Saturday, September 7, 2013

Don’t Be Scared: It’s Just Myspace Committing Suicide Again

Don’t Be Scared: It’s Just Myspace Committing Suicide Again
We knew they wouldn’t wanna stay around too long before they decided to self-destruct again.
Can’t enjoy profiles without having ads, and celebrity shit we’d NEVER go to Myspace for, jumping in our faces (on autoplay, no less) and parasiting in our feed, even though we clicked pause and stop and loosed a thousand curses per second it played without our consent upon Myspace asshole staffers for not just leaving Myspace alone (as the superior online spot to showcase a music act). If Myspace wanted to place ads, they had a perfect site for it, 2 YEARS ago, when they could place the ads on the pages and allow visitors to listen to and view as much media as they pleased without logging in to Myspace…Now, it’s just all fucked-up. Gotta try and grab the pause button and reload the page REAL FAST before I can be credited with perusing mainstream maggot shit I’d never give the time of day to.
Myspace is trying to manipulate the perception of what people think I watch and listen to by autoplaying shit I don’t like (even though I clicked STOP) and then adding it to my feed, saying I checked it out! I don’t know of anyone who resorts to Myspace or Youtube for mainstream media shit…it’s where we go to get away from that mind-altering (in a negative way) zombie-slave-clone making poison. Why won’t the nasty mainstream-worshipping FREAKS at Myspace and Youtube get a fuckin’ clue and gain even a childlike understanding of that so we can watch Motuphi videos and listen to his songs in peace without all of their assaults on our eyes and ears?!?!
We already know the mainstream parasites and their whack-assed displays of their lack of talent are there, okay? We don’t need anymore of your mainstream mentality being forced upon us and we especially take offense to you claiming that we listened to or watched something we stand against, simply because someone may see that in our feed and think we condone making “sleeper cells” out of people who’re stupid enough to think the current mainstream music artists and rappers are talented…Then we have good people like Al Potter and Tayshana Murphy and 300 aspiring beautiful Black kids in Chicago murdered by “sleeper cells” (oh, yes, believe it, it’s happening!), all so weak-minded bugs like Kanye West, Jay-Z, Dre, Snoop, Eminem, Li’l Wayne, the Cubes, the Ices, the Ts, Diddy, Rihanna, Nicky Minaj, Beyonce, and more incredibly useless wastes-of-space-and-human-bodies-and-good-resources like them can be famous and have wealth (to squander on themselves and their empty-headed desires). They weren’t instilled with the proper mentality for having power, wealth, status and fame nor the “responsibility” to it, that they’re to make positive ripples (with it) so the world doesn’t become what it is now (a dark, horrible place where they torture animals, molest children and rape women, unchecked, that even Lucifer would avoid), now that all of the wrong entities have all of that stuff.
FaceBook finally “got it” and stopped making people login to view music artist pages and now Myspace is pulling the old social network site gestapo on us.
I hope no one wasted too much time creating a new Myspace page…It’s more whack there now than it’s ever been before…and now Myspace will credit you with watching lame shit you went to Myspace to avoid…if that ain’t about a bitch and quite ironic.

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