Saturday, December 28, 2013

Sheer Niggerism Disguised As Government

Obama’s-inferior-mama-Care has funding, but the survival of 1.3 MILLION hardworking, taxpaying, temporarily unemployed Americans is not fundable? Now that’s sheer niggerism disguised as government. It’s Detroit, all over again, but on a larger scale: Voting based on color putting a sub-species subhuman in power who couldn’t handle the responsibility of the position who then abused it, raped and pillaged it.
The money that was supposed to fund the survival of the Americans (that they paid out of their paychecks every week) was pilfered by a nigger administration for a personal money scam agenda/treasonous terrorist plot (Obama’s-inferior-mama-Care), just like the money for maintaining the New Orleans levy was pilfered by a nigger administration (years ago) that made hurricane Katrina so deadly.
Imagine if this demographic were allowed to graduate from this spirit scan…Never again can the argument of racial ”equality” hold any merit…From Obama, the treasonous terrorist and nation rapist, to knock-out games to refusing to charge niggers with hate crimes they’re committing against unsuspecting taxpaying white and Asian American citizens for “sport”, you have no examples of equality to refer to in the American Black race. Their famous ones are the most inferior of all and set the examples the rest followed into pits of bigotry, racism, materialism, self-entitlement, lesserism, niggerism, ghettoism, self-absorption, laziness, depravity and animalistic behavior. They can’t even “see” themselves for what they are (“neither can they blush”)…
Do you see Obama showing any shame over Obama’s-inferior-mama-Care? No? Ever wonder why? Don’t you ever wonder why he just doesn’t “get” it or why he just can’t “see” himself for the monster nigger that he truly is? Don’t you wonder why all white presidents, even Nixon, were superior to him? Hell, Nixon did NOTHING compared to Obama’s-inferior-mama-Care and that supreme entity (when compared to Obama and his massas/the white niggers who own him) actually resigned from office over NOTHING when compared to Obama’s-inferior-mama-Care. Now why can’t Obama SEE it and abolish Obama’s-inferior-mama-Care and resign? Hell, we really would prefer to see the guy show some remorse and kill his inferior, subhuman, sub-species, thieving-rogue-nigger-assed-self. But he won’t even live up to Nixon’s level and resign, as all who participated in enacting Obama’s-inferior-mama-Care should do since they won’t do the right thing and kill themselves for their treason and dishonor to their nation for kickbacks and temporary tokens that’re now cursed, just like they are and their bloodlines and their collective economies (America will NEVER recover now until the treasonous perpetrators that God, Lucifer and Motuphi cursed are removed from power, which includes all who voted for the 2 treasonous terrorist acts of the last 2 administrations: which are the tax breaks for the wealthiest 1-percentile and Obama’s-inferior-mama-Care, which got them all time looped and eternally executed and their wealth “of the wicked” that was laid-up in escrow “for the just” distributed to their victims/the American people who did make it off of this spirit scan and to the New Earth).
Those 1.3 MILLION American families thrown to the wolves are just more time loops of judgment for Obama and his “massas” (and their inferior bloodlines) to serve when they die, at a rate of 100,000 times per victim per offense, EACH; before they’re finally eternally executed to rid the cosmos of their “infections” and to protect the New Earth from them (and the damage they could do if allowed to exist, as you see here in the spirit scan).
New parameters have been laid-out for them to exist by on Earth: What they want for the American people is what they’ll have, themselves; very, very soon (you’ll all get to see it). We’ll MAKE them blush in the time loops of judgment (and they’ll pick all the cotton the slaves picked, AS those slaves, to learn them a proper work ethic and not to steal from others before they’re eternally executed, too). We may make them all suck their parents’ assholes and crotches, too, take them back to their childhoods and the experiences that twisted them all so badly as to make them wanna cause unnecessary suffering on someone else’s spirit scan/planet (and take other peoples’ money and peace).
Those in power were all molested is why they’re acting the way they act. We’ll all get to peep their spirit memories very soon, as we’ll get to see all perpetrators’ undeleteable/non-tamperable spirit memories, when Earth gets destroyed to stop them in their tracks and yank that rug out from under their feet. Then we’ll all get to see what motivated their whack-assed behavior, greed, and gluttony. Those retarded freaks think we’re kidding…But they’ll see…soon…very soon.

Friday, December 27, 2013

White Boy Proves American Niggers Are Coddled-Can’t Be Charged With Hate Crimes

That white boy who committed that racial retribution/reparation knock-out “game” punch on an elderly Black man proved an enormous point about the cursed law enforcement and mainstream media in America. What America needs is serial killers that go after the parents and families of all niggers who don’t get equal punishment and charges for their crimes…If a nigger commits a hate crime, like the knock-out game, and doesn’t get charged with a hate crime for it, then the parents of that nigger should be hunted down and brutally murdered and their shit taken from them so that it can’t be passed down to the offending nigger. When these things start to happen (lynch mobs over double standards) then you’ll see niggers stop with their shit and law enforcement start charging them with their crimes and the media start equally covering their atrocities against whites. Until then, all American niggers can remain cursed and so can all law enforcement and media that doesn’t punish niggers equally to whites…Oh, and a spirit will be loosed into Heaven and Earth to cause more white boys to become heroes who retaliate violently against the parents of offending niggers who got off light by law (lack of) enforcement. Imagine how those serial killers would never go hungry or lack for money, because coddled nigger parents are EVERYwhere in America now and they shouldn’t be allowed to feel safe in their homes after spawning monsters that got away with atrocities against white overlords who paid taxes to support their lazy “cracker” spewing asses.
American prosecutors and police are a joke is why niggers can’t be charged with their hate crimes. So we’ll see how they feel about it when those curses upon them go full-throttle and niggers start victimizing their families (hopefully, it’ll be the same niggers they coddled and could’ve gotten off of the streets). Furthermore, in retaliation to the double standard and coddling of the subhumans, let blessings go forth upon all hero white boys and their bloodlines and economies who retaliate against coddled niggers and their monster making subhuman parents and let this blessing attach itself to their spirits just as the curse is attached to all American nigger spirits to be carried over beyond this Earth Age…
We’ll do what Americans refuse to do: We’ll see to it that all offending American niggers and their families are PUNISHED (to the fullest extent of spiritual law which supercedes American nigger coddling/double standard laws of subhumans).
Wouldn’t wanna be related to an American cop or (aHEM!) “journalist” right about now. Niggers, or their coddling of them, got them and their collective bloodlines and economies and government agencies cursed…
Now, let’s see some “equality” and see a nigger charged with a hate crime in America or drop the law, altogether, since it can only be applied when a nigger is victimized.

