Sunday, November 30, 2014

The Most Unique Time Loop EVER Sold!

Okay, ok, ok, ok! Check THIS out! You know how those who’re rioting and picketing and (ahem) “protesting” over this Brown/Wilson verdict cannot be allowed to exist (for real) after this spirit scan is completed (because they’ll be fucking everything up like they do here)? Well, that means that even that stupid white hoe who was carrying that sign that said “I’m more of a thug than Michael Brown was” will be time looped as all victims of Black on white (and animal) violence right along with the rest of those mainstream-created zombie-slave-clone “sleeper cells”.
So, the order came in for HER in the time loops AS thugs like Lemaricus Davidson and Jajuan Whitlow while they commit their crimes against God’s other creations. She’ll also still endure the time loops as the victims, which is standard for taking “their” side. meaning the side of the Godless who refuse to get educations and work with their own 2 hands who then want to have a say in societal issues after not contributing to society, and those who perpetuate violence or influence it or condone it.
That should be an interesting time loop that sells lots of “spectator” loops (those who’ll wanna see that, themselves).
It should be great: watch that stupid little impressionable white girl get thrown into Lemaricus stupid-name-havin’ Davidson to torture Hugh Newsom and torture and rape and murder Channon Christian and then be thrown into Jajuan stupid-name-havin’ Whitlow to beat sweet little old Al Potter to death with his bare hands just for “sport” in a fuckin’ HOSPITAL. Notice the connection of the stupid ghetto names and the violence? Yeah, them ghetto whores hate them white people who work and pay taxes and support their lazy asses and it’s all  because they’re never instilled with proper qualities, like gratitude where it’s due; because their (ahem) “leaders” are a bunch of Federal snitch crack-head niggers like Sharpton and Jackson who had ghetto-fabulous whore mamas, themselves, who failed to instill any good qualities in THEM (see the downward spiral of the blind leading the blind in action).
Remember that Sharpton’s Federal snitch ass worked with the white devils (Caucasionists/Elitists) to get all of the GOOD (law abiding tax paying) people taken out of the music industry (via “set-ups” and “criminalizations”) and got the thug element put there in their places who desecrated the very craft of music with lesserism, ghetto-ism, materialism, violence, sexualizing of children, and using music to brainwash the masses (especially the poor American Blacks) into regression.
That’s how “prostitution” within the music industry became acceptable: Female music (ahem) “artists” getting music careers and radio airplay in exchange for sex (which explains their lame mainstream format and “music”)…Remember the GOOD people in music (that Sharpton’s Federal snitch ass got removed from the industry) never desecrated the craft like that by shitting where they eat, they weren’t too cheap to employ the services of a prostitute and keep their dicks in their pants on the professional playing field…The BAD little mongrels that got in music (after Sharpton’s “planting” in it by the Feds - white devils) ruined music and stole the integrity of the craft with their nastiness…Picture them (and Sharpton) AS those female “artists” in those sexual situations they participated in (as mere premonitions of existences), and picture their mamas as those female artists; because their mamas gotta endure being sexually exploited by their nasty monster premonition spawn (now) before they, themselves, are eternally executed to not be allowed to spawn their fucked-up little butt pirates who fucked-up music and caused God and Lucifer to enter into an “agreement” that music and all musicians would be made nonexistent (since they cock-blocked out all of God’s and Lucifer’s people, anyway). So, in a sense, Sharpton got music, itself, uncreated (it’ll never exist now and neither will those evil little music desecrating maggots  who were empowered by Sharpton’s infiltration into the music business). Motuphi has yet to return his input to the counsel on the subject; but he cannot supersede their decisions if their minds are made-up, anyway. There’s no weak-mindedness in the New World, so there’s no fame or concept of fame there (nobody who needs to be entertained or famous will graduate from this spirit scan).
Notice how the spirit of exposure that Motuphi loosed into Earth brings all things done and conspired in secret out to the light (as prophesied). So, it came out that Michael Brown had no right to even be in the store he robbed before he was righteously put down by a great good upstanding cop, not having no money to spend. And what about that woman who had to have EMS come tend to her at the store? How-come the media never told the world that a mother got hurt by Michael Brown in that store that he robbed and that the so-called ”racist” Officer Wilson stayed with her and comforted her until the ambulance arrived? Why did the media cover THAT up all this time? See? That exposed that the American mainstream media is involved in “Psy-Ops” against the American people (well the stupid ones with no jobs who can be instigated to stupidity over a thug who got what he deserved). The media exposed themselves as “propagandists” and “sensationalists” disguised as “reporters” and “journalists”…Plus, it got exposed how they all read the same stories fed to them via satellite from headquarters, where all stories are first “cleared” and “edited” to fit the agenda of the terrorists and treasonous traitors now posing as “government” in America.
The media also participated in instigating the whole thing by taking the lies of some cursed nonexistent little ghetto-fabulous porch monkey-esque nigger bitches and presenting them as “fact” when Michael Brown was first taken down. Remember what that nasty lying ghetto-slut said: “He had his hands up saying ‘Don’t shoot’…”? REMEMBER that shit? Those LIES? Now that nasty little ghetto bitch gets to be time looped even MORE times as all victims of Black on white (and animal) violence when she dies, before her spirit is eternally executed to never exist to participate in a Caucasianist agenda that further diminished her own race and set them back yet another 40 years…Ferguson will not be allowed to happen in the New World where we are no longer mere premonitions of our potential existences (fools); so make sure you associate yourself to it if you want to die and then be time looped as every human and animal victim of violence committed by Blacks and then be eternally executed to never exist right along with them (retards).
So, it was exposed that the media was trying to start a race war.
