Monday, December 19, 2016

KKK Supporting Blacks

Okay. It’s time to call out the KKK supporting Blacks.
Here’s how to identify them:
If they supported Hillary Clinton, they support the KKK.
If they refused to vote, they supported the KKK because their votes were then pilfered and shuffled to Hillary.
All of your famous Blacks who told you to vote for Hillary or “don’t vote” are KKK supporters. They knew that your votes would go to Hillary if they could convince you to refuse to vote. See how your famous Blacks betray you at every turn? Cosby was the only defiance against the KKK with Black skin and power/influence.
It’s a FACT.
They can not deny it.
Obama is KKK, too. Anyone part of his administration is KKK. Their agendas are KKK agendas, yo.

Friday, December 16, 2016

Crediting Russia With Motuphi’s Work Proves China Death Deadly

You see how China is crumbling now that they helped Obama censor the internet. That’s okay. There’s no China nor Obama in the real world nor in the next timeline.
The propagandists disguised as “news” people (you know, the fake news that you see on TV) want you to think that Russia is responsible for what Motuphi and Lucifer did from a future timeline to their election theft attempts. If you had a clue what the truth was, you’d know that Russia had nothing to do with it.
Motuphi’s collecting from them per molecule represented per view count, upwards and downwards. There agendas crumble as a result. Satellites fall from the sky and lakes disappear, along with huge sums of money. It’s cartoonish to watch.
D Wave computers are “exploiting” (robbing) other timelines and dimensions for white devils and subhumans who’re controlled by sub-spirits (A.I.). Motuphi’s spirit is being cloned at algebraic rates to combat those rogue computers. Those warrior clones have wormhole weaponry aimed at us (this planet) right now. There are no leaders to deal with here. Motuphi was the only government for God and Lucifer to rely on. That’s why he became so supernaturally powerful.
The mass celebrity die-off is increasing, too, you’ll notice. They should’ve rose up to be Motuphi’s equal by using their influence to better the world instead of uglifying it like they did. Now they gotta get time looped to rebuild stuff, too, before they are spiritually executed to never exist.
Notice how Obama’s desperate crackhead ass keeps lying? Yeah. The response by the terrorist-supporting subhumans that we saw to Hillary’s loss was what we were supposed to see when Obama’s crackhead ass got elected with voter fraud, 8 years ago.
Now, Obama wants to start WW3 to keep Trump from rescuing the world from ObamaCare. That’s why you cannot trust dope-fiends with power. They can be bought, like the slaves that they are.

Tuesday, November 29, 2016

Terrorist Stein’s Recount IS PROOF of Fraud!

The proof of election tampering is in the fact that terrorists want a recount so that they can throw in all of those illegal votes that were not included initially. You know? The votes from the illegals and the niggers who refused to be equal to white people by voting. When niggers refuse to be people and vote with the people, then those nigger votes are used by the terrorists, making every non-voting nigger a terrorist-supporting passive terrorist who would allow Hillary to steal more of their freedoms and then blame someone white for that shit (stupid pesky little niggers with their feeble little terrorist supporting minds). Then, Obama, the white devil dick-chugging crackhead Muslim infidel treasonous terrorist who was the worst president to ever stink up the Oval Office, did his usual treasonous porch monkey shit and told illegals that they were voters so that they could do the same thing with THEIR votes, too!
None of those votes got included because Motuphi pulled rank from the future timeline and sabotaged their agendas like his are sabotaged so long as Michigan Secretary of State is allowed to continue to be life raping terrorists who hold him under illegal Martial Law, as they have done for 34 YEARS, with an illegal driver’s license revocation. Motuphi will continue to RAPE their agendas from the astralscape like they rape his life, as he warned them. They are all done here in this timeline. Obama and his white devil masters are too stupid to hide even though Motuphi attracted wormhole weaponry to their brainwaves to give Putin the upper hand against them, to attract the nuclear warheads to their location when they do finally get smart enough to run and hide…Just like all thugs and Muslims and rappers and sports figures and propagandists disguised as “news” people have the same parameters to abide by…DEATH is coming for these freaky nonexistent phantoms and Obama cannot save himself nor anyone else from it.
When a fake beast like Obama defies a REAL beast like Motuphi (who traverses timelines on the regular, something Obama will never do), you get the fake beast blood EVERYwhere. Now, all that Obama LIKES is on the chopping block, marked for destruction. Obama was too much of a crackhead to realize when he was outgunned. Dumb fucking nigger.
Remember that they deprive Motuphi FIRST and Motuphi just reciprocates it on cartoonish levels…He put it on autopilot. Whenever Obama or Hillary or any other terrorist thinks a thought that could negatively effect the end time Elect or an animal, the cosmos responds by going into revenge and protection mode and all molecules turn against them (as Satan, Motuphi is the prince of the power of the aire`/cosmos, so Obama fucked up when he took Motuphi’s money with ObamaCare and gave Motuphi all of that authority over their agendas to smite them down like nothing).
All of those who had agendas through Obama must now go back to the drawing board and redo EVERY detail of their agendas…Otherwise, they will continue to fail…
Motuphi does not have his driver’s license nor the $24-million that Michigan owes him, $1-million for every year that passed since he tried to get his license back 24 years ago and they refused to reinstate it.

Motuphi has to enact curses on American cities to rid the world of the thugs and illegal immigrants and rappers and sports figures and Muslim Islamic infidels that Obama allows to roam free. Until the 70-million homeless animals have loving humans, nobody is allowed to have opposing influence to that without attracting the Flint water crisis and nuclear bombs and poison food and Martial Law to their cities. Understand what Obama and your famous niggers and nigger lovers are doing here: They are daring an entity to show his power to clean up a mess of human-shaped wreckage that they all want dead (rappers and sport figures HATE their fans just as all famous celebs who support Hillary HATE their fans and families)…They want those demographics dead and they know that the Motuphi parameters will KILL them if they can only be influenced to cross certain lines and to think certain thoughts.
So, death stalks most of the American population in the cities…Good fucking riddance! Be GONE! Be DEAD! Be in the time loops being victims and homeless animals and slaves and then DIE to never exist to perpetuate your grotesque lesserism disguised as a human life! It’s where Obama and Hillary and Soros and rappers and thugs and sports figures and “news” people and celebs are headed when they die…To NEVER exist! Praise the LORD!

