Friday, August 24, 2018

The Carrot and the Stick, The Dangers of Democrats & 25 Niggas

You recently saw it play out. The Carrot and the Stick, The Dangers of Democrats and 25 Niggas. You probably don't know what you're looking at. Let's dive in.

Alex Jones was the last of the real news people (all TV/cable news people are fake news and Jones' being martyred proved it, among other things). He was taken down for Hate Speech while leaving real hate speech on the same platforms, proving that they abide by some sort of sick double standard. We can't have that Democratic mess ever coming into power again now that we see how dangerous they can be to us and our liberties. Not to worry, because Motuphi took advantage of the event to use it as a quantum conduit to send Angels of Death to kill all who took down Alex Jones and their shareholders and their families and friends, and he attached curses of devastation to them to make them miserable while they await the Angel of Death to execute Justice (kill them).

Since the Democrats lied about Russian collusion and blamed that for Hillary Clinton's loss, more Angels of Death were sent to kill all Democrats and their candidates and all who vote for them. Motuphi is responsible for Hillary losing her rigged election: Other timelines intervened to avenge Motuphi of what women in power are doing to him (denying him Justice, keeping him under illegal Martial Law because they're too feeble-minded to do their jobs and restore his driver's license). The Democrats will die off now and so will all of their undignified supporters. They plagued the world for the last 2 years with LIES about Putin and Russia and exhibited the worse sportsmanship ever witnessed by humans. Then, they removed Alex Jones right before elections time, causing a Paradigm Stretch (in retaliation) that'll cause all the Democrats they hoped to get elected (by making a martyr of Jones) to LOSE, automatically. Every time the bastards cheat or lie or stretch the truth or propagandize, they're gonna get the dog-fuck walloped right out of them...

Motuphi sent Angels of Death to kill all rappers not taken down with Alex Jones and to kill all famous music artists and rappers for being pedophiles who didn't show him any support or love. Motuphi also sent Angels of Death to kill all news people that are regarded as "real" on TV, cable and the internet and to kill all who carry them instead of Jones. Angels of Death will kill all DJs and music programmers of all radio stations who don't have Motuphi's music in heavy rotation against the hate speech of the walking dead rappers. The one-two punch is the accompanying curses of devastation that go with the Angels of Death to prepare the targets for their untimely demises with suffering.

Motuphi recently proved that all fame and music sales and Billboard charts are fake and rigged with sabotage of underground music acts. If they're famous music artists right now, their fame is rigged and so are their sales figures. Underground music acts and rappers aren't allowed to compete with the famous on a level playing field. For example, Motuphi mp3s often don't get put up for sale after approval and then they're sabotaged so that fans can't even buy them. Case in point, can you find Tapulous by Lotta Jesus online anywhere but the bandcamp site? There you go. If you find it, try buying it. Only one in ten people has success buying a Motuphi mp3 because the pedophilic white devils who own the platforms don't want their famous mouthpieces to be shadowed...

So, you see, Alex Jones was not the first truther to be targeted and removed from our view by the famous pedophiles in power. They did it to Motuphi, years ago. They've been starving him out ever since he left the pimp game and the streets of Detroit. They won't let his books sell. They won't let his music sell. They removed his partnership with youtube after pilfering his views and subscribers. They've been hitting Motuphi since the early 1990s, when he got famous and then they had to travel back in time to then because they couldn't create order out of chaos with Motuphi famous...People were just too fuckin' smart, yo. So, they quantum leaped back in time, let some thug niggers (the most racist against Blacks demographic) kidnap some music programmers to get their insipid childish mind-puke played on the radio and blackballed Motuphi in Hollywood and New York...Blah-BLAM! The world is all fucked up, not safe for animals or babies or women or white people or Asians...Well, you see it...It wasn't like this before they cheated, yo...

You know that you're a bad motherfucker when pedophilic rich white devils will invest billions of dollars to time travel and cause retro-causality to thwart your success...That'd be like a GOD compared to all who you want to be famous just so you could control the narrative...Do you SEE it, yet? If white devils cheat and give sales to lesser rappers and music artists while making Motuphi unable to sell, competitively, then they create the illusion that those famous rappers and music artists are better and deserve to be famous by merit...The famous rappers and music artists don't care if they're placed in their positions via cheating of white devils on their behalf, obviously, or one of them would've already been intervention for Motuphi...

So, Motuphi can't climb the Billboard charts because white devils won't let him make sales to be recorded...That makes everyone who's famous now in music PSEUDO famous (fake famous), because we can't get an accurate vote as long as Motuphi is being sabotaged...Must be a Democratic thing to obscure the truth and cheat and lie and steal and elevate the pedophilic and thuggish.

Motuphi sent Angels of Death to kill all who (like Ellen and Rosie) would sexualize children with their sexuality, flaunting their gayness in public, getting famous and rubbing everyone's faces in it, in essence: molesting the children of the world who get exposed to them ("Mommy, what is gay?" is never supposed to be asked by a 5 year old). Motuphi's getting pissed...Celebs ain't safe no mo'.

Peep AoD by the Crikeys...Just more white devil sabotage that they're too fuckin' illiterate and baby-butt-rapey to put the capital D on the shit (on Amazon). But we know why they sabotage (because the famous music motherfuckers can't compete with Motuphi). The song lifts from How Do You Want It by Tupac. It's like Eminem meets Tupac (if Eminem could rap as good as Motuphi, which he obviously can't or he would've done went to find Motuphi and signed his ass to a record deal). The Bass and music is different, more modern. But there was a version where the words was put to the original sounding music from the album that came out in the 1990s, just sped up a bit. AoD is 94 beats per minute. Tupac's song was 92. That makes for the Bass stepping faster and the guitar riff being connected like it is.

Nigga is said 25 times in this song, which is half as long as Tupac's song that it lifts from. Tupac was 25 years old when he was murdered by lesser rappers (niggas) who couldn’t compete with him. For those who don't know, Tupac got false-flagged into being a caricature thug nigga for gangtas who were not his equal, or they was gonna fuck him in his ass. Tupac's music, before he got with them low-bar niggas, was superior; the content, the heart, the messages, the spirit. He never got to rise back up to that level. Motuphi tried, in vain, to bring Rap/Hip-Hop back to what it was before the gangsta rappers and Eminem raped and murdered it to death and left its bloodied maimed corpse laying naked in the street where they last raped it. The entities (white devils) who wanted Rap/Hip-Hop to be Hate Speech for the feeble-minded won out, in the end, though...until they died and got time looped and spiritually executed to never get born to perpetuate their lesserism...

Vanilla Ice legitimized Rap/Hip-Hop as a mainstream genre...Didn’t take long for lesser fake gangsta thug bitches posing as rappers to de-legitimize it with kidnappings and spewing nigga in every release of mind-puke that got played on the radio in place of the Motuphi cuts that used to be there before the quantum cheats.

That's the real. The talking Bass in Tapulous is being kept from you by white devils. Peep it. Show some love...Nigga.


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