Saturday, September 7, 2013

More Miley Cyrus Mainstream Media Sleeper Cell Creator Madness

Below is a quote from an article online that brings to mind the warning that, just because millions of children love something doesn’t mean they should have it…Millions of kids love ice cream, too; but they shouldn’t be allowed to make themselves obese and unhealthy with it. Many poisonous products have flavors and tastes that kids like, but we don’t serve them up tasty glasses of poison, now , do we? Millions of kids would probably love sex, too; but we all know that there’s long-term consequences to premature sexual awakenings, especially in a pedophilic society like America where they’ll outgrow their sexual prowess and then need to take care of themselves with the interaction skills they never developed because they were too busy being sex objects…
This is what’s wrong with pedophilia and anyone who purports to be a “role model”, like Miley Cyrus, leading her flock down the same dark, empty, sad road she’s walking down…She’s no better than Eminem leading his sleeper cells to do cocaine (he must have some stock in a cartel over in Muhammad-land or something); or 50 Curtis Jackson Cent leading his fans to “get rich or die trying”, when he knows damn well he sent those kids on missions to just fuckin’ “die” (and get it over with) already because there’s no fuckin’ money out there that doesn’t come with a karmic equalizer (price) and gettin’ shot the fuck up oughtta’ be enough to tell some fools that (but they focused on all the wrong shit and didn’t see that 50 was an exception to the rule because most humans die when they get shot so many times).
Miley betrayed her fans who grew up with her…If only their parents could’ve looked ahead in time and seen that Miley was gonna become such a pathetic little follower of everyone else that they’d hoped Miley’s “wholesome example” would rescue them from. Understand that Miley is paid to do a job and her bosses want your kids turned into human-shaped trash that’s good for nothing but pumping some dope into and laying out on a couch to keep their cocks warm and wet. To accomplish this, they’ll play on Miley’s weaknesses and weak-mindedness. They know they can turn her into a dope and dick lovin’ “ho” who tows their lines for them and drags her little white-girl fans into the ditches where they can easily access them to sodomize and rape them (Miley has money to hide in mansions with bodyguards, but her average fans do not, so they’re fucked for following her direction now).
Miley is like that first sheep in the line at the slaughter house…She’s stupid enough to lead the way to the slaughter…She’s one kid who would’ve benefited from spending a summer with Motuphi. Motuphi used to run like a bandcamp themed thing where he’d let a troubled kid stay with him and his wife for awhile and teach ‘em to play guitar and about the secrets of the spirit scan, stuff like that, and every kid who spent time with him evolved into something far superior than what they were gonna be had they continued on in the direction they were headed in. Being around his supernatural intelligence mighta’ woke her up a little bit. But she probably was too spoiled rotten for Motuphi to be able to tolerate her presence, so that idea wouldn’t have worked either.
Okay, here’s the copied and pasted section of the article:
"Last Sunday, at the MTV Video Music Awards, Miley Cyrus simulated masturbation with a giant foam finger, grabbed her crotch, rubbed herself against a man old enough to be her father, pretended the man was performing anal sex on her, and walked around in a nude latex bikini. Her mother loved it. So did her manager. Millions of young girls and guys loved it as well," Donohue wrote.
the rest of the article is at
And it has nothing to do with Muslims (they’re just trying to add reason to their madness of rubbing Miley’s ass in everyone’s faces without an invitation to do so).
Another issue that no one even touches on is the song the bitch was “singing” is totally whack and whoever wrote it, produced it, and all music programmers and music DJs who play it on the radio are cursed to reap what they’re sowing with this shit and a dreg of society who relates to this mindless drivel will find them and theirs and victimize the dog-fuck right out of them…
All DJs who play this shit on the radio while Motuphi’s astounding music is not in heavy rotation should be shot in the head after being forced to watch their mothers being anally raped by a few of the “sleeper cells” that mindless, crappy, shit songs like this program to evil. Who IS the cursed white devil who just had to make that shitty fuckin’ song, anyway? How is this UNtalented fuck singing on the VMAs or even signed to a record deal with such lame, weak shit for “music”?? More evidence of the “conspiracy” (does anybody else see that untalented white dude with the stripes on, holding a mic and stinking up the stage with his lack of talent?). Let that cock-blocker to real talent’s mother be so cursed that you can’t even find their bloodline in Heaven or the New Earth and let whatever coast this shit is coming from be so cursed that a tsunami washes their record labels away (we’ll settle for anything that’ll do it, though: even an earthquake, or a huge fire, or fire from the sky, or nuclear onslaught, or the Earth opening up to swallow that offending city, or a plague, whtever God can bring to deliver us from this SHIT!).
Americans should feel insulted at what the mainstream keeps doing to them in the name of material gain and their little persecution of Motuphi agenda. Americans should stand-up and demand better. They should boycott everything mainstream until Motuphi is the leading component because then, at least, you’ll know the bar got raised and the mindlessness is no longer gonna fly.
If we caught one of our daughters singing to the stupid shit they play on American radio, we’d slap them upside their heads and warn them that one cursed UNtalented idiot like that on the planet was more than enough…We don’t allow our daughters to be programmed to “lesser-ism” like they do in America. But corporations don’t own us like they do the American nation…
The American mainstream media jumps thru’ Caucasianist hoops and gets away with it because there are no Black “men” in the music industry (or Motuphi’d be signed, it’s just that simple). There’s only Black-faced-Caucasianistic, self-entitled niggers who’d endure a dangerous society of famous mainstream zombie-slave-clone created “sleeper cells” for that chance at some free, young, white pussy…because they’re inferior, cheap little bugs (men PAY for sex to keep the curses off of their mamas and wives and children and incomes and homes…undeniable FACT).
