Thursday, November 20, 2014

Stereotypical Subhuman Race-Baiting Bitch Behavior

Yep. We’d comment on the inferiority of it if the actions weren’t so exemplary of the evident subhumanism in that the mainstream media has exploited Michael Brown’s death (and instigated people to subhuman behavior) to their own benefit.
Yeah, everyone from Sharpton to Nickelback has jumped on the media feeding frenzy surrounding the witch hunt of a good cop who had to stand his ground against a monstrous subhuman.
This pissed God, Christ, and Lucifer off so badly that they contracted Motuphi to “pull rank” and think up a good retaliation to what they’re doing on Earth (instead of rescuing the animals and victims of rape and pedophilia in America)…Motuphi is a diabolical genius, a bigger monster than any human or party of humans, combined. Motuphi took executive action, as God and Lucifer gave him the authority to do, and he put Michael Brown’s spirit through an “education” sequence (rather than tossing Brown’s spirit into the time loops of judgement to start serving as his victims and ripple effects victims due to his suicide by cop that he even told his mama he was dreaming about). This is where we see the ultimate level of Motuphi’s power (delegated by God Allah): He was able to take a doomed spirit from the punishment it was due and rehabilitate it and “educate” it.
Once Michael Brown’s spirit went through the education process, he understood how he was wrong to beat up a store owner and to walk in the street and to bash a cop’s head in while trying to disarm him, all things his parents obviously never instilled into him (basic shit that even white retards understand and abide by). Michael Brown came to the understanding that the cop did not shoot him with racial malice, but rather out of fear for his life. The overkill of the amount of shots fired is enough for anyone who’s been in such a situation to understand full-well what the mentality of Officer Wilson was at the time (he was made to fear for his life while in possession of a deadly weapon, like the guy who shot Trayvon, stupid-name-having, Martin). Wilson fired until the threat was no longer a threat, exactly what any other human would have done in his situation (it takes inter-dimensional advanced entities to point this out to the whole planet of “intelligent” life? Good thing Motuphi is connected to us or ya’ll, as a species, would be lost for a voice of reason).
Motuphi had “communion” with Michael Brown’s spirit…To some, that connotes that he had sexual intercourse with his spirit (everyone knows he’s a BBC-loving hot old white shemale by now who attempts to disqualify himself from the office of end-time prophet with “abominations” and “evil” and “sins” that still do not harm any of God’s other creations - therefore those actions are not evil, after all; sorry, Motuphi, you lose that argument: sex is not evil, not even sex with devils and spirits - pedophilia, rape, and adultery are evil, all things you refuse to indulge in). This is why some have said that Motuphi only thought-up this solution so he could get some more big black cock in his “spiritual vagina” that he longs to manifest in the physical realm with a sex change operation he cannot afford (the sex change rumors are true, but their lack of respect on the spiritual subject will catch-up to them, when their own non-tamperable spirit memories are being viewed and judged after they die here).
After Motuphi “communed” with Brown in the astral plane, Motuphi loosed Brown back into the inter-dimensional cosmos to get revenge upon all who’re desecrating his memory and exploiting it with their picketing, protesting, and rioting. Brown is also going to get revenge upon all who influenced him to his mentality as a human (the rappers, the sports figures, the “reverends”, the famous Blacks perpetuating the “dumb-down” on other Blacks for fame and profit) and all who empowered them (this would be everyone from the government that failed to incarcerate the gangsta rappers for kidnapping music programmers over 20 years ago to their current ”sleeper cell” fans who still enable them even after leading Michael to kill himself by cop)…Understand that Michael is not attached to skin “color” issues any longer. He has been “awakened” and he’s angry as hell at those who fed him with mis-education and misinformation. He understands that he’d be alive today if were not for the genocidal “dumb-down” and “coddling” of his race in the name of reverse discrimination. He wants revenge, by any means necessary, and he wants what drove him to his mentality to stop, immediately.
Michael Brown is no longer an entity with retarded “sleeper cell” mentality. If he were alive today, he would not even give a negative response to some whiteboy calling him a “nigger” to his face (the kid has evolved to a superior level now that no gangsta rapper or race-baiting “reverend” can ever influence).
So, there’s the first precedent of liberation from the mainstream perpetuation: They seek to get all of their fans time looped and then eternally executed for the things that they influence their (sleeper cell) fans to do and be. It backfired in this Michael Brown case and created a legal ”precedent” that Motuphi can now utilize whenever he sees fit…So, if what those disrespectful nonexistent monster premonitions say is true about Motuphi’s sexual motivations, then he could be “communing” with a lot of Black spirits he wants to liberate from now on.
Motuphi’s “evil” cannot be topped by Earth-bound evil, which is driven by temporal agendas and motivations. Motuphi is an eternal level gangsta who has aspirations beyond this (premonition of existence/spirit scan) Earth Age. The mainstream-influenced humans cannot even wrap their tiny little gold-digging minds around Motuphi’s mentality or begin to comprehend his spiritual level thoughts. So they would not have a clue as to what motivated Motuphi to take this course of action…Being as he has his pick of devils and angels to fill his “spiritual vagina” at any time he so desires, it’s highly unlikely that Motuphi would be motivated by the concept of having sex with the spirit of a mere human, especially one that was dumbed-down to be inferior to him while alive.
If you’re exploiting Michael Brown’s memory, desecrating it with subhumanism and racial issues, then look for him and some accompanying devils and angels (his spiritual avenging “gang”) working in collusion together to stomp the dog-fuck right out of you…
Go get a fuckin’ JOB, already, and stop being inferior to the taxpayers who carried your mamas. Sharpton is in collusion with the white man against you…Anyone rolling with Sharpton is either hypnotized or “in” on it. Know that fact before you join them…

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