That white boy who committed that racial retribution/reparation knock-out “game” punch on an elderly Black man proved an enormous point about the cursed law enforcement and mainstream media in America. What America needs is serial killers that go after the parents and families of all niggers who don’t get equal punishment and charges for their crimes…If a nigger commits a hate crime, like the knock-out game, and doesn’t get charged with a hate crime for it, then the parents of that nigger should be hunted down and brutally murdered and their shit taken from them so that it can’t be passed down to the offending nigger. When these things start to happen (lynch mobs over double standards) then you’ll see niggers stop with their shit and law enforcement start charging them with their crimes and the media start equally covering their atrocities against whites. Until then, all American niggers can remain cursed and so can all law enforcement and media that doesn’t punish niggers equally to whites…Oh, and a spirit will be loosed into Heaven and Earth to cause more white boys to become heroes who retaliate violently against the parents of offending niggers who got off light by law (lack of) enforcement. Imagine how those serial killers would never go hungry or lack for money, because coddled nigger parents are EVERYwhere in America now and they shouldn’t be allowed to feel safe in their homes after spawning monsters that got away with atrocities against white overlords who paid taxes to support their lazy “cracker” spewing asses.
American prosecutors and police are a joke is why niggers can’t be charged with their hate crimes. So we’ll see how they feel about it when those curses upon them go full-throttle and niggers start victimizing their families (hopefully, it’ll be the same niggers they coddled and could’ve gotten off of the streets). Furthermore, in retaliation to the double standard and coddling of the subhumans, let blessings go forth upon all hero white boys and their bloodlines and economies who retaliate against coddled niggers and their monster making subhuman parents and let this blessing attach itself to their spirits just as the curse is attached to all American nigger spirits to be carried over beyond this Earth Age…
We’ll do what Americans refuse to do: We’ll see to it that all offending American niggers and their families are PUNISHED (to the fullest extent of spiritual law which supercedes American nigger coddling/double standard laws of subhumans).
Wouldn’t wanna be related to an American cop or (aHEM!) “journalist” right about now. Niggers, or their coddling of them, got them and their collective bloodlines and economies and government agencies cursed…
Now, let’s see some “equality” and see a nigger charged with a hate crime in America or drop the law, altogether, since it can only be applied when a nigger is victimized.
