Friday, September 27, 2013

God Said "Make MY Day, Obama"

God recently had curses loosed into Earth upon Obama and stated that He will not negotiate with Obama nor with anyone who likes or empowers dictators like Obama. The treasonous traitors in D.C. (from Pelosi to Hillary the healthcare mosquito) who tricked the Americans into allowing the enactment of Obama’s terrorist attack that bears his name have been “tagged” for time loops of judgement (AS every entity they betrayed with their treason, including the animals that suffered due to ObamaCare) and then eternal execution…They won’t be found beyond this Earth Age, because they and their whole infected bloodlines have been eternally executed…So Motuphi took their forfeited eternal wealth (“the wealth of the wicked” that was laid up for the just when they came to Earth) and distributed it to all of the entities that suffered on Earth due to the American treasonous traitors in D.C….Plus, the remainder of their Earth days will be filled with curses and persecution and they must look upon their ancestors and mourn their eternal losses over their own weaknesses, greed, gluttony, materialism and power hunger during a mere 2-hour spirit scan…
Amazing how the American treasonous traitors (like Obama, Clinton and Pelosi) are allowed to perpetuate their dictatorship on a nation of armed (supposed) “patriots” without fear of being executed for their treason against their nation, yet heroes like Snowden and the others who exposed their corruption secrets face penalties for exposing the treasonous traitors’ behavior (How did your nation get so fucked-up? How did the Bush and Clinton bloodlines escape your wrath? How are they even still alive? Are you ALL zombies? Cowards? What happened to the “brave” in your land?). In our nation, they’d already be dead, their heads displayed on pikes as warnings to other dictators; and their wives and/or daughters (being as Pelosi and Clinton are women) would be taken hostage as sex slaves to work off their accrued debt for the damages they already did…Understand that all of the American government treasonous traitors from the Bushes to the Obamas (and all in-between) OWE their nation a huge debt of reparations, collectively, that they’re all too ghetto to repay. They don’t have enough money to repay the losses they caused with their ghetto-fabulous dictatorial “decisions” that got them all cursed and eternally executed (to protect the sanctity and integrity of Heaven and the New Earth from their “infection”).
Obama is an infected spirit. He won’t be found beyond this Earth Age, already, as it stands. But it’s still on him just how much suffering his bloodline will endure in the time loops of judgement that they all were committed to ((thanks to him and his “presidency” which was really a dictatorship in disguise, as only a subhuman, weak-minded, ghetto-fabulous Black-faced Caucasianistic self-entitled nigger would dare publicly indulge in and make prophets of the daughter-fucking KKK rednecks: “If you let a nigger be president he’ll do…” fill in the rest of the sentence with everything Obama did do as president and you have what the nigger-haters have been warning Americans about for decades, which makes them accurate prophets until such time as Obama defies them with his BEHAVIOR NOT WORDS and decides not to be a Black-faced Caucasianistic, self-entitled, subhuman, soft-minded, greedy, gluttonous, ghetto-fabulous, retarded, delusional, out-of-touch-with-the-common-American-people, stereotypical, power hungry, deranged, dictatorial, porch monkey nigger)). He still has not offered reparations to the Elect (like Motuphi) in America for compromising their playing fields and endangering them and trying to starve them out, which is clear evidence that the dictator is mentally deranged and given over to a reprobate mind (proof that God/Allah dumped him as a “lost cause” and gave his bloodline over to the judges and spirit executioners like Motuphi).
Yeah, Obama defying God and afflicting HIS Elect is like standing against Dirty Harry in that scene: God has the big gun pointed at the heads of the Obamas, cocked and ready, and He’s chomping at the bit to squeeze the trigger and make an example of the little fuck-boy punk that Obama got transformed into with his power-drunkenness…Obama will have to answer to a HIGHER authority very soon for all of the affliction he thought he got away with…Americans are like cartoon characters who think they got away with something just because lightning didn’t immediately strike them when they committed a crime against God’s Law….Your presidents over the past four decades have proven that to be your mentality…If you didn’t all share that mentality, you’d elect someone who’s not a stereotypical cartoon character disguised as a human…
Obama has become clown-shoes. He’s the ghetto kid in the candy store who’s throwing a tantrum and won’t let his mama leave until he gets HIS way. And, just like a little spoiled ghetto nigger, he’ll destroy everything in his wake along the way…How could you freaks want THAT mentality representing your nation? Don’t you fools realize that the economy of the world becomes unstable every time he shows his true ghetto nature? The world would’ve fared better if the Obamas and Bushes and Clintons had never existed, which explains why they don’t (they’re identified as “infected” and, when this Earth Age ends and their spirits leave their bodies, Motuphi will loop their whole bloodlines and then eternally execute them, which means they don’t exist, even NOW…to give you a clue of the elaborate spirit scan you entered when you became a human).
Obama didn’t know of the spirit scan. He didn’t know that the hidden prophecy of Daniel was that we’re on a spirit scan disguised as a fun-house ride. He didn’t know that all spirit memories are collected and are NOT deleteable until the spirits of the offending parties who caused those memories are time looped (AS the victims, 100,000 times per victim per offense, EACH) and then eternally executed, which makes them as if they NEVER existed…Some of you will understand how this works to create the New Earth and some will remain as retarded and “humanized” as the Bushes, Clintons and Obamas, unable to see your fate until it’s too late to change your course…Obama is spookily close to the point of no return, where he won’t be able to save himself or his entire bloodline from the time loops of judgement and eternal execution…
So, as you picture Obama holding the nation hostage to his dictatorial healthcare scam/treasonous terrorist plot, picture God with a bigger gun pointed at the heads of the Obamas and rest assured that Obama can’t fight against what he can’t see (our armies outnumber the Earthlings because even the victims of the eternally executed are here to back Motuphi and God, Christ and Lucifer)…God has stated to anyone who compromises the playing field for HIS end time Elect “Go ahead, Punk, make my day.” That’d be Obama, currently, in the role of the rogue little punk.
