Wednesday, November 9, 2016

What American White Women Are Proving About Themselves Now

The study results are never conclusive because it’s an ongoing study. But, so far, American white women have proven that they can be programmed to abandon their own race and throw themselves on Black cock, any Black cock will do, homeless, a pedophile, a drunk, a slave trader, a dope peddler, on welfare, smells like ring bologna; don’t matter, so long as it’s Black. They get a little Black cock inside ‘em and suddenly they can’t talk nor act right. They start talking like they came from the ghetto.
American white women have proven that they can also be programmed to ignore the plight of the 70-million homeless animals (and their own plights as 2nd class citizens and future rape victims by mainstream rules) while they post selfies and retweet the latest pic of the singer from the 1975 or attend sporting events. Remember when women were too smart to get into sports? Yeah, those days are gone.
Now, American white women prove that they are zombie-slave-clones who will adopt any mentality dictated to them by the mainstream, as they protest the historical change of venue that America was long overdue. They wanted to “make history” by electing a woman, even if she’s the devil incarnate. Just like they wanted to historically vote in a “Black” “man”, neither of which Obama qualifies as, which backfired in everyone’s faces as he mass mugged a whole nation with a terrorist attack he even put his own last name on. Then, they had the chance to finally vote in a real Black man, Ben Carson, and the Caucasianists rang the bells of their house niggers, like Jada and Spike, to distract the Black race from supporting him with worries over a fuckin’ awards show being “too white” (of all things). Makes you wonder if any famous niggers will ever stop being stereotypical epitomes of weakness and feeble-mindedness. If they would all rise up, they can’t possibly Cosby/lynch them all.
American white women are proving that they are feeble-minded, as they cry foul and act like Hillary’s defeat was male chauvinism instead of a choice of the people to remove terrorists and dictators from the white house. If Obama had not been such a spiteful thug retarded stereotypical inferior to all white men on Earth NIGGER, perhaps Hillary would have stood a better chance. But Hillary wants to carry the mass mugger thug nigger baton instead of giving the Americans what they want, which is freedom from ObamaCare, for starters, and bankers to step down from our money system to be a good second. Nobody who matters has ever benefited from ObamaCare. A bunch of deadbeats and illegals who refuse to work should not be given coverage, anyway. If Obama wants them covered, let that nigger fund it from his own bank account. You don’t deplete your sources, your taxpayers, for a demographic that you should secretly be wiping from the face of the Earth…Just like those people protesting Trump’s win, they should be gone because they are treasonous and too stupid to be allowed to vote.
Nobody who wanted Hillary as president should be trusted with women and children…Not even if they are female…If they wanted Hillary as president, then they are controlled by sub-spirits, which makes them subhumans who could be used to hurt those that you love…They already attempted to hurt you with their vote for an open, proud terrorist. Hillary’s already responsible for helping to construct ObamaCare, the 2nd biggest terrorist attack in history, 2nd only to the Bush era tax breaks for the wealthiest percentile (betcha thought I’d refer to the 911 controlled demolition propagandized as a “terror attack” which was not a terrorist attack from outside). They are a threat to your freedoms and the freedoms that they do not deserve because they are willing to compromise them just to put a vagina in the oval office.
Please, American white women, stop chugging Black dope-man cock for dope, stop retweeting pics of that ugly assed whiteboy from the 1975, quit taking selfies of yourselves and start doing some shit that matters already. You look like nasty little controllable fuck-dolls, controllable by only evil entities and nobody good. You know that whiteboy’s name who won’t make you red-faced about your neglect of your homeless animals, but you don’t know who Motuphi is who influences his fans to rescue them animals and to rescue you from your rapists who were programmed by your mainstream zeroes to treat you like 2nd class citizens who are just “bitches” and “hoes” who better give up that white ass to prove that you ain’t racist or they’s just gonna TAKE it when they get you alone. Yeah, you is becoming too nasty to fuck, unless you like retard pussy. Who would purposefully program their own women to such extreme levels of stupidity? Oh, yeah, Americans and Muslims…Yep…Nasty.
Stupid is nasty. Buncha nasty pussy up over there, yo. Pussy you DON’T want.

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