Thursday, November 20, 2014

Takata's Hard Lesson On Mexican Inferior Work Ethic

Yeah, Let that be a lesson to ya’, Takata: You cannot have people with no work ethic build stuff that’s important to human safety (or handle food). Everybody knows that Mexicans are the most notorious for vandalizing shit and sabotaging shit and for working harder to get out of work than if they just did the job they were hired to do.
Bubble gum in an airbag that killed somebody? DNA should’ve been collected on the gum and compared to all who ever worked for Takata in Mexico and that retarded fuckwad who did it should’ve been charged with murder…or at least negligent homicide (it IS an airbag, after all). Nope, not in Mexico, where the government sold-out to drug cartels.
Yeah. And this is the element that Obama wants in his nation’s workforce.
Takata knows better…now that it’s too late.

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