Monday, November 7, 2016

Look At All The Famous Terrorists!

Betcha’ you’re not fans of those famous terrorists supporting Hillary the terrorist NOW…Unless you’re retarded, of course.
Those famous celebrities (who are actually nothing more than passive terrorists) are rich, so they don’t care about the rest of the population suffering beneath the crazed tyrannical dictatorship of the terrorists posing as government in America. They WILL, though, when they die and get time looped as you suffering, and everything ELSE (including ANIMALS) that suffered
 If those fucktarded celeb terrorists wanted to exist beyond this temporary Premonition timeline (and save themselves and their loved ones from being time looped as you and all other things suffering unnecessarily right now), they would rise up and become equal to Motuphi and Ciofani by influencing you to take proper care of animals, children, women and taxpayers, and to take your nation back by voting against Hillary the terrorist. But they’re afflicted with phantom mind disease, so they think that they got away with something up in here, all equipped with non-tamperable non-erase-able spirit memory that even records their cocky little arrogant nonexistent anti-thoughts.
Actions speak louder than words. You’re suffering under the Obama/Clinton bed-mates administrations. They do not care about you or they would support the side that might liberate you from your suffering at their hands. Just like Obama and Hillary, they cannot SEE themselves for what they truly are…Or common human decency would require honor suicides, all around.
The mass celebrity die-off needs to work FASTER. It’s gotten to the point that being famous makes them treasonous against American freedoms on all levels for all citizens who DO matter…For that, they should be executed in THIS timeline, too. It’s unforgivable and dangerous to the rest of us.
Okay. Nobody is feeble-minded enough to need to be entertained by terrorists who are pro-Hillary the terrorist, so we can kill the celebs and take their ill-gotten gain now and give it back to the people who were supposed to have it all of this time (like for the last quarter of a century), like Motuphi. Had Ciofani been famous instead of Madonna, Salt n Pepa and everyone else that got famous since them, the world would be a much better place right now…We get to find that out in the next timeline, where the famous phantoms do not exist and there’s no feeble-mindedness to create a demand for their bullshit.

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