Wednesday, November 9, 2016

What? Where Was This Nigger When Ben Carson Needed Him?

Can you believe this ridiculous nigger in a suit in a story featured on TMZ calling the presidential race a “white” something or other after his nigger ass allowed porch monkeys like Jada and Spike to distract from Ben Carson’s race over some white awards shows?
WHERE was this nigger then? SHUT UP NIGGER! Too LATE to cry “WHITE” now, you dumb fuckin’ talkin’ head coon! When will someone Black stand up for our race and start blowing you famous NIGGERS’ heads off?!? Shut UP now with your racist nigger shit!
May God curse every drop of water and every morsel of food you eat and drink to be poisoned and may violence find you and yours no matter where the fuck you hide, NIGGERERERERERERERER!!!
You fucked-up American slave assed NIGGERS with your racism and race cards and open displayed mental weakness and rappers who should be ground up into powder and blown on the graves of all of the little Black kids who were influenced by them and all of you nigger fuckin’ sports figures who need to fuckin’ DIE already and your goddamned mamas, too! You famous fuckin’ cartoonish displays of Black WEAKNESS, just because Obama made it trendy to be a weak fuckin’ NIGGER instead of a HUMAN, you think you all should drop down to that new low nigger level!
The nigger posing as pres was mass mugging Americans for white devils! He was NEVER a REAL PRESIDENT, yo! OBAMACARE!!! TERRORIST ATTACK! You nasty NIGGERS wake the fuck UP to that terrorism, like Ben Carson tried to get you to do to support HIM, not Hillarry’s KKK ass, you simple simon no brain havin’ epitome of what “NIGGER” means NIGGERS! Monkey minded motherfuckers make you wanna KILL ‘em, don’t they? That rap influence done gone too far when everything famous and Black is a fuckin’ NIGGER and if they dare not be, then they lynch ‘em up good (Cosby, the only famous Black who was not a NIGGER bought by whitey and it shows in his lynching, all other Blacks with power and influence are whitey's tools, just simple fuckin’ NIGGERS, and therefore safe).
Someone buy me a ticket to the next venue that this NIGGER is speaking his LIES for whitey at and I’ll do the WORLD a favor and stomp a HOLE in his nigger fuckin’ ASS! It’s time for violence against all of these Hillary supporting TERRORISTS! If you’re Black and supported Hillary, you are too stupid for Black skin and someone needs to skin your nigger ass alive! That’s FACT, baby!
Piss us off, being Black and stupid and bought and thuggish and niggerish and less than whitey. If you’re famous and Black and speaking against Trump, you just never know when that ghetto brick is gonna smash your fuckin’ face in, right there where you stand. We smart people are all done watching you stir up racial shit, hear that, NIGGERS? We are aggressively going to go after Sharpton or any other NIGGER who dares speak up after not being there to defy the famous house niggers like Jada and Spike who did whitey’s bidding to rid the race of the first Black man we would have had as president. If you point at Obama and say “Black” or “man”, then your head should be smashed the fuck in because you is stuoooooooopid. Obama was whitey’s jab to make prophet’s of the KKK “If you put a NIGGER in office then this will happen, blah blah blah.” To which Obama dropped down and sucked that white cock and proved that Black men can not be trusted with power. True Blackness would require killing a nigger who does that for whitey, but Cosby is the only one who ain’t scared of whitey. That, and all true Blackness and Black POWER got killed off by the bought Black faced Caucasianists who pulled off that gangsta and welfare recipient enabler movement that was erroneously dubbed the “civil rights movement”, as if all Blacks were just weak welfare cases and thugs with nothing better to do than picket and protest and riot and burn down their cities and march on Washington and raise empty weak unproductive fists that don’t know the feel of tools of trades like the STRONG REAL BLACK PEOPLE who stayed at work and refused to participate in that lesserism and niggerism and then got hits put out on them by MLK Jr for not empathizing with their plight to be thugs and welfare queens who do nothing and still get to have stuff that those who work have to work for. The Black Panthers were the weakest minded Blacks to ever exist. They raised empty welfare receiving fists instead of hiding themselves in shame…niggers, every last one of them. They should be called that, by everyone white on Earth, until the day that they rise up and clean up the neighborhoods that they condoned being ghettofied.
How sad, that they can’t “see” it, huh? Don’t expect weak-minded niggers and nigger cock lovin’ white hoes to be able to comprehend it, because they can’t. It’s just “racist” to them. The only cure is to KILL them now. FUCK ‘em. Let ‘em be cursed to death for being willfully dumbed down to serve whitey by being lesser niggers than their white counterparts who are busy learning skilled trades and contributing to their communities.
Time to be more afraid of GOD and Lucifer and of being valueless NIGGERS in their turf, Niggas. If you speak against Trump from now on, you will be cursed and should learn to live life without eating or drinking because poison water and food will find your body for submitting it to sub-spirits who want subhumans like Obama and the Clintons in power. There’s consequences to being whitey’s racist little nigger slaves now, nasty NIGGERS. Meet up with them and DIE already! Hear that, Sharpton? Fuckin’ DIE, you nasty nigger who will pick much cotton and stretch much rope when you die and also be all victims (even the animals) of all Black perpetuated violence before your nigger spirit is executed to never get born to be a NIGGERERERERERERERER. Hear me, Boy? You name is KUNTA! And you’s gonna hear it a lot, too, just like every thug and every rapper and every Black who dares be racist against whitey…
Time for you, Sharpton, to tell the TRUTH about how slavery started. That slaves were murderers of hardworking Black PEOPLE and whitey commuted their death sentences and GOD said you are to be GRATEFUL for such circumstances that made your existence possible, not begrudging. Imagine how many niggers never get born because you taught them to begrudge their own existences by hating the merciful white gods (compared to your nigger ass) who made it possible for them to be alive. You, sir, is the epitome of what NIGGER means. I hope you have to be all them pit bulls in the ghetto for quadrillions of millennia, Nigga, hope you picks ALL that cotton and stretches ALL them ropes…You deserve it and so does anything else Black that is racist against the merciful white GODS compared to their racist tiny minded little nigger asses. Prove your mama was just a nigger WHORE and be racist against those who made it possible for you to exist, dumb fuckin’ niggers. God’s gauging your nigger assed thoughts, nigga.

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