Sunday, December 8, 2013

Reaping What They Sowed

The endless rolling brownouts (massive power outages) in 2004 were, it turns out, deliberate - in fact, they were caused by Enron, much to the amusement of energy traders. Recordings exist of Enron employees laughing about sending California residents into the Stone Age so that energy prices could be driven up.
The world, God, Lucifer and Motuphi got the last laughs on Enron, remember? That’s what mean-spirited “infected” spirits attract to themselves.
Plus, they get to be any victims that suffered due to those purposeful brown-outs: Like, if a woman got raped when her power went out, they’re being looped as her (100,000 times per victim per offense, EACH). Or if someone was mugged or murdered during a brown-out that wouldn’t have happened had the power stayed on, ditto, same deal, ex-Enron employees responsible for the brown-outs get to BE those victims before they’re eternally executed to rid the cosmos of their horrid “infections”.

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