain’t got the proper mentality about where to direct props…Any of you fools paid your tribute to Motuphi yet? You’re on his turf if you’re on Earth, in case you didn’t know he’s the only one here from the team who designed this spirit scan we’re on…You can be guaranteed a more torturous time loop experience when you die and Motuphi peeps your spirit memory and sees you ain’t paid him tribute on all that shit you had that you wasn’t even supposed to get…You’ll be his slave until you’re eternally executed for not bothering to buy your freedom beyond here while you were still here and had the chance to do so.
Now the white man and those nasty little gangsta niggerererererers lied to you, it’s as simple as that. There are eternal reasons you should never cop the mentality “get rich or die trying”. If you don’t have a superior agenda of relieving unnecessary suffering on Earth, you have no reason for fame or fortune, anyway (unless you’re ghetto fabulous or weak-minded like the weak-minded untalented mainstream “rappers” and “artists” like Nicky Minaj, Rihanna, Jay-Z, Li’l Wayne, Kanye West, Dre, Snoop, Beyonce, and the rest of ‘em who do nothing good with their undeserved fame and fortune). 
The American Dream was never a bunch of material bullshit. Why did the niggers all get possessed with “Madonna” spirits and decide they all wanna be “material girls”? Bitches. Our great-grandfathers were more than happy with that good job, that nice house in the Black ‘hood, that nice car, family, good grillin’ on the Q, good bud, the finer things in life that weren’t really that expensive at all. But then a weak-mindedness crept into a buncha’ weak-minded little niggers who decided they was too good to get educations and work. They was too good for them nice schools them white boys proved they was superior to them by how well they took care of the same shit. They got brainwashed with that “why should I work for little dollars when I can sell my sistas and brothers for hundys and sling dope instead?” Caucasianist mentality. They don’t get it: That’s white devilism: can’t get an education or work because it don’t pay enough and you done got as weak as the white man and gotta keep up with the joneses and gotsta have everything e’rybody else has got just ‘cuz they got it…
Black people didn’t used to be so weak-minded. This generation got sold into a far worse kind of slavery than what their ancestors endured…Now they’re willing slaves to weak-mindedness and under-achievement (“the coddling and race cards will pull me through” mentality)…And they were sold by the very souls they look up to, their role models and “leaders”, Black-faced Caucasianists who all took the low road and sold them out. 

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