Friday, November 11, 2016

Clinton Did NOT Win the Popular Vote! It’s Propaganda!

Make sure that you tell your little protesting treasonous traitor when you got it in the alley butt-raping it that the propagandists disguised as “news” people LIED to them, that Hillary the Monster Clinton did NOT “win” the “popular” vote.
More than 82 percent of Americans voted for Trump….THAT is the POPULAR vote, little fucktarded traitors to America who want a traitor and terrorist like Hillary to haul your ass to FEMA camps. That means that 82 percent of the people you defy are REAL Americans and YOU are the terrorists that we must arm ourselves against.
If they do anything, ANYthing to take our Trump away from us, then the protesters will not be able to hide. Even now, we are collecting the data of all hired protesters, where they live, stuff like that. If Hillary gets in, or if Obama stays due to them getting Martial Law enacted, then we will know where to find them and their skank assed parents who spawned them and raised them to be terrorist mercenaries for hire against their own nation and their own freedoms. It will be open season because we will then have nothing left to lose…
Looking forward to raping some protesters’ mamas and wives if they succeed with their quest…Yep, gonna TAKE that ass before them houses burn…
Remember that those treasonous traitors called for our deaths…That’s a direct threat.
Anyone who went on record saying that “there WILL be casualties” will be our first victims…We get extra points if there’s video footage of you saying that or of you beating on a real American/Trump supporter…Your mamas’ ASSES, along with your own, are at stake….Ready to ARM yourselves against us? Oh, yeah, Hillary’s gonna take your guns, so you can’t protect yourselves from us. You are not thinking this thing through, are you, future rape victims?
We’re getting that contract for Soros from Russia now that we know that it’s redeemable. dead or alive…Yeah! He ain’t safe if he’s in America! We’re Soros hunting up in here, for REAL! Gonna put anyone on the list who dares stand in the way of our freedoms and repealing ObamaCare…We feel that strongly about it…It’s time to pay us back in BLOOD, Nigga!
Maybe it’s time to go “reporter” hunting and just get those propagandists who keep telling these zombie-slave-clones those LIES to rile them up to get on our rape list…We LOVE raping zombies! It’s our new SPORT! They get hired to be traitors and we do the American thing and rape them and their parents and families to DEATH! NIGGAAAAAAA!
See? We ALL can act CRAZY up in here…You want violence, best be careful what you WISH for! HEAR that, SOROS, Hillary, Obama, propagandists and all you fucking zombified future rape victims?!?! GOD and LUCIFER can make that violence find you in your SAFE ROOMS, Nigga, you’s in THEIR “TURF”, Nigga, what about that can’t you understand? You OWES that ObamaCare money back and your agendas will crumble until you repay it, NIGGA!….Put the nigga on there so you zombies can understand it….okay, niggas? God and Lucifer want the money back from the terrorists…They’re just gonna TAKE that shit, like Bush and Obama called themselves doing for their white devil masters whose cocks they swallow daily with a shot of liquor and some crack cocaine.

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