Friday, November 25, 2016

Hillary Terrorist Supporters Will Writhe In Our ObamaCare Pain

All REAL Americans supported Trump to get rid of the terrorist attack known as ObamaCare which Hillary Clinton helped to draft. She also helped set it up while Bill the terrorist was selling us out with NAFTA and chasing fat fucktards around the Oval Office.
82 of every 100 Americans who voted voted for TRUMP, not Hillary. A sign that the Americans are tired of treasonous terrorists and crackheads running their government. The terrorist supporting propagandists disguised as “news” outlets keep lying about how many people voted for Trump. But, when you consider that Soros was trying to give Hillary the vote with election tampering, you understand how the 82% vote that Trump got was accurate. They lied and said Michigan was too close too call when NOBODY in Michigan except for the Muslim Islamic infidels voted for Hillary! That exposes the voting fraud right there! There’s nobody in Michigan with a Hillary sign in their front lawn. It’s TRUMP, all the way. Michigan suffered too much the last time a Clinton treasonous terrorist was in the White House. NAFTA destroyed Michigan’s financial infrastructure. It has never recovered. That’s why Michigan HATES the Clintons…They don’t easily forget being raped and pillaged by a terrorist in the White House, which is also Obama’s ONLY legacy (which will be deleted, along with him, when he dies and gets time looped as his victims and as slaves and then gets spiritually executed to never get born to perpetuate those evils).
Many do not know that the Clintons got credit for the prosperity that America was enjoying while they were in office in the 90s, even though that prosperity was due to Reaganomics. The Clintons destroyed the prosperity that Reagan brought to America and they never got blamed for it. This proves that those who support them are feeble-minded, too feeble-minded to be allowed to exist in any real world scenario. 
Those of us who are not rich in America are suffering. Obama does not care. He’ll just throw another rock on the grill and go golfing on our dollar. Every penny that those white devils paid Obama for enacting the terrorist attack known as ObamaCare belongs to the American taxpayers, and Motuphi will collect it from that porch monkey when he gets him in the time loops picking cotton and making iPhones and being sex slaves (at a rate of $900,000 per PENNY compounded per second of possession, now that’s a lot of cotton!). Many of us are writhing in pain due to ObamaCare. Do you expect the porch monkey minded, like Obama and his supporters or Hillary and her supporters, to empathize with our plight? Well, the nonexistent do not have the capacity for empathy, so they cannot empathize with our plight. We see that many celebrities actually hate their fans and desire for them to writhe in pain and to be slaves to ObamaCare.
Now, Jill Stein, the terrorist, wants to overthrow the Trump election because she, too, got cumdrunk from Obama. If she had to spend a day in a REAL American’s shoes, she’d kill herself for identifying herself as a treasonous terrorist who HATES American taxpayers (the lives that matter, not the thugs, not the welfare demographic).
Ben Carson was our best shot to get proper healthcare again short of intervention from Motuphi. Now, Motuphi uses his demonic authority over anyone who would cause the human crop of God and Lucifer to suffer to stomp the dog-fuck right out of them from the astralscape. Motuphi thwarted their election theft. Motuphi also traveled backwards in time and caused key players in the construction of certain terrorist attacks to never get born. He did that to those who stole the money that God and Lucifer blessed the taxpayers with, too.
So, their numbers are dwindling and they are totally unaware of it. There are some phantoms that Motuphi wants to stay alive so he can time loop them when they die. Those are the ones who you still see here.
When it’s all said and done, those who have it in their non-tamperable non-erase-able spirit memories that they had no sympathy for the suffering will be time looped and phantomized to never exist. Even now, their brainwaves identify them as “righteous kills” to the devils and angels (and the spirits of their dead victims) that Motuphi sicced on them. The world is now unsafe for them, like the American liberties were as long as they were preexisting.
Watch God and Lucifer and Motuphi wipe from the face of the Earth all who dare defy their conjoined end time agendas. Then, they’ll be wiped from the cosmos, completely, never to get born to be infected contaminants.

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