Friday, September 7, 2018

What No Other Rapper Can Do

What no other rapper can do is be a credible MC who has REAL street cred, used to be a Detroit pimp/thug, kick-out Rap/Hip-Hop that makes all previous efforts sound like child's play, and still be a super talented Jazz music artist who can produce awesome Smooth Jazz hits like Quantumly by ASheGoddess. That's what Motuphi aka Lotta Jesus aka Vincent-Nick Ciofani has done and can do, on the regular.

This single release of the song is a sneak peek of the EP coming out by ASheGoddess in October of 2018. The single is now available for streaming and purchase online at all reputable retailers, outlets and platforms.

Notorious for his Rap and underground Metal (dubbed "Pseudo Punk") from the old days, Vini (as he's called by his friends) is also a transgendered person who lives as a man and was thwarted from making his transformation by white devils who sabotaged his music career and his normal life with illegal Martial Law in the form of an illegal driver’s license revocation for his entire adult life. Then, he was happy that he didn't get anything done when MK Ultra mind controlled freaks like Caitlyn Jenner popped up to make people hate trannies. Jenner has the money to complete the transformation, making him either a coward or a freak. A man in drag with a penis, going into restrooms with little girls, by choice. Plus, the white devils have laws stating that trannies must live as a woman for a year with their penis before GRS. That's forcing trannies into public restrooms, pre-op. To protest this barrage of making people hate trannies, Vini opted to only be his female self in private and for video entertainment. Otherwise, he could be lumped in with the freaks who want to sexualize children with their public display of their private sexuality (which is mild passive pedophilia). Many didn't know that this is the same person from Detroit.

ASheGoddess, the pseudonym, is either a vague reference to his transsexualism, or it could be reference to the ashe goddess from cult myths and legends...That part is still unclear.
As with all of his other releases as of late, the collaborators on the tracks are again kept anonymous.
Supporting this music act may fund a transformation of the entity that all of the mainstream rappers know is the God of Rap/Hip-Hop that they are protected from by their white devil masters who thwart Motuphi's music sales so that he can't climb the Billboard charts and knock those clown-shoes hate speech writing fucktards posing as "rappers" down off of their pedestals. Yeah. Your famous thug rappers all hide behind the white devils' aprons from the REAL street thug rapper who had to go ballistic on all things famous and their enablers with angels of death and curses of devastation to wipe them out since they're just gonna stand in the way distracting from his real talent and messages with their 3rd grade level mind-puke, hate-speech and atypical thug bug mentality regurgitation...Time for those demographics to DIE, since there's no room for Motuphi as long as they's breathing...All things that exist is just fine with that...Nigga. Motuphi can't be on the radio with you? Well, DIE then, Niggas, for real, faster. Same for all the DJs who plays your bullshit that can't compete with Motuphi's music.

Those who got no business behind the microphone gotsta be protected from those who belong there with cheating, theft of sales, rigged fake-ass fame, phony reality, stacked decks and playing fields sloped to favor the feeble-minded and untalented. So other timelines gotsta get with them, like they had to get with the rigged Hillary Clinton election, and completely NULLIFY that shit and all of their fame, entirely. Time for all of their secrets to spill out and for the haters to come out to get em. Motuphi wasn't allowed to bring anything fresh and real to Rap/Hip-Hop, so he walked away from it and sent angels of death and curses to wipe-out everyone who benefits from the genre and everyone who's a fan of it who's not a bigger fan of HIS music (tough new rules to abide by, Nigga).

We say "It's about time! Motuphi was too good and too fuckin' talented to be doing that Rap bullshit, anyway! Thank you, white devils, for protecting your famous little obedient nigger slaves so effectively that Motuphi decided to walk away and God-smack your asses to death! Now, maybe he'll get back to making REAL music, for US, his REAL fans. Jazz was always his baby, anyway. Ain't no rapper gonna touch THAT shit, for realz."

Ain't nobody with an IQ above retarded allowed to be a famous rapper. It's all rigged. White devils thwart the sales of Motuphi and secretly buy their slaves' shit to make em blow-up on the Billboard charts...It's just a proven FACT, yo...and none of those slave niggas has any sense of shame about it, or they would've already dislodged that white devil cock from their throats and anuses and went and defied them white motherfuckers by signing Motuphi to the biggest record deal any rapper ever seen or heard of...But, nope. Slob on that white knob, Niggas. Motuphi will just go elsewhere and send death to your bitch asses, making killing floors of all places you go...Nigga. You got some REAL problems now, bigger than some white children who support your dumb asses singing "nigga" to your feeble-minded hate speech disguised as "Rap/Hip-Hop". The undoing of Rap/Hip-Hop and all things famous has begun. There's no place safe for em, now.

That's another thing that no other rapper can do: send angels of death and curses of devastation to wipe-out his enemies.

If you're a fan of the famous targets and you want to get the curses and angels of death off of you, try buying or streaming some Motuphi music and put that in your non-tamperable non-erase-able spirit memories that even record your thoughts and omissions...It might help.


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