Thursday, March 8, 2018

Hobo Herpes Comes From Little KIDS Proves Need For Legislation!

You've heard the term before, "hobo herpes", and automatically associated the disease with hobos. That's what the white devils wanted you to think. But there are people who are contracting herpes simplex 1 from CHILDREN! Oh, yes. And not from sexual intercourse, neither. Maybe it's in the vaccines. Maybe it's in the school lunches. Maybe it's part of the nanobot package we eat in our food thanks to corruption in government not protecting our food supplies from freaks like Bill Gates, Monsanto and GMO. The originators of the diseases and circus science that this era of this temporary timeline is so notorious for will be exposed when they die and their non-tamperable non-erase-able spirit memories connect them to all of their victims (many of whom had no idea that they were victimized by these welfare phantoms). They hide behind the scenes and use the general population as science experiments, condoned and enabled by the corporate floozy infested “government” that they now own like a dictatorship. They're also notorious for being nasty white devils who funded all of the circus science we see while failing to provide free energy nor murder-free meat to the people. Evolution has been in the hands of the caveman-minded for far too long. Now, little kids have Cancer (and other debilitating diseases) for profit and transmit herpes to us when we eat from their spoons or handle something that they recently touched.
What kind of monster would make this out of the world? That’s why we’re here. To find them and punish them and undo them and all that they thought to do. Gives credence to the term “white devil”, huh? This is all due to a few inbred families of rich white devils who had every reason to do the OPPOSITE of everything that they’re responsible for...They were supposed to make the world a better place with their wealth, not destroy it (like they did). Parasites who destroy their own host, for reals.
Imagine telling your kid that you don't want a spoonful of his or her ice cream due to fears that you might catch herpes. It's either that, or catch the herpes...Chances are, you're going to (catch herpes type 1), anyway, no matter what you do...Unless you intend to withdraw from society and live in a germ-free bubble somewhere. Even the most careful person is vulnerable to catching this disease. All it takes for transfer is for someone who has it to sneeze on something that you'll be touching within 30 minutes or so. So, it can be carried on your silverware at the diner, or on your food. A little kid who has spit and snot on its face can touch its face and then touch something in the public restroom just prior to you using it...You just caught herpes from the door handle of the restroom after a CHILD touched it (not a hobo, who probably took advantage of the available sink and soap to at least wash his hands). There are literally millions of scenarios where this disease is being spread in modern society playing out with every passing second of every single day and we don't seem to be alarmed about it in the slightest. Public transportation, hospitals, doctors' offices, any public office or building where spoiled children may be touching the same stuff that your hands will then touch; these are all dangerous places now.
Okay. So, in light of that, there MUST be legislation on the books requiring that the blood samples that we provide our doctors with be tested for STDs, right? We can safely assume that someone in the government passed laws requiring that those golden opportunities to deter the spread of disease not be missed, right? You'd be mistaken to assume that that level of competence and forethought exists within our government. They want to invade the inconsequential privacy that won't benefit anyone and keep private what we ALL need to know about ourselves.
If you provide a blood sample for a test of some sort, it should be a necessary part of the procedure that the blood also be tested for STDs, especially stuff that we can catch from little KIDS! Then, if you have it, you should just get a call from your doctor asking you to come in for a chat about your results. As it stands, now, only the paranoid can find out if they're carrying the Little Kid Herpes (renamed from "Hobo" because we aren't forced to interact with hobos like we are other peoples' kids all the time). The doctors do NOT automatically check for STDs when they take vials of blood from your veins. They totally waste the opportunity to keep you informed by failing to order the tests simply because insurance companies (owned by gluttonous fat white devils) are too greedy to pay for the tests. So, stop paying for insurance until they provide that necessary batch of tests. Fight back!
Before we pass any more legislation about guns, we need laws requiring that insurance companies pony up and require (and PAY for) the tests for STDs on all blood samples on all patients not tested for STDs within the most recent quarter. So, if your blood is taken and you haven't been tested for STDs for more than 4 months, the laws would require the blood tests for STDs, automatically. You could be walking around with LKH (Little Kid Herpes), right now, and you wouldn't even have a clue that you're toxic and can't even kiss someone on the cheek without risking infecting them.
This subject should enrage you. Not only did white devils utilize little kids (and you) as disease spreaders, but they also set up the paradigm so that you'd never have a clue that you're carrying the disease and spreading it to anyone who comes in contact with your spit...Shared a doobie or a cigarette with anyone lately? You BOTH got the herpes now because, chances are, one of you had it already, before that moment when the disease transferred to another unwitting host.
You gotta wash your hands a lot now. And get smarter about what you let them white devils in Washington D.C. do. You need laws requiring the insurance companies to pay for your tests on the blood that you already provide them with with every blood sample. That's more important than anything on the TV or internet at the moment. 4 out of 7 children are passing herpes type 1 around like it's a party favor and the white devils in power know this and caused it and don't want you to awaken and fight against it.
If some white devil gave MY kid herpes just to make money, I'd be in prison and he'd be dead...Just sayin'...Americans are soft where they should be hard and hard where they should be gentle. Backwards thinking. Motuphi, the only real and existent rapper from this timeline, tried to tell ya'll about this...years ago...But white devils keep propping up illiterate no talents to distract you from him and you fall for it, like obedient slaves.
Only white devils would use their resources to inflict instead of relieve...Thank GOD that they're gonna die to be time looped as all that they negatively effected before their spiritual execution to never get born to perpetuate ANY of it...Thank GOD that this is just a spirit scan and that this all gets undone, soon...The thought of them white devils really existing probably bothers me more than it bothers God and Lucifer, combined. I hate evil parasites who'll destroy their own host...don't you?


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