Wednesday, November 19, 2014

J.C. Christensen & Associates Got Cursed For Extortion Attempts

Okay. Those compound curses enacted upon collections agents and extortionists disguised as collections agents just got attached to J.C. Christensen and Associates, Inc. P.O. Box 519, Sauk Rapids, MN 56379

J C Christensen And Associates 
Address: 215 N Benton Dr
Sauk Rapids, MN 56379-1530

JCC and Associates dug out of the trash some old (already settled) debts that are long past the statute of limitations for collections in Michigan and went after Motuphi, who’s on SSI, trying to collect on a debt that was not only erroneous, but it’s old and was already dumped by all reputable agencies as being beyond SOL…
So, the standard cartoonish “per” rates apply to the curses now attached to JCC and Associates, their families, their safety, their health and their collective economies. Plus their spirits will be cursed to protect the new Earth from them ever existing. Now, it’s gonna cost JCC and Associates $90,000 per PENNY that they tried to extort from Motuphi on an erroneous debt that they dug out of the trash and went after him over.
Let that be a lesson to ya’, J.C. Christensen and Associates, that debts from another state that’ve been discarded are already past Michigan’s 6-year statute of limitations…Any further attempt to extort Motuphi will result in violent retaliation from the cosmos upon you and your families and agency and anyone who likes you or assists you in this extortion attempt.
The laws in Michigan are very clear on this matter: The money is not collectable due to Motuphi’s SSI status (he has no income that you can legally touch, anywhere), so it was like trying to get blood from a turnip. PLUS, the debt is almost a decade old, long past the 6 year statute of limitations…
The debt was erroneous, anyway; which is how we know that you were NOT contracted by anyone to collect this debt. You are a cursed company of bottom feeders who dig in the trash for old debts and harass people for the money you think you can get out of them. The laws of God Allah will now make you nonexistent and cursed during your premonitions of existence while alive on this planet…
If you want the curses taken off of you and your family and associates and economy and safety and health, you multiply the amount that you tried to extort from Motuphi times 100 and send it to him in certified check form…Once we hear of this payment for your harassment and extortion attempt, we will deactivate the curse batch attached to you. So, if you wanted $339 from Motuphi, simply cut a check for $33,900 and go to the bank and get a certified check for that amount made out to Motuphi (your intended extortion victim) and send it to him. Then, close down your business and get a job working with your own 2 hands and the curses will deactivate…Those are your new earth parameters that you must abide by: be cursed for extortion attempts or pay damages and restitution to your latest intended victim…No other way out for you now. It was your decision to extort people instead of working with your own 2 hands, so there’ll be no mercy for you.
Let that be a lesson to any other extortionists disguised as “collections agents”…You better get a REAL job and stop heaping curses unto yourselves.

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