Then, it got exposed that Obama is presenting TWO “faces” on the issue: Telling Sharpton (his race-baiting minion and favorite cumhole) to continue race-baiting the masses with “protests” and then turning around and publicly saying something about racism and criminal acts of vandalism and rioting…So, Obama got exposed for the little bitch that HE is.
Now. it’s in the open that stupid Americans are being hypnotized,  ”controlled”, and manipulated into acting like a bunch of asinine fuckheads over a nonexistent fuckin’ thug so that the terrorists and treasonous traitors posing as American “government” can enact Martial Law and take away what’s left of American freedoms…
Won’t the world be an awesome place once all of these monstrous freaks who pitched a bitch over Michael Brown and Officer Wilson are time looped and eternally executed to never exist to darken our memories with how they could run amok causing social unrest on taxpayer dollars while the taxpayers had to work to pay taxes to support them in their riotous agendas? Yeah, they’re nonexistent monster premonitions. They cannot be allowed to exist after being drafted and used by the enemies to all that really truly is (like God, Christ, and Lucifer, whose “turf” we’re all on right now) against simple common sense and decency. If they see Officer Wilson as the culprit instead of Michael Brown, they do not exist: They’ll die here and then be time looped as all victims of Black on white and animal violence and then be eternally executed to never exist to sin against GOD with their mentalities…The potential victims of Michael Brown (as well as his living victims) have MORE rights than Michael Brown did to victimize them and anyone who cannot understand that simple fact and accept it as right are simply too fuckin’ “contaminated” and “infected” to be trusted with actual real existence beyond this spirit scan…
So, pro Michael is pro nonexistence…It’s only right that, if they get their wrong to be right here, in this premonition of existences doubling as a spirit scan, they not be allowed to exist in the REAL world where their wrong can never be accepted as right (because it’s fuckin’ WRONG).
How many white girls picketing for Michael Brown over the past few weeks got raped by Blacks they were picketing with? How many got told that if they don’t give up the ass that they’re “racist”? Yeah, those time loops get added to the tilly that they ALL must endure when the world is finally rid of their retarded asses. Plus, any cops or media that doesn’t address those rapes and expose them will have their mamas placed in those victims while they’re placed in the bodies of the perps…
There you go, little nonexistent weak-minded burdens on society…Fixed your broken little weak-minded shit for you…Now die and be time looped and eternally executed to never exist…
In the meantime, be thou cursed so badly that even retards who think that Officer Wilson should be indicted can see it and not deny it.
Who else wants to buy a time loop seeing the spirit of a stupid white bitch possessing a thug while he commits horrendous violence upon whites and children and animals? They’re very unique, indeed. We’re gonna buy a few for our friends!
We cannot wait to see the world without all of the infected contaminants that got themselves scanned the fuck out: Just picture it: No iPhones or other iGadgets, no internet, no computers, no technology, no tech giants, no billionaires, no Forbes’ list nor anyone who was on it, no sports, no sports figures, no slavery, no descendants of slaves, no greed, no greedy people, no violence, no violent people, no racism, no racist people, no stupidity, no stupid people, no laziness, no lazy people, no gangstas, no gang activity, nobody who refused to get educated or employed,  no media, no music, no music “artists” (who were so lame they had to cock-block Motuphi to avoid being shadowed and exposed as completely devoid of any discernible talent), no rap, no hip-hop, no rappers, no mass hypnotization, no zombie-slave-clones, no “sleeper cells” disguised as “fans”, no politicians, no politics, no treason, no treasonous traitors, no governments, no tyrants, no tyranny, no dictators, no dictatorships, no evil, no evil people, no self-absorption, no self-absorbed people, no animal cruelty nor neglect nor anyone who’d participate in it or condone it, no religion, no Muslim/Islamic infidels, no Koran, no terrorism, no welfare and no need for it because only those who’d work with their own 2 hands will be there.
The world population, once you subtract all of those aforementioned demographics who do not really exist yet and will not be allowed to exist (now that they exposed themselves for what they are), is less than a billion people…Unless something is done quickly, those numbers are doomed to dwindle, not increase.
Ferguson never happened, nor did the protests…It’s just a matter of eliminating all who participated in it from ever existing to try to force their agendas on those who’re law-abiding and productive (reminds you of the gangsta enabler movement of the 1960s that they disguised as a “civil rights” movement that got exposed for what it is to anyone with an IQ over 14 points).
Good riddance, stupid white future victims and thugs…You can understand now, if you can see it from any other perspective but your own weak-minded viewpoints, how you could not be allowed to exist to fuck shit up with your stupidity (allowing them to make minions of you against all that’s right, like a proper verdict on a good upstanding cop you’d be glad to see if Michael Brown had you cornered in a dark alley about to victimize YOU like he did that lady in that store and that store owner - FACT not fiction, bitches).
American white hoes are so impressionable and programmable…They all wanna suck Michael Brown’s dead dick…How can anyone fuck something so fuckin’ STUPID? Isn’t it like committing pedophilia to fuck a woman who’s that fuckin’ retarded and devoid of understanding? How many women are there in America now that have diminished capacity like that?
It’s sick. what American white women have become (stupid little impressionable cum buckets for Black pieces of shit who do not even exist…they can’t even make sure to give ass to someone who’ll actually really exist, they’re that fuckin’ stupid).
We’re missing all the fun! Since they don’t exist, anyway, we’d love to come to America and burn alive any “protestors” who dare slow us down on the streets or try to get our attention. If America had a few more existent white people, instead of their nonexistent wussies disguised as “men”, you’d see news stories of dead protesters already. Now that’d be a wake-up call, huh? It’s what anyone defying an American’s right to be protected from the Michael Browns of this world deserves. Betcha they’d see the value of the Darren Wilsons of the world, THEN, huh? Yeah, they’re too fuckin’ stupid to be allowed to really exist. Just LOOK at ‘em, no sense of shame about any of it neither…truly inferior to all who refuse to participate in it…”and neither can they blush”.