God’s not negotiating with Obama. Not even Obama’s death wish, suicidal nature and obvious mental illness will save him from the hand of God that he forces upon himself, his nation and his bloodline with his deranged, childish, lack of leadership qualities that make his ghetto ass unable to negotiate (like all of his white predecessors were able to do). Are ALL American niggers as retarded as Obama? Is that why his Black-faced Caucasianistic, self-entitled nigger ass brought dregs (Jay-Z and Beyonce) into the White House instead of some REAL Black role models? Obama would have the world to believe that the American nation is devoid of any GOOD Black people, that retarded, materialistic, race-traitor butt-scum like Jay-Z and Beyonce are all America has to offer as desirable role models for Black kids to aspire to (what a fuckin’ joke). He was never man enough to be a leader. He was just a porch monkey you let into the candy store and he proves it with his inferior-raced inability to negotiate and compromise like white (real) leaders have been doing for YEARS before his nigger ass attacked all Blacks with his KKK-prophetic reign that proved it to be fact that American Blacks lack the character, integrity, and qualities desired in a leader…
Okay, so Obama proved that American niggers are inferior and can’t be president, so kick him out of office already and move on before his bullshit can negatively effect anything else (like MY nation).
The Americans won’t quit with their niggerism…How can we warn those ghetto-fabulous fools to stop before we hafta come over there and slap the dog-fuck out of their traitors who’re fuckin’ everything up?
Let the curses flow forth freely upon the billionaire gluttons who own Obama until he starts acting like a real human man again instead of some mean old white devil’s marionette, jumping through hoops and afflicting the nation and anxiously turning to his owners for approval with a sheepish “Did I do, good, Massa, huh? Did I hurt the nation enough for ya’, Massa? Want me to do some deranged tyrannical shit for you, Massa? I’ll trade my bloodlines’ eternal SOULS for you, Massa, because yous so superior to me and I just wants to please my Massa so much. Wanna fuck my wife, Massa? I’ll let ya’ fuck my daughters, Massa. Hell, I’ll do anything you tell me to, even put my family name on the most deranged tyrannical terrorist attack ever perpetuated by any government treasonous traitor before me. I’ll make all American Blacks look too inferior to lead for you, Massa. I’ll take worldwide race relations back a good hundred years or so in a mere few years for you, Massa. I’ll have the whole world callings Blacks ‘niggers’ again within a few years for you, Massa. I’ll do ANYthing for your supreme white ass, Massa, ANYthing, because my mama was too inferior to instill in me a proper sense of shame and self-worth.”
That’s what Obama looks like: An owned nigger who’s hell bent on making his mean old white devil master happy and he don’t care how many Black peoples he betrays or commits treason against along the way…
Can some GOOD billionaires PLEASE buy Obama from his mean white devil masters and undo the damages his mean white devil masters are doing through him, because Obama’s too goddamned scared to defy his owners and just do what a REAL (free, liberated) MAN would do about the ObamaCare treasonous traitor terrorist attack already and burn the shit.
Ironic that in the time loops of judgement (some know as “Judgement Day” or the “Judgement Seat”), Obama will be screaming like a crazy man from within the bodies of those he afflicted that HE’s the president, as he suffers at his own hands and watches his nigger ass trample himself to death with his deranged tyranny (100,000 times per victim per offense, and there’s MILLIONS of victims, so Obama’s gonna be busy being afflicted by ObamaCare just as soon as Motuphi can snatch his spirit out of that Earthsuit/body he’s stinking up)…If you’ve heard anyone screaming those things already (that they’re Obama), then we’re already in the loops and Earth was probably already destroyed…Or God allowed some loops to happen in real time to WARN us that the prophecies of Motuphi (about the spirit scan we’re on and what will happen afterwards) are accurate and true…
Picture Obama as YOU, suffering the effects of his decisions in the time loops of judgement, 100,000 times, before he’s released from his sentence as you to be placed in your neighbor or in the dog that your neighbor couldn’t afford to keep any longer (Obama has TRILLIONS of loops awaiting him and his bloodline, so he must really hate his wife, mama, daddy and daughters to do this to them. If I was his kid, wife or relative, I’d kill him before he could accrue any more debt for me to hafta endure beyond Earth, but I have a proper sense of self-preservation that they all obviously lack)…
Yeah, dictators (like Obama, Bush, Clinton, Hussein, Stalin, Hitler, the Kim Jongs, Assad, etc) aren’t hip to spirit memories or the spirit scan, or the fact that they must endure all suffering they caused (or they never would’ve exposed themselves).
I’ll be in Heaven and, from there, on to the New Earth, so I won’t be able to tell Obama, Bush and Clinton when they’re in the time loops of judgement AS their victims that “I told you so” while we were on Earth…so I’m saying it now:
"I TOLD you that you were gonna reap what you sowed for your tyranny, that God is NOT mocked, and that the meek WILL inherit the Earth devoid of all of the bloodshed of the innocents…I TOLD you so, but you were too humanized and temporal to listen to reason. NOW look at ya’: suffering in time loops of judgement as everything you caused to suffer and in line for eternal execution after the time loops…Didn’t I TELL ya’ while you were still a human and could change your fate that this was where you were headed? Oh, yeah, you were too fuckin’ hard-headed to respond to wisdom…Good riddance. Looks like I knew something you were too deluded to accept as fact the whole time. Who’s the smart one NOW? Who’s in power NOW? Surely not any of YOU! Ha-HAAAAAAAAAAAAA!!! Listen to that laugh in response to your screams of agony and anguish. Kinda’ reminds ya’ of yourselves on Earth, doesn’t it? Go ahead and try calling yourselves and telling yourselves to stop torturing yourselves and hurting yourselves and starving yourselves out with whack, deranged tyrannical decisions…See if you can make yourself listen to yourself…Betcha’ you can’t. Motuphi already tried bringing your spirits back in time to try to warn you (yourselves) and you regarded them as crazy people, when really they were YOU and YOU are the crazy ones to do that shit to yourselves and your own bloodlines…Looks like the meek and Motuphi and God, Christ and Lucifer got the loudest last laugh, after all, just as it was prophesied they’d do. I TOLD ya’ so, I TOLD ya’ so!"