Knockout Game Video Released


Wednesday, December 25, 2013

"Rev" Jackson More Offensive Than Them ALL

It’s offensive to call Jesse Jackson a “reverend”, first of all. And the fact that that nasty opportunistic race-baiting nigger never showed his ugly racist face to show any signs of emotion at the demises of good people like Channon Christian, Hugh Newsom, Al Potter or Autumn Pasquale at the hands of racist little niggers yet he dares speak out against Phil Robertson NOW is just more evidence of the inferiority of his race (sorry, Jesse, but you don’t get to exist to be a shit-stirring nigger, even now, because you were time looped as every victim of Black on white violence, 100,000 times per victim per offense, and then eternally executed afterwards to rid the cosmos of your bloodlines’ nasty “infections” which include temporal racism, you dumb fuckin’ nigger).
And while you’re bringing up Rosa Parks: Understand that she was NOT a “hero”; she was just an uppity nigger bitch who should’ve been stomped to death for setting that poor example of defying the laws of the land. Now, her entire bloodline must be time looped as every victim of Black on white crime (and violence) and then be eternally executed:…Breaking laws is the wrong example to set. But that nigger whore was too god-damned simple to “get” it, and so are all who revere her as a role model or a freedom fighter, because she set niggers back by CENTURIES with her retarded defiance of the law over a fuckin’ bus seat (and you can just look at how they act now if you need proof, refusing to get jobs and educations; robbing, raping, torturing, stealing and murdering; hunting white people who supported their welfare queen dope-man dick-chugging mamas and them while they were kids for sport…yeah, bitches like Rosa Parks can start a downward spiral a race may never recover from, as American niggers have proven to be fact, especially if you throw a few more opportunistic dregs on the pile like X, King, Sharpton and Jackson…then you have a huge pile of useless human-shaped feces where a once-productive, contributing and proud race used to be, ergo: today’s American niggers, a subhuman sub-species who can be racist and call whites “crackers” while expecting them not to call their nigger asses “niggers”…fuckin’ inferior-minded niggers).
Jackson needs to be anally raped…Oh, yeah, he WILL be, in the time loops of judgement as victims like Channon Christian, Hugh Newsom, Al Potter and Autumn Pasquale (for starters, the standard loops for all American niggers who won’t be making it back home from this spirit scan).
So, perhaps we’ll purchase some loops as the good Reverend Jackson as one of Channon Christian’s rapists while his mama is placed in Channon Christian’s body. Then, when we’re done making him rape his mama as Channon Christian a few thousand times, then we’ll place the good “reverend” inside of Channon Christian’s body and rape him a few thousand times and then move them on to the loops as Hugh Newsom (Al Potter, Autumn Pasquale, who was gang-raped, and so on).
Niggerboy Jackson doesn’t even know his own eternal fate, or the lack of it thereof (“the wages of sin is eternal spiritual death”). With his whack race baiting and race card throwing opportunism disguised as teaching (which helped to dumb American Blacks down to the niggers you witness being lesser and ghetto even now), Jackson indirectly participated in the demises of the great white overlords transformed into martyrs of God like Channon Christian, Hugh Newsom, Al Potter, Autumn Pasquale and the millions of little white kids sold to nigger dope-men (to be their sex slaves) by dope-enslaved dope-man dick-chugging white devil mamas and therefore must now be time looped AS them when he dies (at a rate of 100,000 times per victim per offense) before he’s eternally executed to rid the cosmos of his nasty, vile “infections”. Then, after all of this, and never making an appearance over any of their demises to disassociate himself from the niggerism and headhunterism run amok, niggerboy Jackson dares to show his ugly, dope-ravaged and white girl ridden face to speak out against a TRUE man of God (if that ain’t about a biyatch!) over opinions he has every legal right to have (NOW who’s stomping someone else’s rights? must be a “Black” thing to stomp others rights, American niggers do it all the time, just look at Obama and his mass-mugging/treasonous terrorist attack called “ObamaCare”…no shame or sense of self-awareness about it, neither…”and neither can they blush”).
If we were in America, we’d make a point of stomping a hole in Jackson’s nigger ass for daring to speak against a white supreme entity…Remember that niggers like Obama, Jackson, Sharpton, the gangs that were formed in the 1960s, Tookie, Dre, Snoop, Jay-Z, Kanye West, Li’l Wayne, 50 Cent, Diddy, Ghostface Killa, Chris Brown, Drake, all other gangsta rappers, and the nasty ghetto monsters doing all the raping, torturing, murdering, stealing, knock-out “gaming” and gang-banging on the streets instead of working and getting their own LEGALLY have proven it to be FACT that American Blacks are just simple minded, self-entitled, opportunistic, subhuman, sub-species niggers and they can never be regarded as anything NEAR “equal” to the white people they hated, robbed, raped, pillaged and murdered…The whites are superior to them, it’s just a sad fuckin’ FACT that can’t be denied…you can’t provide even ONE example, not even Obama was able to abide by parameters of true equality as he openly resorted to ghettoism, lesserism and blatant niggerism from within what was once sacred chambers of power now diminished (just by his presence, alone).
Jackson opened his mouth again…out spews lies and in flows the cocks of the shitworm spirits who control his tiny little inferior nigger mind…He was just another spawn of a headhunter, so it’s no big surprise that he’s just a nasty nigger who’s worth less than nothing and is nonexistent because he had to be time looped and eternally executed to protect the integrity of Heaven and the New Earth from his “infection”.
Jackson branded himself as a nigger…No one else can be credited for that. He, alone, chose to be a charlatan that led masses to ghettoism, niggerism, and lesserism instead of working with his own hands; so all he acquired is as ill-gotten gain. So, since Jackson didn’t have a proper work ethic instilled into him by his ghetto-assed parents, he and his parents can also be time looped as all of the slaves who ever picked cotton in America to teach them a proper work ethic before they’re eternally executed. Goodbye, Offensive Opportunistic Subhuman Sub-species Nigger Boy. So glad we won’t hafta deal with your nigger ass beyond this spirit scan. You were more offensive than them all.