Wednesday, November 26, 2014

The Unfinished Best Of 2 Worlds

The video is gone now. It was hard to watch, anyway; the guy crying into the camera about the pain of the betrayal of his family and how it resulted in his van being “violated”. He said he felt “raped” by the vandalism. That the “Christians” in his family wouldn’t understand how he felt to find his van vandalized and him unable to afford the repairs anytime in the foreseeable future. He said it was like his van was “murdered”; like his dog was, 5 years ago. Through the sobs and tears, he described how his wife cried with him at the discovery of the vandalism and pointed out that she is “NOT a white devil” like the rest of the people out there seem to be. Perhaps, because she was raped before, she could sympathize with how it felt.
"Some white devil put his evil little white devil fingers on my van to defile it and to make it not run for SPORT!" he wailed. He reiterated what he said before about the inferiority of white people and how a Black person will steal out of need and take the whole vehicle so you can collect on the insurance and get it replaced, while a white devil will vandalize your vehicle to take it from you (for sport, not gain), leaving it broken down and without any way to get it fixed because insurance doesn’t cover repairs…To be fair, he hasn’t lived in a big city for awhile, so he hasn’t been experiencing the ill effects of the "regression" due to the "dumb-down"…He must not be following the Ferguson saga, either…
It looks (to us) to be more of an “American” thing to eat your own and attack your neighbors and burn your bridges and your own sources down. There’s Ferguson and the witch hunts of anyone Black who dares speak against the “dumb-down”, the “regression”, the “double standard”, and the ghetto-fabulousness - Bill Cosby (the newest martyr to gangsta-ism) comes to mind and how even old white devils are “coming out” as having participated with him in his alleged “rapes” by “watching the door” for him…Okay: Then that old white devil just confessed to aiding in supposed CRIMES, right? How is it that Cosby is being charged but that old white devil can brag about his participation in it and avoid scrutiny? Did he not keep the shit hidden all this time (supposedly)? Is that not a crime, in itself, like interfering or deferring justice or some shit? There’s a law in your nation to charge that white devil with if his statements were actually true. By him not being charged after his on-camera confession, you know that it’s all staged, a fuckin’ witch hunt…But wouldn’t being a rapist make Cosby equal to the white devils in the media he had a career in? There you go, they defeat their own cause with this witch hunt; so all the hired gold-digging ”victims” can now go home (victims as in not survivors who move on with their lives, but damaged little “victims” who’ll blame others for their own lack of positive motivation). That’s on the Black side (the famous Blacks doing what they do, Cosby being the only one to develop a conscience and speak out against the effects of it).
Then, there’s the white devils, who eat their own families and sabotage the efforts to succeed of “dreamers” in their families, circles, and race. It must be a horrible thing to be an American white dude with a dream or aspirations, from the looks of it. Those evil alcoholic, dope-fiend and “Christian” white devils in America will team-up to bully you, ridicule you, stomp you, pillage you, and rape you for daring to have a dream around them, huh? Then, when you give-up and just want to be left alone, they still won’t let you live in peace, apparently. This guy’s van got vandalized and his wife’s dog is mysteriously ill (was it a double “hit”? remember the dog murder via poisoning 5 years ago?).
So, now, this awesome song will never be finished. It’s so fucked-up that, while this guy was working on this song, evil white devils were plotting against him and were fucking with his life again. He said the van was all he had left after the years of ongoing “life molestation”. They took that from him while he was doing this song. Now, you cannot blame this on the Devil, because he’s been incarcerated for 2,000 years (2 days, God time) and unable to manipulate or externally motivate humans for that amount of time. Plus, it would be counter-productive for Lucifer to defy his own agenda to come to Earth and rule it while pretending to be Jesus Christ/Joshua (the Son of God/Allah). So, anything that’d stop the killing of Satan’s future “subjects” is an agenda that God, Christ, AND Lucifer are behind.
This song was a step in that direction…It takes from the GOOD in scriptures of the 2 offending religions (nope, Satanism is not one of them) to motivate a common neutrality in causing, committing, enabling, or encouraging violence on Earth: In other words, stop causing violence in the name of religion because none of those Entities condone it and we are to trust God/Allah to be able to fight FOR us and we are never to rob Him of HIS vengeance, which is HIS (“vengeance is MINE’, saith the LORD”).
"The 2 religions have a lot of common ground and that’s what should be focused on and acted upon, rather than the differences in beliefs". He offered his argument about the people claiming to be "Christians" who hate him and his wife enough to sabotage his career efforts, steal his wife’s "empire" idea from her, and empower drunken junkies to put out "hits" on him, his pets, and his property, repeatedly. "They are not Christians and they are why I do not claim to be Christian, out of fear of being lumped in with them and their whack testimony." So he presented that as an example regarding the extremists claiming to be of a certain religion…"If they love God, they will not attack His other creations." Good point. He put what our common mentality should contain in song, from his own personal perspective. The hook is an eye-opening play on words.
The prophesies emanating from the lyrics of this song is evident. This is supposedly a “throwaway” “pre-pro” track. He said he’s not going to finish it now that God “betrayed” him. But a lyric video got made from the audio and we noticed that the mp3 is popping up online everywhere now, including on YAHOO! group sites where it’s a downloadable file for members of the groups. It may disappear, soon, though, because it’s pirated and bootlegged.
Check it out:

Sunday, November 23, 2014

More Elitist Time Loops Sold

  Ever hear of Paul Warburg? He’s just one of many who’ll be time looped for their evil agendas that negatively effected so many of God’s creations on HIS turf. Picture fucks like this even in time loops as whales suffering from radiation or hard-working people murdered due to their border collapses.
Yeah. They do not realize that their agendas do not matter anymore because they do not exist…It’s just a matter of going through the motions:
Lucifer shows up with his fallen angels and takes control of everything they possess, including all power. So, it’ll be like they built this new toy that a bigger (supernatural) bully is gonna show up to take away from them.
Plus, Satan will take their ill-gotten gain from them and incarcerate them in their own FEMA camps to make them work off their debts to society. If their wives and daughters are desirable enough, they’ll be taken as fuck-slaves to the (fallen) angels.
Everyone will believe that Lucifer is Jesus Christ/Joshua (Son of God Allah) during this time. He’s not the pussy Jesus who’ll let the humans subjugate him, like before. He reigns with a mighty rod of iron he wields over their heads to subjugate them.
This version of Jesus (Satan) will return the ill-gotten gain of the elitists back to the bloodlines from which is was stolen.
Once all of this plays out and the war between him and the real Jesus plays out, the spirits of the perpetrators will then be cast into the time loops as every victim of their atrocious plans, including animals. Their mothers will also be time looped as their victims and ripple effects victims.
After their spirits serve in the time loops of judgement, then they’ll be eternally executed and they’ll never exist to commit their atrocities that negatively effected so many of God’s creations on HIS planet (not theirs). This can go back in their bloodlines as many generations as is necessary to get to the original “contaminant”, causing them to never exist.
This fate is in line for all of the terrorists and treasonous traitors who’ve been posing as the American “government” since the days of Lincoln…and their ancestors as far back as the contamination goes…They have no right to exist.
Get pissed off when you see this video and buy you some time loops!

College Students Rape Themselves & Their Own Mamas In Time Loops

Hey, did you see the story of the college students who gang raped that girl and committed themselves to time loops AS that girl when they die? Yeah, they must not have known that they’re on a spirit scan, or that they’re merely premonitions of their potential existences. So they had no clue that, when they die, they’ll be time looped AS that girl during her rape and that their mamas will first be time looped in that girl’s body during that experience to endure being raped by their own sons…Yeah, they get to rape the mamas who raised them to be monstrous rapists!
Then, when they (their spirits) are all done raping their mamas and being raped by premonitions of themselves, they (their spirits) will be eternally executed to never exist (via the time-space continuum) to never commit their atrocities…The mamas will also be eternally executed to never exist to commit the offense against God and the cosmos of spawning and raising rapists.
Yeah, those college kids love raping themselves and their mamas, much like those turkey killing nonexistent bastards love being time looped as that turkey after killing their mamas in it.
They’re supposedly so smart and the cream of the crop and yet they’re so monstrous and fucked-up that they cannot be allowed to exist to negatively effect the other creations of God that they negatively effected while merely premonitions of their potential existences…
Good riddance!
Call it the “frat” curse, since it seems to attach more to frats…Like how they all get themselves and their mamas time looped as the sluts they have walk down the “hall of shame”…Those fucks get to do that to their mamas and then have it happen to them and then they’ll never exist (due to eternal execution) to commit those offenses…They’ll be punished for what they’ll never be allowed to exist to actually do…
Rapists and dumbed-down mainstream zombie-slave-clone “sleeper cells” can never wrap their tiny little minds around that reality. Lightning did not immediately strike them, so they think they “got away with it”…
Remember this fact: All things that interact with humans (like other humans and animals) have non-tamperable non-erase-able spirit memories…So, their own spirit memories will connect to the spirit memories they placed in the minds of others with their actions…Good spirit memories do not require punishment. But negatively effecting any other creation of God Allah requires punishment: time loops as those victims containing those memories and then eternal execution so that those memories never happen.
Duh…College education is wasted on this nonexistent iGeneration demographic…They’re failing to exist beyond this premonition of existences doubling as a spirit scan, so why invest in their educations in the temporal realm? Fuck them rapists! Good fuckin’ riddance!
We’re gonna buy some loops as those kids while their mamas are in their rape victim and we’re gonna rape their mamas, butt good…Yep, those nasty bitches deserve it…Just look at what they spawned.