Friday, November 25, 2016

Hillary Terrorist Supporters Will Writhe In Our ObamaCare Pain

All REAL Americans supported Trump to get rid of the terrorist attack known as ObamaCare which Hillary Clinton helped to draft. She also helped set it up while Bill the terrorist was selling us out with NAFTA and chasing fat fucktards around the Oval Office.
82 of every 100 Americans who voted voted for TRUMP, not Hillary. A sign that the Americans are tired of treasonous terrorists and crackheads running their government. The terrorist supporting propagandists disguised as “news” outlets keep lying about how many people voted for Trump. But, when you consider that Soros was trying to give Hillary the vote with election tampering, you understand how the 82% vote that Trump got was accurate. They lied and said Michigan was too close too call when NOBODY in Michigan except for the Muslim Islamic infidels voted for Hillary! That exposes the voting fraud right there! There’s nobody in Michigan with a Hillary sign in their front lawn. It’s TRUMP, all the way. Michigan suffered too much the last time a Clinton treasonous terrorist was in the White House. NAFTA destroyed Michigan’s financial infrastructure. It has never recovered. That’s why Michigan HATES the Clintons…They don’t easily forget being raped and pillaged by a terrorist in the White House, which is also Obama’s ONLY legacy (which will be deleted, along with him, when he dies and gets time looped as his victims and as slaves and then gets spiritually executed to never get born to perpetuate those evils).
Many do not know that the Clintons got credit for the prosperity that America was enjoying while they were in office in the 90s, even though that prosperity was due to Reaganomics. The Clintons destroyed the prosperity that Reagan brought to America and they never got blamed for it. This proves that those who support them are feeble-minded, too feeble-minded to be allowed to exist in any real world scenario. 
Those of us who are not rich in America are suffering. Obama does not care. He’ll just throw another rock on the grill and go golfing on our dollar. Every penny that those white devils paid Obama for enacting the terrorist attack known as ObamaCare belongs to the American taxpayers, and Motuphi will collect it from that porch monkey when he gets him in the time loops picking cotton and making iPhones and being sex slaves (at a rate of $900,000 per PENNY compounded per second of possession, now that’s a lot of cotton!). Many of us are writhing in pain due to ObamaCare. Do you expect the porch monkey minded, like Obama and his supporters or Hillary and her supporters, to empathize with our plight? Well, the nonexistent do not have the capacity for empathy, so they cannot empathize with our plight. We see that many celebrities actually hate their fans and desire for them to writhe in pain and to be slaves to ObamaCare.
Now, Jill Stein, the terrorist, wants to overthrow the Trump election because she, too, got cumdrunk from Obama. If she had to spend a day in a REAL American’s shoes, she’d kill herself for identifying herself as a treasonous terrorist who HATES American taxpayers (the lives that matter, not the thugs, not the welfare demographic).
Ben Carson was our best shot to get proper healthcare again short of intervention from Motuphi. Now, Motuphi uses his demonic authority over anyone who would cause the human crop of God and Lucifer to suffer to stomp the dog-fuck right out of them from the astralscape. Motuphi thwarted their election theft. Motuphi also traveled backwards in time and caused key players in the construction of certain terrorist attacks to never get born. He did that to those who stole the money that God and Lucifer blessed the taxpayers with, too.
So, their numbers are dwindling and they are totally unaware of it. There are some phantoms that Motuphi wants to stay alive so he can time loop them when they die. Those are the ones who you still see here.
When it’s all said and done, those who have it in their non-tamperable non-erase-able spirit memories that they had no sympathy for the suffering will be time looped and phantomized to never exist. Even now, their brainwaves identify them as “righteous kills” to the devils and angels (and the spirits of their dead victims) that Motuphi sicced on them. The world is now unsafe for them, like the American liberties were as long as they were preexisting.
Watch God and Lucifer and Motuphi wipe from the face of the Earth all who dare defy their conjoined end time agendas. Then, they’ll be wiped from the cosmos, completely, never to get born to be infected contaminants.

Sunday, November 20, 2016

SNL Funny Memes

Okay. Since the paid comedians on SNL refuse to be funny anymore, here’s something funny utilizing their images.

      Yeah! Now THAT’s funny! 


YG Gets Sued For Endangering Asians In Their Own Homes!

We’re working on getting the Asians to fight back against what Obama allowed YG to do to Asian immigrants via a class action lawsuit against YG and his label and against the music genre, itself.
For animals and children and women and taxpayers (the lives who DO matter) to be safe in America again, Rap/Hip-Hop must be banned and the CDs burned in the streets. For PROPERTY to be safe, it must be done. Otherwise, the whole nation will look like Compton (niggers are scum who don’t care, just LOOK at ‘em! they are beneath us and the Blacks that MLK Jr had killed off by thugs and welfare recipients).
On the bright side, no thugs nor rappers really exist and they die and get time looped as all of their victims and as slaves before they get spiritually executed, right along with their “parents”, to never exist to perpetuate the offenses that got them punished and executed in the first place.
God and Lucifer are the ULTIMATE gangsters and we’s in THEIR “turf”, Nigga. They said work with your own two hands and do NOT endanger ANYthing that you do not want to be time looped as when you die….Nigga…


