Saturday, September 7, 2013

The Fate Of Religionists

Anyone wondering what the after-this-Earth-Age fate is for freaks like the Westboro Baptist media hounds (who’re seeking fame by picketing homosexuality) can just relax and understand that none of them will be found in Heaven or the New Earth because they’ll be eternally executed, AFTER serving time in the time loops of judgement as all entities who suffered at the hands of tormentors that Westboro Baptist failed to target.
While Westboro Baptist targets harmless gay people who aren’t hurting any of God’s entities on Earth, they’re saying (with those actions) that they’re okay with pedophilia and little kids being raped, they’re okay with animals being tortured, starved, neglected and tormented, they’re okay with women being raped, they’re okay with senseless violence and murder, they’re okay with the subjugation of God’s meek. So, since Westboro Baptist members are all okay with those atrocities (but playing with pee-pees is evil to them), now their spirits will be placed into the bodies of every entity that suffered at the hands of those they didn’t picket against because they were too busy persecuting fags…They’ll be in time loops as tortured animals, molested and raped kids and women, tortured and enslaved people, victims of genocide and murder, and victims of the Muslim/Islamic infidels. They’ll be placed into every little white girl who was gang-raped by American Black-faced Caucasianistic self-entitled niggers for “racial reparations” (which they weren’t entitled to, by the way). All AFTER they’ve served 100,000 time loops per victim per offense. Then they’ll be eternally executed to protect the sanctity of Heaven and the New Earth…They must serve the same time loops as those who they were permissive to with their omission (to picket REAL offenses against God, being gay not being one of them).
Westboro Baptist is as guilty of defying God as the Muslims/Islamics are…They’re His enemy and refuse to do HIS will while they’re on Earth. With the screams of torment and agony emanating from the planet, every second of every day and night now, the moans of pleasure from some gay people are probably like music to God’s (and His angels) ears, by comparison. Then, those who have resources and time to protest those tortures, rapes, murders and other atrocities extort God of the resources to pursue their own personal agendas of persecuting fags, ignoring the REAL evil. God didn’t supply the resources for persecution of fags when there’s a child crying out to Him for rescue (you’re refusing to reach-out to as the mighty hands of God/Allah on Earth because you’re too busy picketing sex games that aren’t harming the child)..God doesn’t need weak little homophobe hands right now. He needs HERO hands who can ignore the pansies and beat down the pedophiles and RESCUE THE BABIES in His name (godDAMNit!!).
 But how could the Westboro Baptist future EEs (Eternally Executeds) have any spiritual discernment when they’re just a bunch of RDBs (Rapture Delusion Believers) who’re anxiously awaiting the arrival of the Anti (translated here as “impostor/fake/phony/wannabe/instead-of”) Christ to “rapture” them away? They don’t even have a clue who their real Master is or when to expect the real Jesus Christ (Son of God/Allah). They’re lost and their religion-ism has them being as nasty a stench in God’s nose as all who stick to the traditions of men, like those fanatics bailing on the fight against the world’s evils while they hide at that wall of prayer, “praying” instead of DOing (they won’t be found beyond this Earth Age, either, for their omission to fight against evil, being cowardly little wall pray-ers instead of dragon slayers).
Attention, Westboro Baptist protesters! God really hates YOU for not addressing the REAL evil happening all around you. You people are freakish, homophobic bullies who hide behind mis-translations of scriptures and enable pedophiles and adulterers in your congregation while you point fingers outward at the beds of others. What’s ironic is how some of the fags you say God hates so much are doing more with their lives to rescue God’s suffering creations (that your church is ignoring) and actually are more busy doing HIS will (on Earth) than all of you are, combined. You take God’s name in vain. You claim to be His while refusing to consummate that with appropriate actions proving your communal to Him as one flesh with Him (you don’t exemplify ANY of His thoughts, just your nasty pastor’s)…This just went over your head if you’re stupid enough to associate God to your agendas of hatred and attempts at subjugation of others to your will, while ignoring true evil making God’s creations writhe in pain.
Right about now, with little kids being raped and tortured and animals being tortured with every second of every day, you become more evil than those you protest against to ignore their plight while you join in and/or permit (via omission) their tormentors to perpetuate that REAL evil. You become one of them by not standing against them…Fags writhing in a bed is not even evil, by comparison…You’re more evil than the fags you hate (that God does not hate, you’re lying and putting words in His mouth that He never said).
Understand that the same spirit that operates in the homophobe and the bully is the same spirit that operates in the pedophile, adulterer and rapist…So, by picketing against fags, you identify yourselves as homophobic and brutish bullies who little kids and women may not be safe to be around (you might molest them like someone did to your impressionable little minds).
Glad to know you have no place in Heaven or the New Earth if you’re not gonna join us to fight against those who defy the agendas of God in these end times. You’re currently doing the will of the mainstream (and whoever controls them) by distracting from the plight of the suffering with your little “feelings” about playing with pee-pees (you vile little disgusting dirty minded monsters).
We’ll see how Westboro Baptist members feel when they’re writhing in pain in the time loops of judgement as the entities whose suffering they were distracting from… “God is not mocked, they’ll reap what they sowed”…
Notice how they never protested against torturing animals or raping or murdering…So, now they get to be victims of all of that, before safeguarding the integrity and sanctity of Heaven and the New Earth from their kind by eternally executing them. They’ll be animals and kids and women and men writhing in pain, all the while knowing that they were too busy picketing sexual preferences of the innocent to be concerned with those atrocities being committed by the guilty.
It’s like Westboro Baptist is saying with their actions exactly what the mainstream is saying: “Look at us! Look at US! Ignore those suffering entities the end-time Elect of God keep trying to direct your attention to and look at UUUUUUUUUSSSSSSSSSSSSSS! We’re needy! We need your negative attention is why we refuse to do anything positive” (just like Kanye, Chris Brown, Jay-Z, Dre, Snoop, 50 Curtis Jackson Cent, Li’l Wayne, Rihanna, Nicky Minaj, Beyonce, and the rest of the mainstream Black-faced-Caucasianistic self-entitled niggers who never hit the news for anything positive or philanthropic because their behavior to report on is all just ghetto-fabulous niggerism, racism, bigotry and materialism).
There’s an enormous price for joining the mainstream in distracting from the suffering creations of God…you’ll see.
"The (eternal) wealth of the wicked (who didn’t make it back home from the spirit scan disguised as a funhouse ride) is laid-up (in escrow) for the just (who did make it back home to proceed to the New Earth)"

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