More Malik Shabazz Time Loops Sold

Yeah. Ya’ll didn’t think that Malik Shabazz was gonna be allowed to exist after HIS negative racist little race-bating bitch influence, did you? Naw…That nigger does NOT exist…When he dies, he and his nasty-assed mama are going into the time loops to serve AS every victim of Black on white racism (and as tortured dogs).
The time loops that recently sold for Shabazz are interactive and spectator time loops. In one set, Malik Shabazz will be in the body of Lemaricus Davidson while his nasty-assed monster-spawning mama is inside Channon Christian. Then Malik can beat his mama to death while she’s Al Potter and Malik is Jajuan (stupid name having) Whitlow.
Malik Shabazz was a retarded little nonexistent nigger during his premonition of existence. He got himself scanned the fuck OUT and now he’s gonna be every victim of Black on white violence when he dies…and so is his mama for the offense of spawning Malik’s fucked-up ass…Then, once they (their spirits) have served as every victim of Black on white (and animal) violence and crime, they (their spirits) will be eternally executed so that they never exist to cause the problems they caused while mere premonitions of their potential existences…
Malik’s nasty-assed father was a Muslim/Islamic infidel, so he will be  (probably already is being) time looped as every victim of the influence of Muhammad (the molested child prostitute whose mama sold his ass for opium who then grew up to hate God Allah and women and sought to sabotage both demographics with his false doctrine he wrote in a shitty little book of lies known as the “Koran” or “Q’uran”…doesn’t matter since it will never be written due to Muhammad’s own failure to exist since he will be time looped as all of the victims of his influence - along with all other Muslim/Islamic infidels - and then be eternally executed to never exist via the time-space continuum to commit his atrocities against God Allah and His creations (like children, Christians, and all of the martyrs of their bombings).
It’d be a neat trick to see Malik Shabazz actually really exist beyond this (premonition of existences serving as the) spirit scan considering that his father will never be allowed to exist now, just as is the fate of all Muslim/Islamic infidels…
So, Malik Shabazz is second generation monster premonition spawn. And now, for attaching his invisible (colorless) spirit to “color” issues on Earth and calling for the death of an upstanding cop (who was simply doing his JOB before he was assaulted by a zombie-slave-clone subhuman “sleeper cell” that he had to serve the public by taking down before he could pull a Lemaricus Davidson or Jajuan Whitlow on some innocent citizens), Malik will know what REAL racism feels like.
The standard loops for Shabazz and his bloodline (their spirits after they die) will be Channon Christian, Hugh Newsom, Al Potter, Autumn Pasquale, Colleen Ritzer, and the MILLIONS of raped white women by Blacks and the MILLIONS of white children sold to Black dope pimps who sexually used them, tortured them and usually murdered them or sold them to the next subhuman nigger to rape and torture them…Imagine Malik’s mama as 11 year old little white girls who were sold to dope-pimps by their white-devil dope-fiend mothers, gang raped in every orifice and then sucking dog dicks for crack rocks as “entertainment” (this is all due to racist “influence”, much like Malik’s influence, and has been happening ever since the false flag and gangsta enabler movement disguised as a “civil rights movement” that took place in the 1960s).
(soon to be) Nonexistent monster premonitions like Malik Shabazz (Black faced Caucasionists perpetuating the “dumb-down” on their own race with instigation to racial hatred, which is a retard thing) have been pointing at whites as “evil” while ignoring these victimizations perpetuated by BLACKS for 50 fuckin’ YEARS! 
The EVIL ones are freaks like Malik, not the whites he hates and race-baits Blacks until he convinces the stupid of them to join him in his hatred.
Ferguson is being used as a false flag distraction by Obama minions like snitchin’-assed Sharpton and racist bitch assed Shabazz…They keep “their” “people” distracted in Ferguson while Obama looses 5-million illegal immigrant criminals into their midst that will now be taking food off of their plates…Does Malik Shabazz or Al Sharpton CARE that they’re helping to rape and pillage their own people? Do they CARE that those poor Blacks got duped into joining them in desecrating Michael Brown’s memory to benefit their own agenda? Do they CARE that they helped Obama distract them from their welfare benefits and food stamp grants being reduced? Nawwww. They’re BLACK and they’re not Bill Cosby, so they do NOT care about Black people…
It’s just a sad fact that Blacks will sell their own to white devils in a hot minute for very little motivation, due to their whack-assed inherent desire to subjugate and enslave, a trait that they inherited from their headhunter ancestors in Africa who were marked for death for pillaging other villagers (killing and eating them, raping their wives, selling their daughters, killing and eating their sons) — but were later sold to the lazy white devils as slaves (just to rid their land of them) without any warning to the white devils that they were lazy, uneducated, non-contributing violent headhunters who refused to work and would not contribute to the world and expected to be able to roam the continent like nomads, raping and pillaging and burning every village they encountered. The Blacks who were sold as slaves were headhunters, that’s why they begrudge being forced to actually work with their own 2 hands…They are God-less and do not respect HIS laws, which were “WORK with your own 2 hands or do not fuckin’ EAT!” nigga….Anyone remember what happened when President Monroe sent a bunch of them back to Liberia (a location to be known as “Monrovia”)? Let’s remind ourselves: They went right back to raping, pillaging, murdering and eating, and enslaving the other Africans; which made Monroe feel a bit guilty for loosing a plague back upon Africa…
THAT’s what happened to Africa (facts Malik’s bitch ass is ignorant to): The headhunter descendants that got loosed in America and destroyed it from the inside out also got sent back to Africa to out-multiply all of the people who were superior to them, there, too (like in America)…They snuffed out the decent and hard-working in the land, much like the American gangstas did to their old-school Blacks who were equal to their white peers because they’d gotten educations and jobs and paid taxes and took good care of their ‘hoods and schools and homes and families (the opposite of the majority of today’s Blacks in America). Those American ‘hoods became ghettos in the hands of the headhunter descendants who could not appreciate nor maintain anything they inherited. You can now tell when you enter a Black neighborhood. But it was not like that before the 1960s; something that a racist little race-baiting nigger would never understand nor appreciate because it was before his time and everyone who’d tell the truth about the era and hard-working Blacks’ equality to hard-working whites they cohabitated with has been killed off or silenced or witch hunted like Cosby.
Shabazz., programmed by white devil Caucasionists to perpetuate his fraud upon his own people…sell-out headhunter descendant that he is.

