Thursday, December 5, 2013

One Cursed Cop & Community

God should do the world a favor and cause a few trillion curses to swoop down upon Chamblee, Georgia for charging that electric car owner with theft. We know that now REAL criminals are headed to that community and, hopefully, the barney fife cops in that community will meet with untimely demises as a reward for their evil behavior and abuse of power and authority. If we were in America, we’d go thru’ that town shooting, robbing and pillaging, to show those retarded bullies with badges and guns what REAL crime looks like.
Now, curses flow freely to Chamblee, Georgia and upon all who participated in this abuse of power and authority and blatant waste of taxpayer dollars (and their families and collective economies and budgets).
ATTN: Cursed Bully Cop, ask those you’re supposed to protect and serve if they’d rather you waste their tax dollars prosecuting that electric car owner or if they’d rather you go after REAL criminals with their money…We know you’re just afraid of real criminals is why you fucked with that guy over a nickel’s worth of electricity. Now, REAL criminals will befall your evil little community like a plague and your women and children and elderly will be endangered, all because ya’ll are bully cowards with badges. We’ll be watching the news, hoping to see stories of shot-up bullies with badges so that Chamblee, Georgia can be relieved of the curses (and real criminals) you attracted to it and they can finally have REAL cops who’ll pursue REAL criminals on their time being paid by their dime…Oh, and spirit memories will be reviewed and all REAL crimes you failed to prosecute while fucking with this law abiding citizen will be added to your time loops of judgement for you and your “infected” bloodlines to endure when you die (100,000 times per victim per offense, EACH)…So, if there were rapes or murders or molestations on your beats, prepare your mamas, wives, and children to endure them when they die (you nasty tin badge totin’ monsters).
This is an instance when “Fuck the police” is an appropriate sentiment. But those ain’t cops. They’re bullies with badges and guns who’re cock-blocking all potential REAL cops that could be hired to their positions…But this batch of curses will do the trick, because now those cops are not safe from their own negative energy and karma.

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