Saturday, September 7, 2013

Picture the Dictator’s Eternal Fate

Just picture the dictator’s eternal fate for a minute: Placed in time loops of judgement as every entity (human and animal) he/she caused to suffer during his/her reign…Then, eternally executed to protect the cosmos (Heaven and all Earth-like places) from their “infection”.
So, imagine the penalty in store for any fool who participates in chemical attacks or warfare…That’s not even acceptable against one’s enemies, much less: one’s own people…
I don’t think Motuphi cum can save you from this one (see reference in previous post if you didn’t get that)…You might try suicide instead (it’ll at least show that you became “aware” of your-monster-self).
Word to the wise: Do to others as you’d want to look out from inside of them to see yourself doing to yourself in time loops of judgement (in case you don’t make it back home)…If you see it like that, then you finally see things as they really are and understand not to ignore the unnecessary suffering of those who were placed in your path (they’re opportunities for future blessings until you turn them into thorns) and you’ll never participate in causing unnecessary suffering for any reason, not even for personal gain or to save yourself…At that point of epiphany, you become superior to every leader who failed to see it like that.

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