"Professor" Griff Exposes Nothing At All But His Own Racism & Ignorance

This video, and accepting bigotry from a racist regurgitator like (ahem) “professor” Griff as “knowledge”, is part of the “dumb-down” and does more harm than good to his own race.
This “professor” Griff retard needs to get some education at the feet of a REAL professor, at some point, to be taken seriously….That, and he needs to learn to stop being a stereotypical “cracker”-spewing racist race-baiting bitch who attaches all of the world’s woes to the “white man” in general like there ain’t no bad Blacks, totally shifting all responsibility for his own race’s problems to others, like a molested child or something.
How is this retard “liberating” his followers? He’s too stupid to stop saying “cracker”, even though each time a Black American uses that descriptive now it attaches a whole new batch of compound combination curses to his dumbed-down nonexistent ass at cartoonish “per” rates (like even per molecule of every body he was calling “cracker”). We’d learn to say “saltines” when referring to the food crackers, if we were American Blacks, right about now. The racism of Blacks in America has pissed God off and He’s not tolerating their “dumb-down” anymore, “professor” Griff, so shut your fuckin’ white man dick suckers and stop acting like you’re pro-Black, because you’re a fuckin’ fraud perpetrator…Or you could just be too goddamned stupid to know to keep your cracker-spewin’ nigger assed mouth shut, bitch!
Enjoy your compound curses, Nigga! Gonna buy some interactive time loops, maybe of you as Channon Christian with us taking turns as Lemaricus stupid-name-havin’ Davidson during the rapes, tortures and murder she endured that YOU must now endure for YOUR “influence”, big fuckin’ “professor” man…Are YOU the fool who inspired another retarded nonexistent monster premonition to use a title he’d never qualify as (“dr”)? You bitches need to get real. You will be time looped when you die, as prophesied. And then you will be eternally executed so that you never exist to create your ripple effects victims with your whack-assed influence.
"Professor" Griff has no knowledge to share. He’s a self-entitled puffed-up self-elated "cracker"-spewing racist little race-baiting fraud! FUCK that bitch! Be thou nonexistent then, since you attached to "color" issues and cannot be equal to us other spirits who actually graduate from this spirit scan and become more than mere premonitions of our potential existences (like you and your "rap" brothers who sold your race for temporary funhouse ride tokens that get burned up with ya’ on this little torture ball fools like YOU made of this place)…You’re gonna’ love being time looped as Vick-esque dogs, too; since you wanna distract from THAT atrocity committed by BLACKS not "crackers", Nigga!
Griff, imagine your mama being time looped as your victims and ripple effects victims (yes, even the animals). Then imagine her being eternally executed to never exist to spawn a little retarded nigger like you to cause so many of God’s other creations to become victimized…That’s her fate, unless YOU do something; because you are an offense she committed against GOD and you STILL have no conscience about that shit, for all the retarded shit you talk.
Spirit memory is non-tamperable and non-erase-able and it even records your racist little Earth-bound thoughts, bitch! Remember that, cracker-spewer. No whites killed Al Potter after all his “cracker” ass did for your race (you sick nigger). You teach your people to generalize and then kill off those who empower and support you over their skin color, why? Because fools like “professor” (dumbed-down) Griff think he’s got that special right to be a stereotypical racist American nigger who can shift all the blame to a skin color, like there ain’t no evil in Blacks…That’s a fuckin’ FOOL, for ya’, right there; puffed-up like he’s got some education for a nigga or somethin’, straight from the snitch handbook of Sharpton, just another Black-faced Caucasionist…
Next, you’ll say that Bill Cosby is not an Illuminati target enduring a witch hunt right now. Like they didn’t make it obvious with the overkill of too many “victims” all of a sudden coming out: For example: if a woman walked down the same hallway as Cosby, she now comes out with rape charges, like they’re either media hounds, or starving for attention, or seeking monetary gain, or maybe even had Illuminati government goons threaten their families like they did Ross Perot if he didn’t back out of the presidential race (remember him?). Yeah, the Cosby thing is an obvious witch hunt, backlash for him being the only famous Black in America equal to the white man, and for refusing to participate in the dumb-down that Griff participates in, and for daring to speak-out against the “anti-culture” of Black youth created by nonexistent maggots like Griff with their power of influence.