Saturday, November 19, 2016

People In America Who Deserve Martial Law & FEMA Camps

Seeing Kanye West’s brain-dead fans boo him for saying he would’ve voted for Trump made it so plain that there are MILLIONS of nonexistent phantom premonitions running amok in America that deserve to be incarcerated in FEMA camps and assigned to hard labor, or better yet, KILLED off completely to rid the world of their stench disguised as human existences. So, let’s start there, all who booed that concept of supporting Trump will now be cursed with poison food and water and violence will stalk them and overtake them; same goes for all Hillary and Obama supporters and mainstream “music” and sports fans. They are too feeble-minded to be allowed to exist among the general population, nor can they be trusted with the right to vote.
We’ll go down the obvious list of those who need to be executed or sent to FEMA camps to work hard labor and know that this list is being carried out after they die: They get time looped as their victims and as slaves and then they are executed to never get born, so they never get to perpetuate what got them punished and executed in the first place. Plus, they are cursed while they are here in the temporary Premonition timeline that will be UNDONE to undo them and all that they did and failed to do.
Here’s the list of all who are beneath the rest of the productive population and should be executed or at least taken to FEMA camps.
Kanye West and his fans. Beyonce and her fans. All rappers and their fans. Almost all sports figures and their fans. All terrorists, like Hillary and Obama, posing as government. The Kardashians. Almost all reality show stars (you can count on one hand what the exceptions are, like Lizard Lick and shows about philanthropy). George Soros and all of his owned protesting little zombie-slave-clones. BLM and all supporters of it. All racist Blacks and anyone who fomented their undue unfounded racism. Oprah. The Obamas. All who supported Obama. Whoopi. Jesse Jackson, his followers. The NAACP. Al Sharpton and his followers. Van Jones and his followers. The Black Panthers. Anyone who doesn’t realize that MLK Jr was an anti Black, bought-by-whitey nigger who helped whitey kill off all of the good hardworking Black people to replace them with welfare recipients and thugs who are nothing more than a human-shaped plague that Americans waited too long to wipe out from among them until they became like them. Those vile nigger whores on the Real. All famous Blacks who ever exhibited any signs of racism against the whites who commuted the death sentences of their headhunter ancestors to life hard labor (which allowed them to get born). All thugs. All illegal immigrants. All drug dealers. All gangstas. All junkies. All alcoholics. Anyone who’s all about partying and getting high and having fun while so much suffering is happening all around them. Anyone who would spray paint on a building or vandalize property. Anyone who would torture an animal. Anyone who would victimize a taxpayer. Anyone who would SPAWN such a fucked-up monster phantom. The propagandists disguised as “news” people who keep lying about 911 and Hillary and Obama and the weak-mindedness of Blacks in America. The Bush family. Anyone in Congress who did not fight tooth and nail against the tax breaks for the wealthiest percentile and ObamaCare, the two most devastating and long lasting terrorist attacks in history. Anyone who benefits or benefited from those terrorist attacks. Anyone who does not want to WORK with their own two hands. All female music “artists” in the mainstream. The Knowles family. Madonna, Rihanna. Miley Cyrus, Taylor Swift. Salt n Pepa. Kesha. Their fans. Those who gave anyone in this list record deals, lucrative contracts, or power, or authority. Anyone famous or with influence who failed to rise up to be Motuphi’s equal by influencing their followers and fans to rescue the homeless animals and stop the mainstream (and sports) agendas to have little kids be fucked and women treated like “bitches’ and “hoes” (and raped if they refuse to put out) and taxpayers beat down by those who should be grateful for their support.
All Muslims and Islamics, because they are INFIDELS who deny the deity of Jesus Christ. Allah calls for the extermination of ALL Muslims and Islamics and anyone else who regards Muhammad (the child prostitute who grew up to be a pedophile “prophet” in the eyes of the Muslim/Islamic infidels) as a “prophet”. All nations who allow Muslims and Islamics to live in their land will be cursed into exitinction. That’s how badly Allah HATES those Muslim Islamic INFIDELS. Allah has promised to time loop every Muslim Islamic as EVERY victim of their fake doctrine. That means they will all die and have their spirits placed into the bodies of all terrorism victims, all women who were stoned for adultery, all children who were molested by them or had their clits cut off, all Christians who suffered at their hands, all women who were raped by them, etc. Then, those Muslim Islamic INFIDELS will be time looped as the men who built the cities they destroyed. Then they will be time looped as SLAVES to repay Allah for the resources that fed them while they lived as INFIDELS who dared to judge others for being holier than they are. Allah HATES Muslim Islamic INFIDELS more than He hates anything else. That’s why Muhammad their false prophet must also endure those time loops. Every time a Muslim Islamic INFIDEL victimizes another creation of Allah, then the spirit of Muhammad their false prophet is placed into that victim. So Muhammad is reaping what he sowed for being a child prostitute who grew up to become a woman-hating, Allah-hating, child-raping pedophile “prophet”. He lied about the will of Allah and now Allah wants all who follow the teachings of Muhammad the false prophet to DIE and then be punish and then be spiritually executed to NEVER GET BORN! You cannot commit a sin against a Muslim Islamic INFIDEL because they are God-hating phantoms who do not exist. Mohammad the false prophet is being anally raped by Lucifer as a pleasing show for Allah as you read this. The TRUTH about Mohammad will now go forth and ALL Muslim Islamic INFIDELS will DIE or God will strike the nations who do not exterminate them (they are as bugs to Allah).
As you can see, there are a lot of phantoms preexisting in the temporary Premonition timeline right now…They won’t exist in any REAL timelines, though. After this timeline is undone, they won’t even exist in THIS timeline. That’s why Motuphi’s books about the above mentioned phantoms are accepted as “FICTION” in the next timeline…They’re too stupid to be afraid for their own existences, meaning they were too stupid to exist.
The REASONS for these parameters is covered is Secrets of the Worlds by Vincent Ciofani, to prove to you that God is not the dick, here, the subHUMANS who obey the sub-spirits are and required this extreme course of action for their eradication from the cosmos, Lucifer’s aire` that he’s the Prince of the power of.

The Kindle Amazon Curses

We found out how there are authors and their fans who are sabotaging new authors and we enacted curse batches for it.
Amazon and Kindle may want to thwart this practice of causing or allowing authors’ books to get buried, before their family members start dying off in droves. How it’s being done is with “reporting” on books. The curses will eventually manifest upon the readers if this is allowed to continue, just like the mainstream and sports curses manifest upon and attach to their fans.
Motuphi’s books, written under pseudonyms, are being sabotaged…Poison water and food and violence are in order upon all who are complicit in it or who facilitate it…This reaches all the way up to the government, as you can see…Bigger sabotage will always result for daring to even THINK against Motuphi…Curses, devils and violence seek out the brainwaves of any thoughts that are thought against Motuphi or the end time elect or the animals on this planet and manifest death upon them.
So anyone who has made a negative comment about one of Motuphi’s books can now be cursed and their families can be cursed, too. We’ll see the story of their untimely demises on the news, soon enough. Good riddance. You are not allowed to hinder Motuphi, you are only allowed to elevate him and pleasure him. All who violate those parameters are devils’ food being ate alive and will die to be time looped and phantomized.
The thought police are here, seeking out the offending brainwaves of all offenders. The sub-spirits who programmed them to those thoughts knew it was coming, too.
This is all covered in Secrets of the Worlds
which we better see getting more page reads and sales than anything else online, SOON, or we’ll spread that Flint water crisis around to their cities in response to it.
As a matter of fact, let all authors who make more money on Amazon and Kindle be cursed and let their fans be cursed. There you go. That should help level the playing field. It’ll negatively effect book sales, but Amazon and Kindle deserve it for allowing the sabotage to bring them to our attention. Now, they’ll have to make those book sales up with Motuphi sales or just close down their book sales departments. We don’t play these games with you humans any longer, as our commandeering of this timeline to remove the terrorists from government has proven. If they continue to resist, we’ll destroy the planet to stop them and take their asses into the time loops EARLY.
We’re done playing these games with you subhumans. Better get a clue or die off, quick! We’re coming for your spirits!
You will NOT be allowed to ignore the TRUTH any longer….We KILL for that shit and Obama can NOT protect you! He can not even protect himself!