Tuesday, December 24, 2013

Charlie Sheen Is A Miserable Nonexistent Zombie Slave Clone Who’s Unforgivable

Duh-dah-Daaaaaaah!!! Here comes DRUNKenMan to Hollywood and the mainstream’s rescuuuuuuuuue!!
Ahem!….Not…His very existence, the fact that good resources are being used to sustain this junkie piece of shit’s life, is unforgivable. The fact that nobody has stomped the life out of the drunken junkie zombie-slave-clone (piece of monkey shit shaped like a human) yet is simply, how did he put it? oh yeah: “unforgivable”. The fact that Charlie Sheen dares to join in the bullying of the Robertsons over Phil’s true statements about Blacks and how he perceives the Bible just goes to show that Charlie is devoid of any original thoughts and is just another shitworm-controlled, eternally executed, nonexistent retard who did way too much dope and should keep his meanderings to himself (because now he done got himself in REAL trouble).
Phil may be wrong about what will happen to gays in the afterlife, but he has every right to believe that way and to respond truthfully when asked about it (it’s the fault of the interviewer and their agency/venue/magazine/show for asking questions they knew would stir up shit from a man they knew wouldn’t lie about his beliefs regardless of how unpopular they may be to the world that doesn’t even serve Lucifer properly…whoever asked Robertson the questions should be vilified and boycotted, fuckin’ retards). As far as what he said about pre-civil rights era Blacks, Phil Robertson spoke the God’s-honest truth. The white devils programmed some weaker-minded, subhuman, sub-species pieces of shits (who were too lazy to get educations and jobs back in the early 1960s) to be malcontents who’d kill their own ancestors for their hard-earned money and possessions. That’s where all the good Blacks went and why it’s so unforgivable to defy that knowledge of FACT that simple niggers killed off all of the better-than-them, taxpaying, productive, contributing, hardworking demographic because some white devils programmed them to form gangs instead of go get educations and jobs as part of the genocidal movement against the GOOD Blacks. <—A few facts that Charlie hopes to distract you from because he loves the idea of Blacks hunting whites in America for sport and he can’t wait for his turn in the time loops as Channon Christian, Hugh Newsom, Al Potter and Autumn Pasquale (who was gang-raped and the cursed mainstream media hid it because they’re just ineferior little nigger lovers, not journalists, at all). 
Charlie Sheen is just another shitworm controlled zombie-slave-clone who is unforgivable for daring to exist on the same planet as the superior entities like the Robertsons. We now call Charlie Sheen out and everyone who dares side with that chemical toilety drunken coozeball: Be thou cursed, time looped and eternally executed for sticking your ugly head out from under that alcohol and coke rock you’ve been hiding it under. You’ll be time looped as every victim of every drug cartel member at the going rate of 100,00 times per victim per offense (as will your nasty mama and bloodline and your fans and their bloodlines) for (supporting) your passive terrorism upon the good hardworking people of Mexico who suffered and died just so junkie fucks like you could have your drugs. Now you dare speak against GOD’s people after committing your own self and family to THAT? You nasty freak. YOU, sir, are the one who’s unforgiveable (killing good better people than you with your weaknesses for dope). Your bloodline will be a good deletion from the cosmos (very soon, when we can get Earth destroyed to kill-off sub-species monsters in power just like you).
After you’re time looped as every victim of every drug cartel and dealer ever (which means you and your bloodline will even be looped as dope hoes who sucked the likes of Jay-Z’s cock for fixes at the same going rate), you’ll be eternally executed and it’ll be as if you never existed to afflict the other supreme creations of God/Allah/Jehovah with your nasty “infection” and subpar talent that always had to resort to the gutter for you to float by on your daddy’s good reputation and talent (you were never all that and you had it way too fuckin’ good, Buddy, you were just too cum-drunk and fucked-up to realize it).
So, Charlie. You can try to get the curses off of your bloodline (but not you) by killing your ugly, drunken junky ass self. Or you can try sucking Motuphi’s cock for a few thousand hours (you’re probably too masculine for him and he hates chemical toilets, so…). We still never forgave you for turning on Heidi Fleiss like drunken junkie snitchin’ bitches like you love to do (bite the hands that feed them). We still remember how you’re just a fuckhead who was all-too-happy to turn on those who were good service providers to you. Someone should’ve killed your bitch ass for that shit (years ago) to set the example and yet, here you are: sticking your ugly, dope-ravaged face in yet again. Being a snitch who rats out his service providers is unforgivable (Bitch). There’s not an opinion on the planet that could matter less than yours.
Remember this warning, Hollywood Junkies and flunkies: “Touch Not MINE Anointed”…That’s a warning to YOU about THEM (who you are not) from He who can God-smack the dog fuck right out of you and your entire coastline…Don’t get L.A. wiped off of the map with your retardation (it’s already overdue, due to the gangs that got formed in the 1960s and due to Norma Jean Baker’s rape and subjugation). Sorry, Charlie, you lose this one…God just called you out…Hope you’re ready. (you probably should’ve avoided acting out while you’re tweakin’).