Yep, Cosby is NOT an Illuminati “sleeper cell”-creating zombie-slave-clone, so they must take him down; like Tupac (who was false flagged with rape charges and then sold into gangsta rap slavery, tarnishing his good name, just to keep the jealous prisoner gangsta cock out of his ass) because he was a dangerous threat and was not “controllable”, or Michael Jackson (who they ate alive, repeatedly) for daring to defy their agendas of unnecessary suffering (notice how the inferior music ahem “artists” never do anything for the less fortunate or for God’s creations with their money that they rob God of when they do not pay their tithes/fair share).
But “professor” Griff, on the other hand, comes across like just another plant for the white devils, even down to the stereotypical retarded way of generalizing all whites as evil by calling them all “cracker”.
Well, he’s too stupid not to call the Devil names…I mean, the Devil, he white, right? Now why would you lead your peeps to piss-off the Devil on his own turf if you ain’t against them? Huh? Make sure you start your response off with another racial epithet, Nigger, and make the retarded assumption that you know what race you’re addressing…Punk.
Stop calling yourself a “professor” being so goddamned retarded…You can’t speak right, you’re racist, you’re a race-baiting bitch, you spew “cracker” out of your mouth like a ghetto-fabulous fool (like you ain’t got one single intelligent soul in all of your counsel or posse, for real, that can be honest enough with you to tell you how retarded and racist you make yourself sound when you open your dumbed-down mouth).
Griff, have you ever worked with your own 2 hands for your money, or is God gonna commit you to time loops as slaves to get His money out of you? That’d be so ironic: You actually at the end of a cracker’s whip due to your own racism and laziness. “If you will not work, then you will not eat’ saith the LORD” and He means that shit…You’ll see.
Griff, do you own an iPhone or some other slave-made gadgets or fashions or products? Well, then, YOU, Sir, are a fuckin’ “cracker”, too! So, Cracker Griff, what was you tryin’ a say again in your whack-assed video before you distracted us all with your racism and “cracker”-spewin’, oh pot callin’ the kettle “black”.
Got any more Black on white crimes you wanna instigate before you die to become your victims? There’s plenty of “sleeper cells” awaiting your stokage of those racial flames of hatred.
The New World has no rappers nor rap (they do not graduate from here due to their influence, well except for Motuphi from Detroit, Rex Razor from Africa, and Vanilla Ice, who single-handedly gave Rap mainstream credibility before Suge nigger Knight stole it all away with gangtsa shit on a disk)…There’s no weak-mindedness in the New World that’d motivate someone to desecrate someone else’s art with a total lack of talent and respect for the craft just for fortune and fame like you talentless rappers did…Ya’ll cannot even fulfill the basic requirements for being in music, which is you gotta be able to play at least one musical instrument (turntables don’t count) and/or be able to sing (not like a jukebox or karaoke singer, neither)…Those are basics everyone knows who has not desecrated Lucifer’s craft of music like ya’ll did with your rap shit on a disk.
Yeah, we cannot get past the racism and race-baiting and constant “cracker” spewing to take this video serious, sorry….No racist bitches graduate from this spirit scan, especially not American Black ones, simply because you refuse to accept responsibility for your own mistakes and appear to be too brutish and stupid to be desirable graduates (ie: company, who’d do your fair share of the WORK you managed to avoid while here freeloading on the planet/spirit scan, spewing racial hatred disguised as “knowledge”).
Propagandist Griff is a more fitting title…That’s what we’ll call his spirit snack when we’re eating him in the New World.
Yeah. If you’re an American Black who refers to all whites as “crackers”, then you are a nigger (niggererer, not nigga, nigga). Understand that revolving boomerang and how it identifies you as a dumbed-down nigger before you belittle yourself like your retarded rap “role models”…This retard was too ignorant to present himself as intelligent after donning the name “professor”…Now THAT’s good for a laugh whenever we think about it…He’s cartoonish in his retardation, so you KNOW that he’s totally unable to SEE it…

