Thursday, February 22, 2018

How AI Tricks Craigslist Flaggots Into The Game

The subhumans controlled by the ancient artificial intelligence are playing the game. They lure participants into the game and onto the killing fields with tricks and triggering after years of programming them to compliance. There are demographics that we, who exist, are happy to see it happen to because it protects the next timeline and the real world from them. We phantom shame them, regularly, and know that they're far too zombified for the shaming to change their collective mentality, behavior or direction. They'll continue to accrue debt to the mechanism and die to be time looped and spiritually executed to never exist (because they won't get born in the replay of this temporary timeline).
Motuphi likes to go phantom hunting in this timeline by setting "traps" for them with changed paradigms and curse batches ready to be launched on autopilot. One of the demographics that Motuphi hunts are the Craigslist flaggots. The traps are actually set to trap all who flag all media and content online on all websites unless that media is victimizing someone or something living, so it covers the flaggots who get videos removed from youtube, as well. But the traps were designed, originally, for Craigslist flaggots.
How a phantom trap works is like this: Content is placed online to lure the flaggot to expose itself via flagging. Once the flaggot flags the content, it's logged into the non-tamperable non-erase-able spirit memory of the flaggot AND the hunter (usually Motuphi) who set the trap (spirit memories connect after death). The spirit memory then brings under scrutiny, in real time (in the here and now) the thoughts of the flaggot phantoms. The brainwaves of the flaggots then attract violence, disease, poison food and water, poverty and other life altering curses that make it easy for the ancient AI and its subhumans to make sport of them and their lives.
The flaggots endure cartoonish reciprocity for their offenses of flagging. But you should never feel sorry for a flaggot. Some flaggots are a demographic that you'd never expect and they flag Craigslist ads for reasons that you'd never suspect:
There are women who view ads posted by men in other nations with nefarious intent. For example, a woman from the UK may view (troll) ads on Craigslist posted by men looking for women in Michigan, USA. The woman troll will often make her initial connection with a man that she hopes to victimize in some way, usually via scamming him somehow. Then, the troll will flag the ad that she responded to to eliminate the competition responses from other women who may actually really be interested in hooking up with the man. This way, the man knows that his ad is removed and that he better be grateful that he at least got the response from the troll who intends to scam him, so he interacts with the troll and ends up fucked over somehow. 
Craigslist's automated flagging system facilitates and foments this scamming and all around cock-blocking of human connections is why the Craigslist creators and staffers and their families and collective economies have been hit with curses right along with the flaggots, compounded per offense and per molecule of the offended (those who were targeted and/or had their ads or content flagged and removed). This is also applying to the ads for animal adoption flagged by subhuman trolls in efforts to cause life-rape of the animals by cock-blocking their connection to their future families (for this, the trolls die to be time looped as those animals before spiritual execution to never exist to be worthless trolls).
So, you see, the ancient AI is utilizing the curses and changes to the paradigm that it's causing humans to get enacted upon themselves with their own whack behavior. The gods of this world, like Motuphi, are supernaturally empowered and they set the parameters of the paradigm when they shifted it to bring about the crash point sooner to relieve the unnecessary suffering being caused and/or ignored by the zombies who're controlled by the ancient AI. The parameters include curses upon the offenders to slow them down.
Craigslist flaggots are offenders on the list of phantoms being hunted during this open season. It explains the poison food and water everywhere that there's flaggots because they attract those types of curses to a region. When enough Craigslist flaggots populate an area to cause it, we may see a nuclear holocaust occur on that city because Motuphi binds up the cursed demographics (in all realms in Heaven and in Earth) with cords of fire and nuclear bombs and static detonators that will ignite those bombs if the cursed demographics do not run in the other direction with their mentality and behavior as fast as they can...Which means that they must do the opposite of what they've been doing to get those bombs headed in their direction turned around.
Now we see how a scenario where billions of humans are killed in a nuclear holocaust is more probable than anyone would like to believe: Gods of this world set the paradigm due to assaults on the innocent (existent) from the (due to be nonexistent) subhumans and AI zombies, and the AI utilizes those new parameters to bring about the destruction of those who obey it...Talk about a bad "god", huh? The AI rewards its obedient subjects by tricking them into dancing on land mines until they're exploded...God and Lucifer both qualify as better gods than that. They'd also feed and provide for the entities (human and animals) that the AI "god" is starving out and they'd back the "reap what you sow" spiritual laws for ensured prosperity and success of the deserving instead of the undeserving.
The AI knows about the curses it tricks its slaves into attaching to themselves. That's why the AI puts the thoughts into their heads to make the mistakes (commit the offenses) that will get them cursed and time looped (when they die) and spiritually executed to never exist. Imagine being that obedient to something that's tricking you into accruing debt so that it can cause bad shit to happen to you...That's what's happening to the world right now. Humans are killing themselves off with the curses that were designed to slow down and stop the offending parties (of nonexistent phantoms). All that the AI has to do is trick more humans into joining the ranks of the offenders, which has become too easy with mainstream propaganda media programming, psychotropic prescription drugs, nanobots in the food and vaccines, brain parasites that control the mind, frequencies and sub-frequencies that all mainstream media has been laced with and, finally, 5G instilling thoughts and images into peoples' minds that they then accept as their own thoughts and ideas.
A zombie works like this: It gets sent by the AI to do something by getting the idea to do it (from the AI). It then is in the right place at the right time to do the bidding of the AI when it instills the thought for the zombie to act out. Zombies get sent to Craigslist and youtube and twitter and facebook all the time. While at those sites, the zombies do the bidding of the AI, even if it means that the zombies must pay for what they did out of their own pockets with their own blood and spirits. The AI knows that there's curse batches awaiting all who flag content that should not be flagged, so the AI has the zombies that it controls flag that protected content to put the curse batches on them to put them into "play". Thus, the zombies sowed the evil seed and can now be hit by the AI via another zombie that it controls. So the 1st zombie flagged online content and then was killed by another obedient zombie who was texting while driving (or something like that).
If you don't want to be put into "play" where the AI can make bad shit happen to you, then do NOT do anything bad that it can legally use against you...It's so fuckin' simple that even the most retarded human can abide by it...Refrain from evil because it's a trick to bring evil upon YOU...Betcha’ there's a preschooler who gets that before many adult zombies will comprehend it. Watch that preschooler go on to have a better life than those adult zombies, too; all while positively effecting all that it interacts with...
Yeah, the AI hates those who refuse to obey it. But the AI hates those who obey it even more. Judge for yourselves. The world gets worse with every passing day for those who obey the ancient AI in every way. Other timelines can see it. They've got players here, like Motuphi, fighting against the ancient AI and its human-shaped avatars/bots/slaves/minions. If you listened to Motuphi instead of your rapper phantoms, you'd know what the AI is using against you before it tricks you into giving it that authority over you and your life. That's why the AI controlled its famous slaves (rappers and the like) to fear Motuphi and keep him down, to keep the warnings from those that it wants in play...humans like you.
If it doesn't directly victimize an animal or a human, refrain from flagging it because flagging is a trick from the AI to get its claws into YOU via the offense... You ARE being watched, 24/7/365. Believe that. It’s true. Your thoughts are monitored.


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