Monday, December 23, 2013

Mainstream Media Loss Of Power Evidence Of Curses

You’ve just gotta love watching how the mainstream media finally lost it’s power to witch-hunt and strike people down with their mean, hater perspectives and stories. Phil Robertson and Duck Dynasty are a modern sign and end time wonder to prove that the curses Motuphi loosed upon all of the American Mainstream and their fans are working (if the other news stories aren’t enough evidence for you). Motuphi got tired of watching the powers that be (not, because they’re eternally executed and therefore nonexistent) decide to cut down peoples’ careers with irrelevant statements about irrelevant shit while allowing mainstream (fake) music “artists” and “rappers” to program their fans to become materialistic, self-absorbed, self-entitled “cracker” spewing “sleeper cells” who’d refuse to get educations and jobs and pay taxes and then resort to mugging, dope-slinging, gang-banging, rape, torture, murder, and hunting people down for “sport” as a way of life…(if they had jobs they wouldn’t be so “bored” and feel the need to victimize others for “entertainment”).
Motuphi loosed a spirit of “awakening” upon the masses, to awaken them to it, and a death spirit to collect up the rest (who don’t) when the Paula Deen debacle occurred. Motuphi didn’t watch nor even like Paula Deen, and he really had a problem with her teaching people to kill others with unhealthy food (as his blog stated when he initially deployed the curse so people’d know he did it because the media was wrong and for no other reason). Motuphi claimed that he despised how the mainstream (fake/poser/impostor) “journalists” were openly engaged in witch hunts to take down all of the wrong people, when they should’ve been crushing the careers of all who ever referred to white taxpaying overlords as “crackers” (setting that example for their fans/”sleeper cells”) because ungrateful bugs like that should NOT be famous (and consequently empowered to contaminate/molest other minds with that shitworm-spirit induced influence).
Due to how strong and intelligent the Robertsons and their fans are proving to be (an obviously educated, hardworking, taxpaying bunch who refuse to be impressionable marshmallows the media can manipulate with hatred, ghettoism, materialism and lesserism), Motuphi even went so far as to place them on the list of the few reality shows who’re exempt from the curses that got placed on almost all reality shows and their fans (something he did in response to mind molesting shows like Jersey Shore, Teen and Pregnant, and other shows designed to dumb down and molest the minds of the masses, to slow them down in their agendas of acceptable societal norms genocide).
Reality shows perpetuated the crime of impressing upon their fans that offensive behavior is acceptable as common norms, creating “sleeper cells” that the intelligent may have to kill one day if they encounter them. An American hero once stormed a production office with weaponry and was unable to awaken the masses to what was being done with reality shows. Motuphi loosed that hero’s spirit back into the cosmos to get revenge on the greedy bugs perpetuating their offenses on society for mere profit and to help him stomp them down and make their profits to be as cursed, ill-gotten gain that even costs them their eternal existences and collective wealth beyond this spirit scan. There were very few reality shows that were exceptions to this ruling: One was Lizard Lick Towing, the other was Bernice (from another towing show), and the rest fall under the “educational” and “not mind molesting” categories. All other reality shows have curses attached to them that even effect their fans and their lives.
We knew that the reality show curses were working just fine, as the news reflects. So we’ve just been awaiting evidence of the curses on the media working…
alas: behold how the witch hunters are falling in their tracks! It’s a beautiful fuckin’ thing, isn’t it? They’ve been bombarding the world with lies and fluff about poser wannabe musicians and worthless, self-absorbed, materialistic celebs who’re nothing more than squatters (who’ve worn-out their welcome long ago) for far too long and, now, the world sees them as liars who can’t be trusted: Yeah, tell ‘em some more lame bullshit about stupid little temporal-minded bugs like Kanye, Kim, Jay-Z, Beyonce, Madonna, Drake, Rihanna, Chris Brown, Li’l Wayne, 50 Cent, Justin Bieber, Nicki Minaj, Eminem, Dre, Snoop, Diddy, Cyrus, GaGa, Perry, and the like and show that you’re nothing more than hired hyperbole spinners who can’t be trusted to write REAL stories about REAL people who actually REALLY matter (who might make a positive impact on the planet or in the lives of those suffering unnecessarily with less fame, power and resources than the famous retards we never wanna hear about nor from ever again…until their obits, which we’ll gladly read and dance a jig to).
Yeah, now the world hates those who call themselves “journalists” as much as they hate the “celebs” they’ve been shoving down everyones’ throats every fuckin’ day as news worthy. To place a headline about vacuous dumb cunts like Beyonce, any Kardashian, or Miley Cyrus above a REAL news story headline about a tragedy happening to someone REAL (who actually matters) is a sin worthy of being cursed over and they should suffer to the fullest extent of the spiritual law that now holds authority over them and the NON-story famous subjects that nobody ever (ever) wants to hear about again (not until they’re reporting on their deaths).

Thursday, December 19, 2013

NAACP Gets Cursed & Eternally Executed For Censoring TRUTH About Blacks Spoken By Robertson

Good riddance to all NAACP members and their nasty, contaminated, self-entitled, subhuman, sub-species, dope-man dick-chugging mama-havin’ nigger assed bloodlines. But they’ve done so much damage already that you knew that they were already doomed to eternal execution after they die here long before they tried to squash out the TRUE statements about how the Blacks from the PRE-Civil rights movement era were SUPERIOR to the nasty self-entitled niggers that they devolved to spoken by Duck Dynasty’s Phil Robertson.
The old redneck white dude, that we don’t like nor watch on TV (by the way), spoke God’s honest TRUTH when he spoke on what he saw in the pre- Civil rights movement era…Blacks WERE happy hard-working overlords compared to the whiny, self-entitled, subhuman, sub-species, gang-banging, gang-raping, no education nor job havin’, knock-out “game” playing, dope-man dick-chuggin’ mama havin’ niggers littering America today. Those were FACTS spoken by Robertson, and anyone who defies those FACTS is nothing more than a shit stirring, race card throwing nigger piece of shit shaped like a human yet inferior to all humans who accept the facts Robertson spoke.
Robertson spoke the TRUTH about how it was back then (before stupid niggers were allowed to contaminate the airwaves with subhumanism, ghettosim, and lesserism disguised as rap “music”). Hell, this was before there were any subhumans disguised as humans who formed those gangs that killed off all of the decent, hard-working, HAPPY Blacks and left only disgruntled, uneducated, too-lazy-to-work, deadbeat, head-hunter spawn niggers in their stead (gang bangers are head-hunter spawn planted by white devils who then multiplied and killed off all of the GOOD Blacks who had morals and proper work ethics). Then, for fun and spite, white devils planted seeds of dissension into the minds of the lessor, weak-minded niggers who were too lazy to get educations and jobs but yet still expected to eat and live among the productive members of society. Those lesser niggers formed gangs that killed off all good Blacks in America. That’s what sprouted the NAACP, the Black Panthers, and the Civil Rights Movement that proved to be nothing more than a gangsta nigger movement by the time you pan to 5 decades later and see what it resulted in. (if only X and King could’ve died beFORE they could contaminate so many minds with sheer bullshit, huh? because look at the damage those lazy, opportunistic, white pussy lovin’ niggers did when they were allowed to speak to masses of dumber niggers than they were). They defied the white man who was protecting them from nigger gangstas, cutting their own throats to spite whitey (as if to say “we’ll allow lesser niggers than us to KILL us all just to get more something for nothing that we didn’t work for now that the white man done instilled it into us that we should want more for less and we believed it because we’re lazy spawn of headhunters who don’t like to work for a living” which is exactly what happened: niggers killed off all of the good Blacks in America and the gangsta sub-species-spawn multiplied in their stead, contaminating the entire world that they never should’ve been allowed to be born into).
The NAACP is like the Black Panthers: NON-existent because they and their entire bloodlines were time looped as every victim of Black of white and gang violence and crime (100,000 times per victim per offense, EACH) and then eternally executed to rid the cosmos of their vile “infections” that had them playing race cards as a way of life…(nasty niggers). They’ll even get to endure time loops as Channon Christian, Hugh Newsom, Al Potter, and Autumn Pasquale (who was gang raped before she was killed and the media and police covered it up because American niggers are too inferior, like chimps, to expect to abide by the parameters of true equality and even the media and police know it to be FACT).
Check out this story of the supremacy of Phil Robertson over all of the nasty niggers who want his truth speaking lips silenced and be happy that no spawn of gangstas nor sub-species, race-card-throwing (“cracker” spewing) niggers will graduate from this spirit scan nor will be found beyond it as we spit upon their absence, of their nonexistence, and non-memories; because not even their dope-man dick-chugging mamas were allowed to exist for sinning against God, Christ and Lucifer by contaminating their spirit scan/Earth with their nastiness and their lazy monster spawn.