Thursday, November 20, 2014

Takata's Hard Lesson On Mexican Inferior Work Ethic

Yeah, Let that be a lesson to ya’, Takata: You cannot have people with no work ethic build stuff that’s important to human safety (or handle food). Everybody knows that Mexicans are the most notorious for vandalizing shit and sabotaging shit and for working harder to get out of work than if they just did the job they were hired to do.
Bubble gum in an airbag that killed somebody? DNA should’ve been collected on the gum and compared to all who ever worked for Takata in Mexico and that retarded fuckwad who did it should’ve been charged with murder…or at least negligent homicide (it IS an airbag, after all). Nope, not in Mexico, where the government sold-out to drug cartels.
Yeah. And this is the element that Obama wants in his nation’s workforce.
Takata knows better…now that it’s too late.

Obama Endangers Immigrants With Amnesty Executive Order

It should get interesting in America, very soon. Obama has buried his head so deeply up in his own ass and his white devil massas’ asses that he lost touch with the American “spirit”.
The REAL Americans have been preparing for today ever since Obama showed his treasonous terrorist traitor true colors by opening the borders…This is when the REAL Americans started secretly arming themselves for the “amnesty phase” they knew was coming (gluttonous retards and dictators are very predictable, as Bush, Clinton, Bush, and Obama have proven).
But what Obama doesn’t realize is that the REAL Americans are light-years ahead of him and his gluttonous white devil massas: They’ve been buying 14-century era medieval weapons made of mostly wood and they’ve been passing around guns made with 3-D printers, so the Obama minions driving around cities with their “x-ray” machine equipped vehicles trained on their homes and cars to spot metal-made guns do not detect their arsenals…Now THAT’s fuckin’ cool!
The REAL Americans intend to rid the country of the immigrants that Obama let in, by any means necessary, even if they must club them to death in the streets.
"It’s gettin’ bloody in here."
Obama must’ve put silencers on his propagandists disguised as “reporters” and “journalists” about the illegal immigrant “body dump”, evidence that some REAL Americans have already resorted to ridding their nation of the infiltrators that Obama allowed in (and intends to arm to kill them off)…
It’s called a “preemptive strike” and it is totally legal during times of war (America is currently engaged in a war against the treasonous traitors and terrorists posing as their “government”).
Obama has to know about the body dump, by now (everyone else does). But what Obama probably does not know is that it was not white devils who started this strike against the illegal immigrants. It was Blacks who feel like the immigrants will be taking their food from them, because (as it turns out) even dumbed-down ghetto people understand that that many illegal immigrants becoming “legal” is going to cripple their resource tree (the welfare tit of the government) and cause a famine in the land:
"We’re either gonna hafta kill and eat these people later, when Obama destroys our income with their over-loadin’ of the system we hafta rely on, or we can kill them NOW and continue to EAT! REAL food! Now what would YOU do? Let Obama starve you to death to please some white devils or fight back? We gonna’ EAT! FUCK Obama and the white devils dicks he rode IN on!…In their ASSes! They keep fuckin’ with us, we’ll go eat THEM, too! We won’t have no choice now will we?!?" said one Black proudly in possession of a bloody baseball bat matted with immigrant hair and skull fragments.
Yeah, this was a response that small minds like Obama’s and his white devil massas’ never anticipated: That American BLACKS would protect their nation from not being able to feed them anymore…Talk about an “awakening”…’Looks like that “spirit of awakening” that Motuphi loosed upon the world is working overtime (if even Blacks can see the treason of their  Black butt buddy ahem “president”).
Well, what did we tell ya”? “Obama has YET to do even ONE ‘presidential’ thing. That he fails to do so whenever presented with the opportunity.” Now did anyone think he’d act like an American PRESIDENT should act regarding the infiltration of the nation he was charged to protect and to serve? Naw…Not Obama…He’ll do the OPPOSITE, as always.
'See how Obama keeps trying to qualify as “the Beast” that everyone keeps erroneously calling him? Yet, with every such action he takes to authenticate himself, he further disqualifies himself from that particular office…Understand that the Beast will not lie and will not give a fuck if you like him or not (but all will love him, anyway, just for being “REAL”, go figure)…Obama acts more like the “male prostitute” prophesied about who fucks everything up in a very short time with power hunger and greed and lies and attacks on the people to accomplish “folly”…Yep, nothing qualifying that man as a supernatural entity with supernatural levels of restraint….Actually, as sad as it is to say it, the only human we know of of that caliber is Motuphi, who qualifies to fill many end time offices prophesied about, except for the only one he acts as if he'd be willing to fulfill (the office of male prostitute). Motuphi probably wants his vagina to ensure that he cannot be contracted by God, Christ, and Lucifer to portray the Beast if the real Beast fails to be self-disciplined enough to pull it off or if he chickens out or something (spiritual power requires extreme self-discipline that the average human can not adhere to for long enough to obtain it). The Americans should've made Motuphi their president (then their nation would be secure from infiltration and pillaging), but he'd probably refuse the position.
So, we’re giggling as we picture the REAL Americans getting their baseball bats and crude wooden weapons ready so they can protect their nation from the male prostitute and his cock-hungry agendas…5-million immigrants is a lot of sex toys, yo (Obama must be insatiable, moaning on a bed whenever he’s not golfing or making nation-crippling decisions…we really can’t picture him any other way, not now, because he just won’t quit being a little girly bitch with a big fist of power that only a bitch like him would abuse to the extreme degree he abuses it).
Yeah…Obama must’ve read the prophecies and said he wants to be the bitchiest little bitch depicted in them, from the looks of it…’Got his nation all reduced down to 14th-century level feudalism (Detroit mayor “blackness” comes to mind, yet again, and how Obama dropped the ball on defying that perception of racial inferiority in leaders with his own niggerism disguised as “leadership”).
'Looks like the Americans are not buying the “programming” (of the Obama-propagandists) that protecting their nation from infiltrators is “racism” or “racist”, as the American Blacks and Whites who MATTER are proving as they are ignoring the Ferguson false flag event and are focused on what matters and are secretly leagued together to bash in the heads of any immigrants Obama grants amnesty to that they can get their hands on…
You GOOOOOO Americaaaaaaaaaaaaaa!!
Kill you some infiltrators toDAYYYYYY!
Obama’s about to proclaim “open season” on all immigrants in a real hot minute! Once he does that, all retaliation (by any means necessary) becomes standard legal fare. He does not even know the rules of engagement in the war he’s declaring against America, which tells you something about his inferior leadership skills (that he does not have an “exit plan” for when America strikes back).
Obama thought he was smarter than everyone else; including God, Christ, Lucifer and their Earthbound ambassador, Motuphi…
Obama outsmarted himself, and himself, only. The fuckin’ retard. He’s too retarded to see it and go back to bed and pull out his favorite crack pipe and ring for his fav illegal immigrant to join him…
Some days, it’s best not to get up and try anything…For Obama, this will be one of those days; a day he wishes he could rewind and just bail on with bed time…He’ll see.
Play with matches, Fool, burn your evil little Earth fingers. No skin off anyone’s ass but Obama’s (oh, and the white devils pulling his strings, making him jump around like a marionette and lie like a puppet and attack like a robot, ‘cuz he’s multifunctional like that, like the good tool that he is, he’s such a good boy).

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