Your cartoon character president got himself and his bloodline eternally executed, so he doesn’t even exist right now…A complicated equation that only Motuphi had the answer to…until he shared it with a few trustworthy apt pupils…Too bad you didn’t have a leader smart enough to hire Motuphi as council…Then Obama finally would’ve had an intelligent entity in his council and administration…D.C. would’ve finally had someone in it that wasn’t a humanized, self-serving little treasonous traitor (bug)…But Obama never makes the right decision…Obama has “Diminished Capacity” from God/Allah as retribution for compromising the playing for the end time Elect in America…”Hindering” the end time movement of the spirit of Elias during the prophetic end time moments on Earth is a corporal punishment offense worthy of eternal execution and ObamaCare is fucking EVERYthing up for EVERYone (including the Elect). Anyone standing FOR ObamaCare is cursed and committed to time loops of judgement and eternal execution, just a fact, because it’s a blatant, open, ongoing treasonous terrorist attack on the liberty of Americans and there are too many of God’s Elect in America for it not to be negatively effecting THEM, too.

You need new leaders who didn’t get God-smacked with diminished capacity…You need to clear-out D.C., close it down, send all of the treasonous traitors home and start over…No one in D.C. can be trusted now, being as they’re ALL treasonous traitors (or ObamaCare wouldn’t even be an issue right now), and they’re all on the eternal execution list, anyway; so they don’t exist anymore and it really doesn’t matter what you do to them, just as it didn’t matter to them what they did to you as a nation…They reaped what they sowed. They wanted to kill and maim on a 2-hour long (our time) spirit scan disguised as a fun-house ride and they got killed ETERNALLY for it. Can’t beat those results.

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