Wednesday, September 11, 2013

The Worst Terrorist Attack Ever?

911 was NOT the “worst terrorist attack ever”, as many purport it to be…It was quick, concise, and it was done in a matter of minutes…The devastation was not prolonged over years to cause horrific levels of suffering no one could ever imagine would be caused in America to American “citizens”.
So far, the worst terrorist attack EVER was the Bush-era American tax breaks for the wealthiest 1-percentile, which lasted for YEARS and claimed many, many more victims (as in MILLIONS of starving Americans and families and pets who lost homes, livelihood, and life so Georgie-boy could play big dumb Texas bigshot who can’t even do 8th grade math, which is all it took to figure out that those tax breaks would cripple the nation’s economy and consequently the world’s). This terrorist attack (via taxbreak) is still ongoing, still claiming victims all over the world, even though it was finally halted recently (which resulted in American traitors exposing themselves and denouncing their citizenship to keep their ill-gotten gains that were strong-arm robbed for them from the common American working class by the gestapo government owned by treasonous traitors on the Forbes passive terrorist list).
But even this may not be the biggest terrorist attack because, before the world could recover from it, Obama loosed his accompanying (follow-up) terrorist attack upon the American people in the form of “ObamaCare” (the fool even put his name on it to ensure it goes down in history defining him as a fucked-up little deranged tyrannical dictator)…
Now, due to ObamaCare, MILLIONS of Americans have lost jobs and good healthcare over the past year (in “preparation” by companies for when it goes into effect), millions of healthcare professionals have lost their jobs and those who retained their jobs now carry the positions of 2 or 3 people (who were fired for the ObamaCare scale-backs) and (get this) most of them lost all of their job perks and Holiday Pay (Christmas bonuses), as well…Now Americans all must feel like a treasonous traitor of an inferior race has taken over the helm of their nation who’s driving them over a cliff just for sheer meanness (like a molested ghetto child) or out of madness.
Obama may go down in history as the biggest dictator ever to set foot in D.C. and surely as their president…He and Bush have it “in” for the rest of the world for some reason, who knows why? Maybe their mamas made them suck dopemans’ dicks as kids and now they want the whole world to suffer for it or something, who knows (but it IS befitting of a mad molested child, as all dictator behavior is)?
So Obama wants Americans to trust him about the Syrian chemical attacks and to back a decision to counterattack after proving he can’t be trusted and doesn’t have their collective best interest at heart? Just how stupid and deranged IS this guy, anyway? Doesn’t he see that Americans couldn’t care less about some poisoned foreigners right now because they’re too busy trying to figure-out how they’re gonna’ survive ObamaCare? You can’t expect Americans to care about the Syrian crisis when they have to wonder how they’re gonna’ make ends meet now that they trusted a Black man to live up to the minimal standards that the white men who preceded him lived up to as they all declined that ass-to-mouth from Killary-Hillary the healthcare mosquito and refrained from crazed, deranged, tyrannical dictator behavior like enacting healthcare agendas into American government…
Obama must loathe Black people so much that he wants to set them all back a hundred years…look at the mess he’s making just to play power games in the White House (freakish, childlike, ghetto-fabulous, moronic, spiteful, ghetto-whore-bitch-level spiteful destruction).
Obama will probably never redeem himself in the eyes of Americans nor will they ever trust him again (“fool me once” or something). Americans want to go against anything Obama wants now and rightfully so (wouldn’t YOU if you were stuck in Obama’s fucked-up, ghetto-nigger version of America?). If there’s any American spirit left alive at all it’s got to have a hard-on to wanna spite Obama’s crazed, deranged, tyrannical dictator ass and thwart any more of his agendas (that could prove deadly for Americans)…He’s one of those dangerous ghetto-fabulous fools, like Coleman Young, whose “follies” can kill and destroy shit and cause unnecessary writhing in pain and he won’t even care because he’s a fuckin’ retard who can’t place himself in the shoes of those he makes suffer with his inherent, stereotypical, inferior-raced, ghetto-minded (driven by power-hunger) and freakishly whack (porch monkey-esque) decisions from being so incredibly weak-minded as to be completely clueless about REALITY FOR THE MAJORITY in a nation he pretends to govern but actually is living down like you’d expect a ghetto nigger to do if one became president (Obama hates Blacks so he sabotages them all with his inferior reign as if to say his race really is too inferior to properly lead the nation, just as everyone suspected; but it’s all “deliberate”, so there’s a difference and an angle).
All Americans who lost-out over ObamaCare should get shots of ass-to-mouth from Killary-Hillary the healthcare mosquito (and her daughter) as “reparations”…Reparations are due now, across the board, and the whole world can see it even if Obama is too ghetto-fabulous (from listening to the likes of Jay-Z and Beyonce) to see it…Handle THAT, Mr Dictator (calling the kettle “Black” but just as evil as Assad and even more dangerous and lethal to your own nation than Assad could ever dream of being to Syria)…Clean-up your own back yard and undo the damage ObamaCare (in the running for worst damn terrorist scare, EVER) did and THEN address Syria (if it still needs it)…You may find that you can’t fix it all as easily as you broke it, fool. Which is more stereotypical ghetto-fabulous niggerism.

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