Friday, November 4, 2016

Trump: Because He’s With US!

All Hillary the terrorist (who’s proud to be a terrorist – you heard her say that she’d gladly carry Obama the terrorist’s baton) has against Trump is that he’s an asshole. So, we can choose a terrorist who’s as clueless about her own complicity in terrorism as Obama is about himself, or we can choose an asshole who’s with the American people against the terrorist organization fronted by Obama and the Clintons.
Let’s not forget that Billy the diddler Clinton diddled with our manufacturing stability and caused us to lose more jobs while his life-molesting wife destabilized the healthcare system for her white devil masters. How many good hardworking Americans died when their insurance companies no longer had to cover their surgeries and procedures? Well, their spirits are back here now fighting against the terrorist organization that infiltrated the American government. You know when terrorists have infiltrated governments by this one sign: whether or not they arm their citizens against the criminals or want to disarm their taxpayers. Terrorists want to take guns from taxpayers. Terrorists run all governments in all nations where the taxpayers do not have guns. Now, those terrorists think to run America so that they can control the whole world. That’s why Lucifer will return to remove all terrorists and rule the world, himself. Those terrorists in power proved that humans can not be trusted with power. With them in power, even the animals suffer, and they steal the planet’s coolant (oil) instead of utilizing Tesla’s invention for free energy given to him by a real devil sent by Lucifer trying to save Lucifer’s planet.
So, whenever Obama spews more lies about climate control, remember that he’s complicit in the coolant theft and even resorted to terrorism against Venezuela to steal their coolant, too. Obama did the Black race a huge disservice when he set the example that Blacks can not be trusted to be president. His “legacy” is that of pure niggerism and terrorism and of being less than any white president could ever dream of being. His “legacy” is that of sucking his white masters’ cocks publicly with the implementation of the terrorist attack bearing his name, ObamaCare. Obama is an open mass mugger who must pick a lot of cotton when he dies to repay God and Lucifer all of that money that he stole from the people that they gave it to. You can’t let a nigger try to do the job requiring the character of a MAN…Obama proved that to be true and made prophets of those daughter fucking rednecks, the KKK.
Now, Hillary wants his baton? Well, you go suck that baton in private, you white devil reptilian cunt! We don’t want to be with you! We want someone who will be with US for a change!
So, be feeble-minded, like everyone who voted for Obama, and vote for yet another crazed tyrannical terrorist hell-bent on picking cotton when she dies before being phantomized to never exist to be a terrorist. Or, exercise your right to think for yourself and vote for someone that they do not control. To be with her is to be complicit in terrorism and rape, just like the Obama voters. Why would you jump off of your own ship to be with someone who is not with you when you have the opportunity to vote for someone who is already with YOU? Why would you prove yourself to be as suicidal and as feeble-minded as an Obama (the open terrorist) supporter? Obama can’t even feel any shame about ObamaCare, fulfilling the prophecy about the feeble-mindedness of them Muslim/Islamic infidels that “neither can they blush”…
Anyone thinking of voting for Hillary is too feeble-minded to vote. A vote for Hillary is a vote to be raped in your own home. Remember that FACT, you retards with vaginas who fantasize about being raped to the extreme of wanting to transform America into a ghetto-fabulous jungle. Obama relates to thugs, who are terrorists and sworn enemy to the real American dream (which involves having a good job and WORKING, believe it or not). Obama calls thugs his “sons”, not the taxpaying Blacks being killed by the thugs hell-bent on committing genocide upon all decent Black folk for whitey, as they have been doing since they were contracted by MLK jr to do so.
It’s like having the power to point a gun at either a good Black person or at a nigger who would kill that good Black person (and you) for the money in your pockets). Kill the nigger and vote out Obama’s terrorist porch monkey victimizing mass mugging nigger “legacy” (hell, even his wife was a mass lunchbox thieving bullying nigger whore bitch for her white masters). Save the good Black person and vote Trump…Send the message that you have awakened from the mass hypnotism that they hit you with when they passed off a welfare recipient and thug enabler movement as a “civil rights movement”…The evidence is there. They killed off all of those good hard working Black people and replaced them with thugs who won’t take care of their own neighborhoods nor hold a JOB.
The terrorists posing as government in nations where the taxpayers are disarmed did the same thing to their populations: They killed off the sources of their income, the hard working taxpayers, and multiplied thugs and terrorists until their nations turned into dangerous shit-holes where only the lawless thrive and feel safe. Muslim/Islamic infidels run amok killing and raping and pillaging, just like the headhunter niggers did to the good hardworking Black Africans (years ago) that got them sentenced to death and then taken as slaves (niggers started slavery, being niggers, not white devils). Now, there’s a headhunter descendant posing as American president, openly mass mugging an entire nation for his white devil masters and he was even stupid enough to put his family name on the attack (God, those white devils must laugh every time they see it in print or hear it, that they found a nigger dumb enough to let them prove their point about the inferiority of niggers through him). If my name was on a terrorist attack that did as much damage as ObamaCare did to all of the people who DO matter (niggers and thugs do not matter, yo), then I’d publicly kill myself to redeem my family name. Remember the concept of honor? Yeah, you probably don’t. It’s been too long since you’ve seen it publicly displayed, which would be Cosby’s rebuke of the niggers who pretend to be Black “people” (they are less than people and self-entitled to prove it), years ago.
Trump…He’s with US! Even Hillary’s campaign slogan is an insult to our collective intelligence…”I’m with her” yeah right. Suck Obama’s dick some more, bitch, you just might be able to get a little bit more cum-drunk if you really  try. Only retarded racist Blacks and niggers still like Obama (and a few cum-drunk BBC riders and chuggers). Everyone else hates that nasty little bitch assed thug nigger. Nobody with an IQ above retard level would spit on that nigger in hell, yo, that’s how solid our hatred is for that nasty little mass mugging porch monkey minded wannabe king assed (did I say “nigger” yet?) nigger assed bitch. The epitome of nigger looks back at Obama from the mirror every morning. He made Putin look like a GOD among men. Suddenly Russia is everything America wishes it could be, standing against the GMO white devils and the Muslim/Islamic infidels and the nasty little tiny minded niggers who would openly show that they’re on third grade level by listening to rap in public. Niggers who listen to rap in public would also suck a dog’s dick in public while fucking themselves in their asses with a giant cucumber, that’s how little self-awareness they have about what anyone looks like who still listens to rap. Rap is so yesterday, it’s like it never even existed. Anyone still listening to it is too effeminate to be a “man”, yo.
Now show that you done growed up and can no longer be controlled by whitey and go vote for your SELF…TRUMP…He’s with US.

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