Wednesday, November 5, 2014

Animal Cruelty Curses Working Overtime

Whenever we see a news story of some American kid enduring tragedy or catastrophe, we tend to think that the kid had it coming and attached curses to itself and its whack-assed parents…Just judging from the enormous amount of crimes against animals their kids are committing in that country.
The curses for harming an animal attach to the perpetrator, the parents, the household, the economy, the family, their collective health and safety, their entire bloodlines, and their spirits (to make their time loops as their victims more horrendous for them). Then, when they die, their spirits get placed into the bodies of the animals they harmed and so do the spirits of their nasty-assed mamas and mind-molesting daddies. THEN, they get eternally executed so that they never exist to commit the offenses that got them tortured at their own hands in the time loops…That goes for the parents, too, whose offenses are spawning and raising monster premonitions that would dare to harm another of God’s creations while not even existing yet.
We always carry 3 items besides a gun when we tour America, just in case we cross paths with any of their “sleeper cell” youth…
The battery acid is for any kid we see playing the knock-out game or otherwise victimizing an older person on the streets. We’ll spray them with the acid and then take their IDs and go to their houses and spray their parents, too.
The gasoline we carry is in case we see an American kid harming an animal: We’ll burn the little monster premonition alive, AFTER beating out of the little fucker where we might find his mama to go burn HER ass alive, too…It’s time for America’s parents to start assuming responsibility and paying for the monsters they spawn and loose on God’s other creations. Whatever their kids do to another creation of God (human or animal) must be done to that kid AND its parents…THEN, you’ll see some nasty white devil hoes who busy themselves sucking Black cock for dope actually raising their kids instead of parking them in front of TV sets and video games to be raised by nonexistent subhuman zombie-slave-clone “sleeper cell” creators.
What does anyone expect with what America has for famous people, sports figures, and “role models”? The influence of vacuous “music” “artists” like Taylor Swift, Beyonce, Miley Cyrus, Lady Gaga, Nicki Minaj, Jay-z, 50 Cent, Li’l Wayne, Eminem, Drake, Rihanna, Kanye West, and the rest of the thug-generation-squatting-in-the-music-industry clowns combined with the influence of monstrous sports figures (like Magic, Shaq, Kobe, Vick, OJ, etc) combined with the influence of violent video games and mindless (reality show) programming that makes famous people out of the untalented borderline retards who don’t have enough senses of shame to not be famous without talent is really starting to show in the psyche of their crazed, retarded, brutish monsters they call “kids” in that piss-hole nation.
Their kids are fuckin’ monsters that need to be put down before they can get their evil little hands on a kitty or a puppy…for real…Those who aren’t like that are too fuckin’ cowardly to do something about the monsters.
So the curses will also attach to anyone who sees a kid torturing an animal who does not stop that kid, by any means necessary…Better to do time on Earth for killing the kid than to be time looped as the animal a few hundred thousand times over and then be eternally executed for your complacency and omission (passively granting permission to do it).
The right thing to do when presented with the opportunity to stop a kid from causing unnecessary suffering upon another of God’s creations is to inflict upon the kid whatever he or she was doing to the animal and then to go find that monster premonition’s parents and do the same to them…They were either too neglectful, or they just did not care; which makes them active perpetrators against the animals, by proxy, either way.
Parents of kids who torture and harm God’s animals WILL be tortured…Part of that prophecy about it being a cursed era to spawn in: being guilty of spawning monster premonitions requiring your own nonexistence after being time looped as your “ripple effects” victims.
If you are a parent, YOU are being held accountable for what your kids do to others, especially animals and children and the elderly. So, if your kid tortures something or someone, it goes on your record…You dropped the ball. You had no right to endanger God’s other creations with your monster spawn (oh, nasty bitches of America).
And the Americans wonder why their nation is so cursed…Attracting a government to it that wants to rape, pillage, and murder the population…Attracting violent crazed Muslim/Islamic infidels, criminals, gangstas, and dope dealers to them with every passing second. Attracting radiation and catastrophe at every turn. Attracting bad weather and plagues like Ebola. Attracting asteroids that are zooming ever faster towards their evil cities where God’s animals cannot be safe among them and their bully children. Attracting crazed white devils who own their government to poison their food, water, and atmosphere. Attracting bad health. Attracting evil spirits. Attracting violence and destruction. Attracting economic collapse and famine to their land and nation with the screams of the animals that reach the ears of God, Christ, the angels, the devils, and Lucifer; none of whom condones the harming of animals.
