Saturday, November 15, 2014

The Pope Is A Male Prostitute, Nothing More

The new Pope must be hell-bent on fulfilling that prophecy of the “male prostitute” with the way he allows his public stance to be dictated as if it’s been sold to the highest bidder, huh?
He knows nothing of true suffering or what the world “civilizations” have devolved to, that millions of kids are born into tortured existences that a simple early term abortion could have rescued them from, yet he spoke against that form of mercy. So, he’s into sabotaging spirits, causing them to be born into horrific conditions so that they’ll be neglected (at best), starved, raped, tortured, and (if they’re lucky) eventually murdered. The Pope will be time looped as those kids he influences to be born into fucked-up existences and THEN his subhuman ass will understand what the fuck he was REALLY saying when he said “pro life”…It means you are saying you’re “pro torture”, unless you’re adopting those kids you’re causing to be born (to rescue them from fates worse than death).
 The (ahem) “Pope” also denounces euthanasia for those who are enduring unnecessary suffering after debilitating diseases have made any quality of life impossible. For that, perhaps, the Pope/prostitute (the prostitute Pope) will endure a death that makes him want to use the options he so denounces (fuckin’ cum-drunk idiot, who gave him a harem of boys? what’s that fucker doin’ that’s got him all cum-happy like he is?…just sayin’). We know, for sure, that he’ll be time looped as them (as well as being time looped as all of his other victims and “ripple effects” victims of his Pope-hoe-assed whack-assed influence).
….someone shove a dick in his mouth, quick, before he can say something ELSE whack as fuck!
Remember that this is the biyatch who fulfilled the prophecy of the “prayer that is an abomination” by having Muslim/Islamic infidels join in the prayer day (or some dumb shit like that, involving the ceremonious inclusion of Muslim/Islamic infidels who deny that Jesus Christ/Joshua is the Son of God/Allah, which is what God/Allah described an infidel to be)…”when the abomination stands in the temple” or “the very prayer shall be an abomination” (rather) which is what it is when you’re praying to a God/Allah that you call a “liar” with your woman-oppressing pedophilic religion that denies the deity of His Own Son that He sacrificed for your redemption (fuckin’ infidels). That’s why everyone who exists beyond this premonition of existence/spirit scan that we’re on right now hates fuckin’ Muslim/Islamic infidels (fuckin’ Allah-hating monster premonitions). The prostitute Pope-ho was not even supposed to wish Muslim/Islamic infidels “good luck” in their (wife-oppressing, child molesting, Christian raping, Christian torturing, Christian martyring, innocent bystander killing, child maiming, world oppressing, terrorizing, dope-dealing, human trafficking) ventures. Real people of God Allah do not even wish such people “good luck” (they steer clear of them)…
…”wish them NOT ‘God speed’ as they pass”…”see that you go not among them, live not among them, and do not allow them to live within your borders”…The prostitute Pope-ho influences to violate both of those strict orders from God Allah…because he’s a male prostitute, for hire to the highest bidder…The bitch!

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