Miley and the rest of the current American mainstream “artists” are markers of a new low achieved by them…They can’t go any lower than they’ve gone. The Americans are just nasty as Hell…That’s why none of them rebels by promoting their REAL talent that the UNtalented cock-blockers to real talent are trying to keep in obscurity…It might require that they take it back by force, like they took it from the Americans who didn’t used to fuck female artists for radio airplay nor allow untalented thugs to mind-molest the masses with niggerism and ghetto-fabulousness.
If we lived in America and the mainstream was trying to endanger US with their UNtalented “sleeper cell” creators, there’d be music programmers and DJs getting fucked-up every time we heard them playing the likes of Eminem, Jay-Z, Li’l Wayne, 50 Curtis Jackson Cent, Dre, Snoop, Drake, Chris Brown, Nicky Minaj, Rihanna, Miley Cyrus, Lady GaGa, Beyonce, and the rest of them. Just like violence got them ONto the radio, we’d gladly resort to violence to get them taken OFF of the radio. If your government weren’t so weak-minded, they never would’ve gotten away with infiltrating it with violence and FCC violations more than 2 decades ago (when Rap/Hip-Hop got sold to Black-faced-Caucasianists who elevated their UNtalented Black-faced-Caucasianistic, self-entitled niggers to power to create “sleeper cells” out of their fans to fulfill their genocidal agenda against all of the decent Americans of all colors even Black).
What America is devoid of is REAL Americans who’ll stand-up against the mainstream and take it back from the greedy monsters currently squatting in it via ANY MEANS NECESSARY (just as Tupac prophesied we’d need to do before they killed him for being superior to them and keeping the bar held too high for them to hurdle it)…The UNtalented being on the radio in America has gone on for far too long…it’s only getting worse as long as it’s not being addressed. American radio can stay cursed, too, until Motuphi and Rex Razor are the heaviest in rotation on it (we don’t care, ya’ll can all kill yourselves off so some lessers-than-yous can be rich and famous if you’re all that mentally whack).
Miley got her money, dope, and dick…Now her mentality is “to HELL with her fans and any innocence they may still possess”…
Ever notice that American skank bitches become jealous of the innocence and purity of all other bitches who haven’t been “turned-out” yet so they sabotage their lives by getting them turned-out to be just like them? That’s why they’re all on missions to get their virgin friends’ vagina’s “murdered” (so the virgin won’t be a delicacy standing next to them any longer)…
They defy the wisdom of moderation and don’t understand science, human bodies, and elasticity issues (ergo: vaginal rejuvenation surgery). They weren’t taught proper science about what races their vaginas were designed to accommodate before they get programmed to throw it on the biggest dicks they can find. They get robbed of those years of moments of their vaginas enjoying the average sized dicks and then make themselves useless to those averaged sized men and wind-up lonely old “hoes” that don’t got no men who love them (just dogs who fuck them and kick ‘em to the curb afterwards).
They’ve brainwashed a whole generation of American women to disenfranchise themselves for cheap little self-entitled niggers who’re so given over to reprobate minds that they can’t see the value God placed on His artwork that is the human woman body. That’s why American women are so valueless now…Miley devalued herself and now she’s jealous of all women who haven’t dropped to her level yet…disguise it as anything you want. We know that you keep Motuphi’s music hidden under bushes because he’s about empowering women and educating them and you can’t take advantage of them so easily if they have that proper male role model or father figure to comfort them and make them feel good about themselves without having to throw themselves on some American loser’s cock…
Your cheapness is so fuckin’ ugly, how do your women get past it to fuck you? Oh, yeah, they get wore-out by it and then become lesbians and leave the males to find shemales to fuck instead.
Weed out that human-shaped trash like THAT, Miley and the Mainstream…we know if they like certain music “artists” that they’re just trash for us to exploit and use up and disenfranchise and throw away (just like your men do to them)…
An INTELLIGENT woman who’s not online and programmed by the mainstream must be a rare delicacy in America…all of their women we see are so common, self-absorbed, and cheap, especially the ones who have money (designer fashions are so disgusting, who lets fags dress women, anyway?).
It looks like Motuphi got the last good “catch” in America, as his wife is obviously not a materialistic, self-centered “sleeper cell”. If there was any more like her in America, they’d have nowhere to go to thrive and be appreciated (and protected) but to Motuphi and his wife…We already know what the likes of R Kelly, 50 Curtis Jackson Cent, Dre, Snoop, Li’l Wayne, Chris Brown, Drake and Eminem would do with them (pump ‘em full of dope and dick, even if they were consecrated-by-God vessels who were supposed to do great miraculous works for mankind, they’d just be devalued down to “hoes” to fuck in the wrong hands and be your average American bitch who’s only good for gold-digging and fucking).
Part of the downfall of the American woman is due to the downfall of the American male…They’re too inferior to let those who won’t be hoes alone so they can do the great exploits that they, themselves, won’t do because they’re too busy chasing ass to do it. They feel like they should be able to fuck everything that gives them a hard-on because their mamas were inferior ghetto-fabulous creepers and dopeman dick-chuggers who never taught them to be self-empowered via masturbation…An inferior subhuman bitch may raise a rapist because she failed to teach him to be self-empowered by masturbating, so he feels like he needs to rape something just to ejaculate…weak-mindedness being allowed to pervade.
Miley fits right in with the rest of the famous dregs of society in America, doesn’t she?

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