Sunday, December 8, 2013

Reaping What They Sowed

The endless rolling brownouts (massive power outages) in 2004 were, it turns out, deliberate - in fact, they were caused by Enron, much to the amusement of energy traders. Recordings exist of Enron employees laughing about sending California residents into the Stone Age so that energy prices could be driven up.
The world, God, Lucifer and Motuphi got the last laughs on Enron, remember? That’s what mean-spirited “infected” spirits attract to themselves.
Plus, they get to be any victims that suffered due to those purposeful brown-outs: Like, if a woman got raped when her power went out, they’re being looped as her (100,000 times per victim per offense, EACH). Or if someone was mugged or murdered during a brown-out that wouldn’t have happened had the power stayed on, ditto, same deal, ex-Enron employees responsible for the brown-outs get to BE those victims before they’re eternally executed to rid the cosmos of their horrid “infections”.

More American Mainstream “Sleeper Cell” Activity

Okay. You KNOW that this retarded white devil couple that murdered a guy for “fun” are mainstream created sleeper cells. (another “sport” kill, now whitey’s doing it!).
Betcha we know exactly what we’d find in their mp3 players and music playlists (a bunch of American mainstream “sleeper cell” creating zombie-slave-clones that never should’ve been born and never should’ve been famous and are now eternally executed and don’t even exist to poison more minds with their inherent retardation).
More time loops of judgement for the American mainstream “sleeper cell” creating zombie-slave-clones to endure before their eternal executions…good riddance: They were some “infected” assed human-shaped shit.

Friday, December 6, 2013

"Acid" Response To Knock-Out Assaults (not a "game")

There’s some extreme responses to the new nigger trend of assaulting strangers on the streets and calling it a “game”…Some are doing the proper thing in response to it and hitting the streets as “decoys” with guns and deadly intent to take IDs from perps (after killing them on the street) to go kill their whack nigger parents for not raising them better (or executing their monster spawn, themselves, instead of turning their monsters loose on society). So, yeah, some “righteous kills” will be happening soon (dead niggers are no longer dangerous to the working, productive, taxpaying superior raced public)…It’s a righteous thing to kill the parent of a violent teen who assaults strangers and even GOD is behind stopping those nasty niggers where they stand, which is why all Americans with Black flesh who were not completely driven to repentance by what happened to Channon Christian and Hugh Newsom have been cursed and marked for eternal execution after they serve their time loops of judgement when they die…
Some never even missed a beat in their niggerism and lesserism as angels were looking on while collecting the spirits of Channon Christian and Hugh Newsom and Al Potter (and Autumn Pasquale, who was gang-raped before she was killed for her bike but the cursed nigger-loving American mainstream media covered it up). The angels were looking for a sign of remorse, or “equality”; but there were no Blacks there to lament what happened to Channon Christian, Hugh Newsom, Al Potter, or Autumn Pasquale…no (head revolving) “reverends” showed up, because they’re not really “equal”, after all…They only respond to racial violence when it’s a nigger being hurt by another race (THEN you see the cursed little Sharptons and Jacksons make their opportunistic appearances and rioting in the streets over racial “injustice”)…Now the racism that Sharpton and Jackson instilled into the weak-minded and fueled has grown to epic proportions and has been magnified a trillion fold and then returned back upon all American niggers by all other races, including the angels and God and Christ and Lucifer and the fallen angels and all molecules of the cosmos, even the molecules of their own bodies.
No violent niggers graduate from this spirit scan, nor do their monster-spawning ghetto-fabulous, dope-man dick-chugging mamas: They go into time loops of judgement as all victims of the type of violence they were prone to (if it was Black on white violence, they even get looped as Channon Christian and Hugh Newsom, standard punishment for all violent niggers who touched a superior white human in a violent fashion) and so do their mamas and the rest of their “infected” bloodlines at a modest rate of 100,000 times per victim per offense, EACH; and then they’re eternally executed to decontaminate the cosmos and all spirit memories they infiltrated with their violence (including those who had to see the news stories of the niggerism run amok).
Needless to say that all sub-species niggers who victimize a white (supreme) human and then refer to the assault as a “game” will be time looped and then eternally executed to rid the cosmos of their “infections” and erase the non-tamperable spirit memories they caused with their subhuman behavior that they got instilled with when they were molested and decided they loved that cock more than the breath of life, itself, but couldn’t tell no one so they act “raw” by assaulting the meek and those they perceive to be  weak (notice how the cowards never hit someone bigger than they are).
Between this assault shit and Obama’s-inferior-mama-Care, American niggers are just looking like so much eternally executed contaminants we had to come to Earth (this spirit scan) to identify and sift out from among us, eternally. It’s so relieving to know that they’ll be eternally executed after being time looped and therefore they don’t even exist right now to commit their offenses (time-space continuum level shit at work to rid the cosmos of the “infections” and “contaminants”).
Some people have resorted to hitting the streets with squirt vials of battery acid to defend themselves against the knock-out-ally challenged niggers. That’s justice: If a nigger’s trying to hit you, just squirt it with acid and watch it turn white and be “marked” as “dangerous” and “had to be taken down” by a supreme human. They should be killed for it and their IDs taken and their parents hunted down for the shit, but the acid counterattack is a solid consolation prize (at least they’ll be branded as the monsters that they truly are)…When they show up at the hospitals with acid burns, the police will know that they dropped the ball yet again in protecting a supreme productive taxpaying citizen (who pays their salaries) against a non-taxpaying jungle monkey piece of shit sub-species nigger that never should’ve been born and fell on Motuphi’s and Lucifer’s task queue to punish and rid the cosmos of via time loops and eternal execution.
Nigger mamas are being time looped and eternally executed at alarming rates and the stupid nigger whores are too insignificant and retarded to save themselves from it by disciplining their nigger monster monkeys or killing them, themselves, before they can sell their souls with violence. The nigger mamas didn’t understand “reaping” and “sowing”, so they don’t know what “reap what you sow” even means. They don’t understand that God said do NOT sow the seed of raising a violent monster that’ll do hurtful things to HIS other creations on HIS planet/spirit scan. “Do unto others as you want done to you” (in the time loops of judgement). So a nigger bitch who raises a violent little nigger who harms “crackers” must want to BE those “crackers” (in the time loops of judgement) that her nasty nigger monster offspring harmed or she would not have raised her nigger monster to be violent against the supreme white humans who support them by working and paying taxes so they can be “lesser” (as in NOT equal to the supreme overlord taxpayers who support them) niggers. These nigger mamas raise shit so incredibly subhuman and retarded that they’ll piss in their own drinking water and then drink it (that’s what they do every time they harm a superior to them white human who works and pays taxes so that nonproductive, non-taxpaying sub-species niggers like their nasty dope-man dick-chugging ghetto-fabulous mamas can collect welfare and raise monsters like them and get paid for it)…
If a nigger could only “see” this shit from anything other than a nigger’s infantile perspective, you’d see racial cleansing because he’d become a nigger-killing serial killer who kills subhuman niggers who refuse to work and have the audacity to hate “crackers” (who ironically support them, if THAT ain’t about a bitch).
Well, now the “game” is getting turned around on the sub-species niggers as people are arming themselves and booby-trapping themselves to be able to strike back against the niggers with deadly force…It’s the only way to deal with headhunter spawn, as the gang-bangers and Obama and those Detroit-raping niggers disguised as mayors and all of the violent “cracker” hating sub-species niggers in America have proven to be fact. The KKK were a bunch of superior raced prophets, because the headhunter spawn did everything they predicted they’d do, and worse, in every instance. They’re too infantile to feel shame (“neither can they blush”)…they truly are inferior to all humans who can “see” themselves and then evolve from lesser behavior (niggers just get worse, never better, not until you lay ‘em out in coffins, THEN they’re magically better/”cured”).
Never again will the “equality” argument be valid…From Obama on down, the American niggers have proven that they’re all just that:…inferior, subhuman, sub-species niggers who’re inferior to anything they call “cracker” from the moment that they think the thought “cracker” against a white supreme human who supports them and allows them to lay around on welfare spawning more monsters and undeserved hatred against the beautiful, supportive white overlords who work and get educations and never let their whole race disintegrate into the depths of depravity that American niggers have dived down to.
Now, all other entities accept the fact that niggers are inferior sub-species subhumans in Heaven and in Earth…The only entities that refuse to accept it are the inferior niggers, themselves…They never had a clue what “equality” is or they never would’ve wanted to be considered equal (and therefore expected to live up to the parameters of equality that none of them were prepared to live up to). They proved that they just can’t do it, that they’re inferior and a sub-species…Now, go hunt them down and make America safe for HUMANS again…Or GOD will do it (by any means necessary) and you may not like having to clean up the corpses and  the rivers of blood that’ll then hafta flow like Niagara Falls.
The knock-out game’s gonna get their nasty dope-man dick-chugging ghetto-fabulous nigger “bitch” “ho” mamas knocked the fuck out of the world…That’s beautiful.