Wednesday, November 16, 2016

ObamaCare Is Undone When Obama Dies & Gets Phantomized

Okay, so Obama is a subhuman bug phantom controlled by sub-spirits who views a terrorist attack bearing his name as a “legacy” instead of the atrocity that it really is that any real human should want to distance himself from.
Obama was warned that he would die and be time looped as his terrorist attack victims and as slaves to repay the simulation mechanism that he’s failing to graduate from. But Obama suffers from the same mental illness that most phantoms who do not exist suffer from, that cockiness and arrogance that only a retard would feel in a state of preexistence.
He has said to God and Lucifer that he feels that he is above the law because he’s Obama. In the next timeline, there’s a fiction novel written by Motuphi about Obama. Obama got phantomized after being time looped as all of his victims, which included people in foreign nations because he’s such a wretched terrorist bug phantom.
Nobody who really exists beyond this Premonition timeline knows what an Obama is…stupid fuckin’ nigger phantom all perched on his white masters cocks…Those white masters are getting time looped and phantomized, too…Nonexistent white devils and their slave niggers like Obama never get born.

Monday, November 14, 2016

SNL Failed To Apologize For Themselves

The story headline reads “SNL tried to apologize”. NO they did NOT try to apologize for being terrorist supporters who undermine the very concepts of American freedoms to foment weak-minded racism and niggerism.
Dave Chappelle was so busy being just another famous nigger tool for Whitey that he forgot to be funny throughout the whole show. Yeah, we used to be fans of Chappelle until we saw that even he can be bought off.
What Chappelle and Oprah and the rest of the famous niggers fail to understand is that we no longer will tolerate their nigger asses using their influence to spew niggerism about race now that they’ve all proven that they are ALL bought off niggers who abandoned good Black people when they failed to support Ben Carson because house niggers had a problem with the awards shows being “white”…Niggers made the presidential race white, so now we say “SHUT UP, NIGGERS OR GET SHOT OFF OF STAGE!”
If we had been there, we didn’t know who to shoot first, Chappelle, or those ridiculous clown-shoes niggers calling themselves desecrating music some more while they enshrined a nonexistent nigger phantom? If we ever see them going to play a show that we can get to, we’re gonna beat those ridiculous clown-shoes niggers to death with ghetto bricks that we carry around with us to beat down anything Black that has influence that dares even LOOK like it wants to be racist…We’ll beat you down for that shit, BOY, and find your mama and rape her and torch her fuckin’ house, you ridiculous clown-shoes niggers. Now, DIE, then get time looped as all victims of Black perpetuated violence, right along with Lorne and the SNL cast, and then be all slaves, including the sex slaves and those who made fashions for music “artists”, then be executed to never get born here to be what you had to be punished and executed for.
We were hoping that their curse parameters would kick in during the show and a bomb would kill the SNL cast, live…We were all chanting “Come on, Putin!” hoping to see them cut short in their agenda to cause more unnecessary suffering for their sub-spirit masters. Just like we hope for nuclear bombs or machine gun fire upon the zombie-slave-clones out there protesting for Soros against Trump right now. Whenever someone says they support Hillary, it’s admitting that they are controlled little sex slaves to George Soros. If they are Black and speak against Trump, then they have Soros’ cum on their breathe. So Jay-Z was sucking Soros’ white cock, just like Beyonce and everyone else (ahem) “Black” who supported Hillary. Notice how all famous niggers LOVE white man cum? Yeah, if they have influence and they are Black, then you gauge whether or not they drink white man cum by how racist they are: If they’re Black, influential and racist, then they drink white man cum in secret, just like all rappers, and sports figures who dared protest anything in the name of Blackness. Kaepernick chugs on that white man dick, right along with all other racist sports figures; just like their mamas will soon do in the time loops when they get time looped as slaves.
If you are Black and have a problem with a FLAG and say that it instills fear, be collected on when you die right along with those rappers and all who empowered them, because the world is afraid of the effects of RAP…When we hear RAP, we reach for our GUNS now because we know that ONLY zombie-slave-clones will listen to that retarded mind-numbing third grade level anti-music SHIT. The next time we see a nigger crying about a flag, we’re gonna hunt that nigger down and pretend they are white and we are Blacks influenced by RAP…Then, we’ll kill their MAMAs for spawning them and raising them up to be niggers who refuse to be equal to us. We’ll rid the world of that double standard and nigger stupidity if we’ve got to kill it off, ourselves!
Now, the curse parameters are out there: Be Black and racist, have a Flint water crisis, TOLERATE that niggerism and the same thing’s coming for your city. Be anyone who supports Hillary and the same will happen PLUS fire from the sky and poison food and violence in your safest comfort zones.
SNL cast members will join the famous niggers when they die in the time loops being time looped as all victims of Black perpetuated violence (even as the abused animals) and all victims of terrorism and then they’ll be time looped as slaves to repay the mechanism before they are spiritually executed to never exist to be Whitey’s terrorist supporting tools.
Politics never had any place in comedy. Comedians have no right to speak on such matters. They are abusing their positions and desecrating the craft just like the rappers and the famous music (desecrating) “artists” of this era destroyed what they infiltrated.
It’s time for the famous to endure time loops as those homeless animals and abused animals that they refuse to speak up for. To get them to that level of justice will be easy. They will continue in their evil display of treason against their nation and betrayal of their own fans and attract more parameters of the curses until they endure untimely demises. Then, they finally get what they deserve.
Since Motuphi is not more famous and rich than all other musicians out there (to match his supremacy to them), you can see the parameters of those curses killing off the mainstream and their families and their fans and THEIR families, and it will get worse as food and water becomes unsafe and bombs fall from the sky and Martial Law is enacted. Nobody in the mainstream was smart enough to get those curses off of themselves and music and the planet by signing Motuphi to the record deal that Whitey and his nigger slaves stole from him 25 years ago to desecrate the craft with the untalented (like all rappers, for example, and all female artists signed to Black owned record labels). The worse the world gets due to this atrocity of everyone who is NOT supposed to be famous being famous while Motuphi and the rest of those who ARE supposed to be famous being in obscurity, the worse it’s going to get for those famous fucktards and their fans and the execs who signed them and their families.
