Friday, November 7, 2014

Why This Offer Is So Sweet

We saw this story on a YAHOO! group and just had to share it because of who it is, Check it out below:

This guy made this offer to Amanda Bynes thinking she’s only surviving on $100 per week. Now that’s so sweet it made me cry. He’s so out of touch with the entertainment world that he doesn’t have a clue what the real circumstances are and offered to help her thinking she’s having a harder time than she really is. He’s willing to make sacrifices in his own life, monetarily even obviously, to lend a helping hand. He’s like that: He reaches out to the one being kicked by the others who turned on them (people and animals). He’d never put himself out there like that to benefit himself, that much we already know. So her story must’ve stirred up that rescuer in him again and he couldn’t resist his own urge to try and help out.
Amanda could actually live like a queen on her allowance if she were to take him up on his offer. Costs of living are far lower there. She could change her hair and wear her make-up differently and blend in with the townsfolk out there, where people are less star struck and too busy with their daily lives to even notice.
Her greatest benefit from it would probably be that Vini has supposedly overcome what Bynes is suffering from and has learned how to manage it with a daily ”herbal” medication and “purging” routine that makes him fully functional the rest of the day. His progress and current functionality has even motivated him to try to get his driver’s license restored, which has been suspended for 32 years, so that he can go back to work and get off of SSI. Now THAT’s progress. He went from dysfunctional and complacent to functional and motivated just by doing whatever it is he’s doing. This was after YEARS of no progress and pharmaceutical treatment failures.
I thought those “insider” tidbits might be interesting and touching.
Here’s the letter again, in case anyone is wondering what I’m talking about.

Hi, Amanda Bynes.
If the rumors are true about you wanting plastic surgery, understand that you do not need it…You are very attractive on the outside.
If the rumors are true about you being homeless, you can come stay with me in the green room at my wife’s house in Grayling, Michigan…IF you can do it privately and not bring paparazzi with you. No negative drama, neither. I’ll teach you to play guitar to deal with your emotional lows (playing music soothes the soul).
And guess what, Amanda? You can afford the place on your allowance and still have money left over for food and personal expenses!
Yeah, my wife is super-cool like that (she’ll work with you on your financial woes and help you get situated and back on your feet, stronger than you ever were).
It’s a cool place. The coolest place in all of northern Michigan, and my wife is the coolest roomie you’ll ever find. So, the coolest place with the coolest roomies, 2 cats and a pommy and guitar lessons awaiting, available and affordable, too?…It’s a no-brainer.
We do not do hard drugs nor do we consume a lot of alcohol (I do not drink at all). But I do smoke a lot of medical marijuana and I believe that you’ll do better to get away from all of the chemicals and alcohol and go on an “herbal” and spiritual regimen yourself (it DOES work, despite the hyperbole).
I do not know how true any of the rumors are because we do not keep up with entertainment news or people due to having real lives of our own to live. But if you are in dire straits where you’re at, it’s not a shameful thing to step out of the limelight for awhile to get yourself back together.
If you can do without all of the negative attention you’re getting, you now have a really good realistic option.
Just email me at
or call me at
and leave a message for me to call you back.
I do not have texting service and I do not answer calls I do not recognize, so you gotta be able to communicate to communicate with me…The lack of texting keeps the socially challenged at bay: You should try disabling it, yourself, and feel the freedom, as all who’re socially inept suddenly leave you alone because they cannot text you with their distracting drama.
If you want to research me, go to my northern Michigan handyman youtube channel, where you’ll find videos and informative links in the “about” tab.
That link is
If you ever need to scream at someone who you can trust to not share your ventilation, I’m good for that: You can even leave it on my voicemail because I’m good to disregard it and delete it…
If you feel sad and alone, you can call me. I have no ulterior motives. I don’t want fame and you have no money to offer. But we both could use a real friend right about now for support. My ministry to you will be a good seed I’ll sow into the cosmos that I can later refer to on my Earth-time resume`. All you gotta do is show up and receive it.
I don’t know if you’ll ever see this note. I hope that you have at least one real friend or dedicated loyal fan who’d pass this information on to you…Just one person who cares about you can make all the difference in the world right now…You can recoup and come back stronger than you ever were…surgery free (you’re already beautiful, Kid).
You don’t have to let them chew you up and spit you out.
Screw them!
You have other options now.
Someone copy this letter for Amanda Bynes and give it to her…
Do the right thing.

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