Cursed Locales We Know To Avoid

Due to the hindrance of the end time movement of the Spirit of Elias represented by Motuphi, we know that curses are flowing into our realm to our planet on a constant basis, as was warned in the prophesies of the Revelation of John and Isaiah (to name a few regarding the subject). Plus, there are personal onslaughts that Motuphi endured for the Word’s sake that’ve attracted negative repercussions to certain locations and entities, as well.
Everyone with half a brain knows to avoid America now. Who can afford to live there now unless they’re wealthy? We can see the pillaged, oppressed, impoverished people and how those numbers tripled with the introduction of a Black “president” (still waiting for him to do even one “presidential” thing). We can see the criminalization of the decent, hard-working, taxpaying population and the coddling of the subhumans who refuse to get educations and jobs to become their equals. We can see the reverse discrimination on such dangerous levels that it’s not safe for white people or animals or children in their own homes anymore. We can see the dumbing down of the Black population with Rap/Hip-Hop’s desecration by an element that should’ve been incarcerated instead of given microphones and record deals. We can see how the Americans are dangerously “zombified” to such extreme self-destructive levels as to allow Obama’s-inferior-mama-Care to be enacted and only a few gods among you (like Motuphi) fight for the liberation of your nation (he and those who follow his lead to fight against the white devil ObamaCare agenda are doing what Mandela would’ve done in their position, being threatened by a different form of Apartheid that’s every bit as real and as dangerous to the American people). Yeah, America became that place to avoid (bad food, bad people, bad government)…
Even those born in America are striving to liberate themselves from it, and you can’t help but feel sorry for their intelligent poor,  who now realize that they’re trapped in subhuman nigger Heaven and cannot escape to a free nation now. They know they can be butchered at any given moment.
But if we were stuck in America, we’d still avoid such curse hot spots as
(where the Earth will probably buckle beneath the evil done there in government offices with treasonous decisions, or an asteroid may bomb it, or something else just as catastrophic will happen to intervene against the Obama administration. Remember the Egypt era plagues will become available again, but on an “evolved” level, if necessary.)
(they still gotta pay for those subhuman gangs they produced and for what they used the mainstream media for, as a Sodom or Gomorrah)
(ditto: gangs, pedophilia-induced mainstream media dumbing down the population and making them brutish, fleshly, and materialistic, as a Sodom or Gomorrah)
(the 1st example of what niggers in government will do)
New Orleans
(voodoo against Motuphi and God’s active end time Elect attracted negative weather and the nigger mayor pilfered the levy maintenance fund, making it a deadly combination; plus all the interracial sex reaching epic levels there, making God spew every time He glanced that way)
(old white devils were mean as hell to Motuphi and God responded with a hefty God-smack/continuous curse)
Traverse/Leelanau/Kalkaska/Crawford county areas
(white devil action again: from starving Motuphi and his wife out, then stealing his wife’s medical records storage facility business idea, then bullying and “witch-hunting” him in Grayling; to depriving him of friends, companions, business connections and musician hook-ups with their lies and evil legends they spread all over the place about him which made his life stagnant and attracted curses of destitution, desolation, and stagnation upon them, their families and their collective health and economies and got a bunch of stuck-up fake musicians and their music and fans cursed for judging Motuphi instead of leaguing with him…even the churches got cursed for spawning retarded hypocrites to attack and sabotage Motuphi, which may’ve caused a curse to go out to make those churches as dangerous for them as churches were for Motuphi when he was a child being passed from one religious pedophile to another by his Christian fanatical mother who was too ignorant to know evil when she saw it…Motuphi became incapacitated when he went north and then conceded to becoming a Satanic Dark Priestess because he accepted it as “God’s Will” for him due to not being able to do anything else in that area because of the hypocrisy and white devilism, which has got to have God/Allah/Jehovah ready to smack the shit right out of some people)
Those are locations we’d avoid if we were stuck in America and unable to escape the tyrant nigger regime. We’d avoid being musicians or fans of American musicians (especially in northern Michigan) if we were there, too (they’ve gotta be attracting negative energy and curses by now). We’d also avoid being involved in government or owning an insurance company or stock in one and we’d avoid having anyone who does near us to avoid being crushed by the hammers of the gods that are overdue to drop upon their heads any time now.
Yeah, we know that there are some things to avoid now to avoid the invisible “energy” attachments. But Americans aren’t even smart enough to fight against one teeny, tiny, little tyrant before it’s too late…Had they ignored Obama’s-inferior-mama-Care, then it would’ve failed to net the 3-million applicants it needed by March and it would’ve went away as a “fail”…But America probably has more than 3-million Black welfare recipients who just can’t wait to pull a Detroiter nigger move and sell their liberty to a headhunter disguised as a human with Black skin. They haven’t learned anything from the repeated rapes of Detroit or from her death from niggerism and lesserism (the common American “Black” mentality: be less, expect more and expect to be regarded as “equal” even when they’re not).
Will the last one out of America please turn off the lights? Thank you. The place was a massive waster of good resources (on human-shaped wreckage).