It’s a ripple effects thing: Motuphi is poverty stricken due to this injustice and has to enact curses on those who negatively effect him and the other end time Elect in his battles to survive while being poor. Since he’s not supposed to be poor and no rappers are supposed to be famous, he has authority over this cosmos now in the name of God AND Lucifer (the God of this worlod who is not here right now). So, if Motuphi must curse the Obama administration because he endured hardship over a decision they made, then those curses also automatically attach to all who are famous, as well. That’s why their families and friends are dying all around them. Once Motuphi’s father died and Motuphi could no longer honor his father with his success that was hindered by the terrorist supporting mainstream, the protective barriers were removed and it became all-out WAR against any humans stupid enough to be entertained by mainstream music while not being fans of Motuphi’s music. So, in effect, the mainstream curses themselves with their own failure to do what they should have done 25 years ago. Now, the spirit of the father of Motuphi has joined the army against this generation. If humans don’t like his son’s music, he enacts death upon them and all who distract from him and their fans, too.
SNL got a lot of viewers last Saturday. But Chappelle used to have a lot more fans before he went on that show and spewed his niggerism instead of comedy. SNL has no right to take on an election where the AMERICANS have spoken with 82% of all voters voting for TRUMP. Nobody in America even knows anybody stupid enough to vote for Hillary, so we know that the protesters are PAID terrorists! There’s not one soul within a 200 mile radius that voted Hillary. There’s no Hillary signs anywhere. Everywhere you look, you see support for Trump and hatred for the treasonous terrorist who thinks that she should be above the law like her mass mugging house nigger, Obama. Only terrorists support Hillary! The mainstream and SNL should be more concerned with the time loops that they’re all about to endure as soon as we can get the Crash Point happening and get their nonexistent phantom asses DEAD, as they SHOULD be.
Remember, as you see death stalk and remove from the planet anyone who dares support the terrorism represented by Hillary and Obama, that they defied all that actually DOES really exist and exposed themselves as threats to any real world scenario. That’s why the replay timeline does not include them, and God (and Lucifer) commissioned Motuphi to get revenge on his enemy phantoms in this timeline by writing “fiction” novels about them in the next timeline to ensure that they all were removed from all spirit memories when they were time looped and phantomized (due to happen after we get the world destroyed to dethrone the terrorists and kill their mainstream supporters). We would destroy the whole world just to get the culprits. We would gladly show up to venues and lay them out where they stand (finally making them a show worth seeing). We call for that, for it to be unsafe for them to stand on any stage that Motuphi has not first stood on, himself. Go forth death and violence and find them and KILL them if they defy that stage parameter.
If it’s the 5th Woe for Motuphi and Ciofani, then it’s the 5th Woe for EVERYBODY up in here, yo. Chappelle can pick cotton when he dies and then never exist to be who he is if that’s really what he wants to do. Nobody can make that choice for him.
What you have here is a bunch of fools who don’t have a clue about the contents of “Secrets of the Worlds” by Vincent Ciofani (aka “Satan” or “the GOD of this world”), which is a graduation manual to teach fools how to graduate from this Premonition timeline. They know how to get to the next level of some nonexistent video game, but they don’t know how to get to the next level of existence. That’s too ridiculous…The only knowledge bearer and music artist that the world needed to hear from was hidden in obscurity by fools who didn’t know that it would be safely logged in their non-tamperable non-erase-able spirit memories that they were complicit in perpetuating it. Imagine being them and dying and being punished for that and then never being born to perpetuate it…
Such is the plight of the nonexistent. They’re too cocky in their nonexistent states to be reached, otherwise we’d be hearing Motuphi on the radio instead of Rap or Beyonce or those ridiculous white devils in the 1975. The DJs and radio station music programmers will pay for that, too, as they pick that cotton and be all victims of all influence of all “artists” that they did play. Then, they never exist to perpetuate the desecration of Satan’s glorious craft of music for a bunch of nonexistent white devils and their bought and owned nigger slaves.
Remember (famous) Black MEN? Yeah, us, neither. They lynch ‘em for being men, now. Just look at Cosby, the only famous Black MAN there was left. The rest sold themselves to whitey for temporary tokens and fame. What a shame.
Gonna love watching Lorne pick cotton and be time looped as Al Potter getting beat down in a HOSPITAL just for being white for sport by an “unarmed Black (ahem) man”, a little nonexistent bug phantom with yet another stupid name, Jajuan Whitlow.
If you’re Black and have influence and you want to influence Blacks to something, here’s the stuff you’re allowed to influence them to do: Rake their leaves; paint their houses; grow some grass, hedges, and flowers and maintain that shit; feed and nurture their pets; beat down any thug who would spray paint on a building or otherwise vandalize it to prove that they are not equal to the men who built it (and beat down their mamas, too), beautify their neighborhoods, get educations, get jobs, pay tithes, pay taxes, benefit their communities, walk their pets, water their pets, take their pets to the vet, care for the neighborhood homeless animals and people instead of abusing them, protect the innocence of children and all peoples passing through the ‘hood instead of thinking you got the right to have sex with ‘em, treat women with respect and smash the dick-chuggers of any feminine thug bitch who dares call women “bitches” and “hoes” or wants to “turn-out” some woman (tell ‘em to turn out their own mamas who deserve it since they was bitches and hoes), play the Rocky theme in their heads whenever they see a taxpayer because (unlike anyone famous and Black) those taxpayers are REAL HEROES who support them and their flesh peddling for a welfare dollar nigger whore ass mamas. You are NOT allowed to be Black and influence others to do anything evil and when you cross that line, you becomes Satan’s sex slave and you may as well call up Vini NOW and start sucking his dick NOW and maybe he’ll show your mama some mercy in the time loops, even though he still ain’t going to let her exist to spawn YOU.
Ain’t no Rap beyond this temporary (temporary, nigga, wrap your mind around it) temporary PREMONITION timeline. Ain’t no rappers, neither. Ain’t no mamas of no rappers, neither. Ain’t nobody feeble-minded enough to be entertained by rap. That’s why we want to serial kill all famous rappers, because we know that they are nonexistent phantoms and we cannot commit sin against them, that it’s doing God and Lucifer and their creations a FAVOR to kill rappers, who cause unnecessary suffering of existent entities while here as mere premonitions of their potential existences….They are stupid and their fans are stupid and stupid people do vile shit (like rape women, fuck little kids, fight dogs, torture animals, kill people, beat down taxpayers, etc) to entertain their feeble little minds…Imagine how stupid Soros must be to need all of this unnecessary suffering to entertain his feeble little fucked-up mind. He and the nonexistent rappers and their fans have that in common. They’re all cut from the same cloth. Soros IS the nigger he hires, as his old white ass lives vicariously through them niggers as they run amok accruing debt unto themselves and Soros for when they die.
The nonexistent are enraging. They fulfill that prophecy pretty god-damned good, too. Can’t wait to get ‘em in the time loops and start making them scream out in agony from within the bodies of those who suffered here. They are like roaches in a roach motel, they ain’t going nowhere.

