Thursday, November 20, 2014

Obama Endangers Immigrants With Amnesty Executive Order

It should get interesting in America, very soon. Obama has buried his head so deeply up in his own ass and his white devil massas’ asses that he lost touch with the American “spirit”.
The REAL Americans have been preparing for today ever since Obama showed his treasonous terrorist traitor true colors by opening the borders…This is when the REAL Americans started secretly arming themselves for the “amnesty phase” they knew was coming (gluttonous retards and dictators are very predictable, as Bush, Clinton, Bush, and Obama have proven).
But what Obama doesn’t realize is that the REAL Americans are light-years ahead of him and his gluttonous white devil massas: They’ve been buying 14-century era medieval weapons made of mostly wood and they’ve been passing around guns made with 3-D printers, so the Obama minions driving around cities with their “x-ray” machine equipped vehicles trained on their homes and cars to spot metal-made guns do not detect their arsenals…Now THAT’s fuckin’ cool!
The REAL Americans intend to rid the country of the immigrants that Obama let in, by any means necessary, even if they must club them to death in the streets.
"It’s gettin’ bloody in here."
Obama must’ve put silencers on his propagandists disguised as “reporters” and “journalists” about the illegal immigrant “body dump”, evidence that some REAL Americans have already resorted to ridding their nation of the infiltrators that Obama allowed in (and intends to arm to kill them off)…
It’s called a “preemptive strike” and it is totally legal during times of war (America is currently engaged in a war against the treasonous traitors and terrorists posing as their “government”).
Obama has to know about the body dump, by now (everyone else does). But what Obama probably does not know is that it was not white devils who started this strike against the illegal immigrants. It was Blacks who feel like the immigrants will be taking their food from them, because (as it turns out) even dumbed-down ghetto people understand that that many illegal immigrants becoming “legal” is going to cripple their resource tree (the welfare tit of the government) and cause a famine in the land:
"We’re either gonna hafta kill and eat these people later, when Obama destroys our income with their over-loadin’ of the system we hafta rely on, or we can kill them NOW and continue to EAT! REAL food! Now what would YOU do? Let Obama starve you to death to please some white devils or fight back? We gonna’ EAT! FUCK Obama and the white devils dicks he rode IN on!…In their ASSes! They keep fuckin’ with us, we’ll go eat THEM, too! We won’t have no choice now will we?!?" said one Black proudly in possession of a bloody baseball bat matted with immigrant hair and skull fragments.
Yeah, this was a response that small minds like Obama’s and his white devil massas’ never anticipated: That American BLACKS would protect their nation from not being able to feed them anymore…Talk about an “awakening”…’Looks like that “spirit of awakening” that Motuphi loosed upon the world is working overtime (if even Blacks can see the treason of their  Black butt buddy ahem “president”).
Well, what did we tell ya”? “Obama has YET to do even ONE ‘presidential’ thing. That he fails to do so whenever presented with the opportunity.” Now did anyone think he’d act like an American PRESIDENT should act regarding the infiltration of the nation he was charged to protect and to serve? Naw…Not Obama…He’ll do the OPPOSITE, as always.
'See how Obama keeps trying to qualify as “the Beast” that everyone keeps erroneously calling him? Yet, with every such action he takes to authenticate himself, he further disqualifies himself from that particular office…Understand that the Beast will not lie and will not give a fuck if you like him or not (but all will love him, anyway, just for being “REAL”, go figure)…Obama acts more like the “male prostitute” prophesied about who fucks everything up in a very short time with power hunger and greed and lies and attacks on the people to accomplish “folly”…Yep, nothing qualifying that man as a supernatural entity with supernatural levels of restraint….Actually, as sad as it is to say it, the only human we know of of that caliber is Motuphi, who qualifies to fill many end time offices prophesied about, except for the only one he acts as if he'd be willing to fulfill (the office of male prostitute). Motuphi probably wants his vagina to ensure that he cannot be contracted by God, Christ, and Lucifer to portray the Beast if the real Beast fails to be self-disciplined enough to pull it off or if he chickens out or something (spiritual power requires extreme self-discipline that the average human can not adhere to for long enough to obtain it). The Americans should've made Motuphi their president (then their nation would be secure from infiltration and pillaging), but he'd probably refuse the position.
So, we’re giggling as we picture the REAL Americans getting their baseball bats and crude wooden weapons ready so they can protect their nation from the male prostitute and his cock-hungry agendas…5-million immigrants is a lot of sex toys, yo (Obama must be insatiable, moaning on a bed whenever he’s not golfing or making nation-crippling decisions…we really can’t picture him any other way, not now, because he just won’t quit being a little girly bitch with a big fist of power that only a bitch like him would abuse to the extreme degree he abuses it).
Yeah…Obama must’ve read the prophecies and said he wants to be the bitchiest little bitch depicted in them, from the looks of it…’Got his nation all reduced down to 14th-century level feudalism (Detroit mayor “blackness” comes to mind, yet again, and how Obama dropped the ball on defying that perception of racial inferiority in leaders with his own niggerism disguised as “leadership”).
'Looks like the Americans are not buying the “programming” (of the Obama-propagandists) that protecting their nation from infiltrators is “racism” or “racist”, as the American Blacks and Whites who MATTER are proving as they are ignoring the Ferguson false flag event and are focused on what matters and are secretly leagued together to bash in the heads of any immigrants Obama grants amnesty to that they can get their hands on…
You GOOOOOO Americaaaaaaaaaaaaaa!!
Kill you some infiltrators toDAYYYYYY!
Obama’s about to proclaim “open season” on all immigrants in a real hot minute! Once he does that, all retaliation (by any means necessary) becomes standard legal fare. He does not even know the rules of engagement in the war he’s declaring against America, which tells you something about his inferior leadership skills (that he does not have an “exit plan” for when America strikes back).
Obama thought he was smarter than everyone else; including God, Christ, Lucifer and their Earthbound ambassador, Motuphi…
Obama outsmarted himself, and himself, only. The fuckin’ retard. He’s too retarded to see it and go back to bed and pull out his favorite crack pipe and ring for his fav illegal immigrant to join him…
Some days, it’s best not to get up and try anything…For Obama, this will be one of those days; a day he wishes he could rewind and just bail on with bed time…He’ll see.
Play with matches, Fool, burn your evil little Earth fingers. No skin off anyone’s ass but Obama’s (oh, and the white devils pulling his strings, making him jump around like a marionette and lie like a puppet and attack like a robot, ‘cuz he’s multifunctional like that, like the good tool that he is, he’s such a good boy).

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