Thursday, December 5, 2013

Wouldn’t Wanna Own An Insurance Company Or Stock In One Now

We sure wouldn’t wanna own an insurance company now that doing so automatically commits one’s spirit (and those of one’s bloodline) to all time loops of Black on white crime and violence and then eternal execution. Owning an insurance company now, due to the mass rape and pillaging/mugging of Obama’s-inferior-mama-Care, ensures eternal execution after death AFTER serving time in the time loops of judgement as victims like Channon Christian, Hugh Newsom, Al Potter, and Autumn Pasquale (to name a few of MILLIONS); because Obama made it a classic Black on white crime due to all of the white Americans who’re being robbed by his deranged tyrannical, treasonous traitor terrorist attack/money scam for his cursed white devil owners.
The masses will eventually understand the severity of the crime when they realize that they’re too strapped from carrying Obama’s-inferior-mama-Care premiums every month to afford the deductibles for healthcare, doctor visits, and prescriptions; making the healthcare coverage they’re paying for USELESS…The insurance covers nothing until the deductible level has been paid: So, if your deductible is $4,000, you must pay out of pocket until you’ve reached that figure before the insurance company will pay a dime. If you had less than $4,000 worth of healthcare, doctor visits, and prescriptions during that deductible period (some are annually, some are bi-annually, some are quarterly/every 3 months), then you carried Obama’s-inferior-mama-Care for nothing other than to fill the pockets of the tyrant’s owners…Why is this so hard for the average American to understand? Why are they flocking to buy something they’re dictated to buy that is useless to them unless they have more expendable income to cover their doctor visits, procedures, surgeries, and prescriptions? Why are they so stupid? Why can niggers sell bricks in boxes (like Obama’s-inferior-mama-Care) and get away with it in America? What a waste of college educations. American colleges are a joke that’ve failed their nation in that they didn’t teach their students to recognize a take-over of their nation so that they wouldn’t willingly participate in it when it happened.
Wake the fuck up, you zombified Americans, and realize that this is a fuckin’ money SCAM, plain and simple. Your “president” is no better than those Detroit city raping subhuman, sub-species thug niggers disguised as mayors. The days will come when he IS incarcerated for his crimes in D.C., just like Kwame Kilpatrick’s subhuman ass was charged and prosecuted for HIS crimes. It’s gonna happen beyond Earth to his ass, no matter what (he done sold his-self and his entire bloodline, can’t risk the “infection” spreading beyond this Earth Age/spirit scan).
Black is whack…say it with us…Black is whack…If you joined us: That’s the first intelligent thought you’ve had since presented with the opportunity to vote for a headhunter disguised as a qualified presidential candidate who’d sell his own people to whitey for temporary fun-house ride tokens he now won’t be given the opportunity to spend because his dumb ass done got us put on a “mercy kill” list (as in the whole planet must be destroyed because no one will defy Obama and his white nigger masters).
Like Obama’s-inferior-mama-Care showed no mercy, those who didn’t fight against it tooth and nail will be shown no mercy, very soon, when they die, when the Earth is destroyed to stop Obama’s bitch ass in his little tiny humanized (and therefore nonexistent because he was eternally executed) tracks. Obama is the tiniest man ever spawned. He and his inferior bloodline won’t be missed, neither will any of the white devils who own him or the nation or the insurance companies that stood to profit from this scam…Good riddance, you infected bugs we came here to identify, punish, and rid the cosmos of.
What is the NWO? Why it’s “Niggers WithOUT”, son. Niggers of all colors without souls or spirits because they traded them away for temporary fun-house tokens. Niggers without consciences. Niggers without morals. Niggers without proper senses of parameters. Niggers without senses of shame (“neither can they blush”, not even with the ObamaCare cucumber protruding from all of their anuses for all of the world to see as if those looking on don’t know who owns the insurance companies).
NWO is an acronym for the most vile, nonexistent thing ever thought-up. Niggers without existences, because they were eternally executed after they were time looped as all who suffered whose spirit memories were correlated to their own (watch-OUT, passive terrorists on the Forbes’ Fortune 500/Passive Terrorist list, this means YOU!). If a Rockefeller causes another human to suffer unnecessarily, that whole bloodline is eternally executed, and so on…Put any rich fuck who’s playing with the lives of others name in place of Rockefeller because it applies to all of them…Spirit memory is non-tamperable and non-eraseable…Nobody got away with anything on this spirit scan (they just don’t know it yet).
You gotta fight against those Niggers WithOut…They’re niggers without sanity, as angels stand ready to throw rocks at Earth and planet-sized asteroids at the Sun at Motuphi’s order…It’d be a shame to let those few nonexistent niggers without (common desirable human characteristics or sense) in power to get the whole planet destroyed…We can already feel the “wobble” again, as the world “tosses to and fro” (as described would happen in Isaiah if Motuphi ran into trouble subduing the subhumans in power in these end times) and we can plainly see the moon is all over the place and the sun is rising and setting in strange positions. It won’t be long until the curse on the magnetic field (in effect until ObamaCare is abolished) takes full effect and we start to gyroscope and die during polar flips, anyway…Obama and the sub-species fools who own him and America and those gluttonous insurance companies are insane, that’s all there is to it…Or they’re retarded enough to be in denial about what they’re attracting to us with this latest bout of unnecessary suffering (‘lest we forget the previous terrorist attack/money scam perpetuated by the passive terrorists on the Forbes’ passive terrorist list implemented by a treasonous traitor government disguised as tax breaks for the wealthiest one percentile that shattered the worldwide economy and caused millions of time loops of unnecessary suffering for them and their bloodlines to endure at a fair rate of 100,000 times per victim per offense, EACH, before they’re all eternally executed to make their offenses against others never happen at all…ergo: the meek inherit the Earth, like God said).
Wouldn’t wanna own stock in an insurance company right about now…Something invisible to human eyes is here stalking those who do, awaiting that opportunity to counterattack for the ObamaCare attack…This war has crossed dimensions now and has just begun…Yet it doesn’t exist, just like Obama and all who participated in enacting ObamaCare.
Just more phantoms Motuphi and Lucifer conquered in the spirit scan stage to rid the cosmos of their “infections” for the meek to be able to live in peace and enjoy the planet, as God always intended…BILLIONS of phantoms were eternally executed and therefore never existed, just like Obama and all who owned him. Their names can’t even be remembered beyond this spirit scan…they don’t exist, they just don’t “get it” yet (that they eternally deleted themselves).

