Thursday, December 5, 2013

Wouldn’t Wanna Own An Insurance Company Or Stock In One Now

We sure wouldn’t wanna own an insurance company now that doing so automatically commits one’s spirit (and those of one’s bloodline) to all time loops of Black on white crime and violence and then eternal execution. Owning an insurance company now, due to the mass rape and pillaging/mugging of Obama’s-inferior-mama-Care, ensures eternal execution after death AFTER serving time in the time loops of judgement as victims like Channon Christian, Hugh Newsom, Al Potter, and Autumn Pasquale (to name a few of MILLIONS); because Obama made it a classic Black on white crime due to all of the white Americans who’re being robbed by his deranged tyrannical, treasonous traitor terrorist attack/money scam for his cursed white devil owners.
The masses will eventually understand the severity of the crime when they realize that they’re too strapped from carrying Obama’s-inferior-mama-Care premiums every month to afford the deductibles for healthcare, doctor visits, and prescriptions; making the healthcare coverage they’re paying for USELESS…The insurance covers nothing until the deductible level has been paid: So, if your deductible is $4,000, you must pay out of pocket until you’ve reached that figure before the insurance company will pay a dime. If you had less than $4,000 worth of healthcare, doctor visits, and prescriptions during that deductible period (some are annually, some are bi-annually, some are quarterly/every 3 months), then you carried Obama’s-inferior-mama-Care for nothing other than to fill the pockets of the tyrant’s owners…Why is this so hard for the average American to understand? Why are they flocking to buy something they’re dictated to buy that is useless to them unless they have more expendable income to cover their doctor visits, procedures, surgeries, and prescriptions? Why are they so stupid? Why can niggers sell bricks in boxes (like Obama’s-inferior-mama-Care) and get away with it in America? What a waste of college educations. American colleges are a joke that’ve failed their nation in that they didn’t teach their students to recognize a take-over of their nation so that they wouldn’t willingly participate in it when it happened.
Wake the fuck up, you zombified Americans, and realize that this is a fuckin’ money SCAM, plain and simple. Your “president” is no better than those Detroit city raping subhuman, sub-species thug niggers disguised as mayors. The days will come when he IS incarcerated for his crimes in D.C., just like Kwame Kilpatrick’s subhuman ass was charged and prosecuted for HIS crimes. It’s gonna happen beyond Earth to his ass, no matter what (he done sold his-self and his entire bloodline, can’t risk the “infection” spreading beyond this Earth Age/spirit scan).
Black is whack…say it with us…Black is whack…If you joined us: That’s the first intelligent thought you’ve had since presented with the opportunity to vote for a headhunter disguised as a qualified presidential candidate who’d sell his own people to whitey for temporary fun-house ride tokens he now won’t be given the opportunity to spend because his dumb ass done got us put on a “mercy kill” list (as in the whole planet must be destroyed because no one will defy Obama and his white nigger masters).
Like Obama’s-inferior-mama-Care showed no mercy, those who didn’t fight against it tooth and nail will be shown no mercy, very soon, when they die, when the Earth is destroyed to stop Obama’s bitch ass in his little tiny humanized (and therefore nonexistent because he was eternally executed) tracks. Obama is the tiniest man ever spawned. He and his inferior bloodline won’t be missed, neither will any of the white devils who own him or the nation or the insurance companies that stood to profit from this scam…Good riddance, you infected bugs we came here to identify, punish, and rid the cosmos of.
What is the NWO? Why it’s “Niggers WithOUT”, son. Niggers of all colors without souls or spirits because they traded them away for temporary fun-house tokens. Niggers without consciences. Niggers without morals. Niggers without proper senses of parameters. Niggers without senses of shame (“neither can they blush”, not even with the ObamaCare cucumber protruding from all of their anuses for all of the world to see as if those looking on don’t know who owns the insurance companies).
NWO is an acronym for the most vile, nonexistent thing ever thought-up. Niggers without existences, because they were eternally executed after they were time looped as all who suffered whose spirit memories were correlated to their own (watch-OUT, passive terrorists on the Forbes’ Fortune 500/Passive Terrorist list, this means YOU!). If a Rockefeller causes another human to suffer unnecessarily, that whole bloodline is eternally executed, and so on…Put any rich fuck who’s playing with the lives of others name in place of Rockefeller because it applies to all of them…Spirit memory is non-tamperable and non-eraseable…Nobody got away with anything on this spirit scan (they just don’t know it yet).
You gotta fight against those Niggers WithOut…They’re niggers without sanity, as angels stand ready to throw rocks at Earth and planet-sized asteroids at the Sun at Motuphi’s order…It’d be a shame to let those few nonexistent niggers without (common desirable human characteristics or sense) in power to get the whole planet destroyed…We can already feel the “wobble” again, as the world “tosses to and fro” (as described would happen in Isaiah if Motuphi ran into trouble subduing the subhumans in power in these end times) and we can plainly see the moon is all over the place and the sun is rising and setting in strange positions. It won’t be long until the curse on the magnetic field (in effect until ObamaCare is abolished) takes full effect and we start to gyroscope and die during polar flips, anyway…Obama and the sub-species fools who own him and America and those gluttonous insurance companies are insane, that’s all there is to it…Or they’re retarded enough to be in denial about what they’re attracting to us with this latest bout of unnecessary suffering (‘lest we forget the previous terrorist attack/money scam perpetuated by the passive terrorists on the Forbes’ passive terrorist list implemented by a treasonous traitor government disguised as tax breaks for the wealthiest one percentile that shattered the worldwide economy and caused millions of time loops of unnecessary suffering for them and their bloodlines to endure at a fair rate of 100,000 times per victim per offense, EACH, before they’re all eternally executed to make their offenses against others never happen at all…ergo: the meek inherit the Earth, like God said).
Wouldn’t wanna own stock in an insurance company right about now…Something invisible to human eyes is here stalking those who do, awaiting that opportunity to counterattack for the ObamaCare attack…This war has crossed dimensions now and has just begun…Yet it doesn’t exist, just like Obama and all who participated in enacting ObamaCare.
Just more phantoms Motuphi and Lucifer conquered in the spirit scan stage to rid the cosmos of their “infections” for the meek to be able to live in peace and enjoy the planet, as God always intended…BILLIONS of phantoms were eternally executed and therefore never existed, just like Obama and all who owned him. Their names can’t even be remembered beyond this spirit scan…they don’t exist, they just don’t “get it” yet (that they eternally deleted themselves).

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