Monday, November 17, 2014

Evidence Of Voter Fraud & Election Tampering In Michigan

Ever wonder how an evil pillaging pirate like Snyder can get re-elected as governor, even though nobody with an IQ over 14 points can stand him after he robbed kids of education funding and the elderly of their pensions with illegal double-indemnity taxes and then gave that money to his rich business butt buddies?
How about how everyone in Michigan who’s not a retard wants marijuana legalized and yet it still got voted down in northern Michigan areas?
Do you wonder how such atrocities happen?
It’s from you failing to vote and someone else using your vote to vote how they were paid to vote. They steal your identity as a voter and get laws passed that you do not want and pirates elected who will sell your state down the river for profit (like Snyder).
Yeah. If you live in Michigan, you may want to check the website and see if you’re registered to vote. If you have not registered to vote, then it should reflect as much (that you need to register). However, if you did not register to vote but the website confirms that you are, indeed, registered to vote already, then you need to vote (at least in absentia) to create TWO attempts at voting in your name. If you fail to create this dual vote attempt in your name, then the vote pirate gets away with stealing your vote and keeping marijuana illegal and keeping monstrous pillaging pirates like Snyder in office to continue to rape and pillage all that he’s in power over. Understand that Michigan will not provide any means by which you can verify if someone voted in your name, after the fact.
We found this out because it happened to Lisa Marie Ciofani, of Grayling, Michigan; who found-out that she was already registered to vote when she verified it, but was unable to find-out if someone actually voted in her name. Lisa Marie Ciofani had to post a disclaimer online stating that she has never voted in her life but, the one time she was going to register in case she wanted to exercise her right to vote, she found out that someone else had already registered her to vote. Who would waste their time to register a non-voter to vote? That’s easy: Someone who intends to steal that person’s voting identity at the polls. So, if this information spurs an investigation (it BETTER, or we wanna know why not!) and offers a reward, it should go to Lisa Marie Ciofani of Grayling, Michigan, who brought it to the attention of the world that voter fraud is rampant in Michigan…And our own conclusion we come to from this is that Michigan government is IN on it! Otherwise, they’d provide a way for voters to check and see if someone cast ballots in their name…
This explains a lot…Bush, Clinton, Bush, Obama, illegal pot,  Granholm, Snyder…yeah…voter fraud explains it all.
Someone needs to do something about what Lisa exposed in Michigan…for real, before GOD has to do it.

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