Wednesday, November 16, 2016

ObamaCare Is Undone When Obama Dies & Gets Phantomized

Okay, so Obama is a subhuman bug phantom controlled by sub-spirits who views a terrorist attack bearing his name as a “legacy” instead of the atrocity that it really is that any real human should want to distance himself from.
Obama was warned that he would die and be time looped as his terrorist attack victims and as slaves to repay the simulation mechanism that he’s failing to graduate from. But Obama suffers from the same mental illness that most phantoms who do not exist suffer from, that cockiness and arrogance that only a retard would feel in a state of preexistence.
He has said to God and Lucifer that he feels that he is above the law because he’s Obama. In the next timeline, there’s a fiction novel written by Motuphi about Obama. Obama got phantomized after being time looped as all of his victims, which included people in foreign nations because he’s such a wretched terrorist bug phantom.
Nobody who really exists beyond this Premonition timeline knows what an Obama is…stupid fuckin’ nigger phantom all perched on his white masters cocks…Those white masters are getting time looped and phantomized, too…Nonexistent white devils and their slave niggers like Obama never get born.

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