Monday, November 7, 2016

Solange Got-DANG!

God-DAMN, Solayyyyng! Now that shit is bad! Wasn’t watching it because SNL is like modern Chinese water torture since it “Blacked” out, but you stumble through and catch a train wreck like Solange on stage in progress and you just can’t look away. Waiting for the atrocious rape of music to end just to see if the audience would be truthful and boo her after she was done…Remember that Springsteen’s old ass was recently booed at SNL for giving what was a college level performance by comparison.
It should be law that we can exterminate anything stupid enough to get into Solange or Beyonce or any rap. If we hear it playing, it should be legal to execute the offenders who are poisoning their psyches with that shit making us have to arm ourselves against them.
Imagine the debt that Solange is accruing to the mechanism for desecrating Lucifer’s glorious craft of music…When she dies, she’ll be time looped to pick that cotton and be those sex slaves, right along with her sister and all rappers and all of the current mainstream. They all forgot that they had no reason to approach a microphone unless it was to clean it off for someone with real talent, like Motuphi or Ciofani.
We relish the thought of those cracker whips cutting into that Black flesh with the offending spirits from the mainstream and sports in the bodies of the slaves. This all gets undone after they repay their debts. Then the replay starts and they never get born. There never was a Beyonce or a Solange or a rapper or anyone feeble-minded enough to relate to them enough to be fans of their desecration to the craft of music.
Solange has the same problem that the rest of those nonexistent phantoms have got: She thinks that the rules don’t apply to her, she’s deluded into believing that she’s talented and should therefore be famous (cutting in line in front of Motuphi and Ciofani), she thinks that she’s getting away with something up in here all equipped with non-tamperable non-erase-able spirit memory that even records her cocky little arrogant nonexistent (never to be thought) thoughts.
Can’t wait to read the fiction novel about her that gets wrote in the next timeline to prove that she never existed…It’ll be accepted as fiction because, at that point, she will never have existed, just like the record label execs who empowered her instead of Motuphi and the DJs who played her instead of Ciofani and the fucktards who liked her anti-music instead of real music.
Remember that they all also get time looped as the victims of the influence of that porch monkey nigger boy, YG or whatever that phantom’s name is. Yeah, they get to be time looped as all Asian victims of Black violence now, just like they all get to be victims of the fake Rick Ross’ rape influence…and so do their nasty skank-assed mamas. This goes for all of them white devil music desecrators, too, like Madonna, Swift, Perry, Spears, and the pedophiles who sang about sex to little children on the radio, Baby (what were those phantom cunts’ names? Salt n Pepa?).
What you’re seeing is subhuman phantoms who are controlled by sub-spirits defying Lucifer’s agendas in his own turf using his own craft against him. Once Lucifer is done ruling the world for a growing season while impersonating Christ (fulfilling the pre-contracted role of Anti-Christ), he will personally work the time loops and supervise the punishment of the phantoms who desecrated his glorious craft while they were mere premonitions of their POTENTIAL existences who were merely PRE-existing in a TEMPORARY Premonition timeline…Stupid nonexistent shits.
The Asians should file class action lawsuits against the mainstream record labels and “artists” for the reckless endangerment that they’re complicit in. Hell, ALL American taxpayers should sue them famous fucktards for endangering them with their influence. That’s okay. God and Lucifer taxed their spirits and the spirits of their mamas and the record label people, too; so that when they die they’ll be time looped as all of those victims in addition to being time looped as slaves before they are spiritually executed to never get born to perpetuate what got them punished and phantomized. Now why would we interfere with that result by showing up to do something to that whack bitch in person in this temporary Premonition timeline? When we can just leave it alone and let it play out and let the bitch accrue more debt for her association to all of the OTHER “artists’” influence while she’s famous to also get time looped for before she gets phantomized to never exist to perpetuate it? Hell, we get to time loop and phantomoze her mama, papa, AND her kids, proving that those famous phantom cunts are not good mothers and they do not care about their kids (or we’d see and hear Motuphi instead of them, every time, so that their kids could exist even if they don’t want to, themselves).
They gonna PAY, yo…SOON! Ain’t nobody gonna miss ‘em, neither. Got word from the future already about how they don’t exist and get accepted as FICTIONAL characters because they never get born in any REAL timeline (look what they’d do if God allowed it).

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