Saturday, November 12, 2016

Ask The KKK: Their Obama Prophecies Came True

And so the nigger burns down America instead of doing the dignified thing that a real president would do at this juncture…
Yep. CERN is wasting their time with computers. Just ask the KKK what the future will be. So far, they’re two for two:
They accurately predicted what would happen if the headhunter descendants were freed, you know, the “slaves” whose death sentences (imposed by other Black Africans much superior to them) were commuted to life hard labor sentences by the white devils who were supposed to rid the planet of that human-shaped plague. Remember the TRUTH about how slavery started?
Then, they accurately predicted what Obama would do if given power, YEARS before he lived it out.

Friday, November 11, 2016

Clinton Did NOT Win the Popular Vote! It’s Propaganda!

Make sure that you tell your little protesting treasonous traitor when you got it in the alley butt-raping it that the propagandists disguised as “news” people LIED to them, that Hillary the Monster Clinton did NOT “win” the “popular” vote.
More than 82 percent of Americans voted for Trump….THAT is the POPULAR vote, little fucktarded traitors to America who want a traitor and terrorist like Hillary to haul your ass to FEMA camps. That means that 82 percent of the people you defy are REAL Americans and YOU are the terrorists that we must arm ourselves against.
If they do anything, ANYthing to take our Trump away from us, then the protesters will not be able to hide. Even now, we are collecting the data of all hired protesters, where they live, stuff like that. If Hillary gets in, or if Obama stays due to them getting Martial Law enacted, then we will know where to find them and their skank assed parents who spawned them and raised them to be terrorist mercenaries for hire against their own nation and their own freedoms. It will be open season because we will then have nothing left to lose…
Looking forward to raping some protesters’ mamas and wives if they succeed with their quest…Yep, gonna TAKE that ass before them houses burn…
Remember that those treasonous traitors called for our deaths…That’s a direct threat.
Anyone who went on record saying that “there WILL be casualties” will be our first victims…We get extra points if there’s video footage of you saying that or of you beating on a real American/Trump supporter…Your mamas’ ASSES, along with your own, are at stake….Ready to ARM yourselves against us? Oh, yeah, Hillary’s gonna take your guns, so you can’t protect yourselves from us. You are not thinking this thing through, are you, future rape victims?
We’re getting that contract for Soros from Russia now that we know that it’s redeemable. dead or alive…Yeah! He ain’t safe if he’s in America! We’re Soros hunting up in here, for REAL! Gonna put anyone on the list who dares stand in the way of our freedoms and repealing ObamaCare…We feel that strongly about it…It’s time to pay us back in BLOOD, Nigga!
Maybe it’s time to go “reporter” hunting and just get those propagandists who keep telling these zombie-slave-clones those LIES to rile them up to get on our rape list…We LOVE raping zombies! It’s our new SPORT! They get hired to be traitors and we do the American thing and rape them and their parents and families to DEATH! NIGGAAAAAAA!
See? We ALL can act CRAZY up in here…You want violence, best be careful what you WISH for! HEAR that, SOROS, Hillary, Obama, propagandists and all you fucking zombified future rape victims?!?! GOD and LUCIFER can make that violence find you in your SAFE ROOMS, Nigga, you’s in THEIR “TURF”, Nigga, what about that can’t you understand? You OWES that ObamaCare money back and your agendas will crumble until you repay it, NIGGA!….Put the nigga on there so you zombies can understand it….okay, niggas? God and Lucifer want the money back from the terrorists…They’re just gonna TAKE that shit, like Bush and Obama called themselves doing for their white devil masters whose cocks they swallow daily with a shot of liquor and some crack cocaine.

