Tuesday, November 11, 2014

More Evidence Of The MSM Compound Curses

Yep. When Motuphi enacts a curse on Earth, it becomes spiritual law and the parameters to abide by and there’s nothing anyone can do about it: Killing him will only make him more powerful and angry and he’ll stomp the dog-fuck right out of us from the other side for “martyring” him (there’s actually devils awaiting for someone to make just that mistake so they can strike immediately). He cannot be bought off, because he’s an eternal level gangsta who will not diminish his own turf (which includes our galaxy and our solar system within, which includes the planet we’re on right now: Motuphi’s “turf” until Lucifer returns in the flesh to take it back).
Yeah. That guy truly is the one prophesied about, the Ambassador to God’s (Christ’s) and Lucifer’s conjoined end time agendas who’ll have supernatural power to thwart the agendas of the government that Satan will overthrow when he returns to Earth pretending to be Jesus Christ/Joshua.
The mainstream media participated in deception about atrocities while feeding propaganda into peoples’ minds and now they’re on the way out as a reward for their corruption…
This curse batch actually applies to more than just news agencies (it also includes all of the mainstream and sports venues, anything entertainment)…They’re only a part of what’s included in the curse batch, mainly for participating in the “dumb-down” and the double standard that had Sterling witch hunted for Magic Johnson’s own racism (the racist cries “racism” first due to racist perceptions, always, no exceptions to that rule), R Kelly walking for hate crimes against little white girls and producing kiddie porn, OJ walking for murderous hate crimes, Kobe walking for rapist hate crimes against women (like his broke ass can’t afford a prostitute?), Vick being slapped on the wrist for animal torture and doing less time than a white mad poet who wrote a poem about the greatest terrorist of all entitled “Sniper”, and had millions of Blacks desecrating the memories of real victims of racial hate crimes (like Channon Christian, Hugh Newsom, Al Potter, Autumn Pasquale, Colleen Ritzer, and the MILLIONS of raped white women by Blacks for “sport” and “racial reparations” they were never owed, and MILLIONS of white children who were sold or “traded” to Black dope-pimps by nasty dope-hoes to become victims of rape, torture, and murder that the mainstream media worked overtime to distract from and keep in obscurity (doling out even more of that retarded double standard for Blacks and reverse discrimination that has their dregs being coddled instead of punished for their atrocities) by calling things that are NOT racist “racism” (like Michael Brown’s killing, which would’ve had the same outcome if a whiteboy had bum-rushed an armed cop he just tried to beat-down and disarm, so it was NOT racially motivated and anyone with an IQ over 14 points can plainly see that as fact).
This video is just one story of one agency tumble. The rest will soon follow for their participation in what transformed America into a dangerous jungle for anyone not Black and all animals in the ghetto in the hands of Blacks with “black” rapist ghetto baby-raping animal torturing “culture” mentality (their future time loops of judgement).
Good riddance…You helped dumb them down until you became obsolete to them (fuckwads). Now they’re too retarded to keep up with you or to care.

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