Thursday, August 22, 2019

Twitter Protects Marlon Wayans From Criticism Causing More Reciprocity!

Twitter recently wiped-out all fan accounts of Motuphi for daring to share his superior music online. Twitter had curses and time traveling angels of death and devils loosed upon them and their families and their ancestors before they could spawn in retaliation for those welfare phantom-ish assaults on the existent, too. The same happened to everyone who benefits from any social media platform that engaged in censoring, all the way up to Wall Street (which is how Wall Street got undone to never happen). That's why you see in the other timelines that none of those offenders ever got born to preexist here in this temporary timeline to engage in censoring nor did anyone in any government that allowed it nor anyone who had an agenda that could benefit from it. They're known as "welfare phantoms" and they accrued a debt to the cosmos and the Collective Consciousness with their inhuman behavior.

Those who don't exist (and never will) have engaged in warfare against those who exist in all other timelines. If they're in power or famous or wealthy here, they probably failed their preexistence here and had to be time looped and spiritually executed to never get born here to perpetuate any of their offenses. Think hieroglyphs showing modern technology that was undone via time traveling angels of death wiping out the culprits from Nibiru who brought it here against God's (Yah's) orders (before they could bring it here). Motuphi was here on Earth back then and sent some of the offenders back to Planet X. Those are the entities who'll return to back Motuphi when he takes over the world, again. They've been watching us and they're chomping at the bit to get at all of the entities here who fought against Motuphi and his army of existents. That list includes everyone famous, everyone complicit in their fame or who benefited from it, and everyone who ever censored Motuphi's online content, media or posts.

The only entity with power, fame or fortune who may actually really exist beyond this temporary timeline after it (and all that happened here) gets undone is probably Putin. Trump could've capitalized on the fact that he was the 1st American president that America ever had (the rest never bothered to secure the borders, so they never qualified as POTUS, even if they held the office). But he opted to fail and bail and become a puppet to the welfare phantom regime, doing their bidding at every turn, which placed him on opposing sides to the existent, represented here by Motuphi, alone (nobody famous or powerful ever dared to defy their programming masters to league with Motuphi, which got them time looped and phantomized to never get born here).

Now we come to the undoing of the Wayans Brothers. Imagine the world without the toxic influence of the Wayans. Imagine how much smarter Black folk who're their fans would be. Like Tyler Perry. There's nobody famous and Black who's not damaging to the collective psyche of the Black race. The fake Jews who control fame and fortune saw to that. Motuphi fought against it and there was nobody famous who's really BLACK to league with Motuphi to take the minds of their race back from the programmers. So they run amok perpetuating offenses that will even get their ancestors wiped the fuck out before they can even spawn to purify the cosmos of the plague that they've become. Now, even pulling out the race card or seeing something as "racist" rains down the inter-dimensional whallop upon them and all the famous Black bugs who influenced them.

Recently, Twitter protected Marlon Wayans from some constructive criticism tweeted to him from Motuphi. This added to the debt that the Twitter people and all who benefit from their site and all who they did not censor must pay to the cosmos. You'll start seeing bad shit happening to these entities now. The only way that Marlon can deflect this shit being aimed at his bloodline now by invisible inter-dimensional time traveling entities would be to acknowledge that Motuphi is right and to defy his fake Jew masters by repairing some of the damage done to Motuphi and his music career and finances by the fake Jews (who own the Wayans) by elevating Motuphi above all of the lesser talented entities that the fake Jews made fake famous (as in, there's no reason for them to be famous since they suck and they're stupid as fuck). 

Marlon has the power to save himself and his family from never existing after being time looped as all victims of his fans (which includes animals and fight dogs). He just has to step up and stop being owned by white devils. Motuphi's music is Blacker than anything released by anyone "Black" in over 25 YEARS, anyway, yo. If he'd just be Black, nigga, he might could exist beyond this shit.

We've found that it's futile to try to make existents out of welfare phantoms. But, via these online posts, it's logged in their non-tamperable non-erase-able spirit memories (which even record their thoughts and omissions) that they denied the chance to escape time loops and rescue their mamas and ancestors from time loops before their phantomizations (spiritual executions aka the 2nd death) to never get born here to fail their preexistences so badly. Now, the Wayans have no legal argument when they die. If they failed, they failed. They elevated the white man's thoughts that were placed in their heads and profited from it. They can die to be time looped as slaves to repay that shit at a standard rate of $900,000 per PENNY compounded per second of possession here, or they can wash the blood off of that money and join those who actually exist. There's only one existent entity left here now who's brave enough to step into their arena and that's Motuphi (he the last).

Will Marlon continue to hide behind his fake Jew owners who protected his poor wittle feelings from some constructive criticism from someone who actually exists beyond here? We'll look in the next timeline and see if there are any Wayans there yet...So far, there ain't. Can Marlon change it in time? The clock is ticking, nigga. Feel the tension? Will the Wayans ever get born?? Oh, no! It hangs in the balance now! It all depends on how stupid and controlled Marlon is by the white man. The white man wants Motuphi and the Muli kept down, nigga. Grow some Blackness and EXIST, nigga, EXIST!!! Rattle them Jew chains, nigga! You know that Motuphi was right...:

The General Lee from the Dukes of Hazzard was NOT a "racist" car nor was the flag (unless Jews control your feeble little mind). General Lee was notorious for fighting AGAINST slavery and he flew that Dixie flag the entire time he engaged in that war AGAINST slavery. But Marlon pulled an Oprah in his stupid dumb-down-for-the-white-man-movie, Sextuplets, and wanted to change shit up, like Oprah did with that movie that portrayed a POTUS who was supportive of MLK Jr as being adversarial (Selma, the opposite of the truth, to dumb down more Blacks for the white man to control with words and symbols). Imagine how much slavery Oprah gonna endure for HER ill-gotten-gain (which is every penny she got, yo) before she gets phantomized to never get born to "earn" (get gave by the white man for being a Black caricature) ANY of it.

This is what it is, yo. Nobody Black who's famous who's not a cowardly owned (by the white man) sell-out. Or niggas would be thumping the Muli and the n0n0k raiders and Motuphi in the 'hood right now. Let's listen. Nope. Just more lame, low vibrational energy, mind enslaving, “nigga” laced bullshit disguised as Rap/Hip-Hop, as it has been ever since the Jews created Gangsta Rap and bought them some slaves and made em famous to do their bidding against the Black man. Just like the "civil rights" movement, which was actually a thug and welfare demographic enabler movement that disgraced the Black race into oblivion (we never recovered, yo, we're grossly disgusting, violent, stupid and controlled and a white man, Motuphi, stood against famous slave house niggers for us and got beat down for it)...

Still, nobody Black who's famous or powerful or influential...Just more of the same weakness. Welfare Phantoms. Yep. They don't even exist. Not even now. Watch what a little time manipulation from God (Yah) can do, yo. Remember before the flood of Noah, this shit had to be done. History repeats itself.


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