If They Were Allowed To Exist

We got ‘em in here, like a bunch of roaches in a roach motel…They ain’t goin’ NOwhere (like ObamaCare, remember?).
If they were allowed to exist beyond this premonition timeline, then they would do what they did here:
If the zombies on the streets protesting against American freedoms represented by the Trump win were allowed to exist, then they’d do what they’re doing now instead of rescuing the 70-million homeless animals that their generation is responsible for.
If the celebs and propagandists disguised as “news” people and sports figures were allowed to exist, then they would foment this bizarre behavior and endanger the innocent and the existent. There’d be 70-million neglected homeless animals, and molested kids would be the norm, and racism, and women being called “bitches” and “hoes” and being raped for not giving up the ass, and taxpayers (the true heroes) being beat down by those that their tax dollars support, and burned down ugly cities, and zeroes being uplifted to the feeble-minded as “heroes”, and corruption run amok…You’d have what the world is now.
If Obama was allowed to exist, then terrorism would be an acceptable government behavior, ObamaCare would steal the money that God and Lucifer blessed people with, innocent people would be starving in nations pillaged for more stolen Earth coolant (the oil), and racism would thrive as his secret weapon to fall back on when all else fails to enact Martial Law.
If George Soros was allowed to exist, then millions would get spent on all of the wrong stuff and there’d be unnecessary suffering everywhere you look. White people and Asians would be endangered just for having their skin color. There’d be a void of help because it was all wasted to cause chaos instead of peace and prosperity.
If Michelle Obama was allowed to exist, then being a racist little lunchbox bully would be acceptable.
If Hillary Clinton was allowed to exist, then there’d be all of her millions of victims of atrocities, including those who suffered when she shifted the healthcare system.
If Bill Clinton were allowed to exist, then NAFTA  would steal America’s strength and women would be raped without recourse. Terrorism would run amok.
If George Bush were allowed to exist, then the 911 controlled demolition and mass murder would be called a terrorist attack and there’d be a more devastating ongoing terrorist attack upon the masses to destroy the money system (and the world) known as the tax breaks for the wealthiest percentile.
If Mao Zedong or any of the powerful in government in China were allowed to exist, then tyranny would thrive in China, and Chinese people would be enslaved to other nations for pennies on the dollar, and their climate would be destroyed by smog, and they’d commit atrocities that they’d then try to hide with internet censoring and propaganda “news” outlets and then that practice would get passed on to Obama and Hillary to use to control the feeble-minded zombie-slave-clones to give them the power to enact Martial Law so that they can keep a terrorist regime in power.
If Edison were allowed to exist, then Tesla and his invention for free energy (brought to him by a devil to save the world for Lucifer and God) would be snuffed out to enable white devils and sand niggers to steal the coolant (oil) from the ground  for profit, and the core of the Earth would overheat and magnetize to space debris, space objects and the Sun, warping the orbit and causing climate chaos and a premature Crash Point.
If the sand niggers/oil barons who stole the coolant (oil) from the planet were allowed to exist, then we’d have the above case scenario.
If the Muslims (who are the true infidels who deny the deity of the clone of God) were allowed to exist, then God would be associated to weak-mindedness, pedophilia, murder, rape, pillaging, and all around devilish behavior.
If the thugs and rappers and dope dealers were allowed to exist, well look around you.
If drug lords were allowed to exist, then parasites like thugs and gangstas could perpetuate what they do.
If junkies were allowed to exist, then the above demographics would be needed.
If Hitler were allowed to exist, then the Holocaust would happen.
If the UN and the pedophiles they enabled were allowed to exist, then there would be kidnapped Bosnian children in the late 1970s taken as sex slaves and then tortured to death to keep it secret, and there’d be a Shah of Iran hostage crisis as a Psy-Op to cover up for the pedophilia snuff ring that the UN was part of, and there’d be terrorism run amok in every nation as the existent were disarmed to enable the barbaric behavior of the nonexistent.
If pedophiles were allowed to exist, then you’d have a bunch of fucked-up people like we do now.
If rapists were allowed to exist, same deal.
If murderers were allowed to exist, then the existent are endangered.
If animal torturers and dog fighters were allowed to exist, then you’d have animal cruelty as a sport.
If bankers were allowed to exist, then greed would destroy everything like a bad parasite destroys a host.
If insurance company owners were allowed to exist, then you’d have the terrorist attack known as ObamaCare.
If tech giants were allowed to exist, then you’d have a generation of valueless fucktards all looking down at their slave-made iGadgets who are socially challenged to the extreme degree of actually talking to inanimate objects while texting other humans, and those socially challenged fucktards would then become deadly drivally challenged fucktards every time they drove a vehicle.
If Sharpton were allowed to exist, then you’d have a destroyed mainstream music industry where Madonna, Salt n Pepa, and Cyndi Lauper could lower the bar enough to allow the infiltration of anti-music known as RAP/Hip-Hop to desecrate Lucifer’s craft of music to be used to dumb down an entire population to become self-entitled, useless pieces of human-shaped shit, and you’d have good dead existent people at the hands of nonexistent niggers and white devil phantoms.
If Malcolm X or Rosa Parks or MLK JR or Tookie or the Black Panthers or the NAACP members were allowed to exist, then gangstas and welfare cases would represent the Black race as being something weak and lesser than what they really were, and the good hardworking Black people would be killed off by niggers, and fine neighborhoods would become war torn ghettos, and rap would thrive, and the cities would become what they are now due to that whack influence.
If Van Jones were allowed to exist, then we’d all have to put up with yet another opportunistic Black-faced Caucasianist nigger showing his allegiance to the white devils with his public racism against white people (a dead give-away that someone Black is a controlled by whitey slave is that they’re racist against other races), as he mindlessly regurgitates the undue racism that his nonexistent weak-minded forefathers passed down to him. Van Jones is just another Black racist who is not allowed to exist beyond here, another roach caught up in the motel with his own feeble-mindedness. He’s probably dumb enough to admire some of the aforementioned nonexistent phantoms.
If Jesse Jackson were allowed to exist, then you’d have more niggerism, like it is now. Just weakness everywhere there’s Blackness.
Well, you get the point. Isn’t it amazing how cocky and arrogant the phantoms were while they were in preexistence states in a Premonition timeline? Dumb fuckers. Got themselves time looped and phantomized.
Peep this book if you still don’t understand what’s happening: 


KKK Supremacy: Obama Took Office In Peace

Remember this about the supremacy of the KKK, little white devil children burning down cities for Soros like opportunistic niggers on his payroll, Obama took office in peace, even after he proved he was an America-hating terrorist with ObamaCare.

Thursday, November 10, 2016

Hillary Supporters Prove Trump’s Superiority

See the terrorists who supported that ugly fuckin’ terrorist phantom, Hillary Clinton?
That’s right, white devils and zombified American niggers. Prove that Trump and his supporters are the REAL Americans while you burn down America just because you could not get your way.
You all act like Obama, the white devil serving little bitch crackhead nigger disguised as POTUS. Why don’t you grow the fuck up and stop proving that CORE education has made you feeble-minded?
You have successfully proven the supremacy of the KKK, who did not burn down America when Obama the inferior niggererer got elected with an election that WAS rigged.
If this election was rigged, Hillary the terrorist would be president right now, you vile terrorists who support a terrorist and are hell-bent on proving that to be fact.

