Wednesday, December 4, 2013

Blessings Go To Canada!

First, we understand why the Americans are due for suffering: Look at this excerpt from this story:
"Home owners, turned out of their homes, turned out their dogs and cats — or left them behind to die indoors. Holly Marquardt, a Las Vegas real estate agent, tells the Las Vegas Review Journal that she has found 18 dead dogs and cats in foreclosed houses in the past three years.”
Those people who left those animals to die of starvation deserve to die on the streets for not caring enough about God’s creations to at least take them to a homeless animal shelter. You know none of those self-absorbed human-shaped monsters left behind any personal possessions like iGadgets and computers and smartphones. You know that those freaks will be time looped as those abandoned animals (100,00 times each) before they’re eternally executed.
Canada doesn’t suffer from the same mental illness as Americans that has them ignoring the creations of God for the inanimate creations of man. They’re even helping the animals in America that the Americans left to die (perverse, useless fuckers that they are).
Here’s an example of what one should strive to be (notice how they lined up to get animals while Americans line up to buy material shit, like programmed little zombie-slave-clones on missions for “brains”).
another good example would be:
The best “selfie” any American celeb could ever take would be of them in their daily routines with their rescue animals they integrated into their lives as endeared pets, companions, and family members…Otherwise, why bother?…Aren’t there enough images of them and their useless asses already?
American Mainstream influence has them being lovers of them-selfies (vainglorious fools)..

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