Saturday, September 7, 2013

Awards For WHAT?

Those awards shows for those untalented cock-blockers to real talent are a joke. But they do provide a convenient venue for collecting souls together who deserve to have their negative energy collected, magnified a hundred-fold (algebraicly), and then boomeranged back upon them and their families and their economies and their fans (for encouraging and empowering their “sleeper cell” creation).
The spirits of the victims of the “sleeper cells” (like Al Potter, Tayshana Murphy and all other victims of gang-related violence, like those 300 gunned-down Chicago kids) created by the mainstream zombie-slave-clones (like Jay-Z, Kanye West, Li’l Wayne, Eminem, Drake, Chris Brown, 50 Curtis Jackson Cent, Rihanna, Nicky Minaj, Lady GaGa, Dre, Rihanna, Snoop, Miley Cyrus, Beyonce, etc) are all here now to get revenge upon the mainstream for their various offenses, like promoting pedophilia, promiscuity, adultery, greediness, gluttony, mental-weakness, rape, murder, genocide, homophobia, bullying, animal cruelty and neglect, self-absorption, materialism, laziness, arrogance, bigotry, racism, reverse discrimination (that makes Blacks look so weak) and for cock-blocking Motuphi for decades (only offering him a rap/thug deal, knowing he’d refuse it because he’s a real musician), which all worked together to make the world the giant torture ball it is today. Those spirits are also charged with distributing the curses upon all of the aforementioned’s fans in an attempt to protect the Elect, the animals, the children, the women, the elderly and the other meek creations of God (Allah) from their attacks.
No longer will their presences be tolerated in un-deleteable spirit memories…Their bloodlines were eternally executed for just such displays of self-importance…again, we ask: Awards for WHAT? Cock-blocking REAL talent? For taking money, fame, status and power they’re not entitled to (being as they’re so grossly untalented they make the “conspiracy” obvious)? For causing people to get murdered? For causing animals to be tortured? For causing women and babies to be raped? For spreading mental illness and retardation all across the planet? For making it impossible to redeem a whole generation of humans? For causing a super nova to stop their fans in their tracks? WHAT, exactly, are those monstrous, temporal, little fun-house riders being rewarded for? For identifying themselves as being “infected”? For getting themselves time looped and eternally executed for the crime of being in power or in the mainstream in the end times and failing to empower Motuphi?
What little, temporary, only available on this spirit scan (disguised as a fun-house ride) “award” could be worth trading away one’s eternity and eternal wealth and be worth causing the eternal execution of their whole bloodlines (even their nasty monster-spawning mamas)? Ask the animals writhing in pain that they’re all busy distracting you from (to heap their negative energy upon you, too), or the raped babies they won’t help Motuphi rescue, or the starving people, or the raped women, or the spirits of the good people whose lives were cut short by (famous thug/bug created) “sleeper cells”…They’ll tell you how infected all of your mentally ill mainstream media people are who distracted from their plights. Even the passive ones who seem neutral, like Ellen and Tyler Perry, are secretly against empowering Motuphi to rescue his charges (or they’d just DO it already and say to HELL with their Illuminati-wannabe masters and their blackballing…they’ve got enough money already).
We won’t hafta tolerate their mentally whack, “it’s-all-about-ME”, “let-me-distract-you-from-what’s-important” presences beyond this Earth Age…They’ll be in the time loops of judgement AS every suffering entity they distracted us from (100,000 time loops per victim per offense) and then they’ll be eternally executed to protect the integrity and sanctity of Heaven and the New Earth.
In the New Earth, Motuphi will still be referred to, while your mainstream “awards” earners and show attendees will be collectively referred to as “‘the enemy’ Motuphi defeated to provide a better, safer New World for the meek, the children and the animals they were causing to be tortured and killed with their empty fame and status”…Now THAT’s an award…
copied and pasted from 

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