The American kids have been programmed to willful disregard for other creations of God. The American kids are bringing about their own destruction and the destruction of the nation just to rid the world of them because they’ve become like a harmful plague on God’s Earth.
The American role models (and enabling producers and sponsors/funders) who perpetuated the acceptance of this collective (willful disregard) mentality with their whack-assed influence are responsible for it and will be time looped as all victims of their zombie-slave-clone “sleeper cell” fans when they die. They, like the monster premonition American kids, will not be allowed to exist to negatively effect the animals and people they victimized. But their victims WILL be allowed to exist and will not have to be victimized by them because they will not exist, do not exist, even now, due to future eternal execution and the time-space continuum…As is the state of their parents’ existences, or lack of them thereof.
Mama never taught her American kids that they’re merely premonitions of their potential existences and, if they commit violence against the other creations of God while they’re here having their spirits scanned, they will not be allowed to exist once they die.
They must’ve believed all of those mistranslations of the Bible and never got the benefit of the truth…So, even if they did hear the hidden prophecy of Daniel (that’s now no longer hidden, thanks to Motuphi), it would mean absolutely nothing to them, because they would not have a clue what it pertains to nor what it deciphers in the code of life regarding themselves. Like, for example: they do not know that they are merely premonitions of their potential existences and that they are on a spirit scan. They do not know that all people and animals who interact with humans have spirit memory. They do not know that spirit memory is non-tamperable and non-erase-able (non-delete-able). They do not know that spirit memories of the victims connect to those who victimized them. They do not know that they’ll be time looped as their victims. They do not know that they will be eternally executed for their behavior after serving as their victims in the time loops of judgement…
If they knew all of that, it stands to reason that they’d try to comfort and care for the animals they torture so that they would not have to be time looped as those animals when they die.
American kids are impressionable scum, aren’t they? Where’s the stories of the heroes who’re willing to do time to protect them animals by killing the kids doing the torturing? A few dead kids always works wonders for stopping a “trend” to commit atrocities…It works in other places, where the kids are smarter, less dumbed down, less impressionable, less brutish, less violent, less self-absorbed…In America, it may be the only thing that works, because their culture is all violence and that’s all their kids understand now is violence…A violent American kid almost always has to be put down…Or a cop has to do it, later, when the kid grows up to be a full-grown monster premonition. Nothing that tortures an animal should be allowed to live here, on this spirit scan, being as they will not be allowed to exist, beyond here.
How fucked-up are you to know that the American mainstream TV, music, sports, internet, and violent video games  are “programming” children to self-absorption and violence and STILL allow your kid to be exposed to it? About as fucked-up as someone who’d let their kid ingest poison or torture an animal…or as fucked-up as someone who’d do it, yourself. Yet, many of you have given your kids iPhones and/or iPads to go online and get “programmed” at very young ages (younger than 14 years old is too young, duh). You allow the mainstream squatters in the American music and television industries to evacuate their young minds of all good things that were instilled into them and to replace those good things with sheer retardation. You let your kids play violent video games and watch violent shows and movies. You allow your kids to adopt a culture of “self-ism” and crass rudeness, as they ignore people in the room to text and message people who’re not in the room. You allow them to not practice basic self-preservation, which is to be aware of their surroundings at all times (not what’s on that tiny screen). Your kids are socially challenged: they cannot hold oral conversations, so they text and message to communicate, instead. Then, when they get behind the wheel of a vehicle, their social ineptitude makes them drivally challenged, and deadly to others (and themselves), as they’re a bunch of texting and driving accidents just waiting for their chances to happen.
American kids suck ass…major ass…Their parents do, too…major ass.
Animal torturing, cursed fuckin’ fuckheads.
We wanna do to American kids everything they’re doing to God’s animals…We’ll be buying lotsa’time loops of American kids in their victims. Watch them writhe in pain at their own hands and watch ‘em do that shit to their mamas and daddies when their spirits get looped as their kids’ victims.

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