Saturday, September 7, 2013

Satan More Righteous Than Muhammad

In what ways was Lucifer more righteous than the false prophet Muhammad? In EVERY way. But the most important is this “Even the devils know that Jesus Christ is the Son of God/Allah and they respect that fact enough to tremble over it”…This quote from scripture shows that even the devils are more righteous than that false prophet, Muhammad, was; because they didn’t call God/Allah a “liar” and deny that His Son is His Son like the devil worshipping Muslims and Islamics do. Remember that Sharia law is devil law (not God’s law). Gihad is stench in God’s nose.
We finally have the 1st prophet on Earth since John the Baptist (Christ’s cousin) was murdered, over 2,000 years ago. Motuphi loosed curses and spirits upon all who defy the borders of Israel that GOD set-up years ago. This means that any nation that joins the infidels (Muslims/Islamics deny the deity of Christ which identifies them as “infidels” according to the definition offered by God/Allah) in crowding Israel will be cursed.
This probably explains why the Revelation of John depicts the super power enduring a huge debilitating blow to the head that cripples it, because America is joining those torturing rapists (the Muslim/Islamic infidels) against Israel, which is gonna result in the Obama administration getting God-smacked the fuck out…We are not to intervene on behalf of infidels who spit in the face of God/Allah and call Him a liar when He said He sent us His Son, we are to fight against them on behalf of the GOOD guys (the good Israeli people of God/Allah). 
So let the spirit of exposure go forth and expose Obama for just another infidel loving tormentor of the people of God/Allah and he can join Muhammad and the Muslim/Islamic infidels in being cursed while on Earth, then being placed in the time loops of judgement (after Earth) as rape, murder, torture and terrorism victims with Muhammad and his infidel followers (100,000 time loops per victim per offense). That’s the fate of Bush, too, for stealing that presidency from Gore (who actually really won, no one voted for Bush). Because all of the world understands that 911 never would’ve happened had he not been made president. So Georgie-boy gets to be all those victims in the towers; the bombing victims, the soldiers who died, any of their family members who may’ve suffered as a result of those losses, and so on (this is the fate of all who leagued with Bush to create the war that bankrupted the world).
Understand the level of authority Motuphi possesses: He already tagged everyone who had more than $420-million at the time of the Bosnian sex slave and torture incidents of the early 1980s that were funded by the U.N. Since those people had money and didn’t rescue those girls, they now get to be time looped AS those girls, just like those who tortured them, those who created the demand for them, those who pimped them out, and all who knew about it who wouldn’t rescue them…
Spirit memories are NOT deleteable and they do not lie. They record deeds, omission, and thoughts. Where you stand on an issue is recorded to gauge whether or not you’d be a benefit or an asset to the New Earth…If you won’t be a benefit to all others there then you just won’t be there.
You’re only on this spirit scan for an hour and a half to 2 hours, at the most (if you live to be really old), OUR time (“one day with the Lord is as a thousand years on Earth)”. You can make the mistake of trading away your eternal existence and wealth that’s being held in escrow, like the Muslims/Islamics and the corrupt passive terrorists on the Forbes list and in the American government did; or you can stand against their agendas and try to reclaim your own karma levels and create combating spirit memories to those that the Americans tagged to you:
For example:
They tagged football fans to animal torture by having them fund Vick’s dog torture enterprise and got ‘em cursed, looped (time loops as tortured dogs for ‘em, yeah!), and eternally executed.
They tagged millions to slave energy and curses that go forth upon those who enslave by allowing the sales of slave-made products (another smart phone or iGadget to fuck your life a little further, anyone?).
Basketball fans were tagged to rape (Kobe Bryant).
R Kelly fans tagged to gang molestation in the loops as kiddie porn stars (this goes for all who didn’t have a problem with what he did and especially the law enforcement and judges that failed to prosecute him). In this case, it would’ve been better to go to prison (on Earth) for murdering the pedophile and his merry gang of hate-crime committing baby-rapers than to get time looped as those little white girls and then be eternally executed (after Earth) because you didn’t have a problem with it.
They tagged all Americans to violence by allowing the nation to create a demand for dope that got hundreds of thousands of good hardworking people (like the massacred Mexicans) raped and pillaged and murdered by the cartels who supplied their disposable population (junkies are trash, they can know they’re killing Mexicans and still keep creating that demand for dope and Americans are trash for allowing it, especially the government for not stopping it).
They allowed the mainstream to create “sleeper cells” to murder innocent citizens for their money (and sometimes for no reason at all, as in the hate-crime murder of Al Potter in a hospital by Jajuan Whitlow that’s not being addressed as a hate crime by the inferior race that’d be all over it if Jajuan was white and Al was Black, sad inferior race statement that’s just a fact) and wonder why the nation is full of violent little monstrous retards…Well what do you expect out of anyone stupid enough to have something in common with the infantile subhumans that got famous in America (like Jay-Z, Kanye West, Li’l Wayne, Eminem, Dre, Snoop, Rihanna, 50 Curtis Jackson Cent, Nicky Minaj, Beyonce, etc.) with no discernible talent or reasons for being so?
Americans have stupid, empty-headed, self-serving, ghetto-fabulous celebs and role models who only wanted to be famous and rich just to BE that way (they had no hero agendas for cock-blocking the heroes, they weren’t gonna help no one or nothing but themselves, they just wanted to be rich and famous for the sake of being that way, like mind-molested little ghetto kids). Now America has millions of bugs who’re fans of those famous zombie-slave-clones for a population…God’s animals, children and women are no longer safe on their continent and they’re not even red-faced about it (“neither can they blush” prophecy perpetuating, probably because they’re too stupid and damaged to have any proper senses of shame and modesty).