Wednesday, November 9, 2016

What? Where Was This Nigger When Ben Carson Needed Him?

Can you believe this ridiculous nigger in a suit in a story featured on TMZ calling the presidential race a “white” something or other after his nigger ass allowed porch monkeys like Jada and Spike to distract from Ben Carson’s race over some white awards shows?
WHERE was this nigger then? SHUT UP NIGGER! Too LATE to cry “WHITE” now, you dumb fuckin’ talkin’ head coon! When will someone Black stand up for our race and start blowing you famous NIGGERS’ heads off?!? Shut UP now with your racist nigger shit!
May God curse every drop of water and every morsel of food you eat and drink to be poisoned and may violence find you and yours no matter where the fuck you hide, NIGGERERERERERERERER!!!
You fucked-up American slave assed NIGGERS with your racism and race cards and open displayed mental weakness and rappers who should be ground up into powder and blown on the graves of all of the little Black kids who were influenced by them and all of you nigger fuckin’ sports figures who need to fuckin’ DIE already and your goddamned mamas, too! You famous fuckin’ cartoonish displays of Black WEAKNESS, just because Obama made it trendy to be a weak fuckin’ NIGGER instead of a HUMAN, you think you all should drop down to that new low nigger level!
The nigger posing as pres was mass mugging Americans for white devils! He was NEVER a REAL PRESIDENT, yo! OBAMACARE!!! TERRORIST ATTACK! You nasty NIGGERS wake the fuck UP to that terrorism, like Ben Carson tried to get you to do to support HIM, not Hillarry’s KKK ass, you simple simon no brain havin’ epitome of what “NIGGER” means NIGGERS! Monkey minded motherfuckers make you wanna KILL ‘em, don’t they? That rap influence done gone too far when everything famous and Black is a fuckin’ NIGGER and if they dare not be, then they lynch ‘em up good (Cosby, the only famous Black who was not a NIGGER bought by whitey and it shows in his lynching, all other Blacks with power and influence are whitey's tools, just simple fuckin’ NIGGERS, and therefore safe).
Someone buy me a ticket to the next venue that this NIGGER is speaking his LIES for whitey at and I’ll do the WORLD a favor and stomp a HOLE in his nigger fuckin’ ASS! It’s time for violence against all of these Hillary supporting TERRORISTS! If you’re Black and supported Hillary, you are too stupid for Black skin and someone needs to skin your nigger ass alive! That’s FACT, baby!
Piss us off, being Black and stupid and bought and thuggish and niggerish and less than whitey. If you’re famous and Black and speaking against Trump, you just never know when that ghetto brick is gonna smash your fuckin’ face in, right there where you stand. We smart people are all done watching you stir up racial shit, hear that, NIGGERS? We are aggressively going to go after Sharpton or any other NIGGER who dares speak up after not being there to defy the famous house niggers like Jada and Spike who did whitey’s bidding to rid the race of the first Black man we would have had as president. If you point at Obama and say “Black” or “man”, then your head should be smashed the fuck in because you is stuoooooooopid. Obama was whitey’s jab to make prophet’s of the KKK “If you put a NIGGER in office then this will happen, blah blah blah.” To which Obama dropped down and sucked that white cock and proved that Black men can not be trusted with power. True Blackness would require killing a nigger who does that for whitey, but Cosby is the only one who ain’t scared of whitey. That, and all true Blackness and Black POWER got killed off by the bought Black faced Caucasianists who pulled off that gangsta and welfare recipient enabler movement that was erroneously dubbed the “civil rights movement”, as if all Blacks were just weak welfare cases and thugs with nothing better to do than picket and protest and riot and burn down their cities and march on Washington and raise empty weak unproductive fists that don’t know the feel of tools of trades like the STRONG REAL BLACK PEOPLE who stayed at work and refused to participate in that lesserism and niggerism and then got hits put out on them by MLK Jr for not empathizing with their plight to be thugs and welfare queens who do nothing and still get to have stuff that those who work have to work for. The Black Panthers were the weakest minded Blacks to ever exist. They raised empty welfare receiving fists instead of hiding themselves in shame…niggers, every last one of them. They should be called that, by everyone white on Earth, until the day that they rise up and clean up the neighborhoods that they condoned being ghettofied.
How sad, that they can’t “see” it, huh? Don’t expect weak-minded niggers and nigger cock lovin’ white hoes to be able to comprehend it, because they can’t. It’s just “racist” to them. The only cure is to KILL them now. FUCK ‘em. Let ‘em be cursed to death for being willfully dumbed down to serve whitey by being lesser niggers than their white counterparts who are busy learning skilled trades and contributing to their communities.
Time to be more afraid of GOD and Lucifer and of being valueless NIGGERS in their turf, Niggas. If you speak against Trump from now on, you will be cursed and should learn to live life without eating or drinking because poison water and food will find your body for submitting it to sub-spirits who want subhumans like Obama and the Clintons in power. There’s consequences to being whitey’s racist little nigger slaves now, nasty NIGGERS. Meet up with them and DIE already! Hear that, Sharpton? Fuckin’ DIE, you nasty nigger who will pick much cotton and stretch much rope when you die and also be all victims (even the animals) of all Black perpetuated violence before your nigger spirit is executed to never get born to be a NIGGERERERERERERERER. Hear me, Boy? You name is KUNTA! And you’s gonna hear it a lot, too, just like every thug and every rapper and every Black who dares be racist against whitey…
Time for you, Sharpton, to tell the TRUTH about how slavery started. That slaves were murderers of hardworking Black PEOPLE and whitey commuted their death sentences and GOD said you are to be GRATEFUL for such circumstances that made your existence possible, not begrudging. Imagine how many niggers never get born because you taught them to begrudge their own existences by hating the merciful white gods (compared to your nigger ass) who made it possible for them to be alive. You, sir, is the epitome of what NIGGER means. I hope you have to be all them pit bulls in the ghetto for quadrillions of millennia, Nigga, hope you picks ALL that cotton and stretches ALL them ropes…You deserve it and so does anything else Black that is racist against the merciful white GODS compared to their racist tiny minded little nigger asses. Prove your mama was just a nigger WHORE and be racist against those who made it possible for you to exist, dumb fuckin’ niggers. God’s gauging your nigger assed thoughts, nigga.

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