Jameis Winston Rapes His Own Mama In Time Loops!

Yeah! Every time they get away with something on Earth, the after Earth consequences quadruple…So, instead of the usual 100,000 time loops they would’ve had to endure, Winston, his mama and all who were involved (and their collective bloodlines) will endure the time loops of judgement AS the drunken victim in this case a minimum of 400,000 times each. They get to fuck their mamas in this drunken girl 400,000 times each, too. The only way their mamas could redeem themselves from the time loops as this victim would be if they killed their sons, themselves, to send their “infected” spirits back to God/Allah/Jehovah before they can commit any more rapes.
If the victim was white, they’ll also be committed to time loops as every victim of Black on white crime at a rate of 100,000 times per victim per offense, EACH. So they can look forward to being Channon Christian, Hugh Newsom, Al Potter, Autumn Pasquale, and all of the millions more victims of Black on white crime (including the dope hoes and their kids that were sold into sexual slavery to dope-men for dope).
Needless to say that they won’t be making it back home, so their wealth (“of the wicked”) that was laid-up in escrow (“for the just”) when they came to Earth will be disbursed to the victims of Black on white crime for them to spend on the New Earth, a place where  no “infected” spirits will ever make it to.
America is afraid to hold niggers accountable for their atrocities, so everyone involved in getting this nasty subhuman nigger out of being charged will also endure the same fate when they and their bloodlines and mamas die, too (fuck ‘em, they’d rape the meek for neanderthals and that’s not going beyond this spirit scan).
Here’s yet another story of undeniable racial inferiority (if a nigger sees your white woman, he expects to be able to fuck her, so if you can’t keep her at home, kill the bitch to deprive their nigger asses of the use of another “cracker” ho whose flesh they despise and wanna defile…or watch the bitch writhe in the time loops as every victim of Black on white violence with the rest of the white devil race traitor hoes who threw themselves onto undeserving nigger cocks and got themselves eternally executed for it).
Good riddance, Winston bloodline, and every bloodline who’s a fan of you or who likes you or who assisted you in raping this drunken girl…Let everyone who’s a fan of American sports be cursed at an even greater rate than is already attached to them until it becomes completely unsafe to be a sports fan on Earth (they all congregate at convenient venues where they can be easily accessed and it’s not at the animal sanctuaries or homeless shelters, so…).
We’re gonna buy some loops as Winston’s drunken girl rape loops and be him fucking his drunken mama in that drunk girl’s body. That’ll be a well-spent $666 right there…Then we’ll put Winston in her body and fuck him, too…The God-less niggers sold themSELVES, this time, so don’t you dare feel sorry for their “cracker” raping, torturing, murdering asses (or we’ll fuck YOU, too).

One Cursed Cop & Community

God should do the world a favor and cause a few trillion curses to swoop down upon Chamblee, Georgia for charging that electric car owner with theft. We know that now REAL criminals are headed to that community and, hopefully, the barney fife cops in that community will meet with untimely demises as a reward for their evil behavior and abuse of power and authority. If we were in America, we’d go thru’ that town shooting, robbing and pillaging, to show those retarded bullies with badges and guns what REAL crime looks like.
Now, curses flow freely to Chamblee, Georgia and upon all who participated in this abuse of power and authority and blatant waste of taxpayer dollars (and their families and collective economies and budgets).
ATTN: Cursed Bully Cop, ask those you’re supposed to protect and serve if they’d rather you waste their tax dollars prosecuting that electric car owner or if they’d rather you go after REAL criminals with their money…We know you’re just afraid of real criminals is why you fucked with that guy over a nickel’s worth of electricity. Now, REAL criminals will befall your evil little community like a plague and your women and children and elderly will be endangered, all because ya’ll are bully cowards with badges. We’ll be watching the news, hoping to see stories of shot-up bullies with badges so that Chamblee, Georgia can be relieved of the curses (and real criminals) you attracted to it and they can finally have REAL cops who’ll pursue REAL criminals on their time being paid by their dime…Oh, and spirit memories will be reviewed and all REAL crimes you failed to prosecute while fucking with this law abiding citizen will be added to your time loops of judgement for you and your “infected” bloodlines to endure when you die (100,000 times per victim per offense, EACH)…So, if there were rapes or murders or molestations on your beats, prepare your mamas, wives, and children to endure them when they die (you nasty tin badge totin’ monsters).
This is an instance when “Fuck the police” is an appropriate sentiment. But those ain’t cops. They’re bullies with badges and guns who’re cock-blocking all potential REAL cops that could be hired to their positions…But this batch of curses will do the trick, because now those cops are not safe from their own negative energy and karma.

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