Americans have finally become their own victims, part of the “diminished capacity” curse God/Allah promised would go forth upon all infidels who dare think against His Elect…Americans are funding torture of innocent Christians by the (cursed-ass) “Muslim Brotherhood” who’re also checking in ass from (and out and out gang-raping) the women, demanding that they provide their bodies and sexual favors as some sort of (cursed-assed) “Gihad”? They dare associate God/Allah to more of their bloodshed, rape and atrocities? Just wait until they’re in the time loops of judgement AS those people they’re torturing and women they’re raping and murdering (100,000 times per victim per offense). I wonder if they can see (the false prophet) Muhammad looking back at them in the eyes of their victims yet? We all know that he’s being placed in the time loops as every one of those victims (he gets to endure each atrocity 200,000 times, though, for creating the false doctrine that instigated the years of desecrating the artwork of God/Allah and interfering with His spirit scan after daring to call Him a “liar”).
So be careful what you do, Islamics and Muslim Brotherhood infidels who are hated by God/Allah and all intelligent life in all cosmoses everywhere (even the angels hate you nasty fucks), because every victim you create is another time loop for Muhammad to endure 200,000 times…In light of that, you should be trying to comfort all you see instead of harming it and defiling it…When you force women to have sex with you, you’re actually forcing Muhammad to have sex with you 200,000 times…Look into your false prophet’s eyes and understand this is the truth.
Furthermore: When you chop off the finger or hand of another human, you do so to Muhammad (200,000 times).
When you stone a woman, you do so to Muhammad (200,000 times).
When you cause someone to die or become maimed in a bombing, you do that to Muhammad (200,000 times).
Your false prophet (Muhammad) reaped what he sowed: The violence he led you to is what he must now endure with you and then be eternally executed with you to protect the integrity of Heaven (Paradise) and the New Earth from him and you all. He interfered in a spirit scan that was created to identify infected spirits just like him and all who’d follow him…the dumbass.
It’s better to die of suicide to get away from being a Muslim/Islamic (and to denounce that evil false doctrine) than to die as one… They can kill themselves or be eternally executed because their parents are infidels who defy God/Allah…that’s such a sad fact. It makes you feel sorry for any kids born to those infidels, doesn’t it? Someone should try to help them by taking all Muslim/Islamics children away from them until the child is old enough to make their own decision as to whether or not they want to join their infidel parents in defying God/Allah by following the teachings of a false prophet who was so vile he made Lucifer look like the Messiah by comparison.
Muhammad caused centuries of writhing pain (which he’ll answer for in the time loops of judgement before he’s eternally executed). His evil did not die with him…it possesses infidels, even now, as the spirit of anti (in this case translated “opposes”) Christ.
Lucifer has been incarcerated, and therefore unable to do evil nor good, for a little over 2-thousand years now. He, being more righteous and closer to God/Allah than Muhammad ever was, understands that Jesus Christ is the Son of God/Allah and intends to impersonate him on Earth (where anti becomes translated as “imposter, fake, phony, wannabe, instead-of”). He was taken out of the way (out of Earth and this realm), completely, so he couldn’t externally motivate humans, to allow the spirit scan to properly operate and gauge spirits based on their own evil or good and not what the devil might’ve made them do. Satan can’t be credited for any evil that’s happened on Earth for 2,000 years, because he’s been unable to communicate with humans or externally motivate them in any way for at least that long now. Notice how torture, murder, rape and pedophilia incidents escalated immediately afterwards and while he was incarcerated and how he’s being credited for the behavior he couldn’t possibly be causing?
When Lucifer is loosed back into this realm and Earth (soon), he’ll stop all of the unnecessary suffering on Earth, which makes him more righteous than all of the Muslims/Islamics, Christians, Catholics, Baptists, Methodists, Pentecostals, Non-Denominational, Mormon, Atheist, Scientologists, and all other religionists, combined, who fail to stop what they’re doing long enough to address any of it.
Satan is especially more righteous than any of the infidels who’re creating more time loops of suffering for their false prophet to endure (because they didn’t understand that they’re on a spirit scan designed to find-out if they’d do evil for a false prophet or do good for God/Allah) because when Satan arrives pretending to be Jesus Christ (the Son of God/Allah) then all arguments about who the true infidels are will finally stop, as well as all of the associated terrorism and torture, as the Muslim/Islamics must admit they were wrong and go bow before him and worship him as the Son of God (who he pretends to be).
So the Muslim/Islamic infidels are doomed to get it wrong, even when they finally get it right…Because they’ll be as the RDBs (Rapture Delusion Believers) who accept an impostor as their groom and spiritually impregnate themselves with his seed, forever separating themselves from the REAL Son of God/Allah, the real Jesus Christ.
These parameters of the spirit scan were first given to Daniel and he was told to keep them secret until the end of days. If they’d known they were on a spirit scan then they never would’ve acted out and identified themselves as infected (imagine it, Muhammad never would’ve identified himself as an infected infidel, Hitler, Stalin, Hussein, Bin Ladin, the Kim Jongs and other dictators never would’ve risen up for tagging). But now that they’ve done so, Motuphi was ordered to disclose that hidden prophecy that holds all of the secrets as to why we’re here and who all is gonna make it back. From his disclosures (a little over 3 years ago) are these facts gleaned and presented.

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